Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 09, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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expense of that ridiculous expedi­
tion. For what? What did it ac­
complish? It set all Mexico aflame
against the Americans, not only in
Mexico but in Texas, where all
along the north bank of the Kio
R n tered • • se. en d . le ss M i l a l Ik * a s a t v lf l n
Grande there are 10 Mexicans for
a t F a lla C l t , F o lk I 'a a a tF . O r*« aa . e n d . . Ik*
A rt » t l'p a « r * w <rf M ar. h S. 1 ST*
one American.
Ttkebea* -Ntws Mnn. » .
“ It brought on a reign o f terror
SubacntitloB Rata* Onaraar. Sl.S*; ala mortka. all along the Texas border, so that
M canta. Ikraa montka. SS ran la. aingl* roar. t eta.
when the federal Government re­
fused to afford protection for our
Advertising Rates Display, IS cents a s tncti
Bualuau Notn.ee S casta a lis a : For Salt. Ram
people in their own state I was
■ xeSant* Want and Fay ■ntartalsm ant Ro
ticaa. Seta, a U ni. Card olT han ks t O c t s le g s forced to send 1200 Texas troops
Rot lea* Meal rataa.
down there to give it. Mexican
c a p , tor saw ad*, and changes sbould ba m b ' bandit gangs were crossing the
laT h a S a w , not latar than W adnaadar
border into Texas, raiding and ter­
rorizing our scattered people. Wo­
F K Hubbard. Mayor.
men and children were huddled
T. D. H ollow eil. C ouncilm an at-Larg*
together in brick houses, menaced
W. r Gr'ar.
•vith murder and worse.
H C. Brown.
A 'b an Teal
“ My desk was flooded with tele­
A. «ampaon.
grams from chambers c f com­
C. L. Hopkins.
R. A. Titus.
merce. bankers, stockmen and
H. G. *trayer, Auditor and Folio* Jude*
" ’ alter L. lo o s e Jr.. City Attorney.
other responsible citizens praying
W. P Tavela. Marshal and " ’ atar Sup«.
for protection at points all along
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
I. J Sammons. E nfineer
our 1200-mile frontier.
Er. F. M. Hellwarth. Health OBcer.
“ The Federal Government had
I -a f'o u n c il meats In regular seasion on the Sr*
60 troopers at Brownsville to
Monday even in g of each month at 7SSo’c lo c l
cover more than two-thirds of that
1 n the oflSce of the Fall* City Kent.
long border. When I rushed the
S aturday , J anuary 9. 1915
Texas State troops down there,
stationing a company at each of
the principal border towns, I in­
WILSON ADMINISTRATION structed them not to cross the
river nor in any way to violate the
The Teias Qoyeenor Donouneas Wil neutrality law, but at nil costs to
son’s Administration as the Great* protect the lives and property of
of Texas people.
eat Failure in History.
“ Secretary of War Garrison
“ The Wilson Administration haf
been the greatest failure in the telegraphed me that he thought it
history of the Presidency. The unwise to have two military forces
South is a land literally flowing occupying the same territory un­
with milk and honey, it has made der seperate commanders ant
one of the biggest and best crop? suggested that I withdraw the
in its history, and yet, because of state troops. I wired him that I
the utter incompetency of the men would withdraw the Texas troops
in charge of the Government, its when he sent an equal number olf
business is prostrated, its credit is United States regulars to take
impaired and thousands of its their place. And I kept our men
there until he did send an equa
people are starving
‘ The Administration’s tariff law number of regulars to replace
was pledged to lower the ct»t of them, at every place where our
living, and it has had the contrarj men were stationed.
“ Wilson and Bryan have stood
effect. By putting raw material.1
on the free list and keeping the by. encouraging one gang of ban­
protective tariff on manufacture« dits after another, while people
goods, it has condemned Americar were being butchered all over
farmers by hundreds of thousand* Mexico, while the vast American
to peonage, and has enabled the interests in that country were be­
manufacturers, getting their raw ing confiscated and shot to pieces,
materials cheaper, to charge and today the Mexican chaos is
higher prices for their goods worse than at any time since Ma
which they have done. Hide* dero was assassinated. Villa is
were free listed, and shoes have the dictator o f the country and I
understand that all he wants is to
gone higher.
“ This is true o f virtually every be chief of police of the City of
single item similarly treated in the Mexico, with control o f the gam­
Administration tariff law. The bling concessions in the City of
American farmer gets less for his Mexico and Juarez. Our Govern­
raw materials, t h e Americar ment has kept England and Ger­
workingman pays more for the many from restoring order in
finished product, and both are Mexico, and has itself done noth
robbed further to enrich the pro ing but contribute to the disorder
tected manufacturing trusts and and lawlessness by its vacillating
watching and waiting policy—if it
be called a policy. The pro­
“ The Administration’s foreign
policy has been imbecilic. It ha? pertied interests of Mexico and
allowed England to dictate condi the big American exploiters of
tions as to cotton shipments that Mexican resources have got con­
enabled the English spinners to trol of the situation absolutely, and
rob American cotton growers o: these same interests have got the
half the value of their crop. Eng ear of our Government at Wash
gland stopped American shipments ington.
‘ ‘The Administration’s anti-trust
until the English spinners bought
their supply at 6§ cents a pound laws are bare-faced fakes, so far
and stored it in Texas and other as protecting the people from trust
oppression is concerned. These
Southern warehouses.
“ The Administration’s repeal of laws please nobody else so well as
the Panama Canal tolls exemption they do the Standard Oil, Steel
law, in violation o f the party’s and other great trusts.
“ I am afraid the National elec­
National platform, was another
weak surrender to England. If tion of 1916 will, because of the
free tolls had not been repealed, failure of these policies, end the
hundreds o f American-o w n e d Democratic National regime. The
ships, flying a foreign flag, would policies of the Democratic Nation­
have come under the American al Administration have wholly
flag to get the benefit of the ex­ failed either to curb monopolies or
emption, and we would today have to lower the cost of living for the
an American merchant marine oeople, and they have materially
competent to carry our goods to contributed to deprive millions of
foreign markets. We have no wage earners of employment.
--------- •-» »>■ »-*■
such merchant marine and to sup­
ply it the Wilson Administration
What Is a Kilowat
is proposing to spend the taxpay
ers’ money buying a subsidized From Newport Signal:
National shipping service.
An Eastern editor explains what
“ The Wilson-Bryan manage­
kilowat is by saying that after
ment of the Mexican affair has diligent inquiry he finds that a
been an egregious failure. They dlowat is a kilowat, to which a
landed an American army in Vera Western editor replies by defining
Cruz to force Huerta to salute a kilowat more fully as follows:
the flag, and have brought it back
Now let us enlighten you as to
without getting the salute.
what a kilowat is. A kilowat is a
“ They now ask Congress to ap­ measure or a weight or a certain
propriate over $500,000 to pay the term by which we can find out
Œ ÿ r ïa U a
< & tty N e w a
how much gasoline it takes to run
an engine, to generate a certain
amount o f electricity, to load an
amount of wire with h certain
amount of energy sufficient to pro­
duce a certain amount of heat
that when forced through a cer­
tain kind of platinum wire that is
suspended in a certain shaped
glass bottle will illuminate a cer­
tain amount of space in certain
buildings as in such case made
and provided. You find out by
certain figures in simple propor­
tion. You multiply the gas by the
eonfcience of the proprietor of the
electric light plant, divide this by
the motor on the wall, and add
whatever you cannot multiply.
The answer will come in dollars
and cents. Just divide these by
the price you pay per kilowat and
multiply again and find out what
a kilowat is. It is something you
can’t see. that you pay for accord­
ing to what someone tells you who
don’t know what he is talking
about and proves by a meter that
runs by guess and by gad and is
attached to the wall by a hired
man with machine grease on his
nose. You know just how many
kilowats you have had, just what
they cost apiece, but you don’t
know how big they are, what
they look like, .w ho made them,
what shape they are, if all are of
the same size or how old they are
before they are ripe.
Walter L. Tooie, Jr., Lawyer,
Dallas, Oregon.
For Rent— Dwelling house. Ap­
ply at News office.
Get your butter wrappers print­
ed at the News office
JAN., 0. 1»1R
luqtilm * fog ital estui«' «re be’
g ulling to collie ill.
Kxtt« copici of The News »re
printed each week, and will l»e pent
to euy add rena deni red, postpaid,
for brent* pet copy.
W . B . Officer, M . D.
P h y s la la * • * <
Buy Your Oandy of
We Simply
Ask the Men to
Stay Sober
Office one dour east ol P. O.
UR factory rule* de­
mand ’’ sobriety,” not
our employes do a f t e r
knocking off work it up to
them. We don't tell them
they can’t go into a well-
run saloon under penalty
o f being discharged. If we
did, they’d be justified in
leaving us. Q
Our best men are those who
drink their healthful, stimulating
beer. They are the ones that
linch the time clock promptly
i the morning and do the most
work during tne day. They are
good hoys and know that drink­
ing beer moderately mrana True
Temperance. If we told them
they couldn't drink after work
we'd drive them to secret indul-
ce and deprive them o f uee-
barmleu pleasure. Result—
materially diminiahed m e n t a l
and phydeal buoyancy and low
efficiency during working hour*.
Our men pursue their own
live* and gratify their own ta*tea
without molestation. Most o f the
officials o f this factory drink beer
moderately because It is benefi­
cial and refreshing. They would­
n't ask the hoy* to give up what
they themselves wouldn't think
o f quitting.
A tta r « * , at Law
E L L IS '.
Practice In all lb* B ut* eourU.
H a r r i n g t o n ’s
Bull* II Bush Breyman Bldg., p bon a lM
Salens. O regen
Buffine*« d a rt*
H om e M ade Candles
Of the Heat Brand
K IN D S .
¿ fa lle C it ç t ) o t c l
S am ale Neem e
Beat A tta m m a d a lla sa
F Oraega. Fragriate.
Peanut and Popoorn
S tand in Oonnectlon.
ovtn es v e «* «'
— Advvrtuemcnt
Sample l o a n s
Mueller Building
Falla City's Basi Hotel
. . . . . . . . Mr*.
M n MaeNIchola
a WADS m a n r
CoevmoMT* Ac.
Notice to Eletric Light Users
A n y o n e «ending e « heteh und deeertetton m ay
q u ic k ly ascot tatti o u r op inion fr e e w h e th e r an
in re n tto n 1« p ro b a b ly f M Ü l l K - f n e i H iM i «
Bohle’s Barber Shops
ttons strictly ©onddamtAÍ. HANDBOOK (>n Pstsntg
L I t — Uldeet sgancy fo^sacurln* pateni a.
Patente taken through M unn A i o . recali
rprciaJ »otic«, without charge, ta tbe
Scientific American*
A handsomely llluttrated weekly, f-anrest etr
eu letton of eny set an tifi? tournai. Term«. M e
year : four month«, $L Sold by all rew»d«a)er*.
Commercial Trad*
a HpaaSsli,
flfc a fc e n a
Z b c
P a ten ts
E. D. Ulrich, Chamber of Com­
merce. Portland, Oregon.
All persons owing the Falli City
Electric Light Co. for servie« prior
List ycur farm laud with D. L to April 1, 1914, will please pay
Wood at the News office.
the amount to D. L. Wood at The
Good house for t-ale in Falls News office.
City, part time. Enquire at News
Good fgrm for sale, enquire at
this office.
Falla C tif,
xSlVnra Ph.»li«3«H
fis r ite *
uatc* uval Thumpaon's drug aim*. Mu
inai shun* lai I k e s * Night Call *41
f e l l « C ity , O r a g e n
Whtrt yea tea fist« M m , M r Cat, M b
m 'Skies'
iA a m l la y
k a M je C tg g ra
W eiO U a a t a A ^ E
I s a a ifa
aaaB a. ,
Bundles forwarded Tuesday evening
G . L. H A W K IN S
D a lla s, O rs g s *
Do You Want to Sell
Buy or Rent
F k n tn U D irm im
W at
M u eu rsad ae
List your property with me and I will
find you a buyer.
© r e ç o it
C . W . M a tth a w a , F r o p rla ta r
During the year 1915 Hundreds of Thousands of
People w ill come to
The Pacific Coast
Some of them w ill locate and perhaps you have
just what they want.
Notice to News Subscribers
Falls City, Oregon.
A hlua-eaneil orane mark en thl*
«atto* maona that yoisv ookoarle*
tlan to The Now* hoo a ssira * one
"••da ttslna Do It n ow .
S. B. Taylor
Land Surveying
Room 10 Nfik Bank Buildiug
Phone 453
r *