I THE TALLfl CITY NEWS. KKU.. 20. >01'» profcoetonnl dnrto (Ühr 3Falla (Eity^Nrum \ I i > m r H V BICI AN F. M. HELLWARTH Avvertitili* iu te * Pi*|>l»y, lîc e n ta a n Incb Bugine** Notice*. 1 c*nt* * Un* Pot flsls. Rent Exchange. Want anJ Fay Intartalnm ant No tic**, 5 eta. a line. C an to! Thank* SOcta.Leg* Notte** 1***1 rale* PHYSICIAN AND SUKGKUN Office one door cant ol 1', O. THE Copy lor uew ad*. and chan*** ahould be **nt to Tho New* not later th*n W i f a M l iy O r r i C l A L DIRECTORY 0 * Office «»ai Tbompaoii'a •trug ature. Mu­ tual phuu* ivi Phone Might Call «41 Call Up Mrus Office. M. Subarrtption Kat**: One year. 81.88; bis monlb». 10 c m U. ihre# month*, t t anta. tinsi* cov». » ft* * K R. A. T itu s. G. O. Clement. Audltoi amt Poll** Judge Walter L. Toore Jr.. City Attorney. \V. p. low la. Marshal ami Water 8upt. M. L. Thompson. Treasurer J. J. Sammons. Engineer Dr. F. M. Hellwarth, Health OIBcer. FREAK LAWS Under the guise of “ For the public health and safety,” many freak laws are slipped over the people. This is particularly true with regard to laws to regulate the practice of medicine; requir­ ing a candidate for matrimony to procure a health certificate and many others of like nature. The main object is to corner the right to practice medicine limiting it to a favored few and creating more fees. The Illinois legislature is considering a measure requiring each candidate for matrimony to procure a health certificate and incidentally pay a fee of $10 each. Imagine a young man and his blushing bride-to-be lined up be­ fore some fat-head doctor to be punched in the ribs and put thro' the various stunts like prize cattle at a stock show. It ¡3 well to look after the health of the public, but there issuch a thing as getting into deep water. In these days of greed and graft it is doubtful if these laws can be made effect ive. A fat fee would surmount great obstacles and would reduce a well developed case of tubercu­ losis to a “slight cold.” People have, for may generations, been able to settle the marriage ques­ tion very satisfaetorially among those directly interested without expert advice. Any law calcula- ted to hamper or reduce ‘docs’ fee is bitterly resented. For instance: The bill requiring prescriptions be written in plain English would de- moralize the whole business. A doctor has a very sick patient and he writes a prescription thus: Phone 848 ralle i lly . Oregon HOTEL Falls City Lui mber Company Sto ire jfa lls d ifijlb o tc l S a m p le A som e B eat A o o p m m o g p tlo n g F O re a se , P ro p rieto r HAKaìEH BHOPH Bohle’s Barber Shops Tit* Council meets in regular session on the 8 rat and third Tuesday nights of each month, at I SO o'clock, In the office of the Falls City News. S aturday , F ebruary 20. 1915 i Sualnee* tlnri » F A I L * CITY F K.H ubbaid Mayor. T. D. Hollow*!!. Councilman at Large PhiUlp tiottlreid H. C. Brown. Albert Teal. Couucilmen A. SetPpeou. C. L Hopklnt. W . B. Officer, M . D. P h y elelan s a g S u rg e e n n»n al thr postoflu» • I m i l . C ity . IV Ik C v u aty . O ra««*, au d a r lb« Art of On«r*B« of March 8. WTt. Ttlrphonr • \ L. WOOD ft SON. Publisher*. t ».**« •• PHYSICIAN F alla C i t y , O reg o n N htrt yog can got * H u rt, hair Cel. le ih er 'iklRC Affili 1er (allai Sitarn Laesdry For Good Se rvice Bündle« orwftrded l u r n U v «venin* M O NUM ENTO J G. L. H A W K I N S M A R B L E A N O G R A N IT C MONUMENTS O a llp g , O regon ■ " ' ■ ■■ ——— An exchange says: “ Notwith- standing the allround unddesira- bility of the pessimist, you can pick out more commendable points in him than can be found in the “cheerful idiot,” who has neither the sagacity nor the moral stam- ina to discover and denounce evil in high places. The Dallas Itemizer is boosting Walter Tooze, Jr. for mayor. Japan is showing her “ good faith’’ in the taking of Kiau-Chau from Germany by demanding all the rights enjoyed by Germany in the possession of said territory with many others that amounts to dictating the policies ot China. FUNCH AL DIRECTOR Excursion Fares to the California Expositions Round trip tickets, permitting stop overs at all points in either direction, to the Panama Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Feb. 20 to Dec. 4th and to the Panama California Ex­ position, San Diego, open all year will be placed on sale February 15 to N o v e m b e r 3 0 Via the Scenic Shasta Route R. L C H A P M A N Funeral D irte tot Wo a lte a d «• all w ork prom ptly. D allas amd Falla City. Or Cbc O re g o n C W M a tth e w s , P roprietor Three Fine Trains Dally Shasta Limited: Extra Fare, First Class equipment only. Leaves Portland 3:50 p. m. A High Class Train. Wilson and Bryan have finally “ hubbed it.” They have been San Francisco Express: Observation Car, Standard and playing goody, goody boys and Tourist Sleeping Cars. Chair Cars and Diner. patting England and Germany California Express: Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, both on the back. Food, arms Chair Cars and Diner and munitions of war have been Full particulars, fares, literature on the Exposition, train sche­ furnished by United States citi- dules, etc. from nearest Agent of the zens to England, but England S tr e n u o u s ly objects to accord the S O U T H E R N P A C IF IC same to Germany as she herself asks. In retaliation, Germany John M. Scoff, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. has w a r n e d neutral shipping to stay out of certain waters or suf- fer the consequences. Unless Uncle Samuel is hunting a good- List of Letters Rx Magnesia« Carb onatls drachmam R H E U M A T IC Pulveris Rhei grana quindeclm sized scrap he had better keep Remaining uncalled for in this Aquae Mentha« Pi per itae fluiduncias dua« Fiat m iitu ra . cujus d e tu r cochleare m agnum his little boats on this side and office for the week ending Feb omni bihorio let Germany and the allies fight 13. 1915. G IVEN QUIOK RELIEF L a d ie s . it out. P ain lea v es almost The victim cheerfully takes it at if by m agic w hen Pierson, Mrs. John to the druggist who scientifically you begin using "5-' G entlemen . D rops,'' the fam ous old compounds it. Under the plain Ancient Ordinances Repealed rem ed y for R heum a-( Dabjtz, Hans English it would read like this: tism . L um bago, G out, Hitchcock, Rev. H. C. Lest somebody attempt to im­ S cia tic a , N e u r a l g i a Take of the Uarbonate of Magnesia a drachm and kindred troubles. pound a stray dog or a wander­ These letter* will he ser t tu the of th e Powder of Rhu barb fifteen grain« It g o es right to the ing bovine in the Bee Hive store, dead latter iiflite Feb. 27, 1915 of P epperm int Water two fluid ounce« spot, stop s the a ch es In calling Let a m ix tu re be made, of which a table­ an old ordinance, passed in 1875, if not delivered before. and p ain s and m akes for the above, please say “ Adver­ ful may be given every two hour« life worth living. G et was repealed by the city council tised,” giving date of list. a bottle o f "5-D rops ’ today. A booklet with The magic spell is broken and Monday night. The ordinance I r a C. M e h r l i n g , P. M, ea ch b ottle g iv e s ^ u ll no longer can the ‘doc’ awe his in question located the town d i r e c t i o n s fo r tub. D on t d elay. D em and $100 Rew ard, $100 patients with high-sounding names pound on the lot now occupied by T h e rea&are o f thl* paper will he "5-D rops ." D o n ’t a c ­ nor charge a dollar and a half for the Bee Hive _ pleaerd to learn th a t there la at leaat one cep t anything else in dreaded d isea se th a t scien ce h as been p la ce o f iL A ny d ru g ­ ten cents worth of drugs and a Two other ancient and useless ab le to cur* In all Its sta g e s. and th a t la H a ll’s C atarrh Cure la tho o n ly gie! can supply you. If you liv e too far a few ounces of scented water. ordinances were also repealed by Catarrh. p ositive cu re now know n to th e m edical from a drug (to re send O n e D o lla r to ity. C atarrh being a con stitu tio n a l Sw an son R heum atic C ure C o , N ew ark, There are many doctors that are the council. One granted a fran- d fratern isease, requires a co n stitu tio n a l treat­ O hio, and a bottle o f *'5-Drope" w ill be m ent H all's C atarrh Cure Is taken In­ honest and conscientious in their chise to Wilson Holman et al for tern ally. a ctin g d irectly upon the blood sen t prepaid. nnd m ucous su rfa ces o f th e sy stem , there­ dealings and do not impose upon a railroad to run down Mill street. by d estroyin g the foun d ation o f the d is­ and (I v ln g the p a tien t stren g th by the credulity of their patients and This ordinance was passed in ease, building up the co n stitu tion and a ssistin g natu re In d oin g Its work. T he proprietors of such we have the highest re­ 1883. The other, of more recent h e v e so m uch fa ith In Its cu ra tiv e pow ­ Some counties are refusing to th a t th e y offer One H undred D ollars spect. They are neither seeking date, provided for licensing auto­ er* aend a representative to the Pan­ for an y c a se that It fa lls to cure. Send Hat o f testim on ials. for notoriety nor urging freak mobiles used for hire.—Dallas for Address ama Exposition to bring more F. J. CHENEY A CO , Toledo, Ohio. Bold b* all Druggists, 75c. people to Oregon. Itemizer. laws. Take H ell's Family PUls for constipation. SUFFERERS S. B. Taylor CIVIL ENGINEER Land Surveying Room 10 Nat. Bank Building Phone 453. , - Dnllur. Cresswell—A. Vatuone of San Jose establishing paint factory here. For P. A O. plows for stubble and aod, call at N. A. Lut de’e blacksmith »hop. I A