Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 23, 1915, Image 1

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    T h e N e w h Btand* for
• Kreator und better
Kalls City all the time
Buy all goods o f home
m erchants and help to
make F a lls City greater
period, while the Barrett bill does not.
The Multnomah county bill attaches a
penalty of 12 per cent per utmum
against delinquent payments, while
the Barrett penalty la fixed at the rate
of only 9 per cent. Tbe payments
dates also differ.
Legislative Nuggets.
Indications are that Senator Dim
lek's bill to abolish the Oregon naval
militia Is going to have easy sailing
In the senate.
A bill designed to keep heavy freight
Amount of First W ssk’s Work Smoll, mute school and the state Insane asy automobile trucks o ff unpaved high-
Usual — Incipient
In lum After spending a day at the !at ways at certain seasons of the year
H o u m — T wo Prohibition Bilia In­ ter Institution and the cottage farm, was introduced by Senator Vinton. It
troduced— May Regulate Commis­ an adjunct, committee members an provides that they shall not go on un-
sion Houses— Ststs
Horticultural nounced that they were well pleased paved highways between October 15
Commissioner Proposed— Tax Meas­ with the management of all Institu­ and April 15 following.
Surgical treatment and hospital care
tions visited and were especially well
ures Numerous.
pleased with the management of lh( for indigent, crippled and deformed
shlldren o f the state are provided for
■tisane asylum
Salem.—Just as In previous sue Strict Regulations to Protect Farmers in u bill Introduced by Senator Gar­
slons, the first week of the twenty
Rigid regulations for commission land of Linn county.
eighth session passed with vary little merchants are prescribed In a bill In
A bill providing that persons liable
accomplished aside from organisation. troduced In the houae by Repreaenta by stutute for Inmates of the state in
When organisation was completed. tlve Blanchard, of Josephine county sane and feeble minded hospitals. If
Instead of getting promptly down to The bill amende the present law re able, pay to the state $15 a month for
work considerable time was wasted lu latlng to commission merchants, and the maintenance of each Inmate was
oratory over the number of clerks and provides for the transfer of Jurlsdlo introduced In the senate by the Mar
stenographers to be employed. Some tlon over them from tho state railroad Ion county delegation.
of the lawmakers. In view of the econ commission to the secretary of state.
Provision is made In a bill Intro­
omy talk which prevailed, thought It Provision Is made that before a com duced In the house by Representative
would be a good Idea to begin with mission merchant can engage In busi­ Sehuebel for the abolition of the pres
cutting dowr the running expenses of ness he must obtain a license and give ent state fish and game commission,
the session by getting along with few ­ a bond that he will faithfully report and the substitution therefor of a com
er clerks, but after the flow of talk to all persons consigning horticultural, mission to consist of the governor,
ceased both houses concluded the us­ agricultural and vltlculturml produce master fish warden and state game
ual number of clerks would be neces­ and farm products to him, and prompt­ warden.
Resolutions providing for submis­
ly pay to each the proceeds of all sales
In the senate, with Senator W. Lair after deducting a commission of not sion to the people of constitutional
Thompson, of Lake county, as presid­ more than 6 per cent on carload lots, amendments designed to put an end
ing officer, the legislative wheels ap­ and 10 per cent on smaller lots, ar,d to frauds In connection with the cir­
pear to ba running smoothly, but In actual disbursements connected with culation of Initiative, recall and refer
the house, as a result of dissatisfac­ the sale of the produce.
endum petitions were Introduced by
tion over Sneaker Hen Selling's com
Senator Day. It Is planned to bar per­
Horticultural Bill la Up.
mlttee appointments and an autagon
The bill providing for the creation sons from signing petitions who are
latte spirit which arose against the of a atats horticultural commissioner, lo t (egistered voters.
Multnomah county delegation, a well- prepared by the state horticultural so­
defined mutiny against the house or­ ciety, wss introduced In tbe bouse by
ganisation developed. A few hotheads Representative Vawter, o f Jackson.
even talked of deposing the speaker,
The measure aims to regulate the Bays Hs Deserted Her and Four Chil­
dren For Another Woman.
nullifying his committee appointments fruit and orchard Industry of the
Los Ángeles, Cal.—Joseph U. Moore,
and substituting others nominated state, prescribes uniform Inspection
a preacher, forsook bis wife, Clara M
from the floor of the house
systems and requires owners to spray Moore, for the charms o f another
Number of Important Bills Introduced their trees and otherwise protect them
This was Afteeu years ago.
While much of the first week of the from Insects and various other forms und the other day Mrs. Moure wns
session was taken up with organise of pests
grunted a decree of divorce by Judge
tlon. Inauguration of the Governor and
Tbe measure proposes to abolish the Monroe on tbe ground o f desertion
useless oratory over clerkships, when present board of horticulture and Kite testified tbnt be eloped with tbe
the legislature did get down to luw place a commissioner to be appointed other woman from Odell, Neb.. In ISO!)
and shortly afterward he wrote her
making a number of the Important by the governor In charge. Ills sal
from Kansas
questions to come before the session ary la fixed at $3000 a year.
Mrs Moore wns thrown on her own
appeared In the shape of bills. These
It also provides for the appointment resources with four children She co o
Included measures to amend the tas of fruit tree Inspectors In those couu
municated with tbe brother o f her bus
laws, consolidate departments o f the ties of tho state that care tp appoint baud's alleged companion, who replied
state government for economy, to them at their own expense. Such in­ that tbe news shocked him. “ It cer­
make effective the prohibition amend spectors. however, are to be subject tainly would not be very pleasant for
ment and revision of the game laws to the regulations of the proposed law my sister if I should meet her.” be
The economy spirit manifested It and report to ttie state commissioner. said
The Moores were married at Scot­
self In the senate when that body Imported Eggs Got Attention in House
land. 8 D.. June 7, 1887
The last
voted to eliminate appropriations for
Three bills striking at Imported known address of Mr Moore was
the state accountancy board and the
ogga were Introduced In the house by Hutchinson, Kan.
state Immigration commission and by
Representative Allen, of Marlon coun
authorising the suspension of the de­
ty. The first provides that all eggs
cennial census, effecting an approxi­
imported and sold In the state shall
mate saving of $170,000.
be marked "Im ported" the second that If You Don’t Want to Soil, Don’t Bluff
At the close of the first week the
or They’ll Snap You Up.
all food products In packages in which
house had 102 bills before It and the
Hutchinson, Kan.—I f you don’t really
eggs are an Ingredient shall be mark
senate 49. All passed second reading.
ed "Imported eggs used.” the third want to aell anything don’t flash any
Dry Measures Pending In House.
provides that drink dispensers who offers around these Kansas farmers
While there Is no universal agree­
use Imported eggs In any drink they out here In tbe wheat belt
A Hutchinson man left bis automo­
ment on the prohibition question. It Is
sell must have s sign posted in their
certain that a measure will be passed establishment advising the public of bile standing In front o f tbe Elks’
A farmer came up. "W bat'll
strictly In accordance with the pro­
this fact.
you take for your car?” he asked Tbe
visions of the constitutional amend
Woman Legislator Introduces Bill. city man thought be wns Joking "Oh.
ment adopted by the people at the No­
Miss Marian B. Towne's first bill $400,” he replied Tbe fnrmer whipped
vember election.
Tw o
to be presented to the house was In­ out a roll aa big as his flat, peeled off
bills now are pending In the house.
four $100 spots and forked them over.
troduced Friday. The only woman In
The Committee of One Hundred's bill
A farmer stepped Into a Hutchinson
the legislature has a measure to pun
music bouse. lie heard a music box
was the first measure Introduced In
ish conspiracy, the present laws, she grinding away In a corner. He wns
that body. It has been referred to the
says, having nothing to cover tho told It was worth $000. He pulled out
committee on alcoholic liquor. D. C.
point. She would punish by a fine of a check book and bought it on the
Lewis, of St. Johns, is the author of
from $10C to $10,000 each person who spot.
another measure now In the hands of
accomplishes any part of the conspir­
the same committee.
Yet another
acy or would Imprison him from 30
measure may be Introduced this week.
days to one year In Jail or In tho peni­
Ora R. Porter, representative from
tentiary from one to five years.
Douglas county, Is the author.
Tax Bills Are Introduced.
Representative I^ewls declared that
Smith o f Coos and Curry
he Introduced a bill on the subject be­
cause he was dissatisfied with the introduced a bill for a new tax law. It
committee s bill. His measure is rad changes the date for which assess
ments should be made from March I
leal In the extreme
The legislators are determined to to January 1, and provides that the
enact an effective prohibition law. If first payment shall become due on No­
the Committee of One Hundred's bill vember 1, of the year in which the as­
Is amended It w ill be to make It more sessment Is made and the second pay­
ment shall become due April 1 of the
Philadelphia.—Dr. Eugene Fisk, dl
Estimates for Institutions May Stand following year. No penalties are pro­ rector of hygiene at tbe L ife Extension
Institute o f New York. In an address
That the estimates made by the vided.
Senator Barrett, of Umatilla, also before tbe American Association For
stats board of control for appropria­
tions for the various state Institutions Introduced a tax bill In the upper the Advancement of Science, asserted
that tbe sw ift social aod Industrial
for 1916 and 1916 will not be material house, and members of the Multnomah
pace In the United States has reduced
ly changed. If changed at all. Is the
the vitality o f Americans to a point far
belief after tho first week's session of ure In course of preparation. It prob­
below tbe standard o f Great Britain
the legislature. Estimates were made
tbe other nations o f Europe. Sup­
first by the superintendents and con­ house within a few days. These meas plementing this statement. Assistant
siderable reductions made by the
Statistician Kopp of ths Metropolitan
but d iffer In other essential provis­
hoard In several instances.
L ife Insurance company o f New York
Both provide for semi-annual said that tbe Infusion o f 81avie blood,
The committee on ways and means ions.
o f the senate Is probing thoroughly payments. The Multnomah county bill nearly always unhealthy, bad been an
the management of the Institutions allows a discount for all payments In important factor In lowering tbe vitali­
excess of 50 per cent made at the first ty _oJ the people ns a yhole.
god hag visited the blind school, the
D oings at the capitol
News in Brief of the Doings of Oregon’s Law­
makers During the Past Week
Or. Fisk Says Vitality Is Balov
Standard of Forelprs.
No. 21
“ Tbs American o f I1M4 Is far Iwlon
ths physical standards of bis progi-n! f - H -H -l-k I-H - l-H -H -H - l H W 1 1 H H
tors,” «Bid Dr. Flak. " I t Is easily Im
sglnsble that 00 per cent o f tbe men
examined by Ilfs Insurance companies
and hospital physicians would bars to
j be rejected In a physical tost for mill
tary asrvlce.
"W e have taxed our vitality too
: greatly In our Industries and lu our so­
cial pact and have too readily Ignored
the common rules o f health and physl
cal well being. Now we are beginning
to sea how great a price wo must puy.”
"A s many persons die annually In the
United States from preventable die
eases as bava been killed thus far In
tbs entire European war," declared K
A. Winslow o f tbs New York stats de
pertinent o f health In an earlier ad­
dress. "Mora than 000,000 bav# fallen
In tbe war. and as many dto annually
here from Ilia that can be prevented
and that are therefore much more
tragic and deplorable.
"T b e most fearful thing about this
European war la that It seems to us at
this distance so wantonly useless,”
mid Mr. Winslow, “ yet the deaths of
40 per cent o f 1 ,000,000 persons In the
United States each year are equally
"Fully 90 per cent o f tbe 250.000 bn
hies who die each year before passing
their Orst birthday could be kept alive
by applying tbe merely elemental prin­
ciples o f hygiene."
Civil War Veteran's Continuous Term
as School Board Clark.
Marshall, Minn.—For forty-four years
Jacob nouse has been clerk o f tbe
sc hool board o f district No. 1, In Lyon
county, n s was first elected In 1870
sml has held tho office ever since. He
has seen the district grow from a small
one room log sc bool bouse with but
a few scattering pupils to a four room
consolidated school with four teacher«
In charge o f 133 pupils, who bare tbe
advantages o f domestic science and
manual arts. Mr. Rous« lives In tbe
Camden valley of Lynd township,
where In 1870 he took a claim In Sec
tlon 22. He wns for one term treasurer
of Lyon county sod Is a veteran o f tbe
Hvll war.
May 8so From Tranches.
London.—8afety for the men In tbe
trenches on tbs firing line Is enhanced
by a new device called a hyperscope,
which operates similarly to tbe perl
scope on a submarine. By means of
the hyperscope sa observer may survey
the surrounding country without ex
posing himself to ths enemy’s lire by
raising his head above tbs level o f the
Made $1,800 While In Prison
by Writing Short Stories.
Mich. - Frank
Jones, who during tbe past year has
written a number o f short stories ot
high quality while serving a sentence
for forgery In a penitentiary at Ionia
Mich., has received Ills pardon from
Governor Ferris and a big welcome al
Muskegon. MIcb.. where be was con
victed o f the crime lu July. 11)11.
After a loading magazine had printed
in November “ A Problem In Kugeules,"
written by Jones, tbe editor wrote to
H. M. Ntmnio. editor of the Detroit
Saturday Night, asklug for Information
about the remarkable prisoner. The
letter was forwarded to Warden Otis
Fuller o f lonht, who wrote:
Jones was sentenced to this Institution
on July 4k 1911, for a minimum term ot
four years and s maximum term of four­
teen years on a forgery charge.
Something more than a year ago he
submitted to me s couplo of manuscripts
with the request that I read them and
advise him whether or not I thought he
could write stories They were couched
In such unusually dear and crisp English,
and he had Invsdod such a new and orig­
inal field, that I assured him I thought he
could writs, or at least that hla stories
had mads such an Impression upon me
that I could not sea why they should not
make a hit with tho average raador, sspe-
clally among business men.
Jones has certainly been a rapidly ris­
ing star on tho literary horlson. During
tho past year ho has received mors than
n.100 from stories that have been accept­
ed. Ho has a fine mind, a good education
and an unusual fund of optimism and good
Tbe magaslne editor wrote mother
letter to Nlmmo saying that after the
alftlng o f 10,000 manuscripts, which
had been submitted In s prize short
story contest, tbs story by Jones bad
been seriously considered for one of
tbe tw elve prises. It received no prize,
but tbe magazine bought It and print­
ed I t Tbs editor wrote:
“ Inddantally It la worth noting that
one o f tbs things wblcb I observed In
looking Into bis writings and which Im­
pressed me particularly was a note of
cheerfulness and optimism. This, to-
I I I - 1 I I I I H H t l - I -H - H - H + H -
Will continue Clearance Sale Price* aa ::
certain lines aff geods during the raaaindar af ::
|j the month. Tima is ahart, Cana Haw.
,| l -H - l | 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I M i-1 H-HHI-I-H I I I I I M H -t-H-
get tier wltb the accuracy o f his under­
lying knowledge o f human nature, are
marked characteristics o f Iris writings.”
Kangaroo Is Regiment Mascot.
Cairo.—Several bush kangaroo and
rock wallabies hare been Drought
along ns mascots by tire Australian
troops who have been sent In re and
roam about the camp amid the pyra­
Tbe TasmaniaD troops have brought
as a mascot a "Tasmanian ili-vU." a
sort o f tree bear.
Another regiment lias a pair o f the
birds known as "laughing J.-n-kasses."
whose hysterical shrieks carry a long
distance on the desert at night.
Cost of French Living Not Up.
Paris.—There lias been no noticeable
change In the cost o f living In France,
although there have been live months of
war. the mobilization o f 3.000.000 men
nml the feeding o f 2.000.000 Belgian
refugees and many German prisoners
Slogan For Making National
Parks Self Supporting.
Washington. —Development o f the
economic, as well as the aesthetic
value o f the national parks o f the
country. Is the policy o f Mark Daniels,
newly appointed superintendent o f na­
tional parks In the department o f the
Through the operation of a carefully
worked out plan Mr. Daniels believes
that not only can the national reserva­
tions eventually become self support­
ing. but that tbe picturesque value will
be enhanced rather than destroyed by
the placing of "beauty ou a business
basis.” Briefly, the plan of the new
superintendent contemplates the estab­
lishment of a "model village" In each
o f the large parks or In so many of
them as tbe patronage will Justify. In
discussing his plan Mr. Daniels said:
“ There Is no doubt In my mind but
that the national parks should be
placed on a self supporting basis. Tbe
people will In time refuse to support
the parks, and we should therefore
take advantage o f tbe revenue produc­
ing elements o f tbe national reserva
"M y plan la simply to broaden tbe
fleld for concession and to lay down
simple building regulations to be fol­
lowed by tbe gonceasloparlea. wblcb
will preclude Tbe possibility of the
erection o f buildings not harmonious
with the scenic beauty o f tbe parks.”
Reveals Reptile — Removed
Without Operation.
Madison, Wla.—One of tbe most un­
usual cases In tbe history of local medi­
cine was revealed at a local hospital,
when physicians, submitting a woman
from Waunakee. Dane county, to an
X ray examination, discovered that her
stomach contained a live snake six
Inches long.
Tbe woman bad not suffered any
pain op to tbs time o f tbs discovery,
but was greatly distressed when told
of the result o f tbe examination Tbe
snake was removed without operating.
It proved to be a reptile commonly
known as tbs grass snake, nearly pore
white. Tbe boepltal authorities refused
to make any statement regarding tbe
How Can 2 Animals Wear 12 Shoes
Like "NowOld It Ann"?
H ow can tw o horses w e a r 12
shoes? This is a puzzle which ac­
countants in the city service are
tryin g to solve. It has come up as
a result o f an investigation o f
requisition for horseshoeing serv­
ice put through prior to the estab­
lishment o f the present Municipal
Purchasing Bureau.
Am ong requisitions found is one
which provides for the placing o f
12 shoes on tw o horses. “ Must
have had queer horses in olden
d a y s ," reflected one o f the ac­
countants yesterday. “ Must have
used centipedes," suggested P u r­
chasing A gent Wood.
Street C ar Companies are howl­
ing long and loud over the “ jitney
b u s " that is making serious in­
roods in their business.