2 THE FALLS CITY NEWS (T h r f a l l i i (£ tti| N r u iH ■ s D. L ä # WOOD A SON, Publishers. Kntrn'd • • ► ma.i *t It»* • t F a II* l jty « iMi it.r, <*rrgi*n. th* A«t of Crutfr-MM of kUrvfe .1. liltphon» News Office, W. Subtcriptton Rata«: Onayaar. $1 «I; six ir,..ntb«. ! SO cant*: thraa month». S5e.nl«. tu 1 1# ropy. Seta. —' '■ r —WBagBMilnJU'Jbi ,n,8 «■■ . | A l n r t i i l u i lU te« Dwpmy. 15 , fn t * * n iwch B itinft«« N o tif««, S * line fo r iUIc R«m fLscl.kngK VTftal ftui P ty Enteriftiumfnt Ni tieft*. 5 cti. ft lin t r«rv l of Ibfttikft S M t i.U ^ i Notice« lefftl rat#« to 1 I Sew« o f f ic ia l ad* n W« d ib e c io e y of f a l l « c u t F K. HubbAid. Mayor. T D Hollo well. Councilmftu &t Large W. T Crfer H. C. Brown. Albert T m I A. Sempson, C. L. Hopkias, R. A. Titus. land so that it w ill show a reason­ able profit upon the money invest­ ed and the labor required to pro­ duco and the sale is made. A campaign along this line dur- i:tg this year would result in locat- i g many good families. A re you ! eady to help? C o u n c i Une n 11. G. Btraver. Auditor and Police Judge Walter L. Too*« Jr., City Attorn«?. W. P. Lewis, Martha« and WaUr8upt. M. L. Thompson. Treasurer J J. Sammons, Engineer Dr K. Ü. HvUacarth. Health Officer. 1 ; e j'o u n c y meets In regular »fusion on the first Monday even ing of eac:h m outh.at 7 08 o ’clock 1 n the ofhue o f the Falls CAty Sews. S a t u r d a y . J a n u a r y lfi. 1915 Are You a Booster? One day a v e r y old man was planting some fru it trees and a young-blood passing hailed him thus: “ H ey, old man. w hat are you planting trees fo r. you w ill never live to eat the fru it!” The old man leaned on his spade and replied: “ True, m y son. but SOME O N E planted trees before I was born that I m ight eat the fruit, and can I do less.” This should be an inspiration fo r everyone. N o man lives unto him self alone. The man who boasts o f his independence indul ges in vain utterances. Man is the most dependent o f all God’s creatures. H e is born into the world a helpless infant and for months and years he is wholly de­ pendent fo r food and raiment. H e grow s to manhood and he is still dependent upon his fellow man in a g rea t measure fo r the necessaries o f life. Be therefore not sparing in doing good and m aking the w ays more pleasant fo r your neighbor. Y e t you will find some men who w ill put them­ selves to much trouble to avoid p erform in g some little act or make some concession that would benefit some one else. They say by their actions i f not by words? I don’t g iv e a d — fo r this town, I'm here fo r the money. Such men are not deserving o f citizenship and become as stinking sores upon the body-politic. Should everyone be so selfish as to do only that which would benefit them and have no thought o f his fellow , not willing “ to live and let live” how lung would society, or the government stand? Will They Make Good The legislature' has again assem­ bled at the State' capital to do the w ill o f the people, perhaps. The cry o f retrenchment and lower taxes has gone forth and th eover- urdened taxpayers are w aiting to see i f pre-election pledges count fo r anything. Governor Oswald W est in his message quotes Franklin thus: “ Law s cannot prevent ex tra va ­ gance; and this perhaps is not al­ w ays an evil to the public. A b illin g spent idly by a fool may be picked up by a wise person vho knows better what to do with it; it is. therefore, not lost.” W hether in making this quotation the Governor had in mind form er legislators, w e are unable to say. W e hope, however, that the pres­ ent legislature will not follow this somewhat dangerous precept in their deliberations. Not only Ore­ gon, but perhaps every state in the union is over-ridden with laws, boards and commissions. Almost ever, thing from vending popcorn on a street corner to selling patent right churns must be governed by t commission. These commissions pry into your private affairs and require reports upon things that can be o f no possible benefit to the state, (you are assured that your report w ill be treated con­ fidential.) I f the present legislature would spend their time in repealing use­ less laws they would be deemed public benefactors. Did you ever set' a mangy little cur dog snapping at a sleeping bulldog? Mexico and Uncle Sam. W h JAN , I«, 1915 H o w ’ s T h is ? •’,rrr ° UI' Huudr«d no- [ Cur*. A cigar that once belonged to r. J. chkm * t *,* the kaiser sold at auction in Lon- ci»*n.v nr in * m i > ,y»w. *n.i fo.ii«»; . . „ . . . . ... lum ii.rf.iily I ioimim M o *'» • ■ buolnoM don for $72. M arket quotations trine tnin m < i i *n.'*iiy £*r,f . . T , . . lout uny obMfOtl'iu mad» by Ho Him. do not include the emperor nim-i n a t io n a l d a n k ou commerce . self. .... . a _________ j Hair» Catarrh Curo 1« takon Internally. I « tin» ikrortly umm I ho fclood « « ‘1 mu« YVe note i ith excrutiating pain that congre » shows signs o f re-1 i? L a cI m . i.» coa.up.tux«. trenchment in every direction ex- ...----- --------- , -------------- ---- - eept wherein their own interests ib k h u iiiii . , RL R. M CKS 1915 AIMAHAG are at stake. ________ The Rev. Itl It Hick* Almanac, Los Angeles, Calit.—Aaron Mis- enheimer, 92 years old, is accused by his w ife o f being infatuated with another woman. Mt. Pleasant, Mich.— Mrs. W a r­ ren Sohnson, 82, is probably the oldest newspaper reporter in the country. She has been reporting for 40 years and still w rites good stories. Fort Totten, N . Y . —A mosquito bite may result in blindness to Seargent David Levine, o f the 114th. Coast A rtillery. The bite This section o f the country is resulted in blood poison and sur­ practically, undeveloped. It is ir, geons fear he will lose the sight o f the hands o f the citizens whether one eye. it shall be developed or remain a? it is. The road leading to the Chicago. 111.— Billy Sunday in­ coast that is to be opened thi sists that before he w ill begin his spring w ill bring this section tc evangelistic meetings in Chicago the notice o f the public as it ha- he must be assured that a $250,- n ever before. There are man) 000 stock company be organized enterprises that could profitably and incorporated to finance his re­ be carried on here and might be ligious meetings. secured w ith a little effort. We are told that there are great Spokane, Wash. — Emery O. Ed­ quantities o f good brick and pot­ wards, o f Colville, Wash., died in ters clay in this vicinity. There N ew York recently. Only a fter is no reason w hy a small canning his death was it learned that he fa ctory would not pay dividends was in N ew Y ork in regard to an upon the investment. A small estate estimated at hundreds o f laundry that could not be bought millions o f dollars, to which he out by competitors in neighboring was sole heir. towns would find business. A lit­ Copake, N. Y .— Mrs. William tle encouragem ent along these Bonner awoke and saw a horse lines m ight induce some one to en­ standing in the snow near the g a g e in business here. It might freight depot. A hour later the not benefit you o f me directly, but horse was still there and she called indirectly everyone would be up Constable Reynolds. He left benefited. his w arm bed, walked three miles This country needs more farm ­ and started to lead the horse away ers, more producers. The hill land will produce fru it and berries when he discovered it was a wooden horse, consigned to a local and during the coming spring and harness maker. summer thousands o f people will come to the Pacific coast looking W e often hear some one refer- fo r homes. L e t ’s g iv e them a welcom e and offer them such in­ ed to as a “ punkin head,” and ducements as possible to locate in w e can’t help sympathizing with f w vicinity o f F a il: C ity. Price the pumpkin. |<;\ir I coplt * of I lie New« art* print'd i to li week, »m l-will be acni to any add res« di aired, poatpaid, fur •> vanta per ropy. , p ro fc 00 lonal C a r t * rn ysioian W . B. Officor, M. D. • Hyeleien a n « S e r f een B u y Y o u r C a n d y of ORI.:« ovvi Tboiu(won't drug tlor*. Hu- lu ti |>hoBt Ml ebon* Night ( ’t i l «ti rursiciAN F. M. H E L L W A R T H P H Y S IC IA N A N D SU KU BO N tfificii one door ea»l of I*. O. Om. » toil I f you are having a h eated, now ready, grow* m I>»I h . argument with your beet girl and » » d «»'■ful with each I “ * .'*•> ,.uu Hvtitituvt I none döB she is getting the beet o f it. you U » » 1,1 have but to yell “ mouse” and the > H < s.-J o.n,n,,reu i . -n h .-i. victory is yours. I UH*',u * n “ v*’r ------- — fault»un Ann vAiu&blH V**r 1)00* on W e gut into an argument with a astronomy, »t-tnnt*, wt-utlo-r amt fellow yesterday and tried every j earthquakes »lioulti »•«• in every conceivable way to get him todis-J home and ojBce Pruleasoi lliyk* agree with something we said complete« thi* Lent ¡« m i * o f In* But he just pulled a halo o f ami- g n * t Altuauac at the c I o m of In* ability and swore every statement seventieth year. Hie Almanac will we made was guspel truth. And be mailed fi>r 85 cents The P -v now we are wondering who told Irl R. Hicks tine M i^Miine, d <>id the biggest one. ¡and Works, i* sent one year, with ---------- - a copv of bis Almanac, for onlv Country merchants are smiling one dollar. 8e J for them to up their sleeves over the predica- Word and W >»k- Pul liahing Com tnent o f the millionaire head o f a puny. :UtU Franklin Ave., St great mail order house, who has l.oui«, Mo. You will never u gir-t been indicted by a grand ju ry for j >nr inve tment. I r> 't for 1915. tax dodging. The sum on which _ -------------- List y cur farm lami with Wood at the News office. I>. L (or sale, inquire »t For Kent— D u elling home. plv at News office. A|- tn^o» E L L I S ’. JA * , a . H C L T Z K L , A tto rn e y at L aw H a r r in g t o n ’s Huile II Butb-Brtynitn Bldg.. p h on tlM f i t v l l i « In t il the SUI* count. S a le m , O r t | t n lo ll H o m o M ade C andies B u 0 in c 0 0 d a ^ 0 Of the Heat Hi and illir ic i. S O F T D R I N K S OF ALL f a l l e (lite tio te l K IN D S . Samala Room« Boat AccommoAatltna Peanut and Popoorn S t a n d in C o n n e c t i o n . o v in es vtAnw I m e c f . D roogo. f f t t r l t l w tuple Hoorn* H well» r Building CoDimenisi Tfftdft ft HpMiftiir Zbc il^abcna f i l l i C tly'i Boti Motti Mrt. M ttN u kh o lt M tntgcrt. Mrt D#u# , n|l(l T baoe Mans» Desiane ... l i d your butter wrappers print­ Good farm ed at the News office thi# office. f i l l i l'lljf, ATTOHNKV be conveniently “ forgot” to pay N o(ke to L|e, r|C L,ghf Users taxes was just an insigninciant mite, being but a beggarly $26.-! A ll peraona owing lltn Full* City CMXI (X)0 00 Electric Light Co. lor uervicu p iio f __ I to A ptil 1, 1914, w ill plea«e pay : the «m ount to D. 1,. Wood at l be rooze, J r , L a w y er, , t ttiic. Walter I If. Dalla?1, Oregon Correrpondeuts wanted in e v iry Good house for sale in Falls City, part time. Enquire at News ( neighborhood in this section id the country In justification o f seizing and ,ffice. searching American vessels the English government cites Uncle Samuel to the fact that the A m er­ ican trade has increased rem ark­ ably in 1914. That is w hat is worrying the “ old sister.” Keep down A m erica’s grow ing foreign trade at all hazzards. ,0dd Bits of News Intpiirt i I >r tcul •>tate art* be ginniog to « Ulne *••• C eevm aM T« A c . A n ro tt« •ending n *k «lr h pm I d^aortpilon m «y | iii i . i m ii fr o * w hetbrr *n outditlr u»-^rt tut * m r • i » 1* 1 fin In vomirti! pU M innM iln hlA ( oiuu.....^- ••otuiunteo. .......... .. |l prnlm ^.... bl* r uuw «. A ti •trtctlr I’A tru ti li ma ma • trtetiy < > iMiHdfjnitUl. MiH.lauiUl- HAHUHOUI HAHUHUUl <»n on I'Atcutft MHit fr « ft t ‘f loot auMNCy fn f » ' " ’Utlug patent«. I ituntfl i drn tliriiugh Mumt A Co. rovftlrft f|- M ir • t, trithuUL »1 tig«J. lu tho Scientific fimctic.ii:. A ltftjttl««t'*tftly IHtMtratod we*kly. I nnr««i tir* v . i.. I u ( n i f f i«fitli)A l» tt r ii« L 'It-rtu* f i o w t r futtr u. .filli«, |L Sold by *11 rtnw sileni or«. HAKi.KK SIIOI'S Bohle’s Barber Shops ralla City, Oregon tvhert I ou tan get • Shm. Ralr Cat. latii •r 'iMac Ai«nl for DalUi Striai LaaaSry Buuaiot lorw trdo« lu itd tjr t.tn ln g MUNN & Uo.36,B">*tf« ’ New tort Brooch OfBiw, ’* “• I ’ H L Wftohlugtuit. D .C . MONUMENTS G. L. H A W K IN S M ARBLE AN D GR AN TC M ONUM ENTS O a lla a , O r tg a n Do You Want to Sell Buy or Rent fU N K R A L DIRECTOR R. L CHAPMAN Funeral Dirado» W o it t t n J to all w ork y r t — y lly . D a lla i and F a lb C N y. O r List yoiir property w ith me and 1 will find you i a buyer. During the year 1915 Hundreds' of Thousands of People will come to Thn D o r» ifir f AQCt Some of them will locate and perhaps you have just what they want. ^ D. L. WOOD, Falls City, Oregon, • Notice to News Subscribers A bluo-pencll eroaa mark an thla nolle* meant that your tvbicrl*- tlon to Tho Now* hat tM lrM an« naada fltlno Do It now. S. B. Taylor CIVIL ENGINEER Land Surveying Room 10 Nat. Bank Building Phone 453. • Dal lay.