Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 23, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Œfrf ffalla (flitij Nema
K n lw rt u n w d t u .* mali at thr a a t o fflfr
• I ralla City. I V I » Cottnlr. Or»*,m. «tulcr tb»
4rt ol C N ig iw of Mar b J. U T»
Nfwi OlTiff. 1?.
SubacripOon Rata*: Oaajrwr. t l 00. ala montila.
M canta; thrn* m onti», ab conta, ainai* copy, b età.
H r n t l i l n i Rate«. Pitplay, 1 }ocnlaan Incb
Rutin**# Notlcaa. V ccnta a U n « : For Snl». Renl,
Ktchana». Want and P i t Kntrrtslnmrnt No
Hm«. S et*, a IIna Cant ol Thauki M et« I.rga
Rotte**, Ir fa l rata»
Copy lor new ada. and Change« ahould b« aeni
to Th« Netra not later than VVedneeday.
F. K. Hubbard. Mayor.
T D. H ollotrell, Councilm an at Large
W. T Guar.
H. 0 Brown.
Albert Teal.
C onucila
A. Sampaon.
C. L Hopklna.
R. A. Titus.
H G. Strayer. Auditor and Police Judge
Walter L Tooae Jr.. City Attorney,
w. P l ewia. Marshal and Water Supr.
M. L. Thom pson. Treasurer
J. J. Sammons, Engineer
Dr. F. M. H e " iranh Health Officer.
Ih tg .'ou n cll meets 1 n regular session on the first
Monday ere u ln g o l each m o n .h r 7 OSo'clock.
I n t be office o ’ he Falls City Nears.
S a t u r d a y , J an u a r y 23. 1915
Scappoose. Ore. Jan. 12. 1915.
An open letter to Judge Clark
of Columbia County.
About 138 taxpayers of Dist.
No. 1, signed a petition asking that
you appoint Gus Lang as our road
supervisor. The reason for sign­
ing this petition was because Mr.
Lang is thoroughly efficient. He
attended the Agricultural college
and learned how to construct
good roads at the least expense to
the taxpayer.
You did not grant the request
of the taxpayers. You were elect­
ed. we believe, to work for the
interest of the whole country.
Now is it not a fact that you
are paying o ff your pre-election
workers by putting them into of fi-
ice at the expense of the taxpayer.
Will you, Mr. Clark, a servant
of the people, please answer why
you ignore the taxpayers’ wishes?
Wa believe it is only just that
you explain such action, through
the papers, as we have a right to
Yours cordially.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Vick were
given a surprise party Wednesday
afternoon by the Ladies Aid of tLe
M. E. Church. The occasion was
to pay their respects to Mr. and
Mrs. Vick before their departure
for Salem where thev expect to go
about the 10th of February to
make their home.
A souvenii
spoon showing the pul lie school
building of Falls City on the bowl
and the state capita! on the handle
with other appropiiate inscriptions
was presented. The afternoon was
passed very pleasantly and Mr.
aid Mrs. Vick desire to express
their thanks and appreciation fit
the kind remembrances.
The Loyal Daughters of the
Christian Church will give a 10
c-?nt tea in the basement of the
church this afternoon from 2;30
to 4:30.
This class has pledged itself to
raise thiity dollars for missions
during 1915.
Anyone not being able lo attend
the tea but desiring to assist the
girls in the fulfillment of their
pledge may do eo by giving ten
cents, more or less, to any member
of tea committee, who are: Evelyn
Haley, Beulah Young, Lucile Fin­
lay, Ose Brown and Ida Dunn, oi
to their teacher, Mrs. Chloe A
Mrs. Weity and daughter who
have been attending the meetings
at the Free Methodist church re­
turned Monday to their home at
The §tock-h"lder= of the rural
tdephone lines met in this city
Tuesday to review the business of
the past year and make plans for
the coming year.
K 'op y rlah L Hie by tha M cClure
N a » apa par S y n d ic a l» )
J A N .. 23 . 1915
K E A L E S T A T E F O K S A L K They are of modern construction
and desirably located. Reason«
No. 1. 7 1-2 acres adjoining ble terms on part if desired. Will
Falls City on County road. Good sell one or both.
No. 9. 20 acres J miles from
7-rootn house, city water; barn
Good 6-room house and
and chicken park; young orchard
in bearing, small fruit. All fenced outbuildings. 15 acres in cultiva­
and 3} acres in cultivation. No tion; l i acres in apples. 2$ acres
in peaches, cherries, pears and
waste land. Time on part
strawberries. Plenty of wood for
No. 2. 80 acres mountain land, fuel.
U miles out on County road. 25
For further information, call on
acres in cultivation, 2d acres big or write to
second-growth fir. Good 5-room
D. L Wood.
house, barn, outbuildings. Fruit,
Falls City. Oreg.
and berries; 125 prune trees. Al­
Fim ucul settlement was made
so, good team, wagon, harness
Saturday hetwoen the Kalla
and some household goods. Will
City and Black Bosk school dis­
give time on part.
■\ly mistress In Ualnsboro road bad
lost a <5 note In Ibe house, aud tbe
tbtef was the parlor tuakt t kuew It
from her actions, aud throe months
after t left the house she was caught
in a similar offense and pwued up to
the first th eft However, the crime
was laid on me. and because I made
indignant and perhap* impudent pro
test 1 was flung out o f the house at
half an hour's notice uitd refused a
character. 1 was Idle for tbe uext
three months. The first thing demand
ed when 1 applied for u place was a
character. As soon as it was learned
No. 3. 35 acres near town. 15
that I had none U was useless to talk
further. It was for this reason that I in cultivation. Good 8-room house
Anally paid a fee t» an Intelligence barn and henhouse. Bearing or­
office In Margate street and was at
chard. Some good second-growth
length sent for to take a place at geu
oral housework. It was an old man fir. Time on part.
named Dyson who wanted tue. He
No. 4. 10 acres J mile from
was willing to take me without a
all fenced, 8J in cultivation,
character because he would bare to
pay less wages and because, as lie 6-room house partly finished, good
grimly asserted, there was nothing ly
barn. Can be bought at a bar­
tng around loose in bis bouse for nie
to steal. As we sat face to face I
sized him up as mean and iieuurlous.
No. 5. 160 acres in Lincoln Co.,
but 1 did not see any evil In him tie
from railroad, on County
had an aged and infirm wife, lie told
■ue, aud 1 would be the only servant.
road. Small cabin and barn; 4
It was not for me to pick and choose
acres in cultivation and 60 more
I must have n place and hold it I’ tig
be cultivated. 350 3-year old
enough to get a character again. I
went with hliu miles aud miles out o:i English walnut trees. Good spring
the Hulborn road, anil we at last nr that would furnishs fine water
rived at tbe cheaply built mid cheap
locking i-ottage he occupied It was u i>ower. School i mile. 8 month
place devoid o f almost all conveniences term with contract for two more
and had been selected fur Its cheap years. This will make an ideal
reut. 1 found tbe old wifo deaf, almost
blind nnd palsied, and It was apparent stock and dairy ranch and can be
that she had no care whatever
bought at a bargain. Terms.
I soon had evidence that he was in
No. 6. 153 acres near town.
love with a widow In the neighborhood
or ut least be desired to be free so that Good house and barn. Will sell
be could marry her
My uatural lm
all or divide to suit buyer.
pulse on finding out how he felt toward
his wife was to flee the house, but I
No. 7. Good 7-roo.n house and
have explained how 1 was situated
in city. Strawberries, lo­
In the course o f a couple o f weeks
be declared that the cellar was full of ganberries, gooseberries, apples
rats and gnre me money aud command and pears. A bargain.
ed me to buy arsenic. He recommend
No. 8. Two good 8-room houses
ed me to go to a store miles away au j
to say that 1 wanted It for my com and lots, some fruit trees with
plesiou and to give my own name. I
went to a drug store only two blocks one. These are among the most
away and gave his name, nnd when he desirable residences in the city.
discovered this be was highly indlg
nant for n day. and 1 rather expected
to be thrown out. However, in the
course o f three or four days he devel
up.d another plan After coaching the
old wife he left me alone with her for
tbe first time, and she begged me to
get her some lands num for toothache
and not to mention tbe matter to him
It was easy to tell that she bad been
coached what to say. and 1 refused to
buy the drug. A few days later as 1 |
was preparing her a soap I had to leave
the kitchen for a minute. When 1 re
turned tbe soup was giving out a
strange odor, and being satisfied that
her husband had poisoned it 1, of
course, threw It away
He scolded
about my waste, but when l looked
blm squarely In the eyes he dropped his
and had no more to say.
I had been with the Dysons five years
when the climax came. The old wo­
man was bolding her own if not get
ting better, and the husband's impa­
tience had a savage edge to it Their
bedroom was on tbe north side o f the
bouse. All along on that side was a
deep excavation for a factory.
At 10 o’clock one night I lay wonder
ing if be really meant to take her life
and bow be would finally accomplish
It when I beard a half suppressed
scream from bis room. I got softly out
o f bed and went to the farther door,
and. looking through a crack, I saw
that the window was up and that he
stood before It with bis wife In bis
arms. She was banging on to him with
fingers o f steel and making a great
struggle I beard him breathing hear
lly and snarling and growling ns he
tore her fingers loose, but 1 did not
know wbat he planned to do till o f n
sudden be staggered to tbe open win
dow and flung ber out She screamed
as she went to ber death, and In my
fright 1 echoed the scream I remem.
ber tbe man rushing across the room
at me, o f bis dashing open tbe door, of
bis striking me down, and then came
darkness which lasted for weeks He
bad struck me with a piece of Iron and
fractured my skull. He then carried
my body downstairs and bore It n
quarter o f a mile away nod flung It
Into another excavation
llefore fak­
ing me from tbe bouse be put on my
bat and cloak, and thus It appeared to
those who found my unconscious body
next morning that I had been coming
borne tbe night before and fallen Into
tbe pit. As to bis wife, be gave tbe
alarm and brought the police nnd made
out that 1t was a case of suicide. While
be was fast asleep, an he claimed, she
bad stolen to tbe window and leaped
to her death.
Hta story went, nnd It was several
months before there was any contra
diction. I bad a fractured skull, brain
fever and pneumonia and for weeks
and weeks lay as one dead. When 1 ,
mended my memory was confused, and
tt wa* seven months before I told my
story and put tbe police on tbe track.
Long before that Dyson bad murrled
tbe widow and galled for America,
•nd though efforts were made to find
him nothing came o f them Never did
s man deserve the hangman's rope
more, and yet If living today be is free
and has no fear of tbe law.
The revival meetings at the Free
Methodist church is progressing
nicely and the interest good. It ia
the ii.tent'on to hold over Sunday,
if not longer.
Elders Coffee, of Portland; Cook
if Salem; llight, of Woodburn
and Upton oi Newberg who have
been asaialing ill the revival meet­
ings at the Free Methodist church
depaitid Monday for their respect
ive abodes.
Kenneth Wonderly. Kenneth
Rich and Donald Hodges are out
of school on acoount of sickness
Tuesdav night some thirsty indi­
vidual demoralised the water foun­
tain on ihe corner of Bridge street
and South Main. Po'li pipes were
broken off short and Ihe fountain
thrown out in the street. Were
this a “ dry” town wt might sus­
pect that aomu one mistook it for a
''blind tiger1' and was trying to
make it work without 'lubricating'
it. ft waa no novice, however, as
they were familliar enough with
the workings to shut off the water.
Only a few In the city know the
location of the cutoff placing sue
picion upon a limited number.
B M. Howell has received letters
patent on his device for preventing
railroad raile from spreading.
B u y Y o u r C a n d y of
Black Rock on withdraw
ing from Falla City and becoming
a separate district >vas entitled to
certain considerations that were
never adjusted until this time.
8i.Nu.iY O nly
Mail arrives from balera, 8:50
a in.
Mail closes for Salem, 9:00 a. m.
Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30
to 10:80 a.m:
Effective September 4, 1914.
I r a C. M e h r l i n g , Postmaster
Falls City, Polk Co., Ore.
W. B. Officer, M . D.
Physlelan and l « p , s s *
O l t « o r si Thom pson'* S m s »lot*. Ma­
lu si ,b u B t Ml Phons Night Cnil «si
F. M . H E L L W A R T H
Office one door ea»l of I', O.
0*1» Slid r jl
Pill* *'l»r.
Ho.ulrrim «B O B S H I
A lte rn e , e« Lew
Prsetlss la all th* SUM Muri*,
■ult* Il BoahRrayiaaii B ldf.. phons M
S alem . O r t ie s
£ u 0 t n c 0 0 v ia r io
Post Office Time Card
Office hours: Daily, except Hun-
Jay, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p ro.
Mail arrives, from
Salem 8.50 a.ui . 5.85 p.m.
Mail arrives from Dallas, 8:50
Mail closes lor Salem, 9:00 a in,.
1 p. m and 5:00 p. m.
Mail (.loses for Dallas 9:00 a. m.
and 5 00 p. m.
Mail doses for Black Rock 11:00
a. m.
Mill arrives from Black Rock 2
p. ui.
p ro fc e e to n a l d a r t *
E L L I S ’.
H o m e M a d e C a n d le s
Bohle’s Barber Shops
Of the Beat Brand
fe lla C ity , O ra te s
K IN D S .
Wkm yea cae get a U m . la ir Cat, Badi
er 'Sklac
P e a n u t a n d P o p c o rn
S t a n d In C o n n e c tio n .
Aliai far I ai 1st Misa Landry
nal#« lon tsrdsd lutsdsjr •»•nlng
G. L. H A W K IN S
D el lea, O regen
Do You Want to Sell
Buy or Rent
List your property with me and I will
© re g o n
C. W. M etthew e, Preprieter
find you a buyer.
During the year 1915 Hundreds of Thousands of
People will come to
The Pacific Coast
Some of them will locate and perhaps you
just what they want.
Falls City, Oregon.
Notice to New» Subscribers
A b iuu -pu noll areas m ark en (M a
na lle a m a ssa th a t yeu r s u h o o rle -
Han to The N aw s Has anatre* o n e
n se d s risin a. De II n e w .
S. B. Taylor
Land Surveying
Room 10 Nat. Bank Building
Phone 463-