Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, January 09, 1915, Image 1

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    TilK N k w * stand« fur
a irrta te f and bettur
Falls C ity all the time
Christ's Sepulcher Is Closely
Guarded by Turkish Soldiers.
Jeans. Thla cleft estenda downwnrd
lo n bollow liencuth. known a* tbe
"grotto o f Aduni.” Itecuuae thè skull
of ilio firxt mnn I» snld tn he hurled
8 tilde ri t a of Idatory retali thè faci
that thè crusuders under ftodfrey <>f
Itoiilllon raptiired thè city of Jeruxnlem
In the'year IIRIU and limi II retnnlnrd
wlieu lite Harncenx dim e uni thè III
Rich Rawaida Freni A m trio a n W irn n n
l’nrls - Ali uiilintned A me: Iran wom
ali Ima given tu cucii soldlcr In a
Freni li rcglincut of Fucl.al|*tM l'jti for
satina ber villa mi thè Olxe from thè
fierma na
.mou» Jaruaalam fihrin*, For Which
iha Cr .facias Wara Undertaken In tha ATTEN D S H I S O WrTFÙM ER AL.
Middla Agaa. Will Laav* Suitin'. Poa-
.aaaion if Alliaa Win — Contain, d M euntainaer at Hia Raquaat C arried to
Evangaliat'a Meeting.
Within Walla of a Church.
Huntington, W. Va.—From the Cum
l/mdon. -Tbe holy sepulcher at Jrru herlnud • inmintalna of • I'lkc county,
njiii * iu . for tilt' poxsi'twlou of wlilt'll I lie ensteru Kentucky, coifidk the story of
• riikiiilfa of tliv uililillt' a lira were no nu old luuuiitnlnet'r who ntfeudtxl bln
ilrrtakt'O. will at laat Im'oiiir tin* |iru|i own fuuerul xervlcea, being carried to
city of 111« CbrlatlNUM of tha mirltl In the log cabin meeting house to listen
• *»•• Hi.- alii«* Mlu* tit-lii.' Kuru|**iin to tbe words of the evangelist who
I’ntliiy Ilia k«-y« of lhi» tin, most travels through tho mountains
Jud Muentou. a typical mouutulocer.
vi'ii>'ratni aalictuiiry 1« (TirUtemloui
arc Haiti by tbo Turk*, nml Moslem living In one of the wildest sections
m ol Inula atnml outside of II* duura aoiao distance from Elkhuru City, be
iii*lil nod day. while the ptmini'iit In carue III aud feared uo fuuerul *erv
front of Ita main cotrnurc lx occupied ices Would fotlow bis death Therefore
wbeu tb* «shorter made bis periodica*
mi all tioura by beggars nml street pul
dlvra. win. asanil .visitor* ami fm*a- trip through the hllla ho requested that
Ills fuueral lie held.
araby. , -
The day wu* appointed, and the
Tbe aepuJcbvr Uoontalucd within tbu
it all* of a cburcb, In -u bk'b not only mouufnlo people for miles around
Hi« Catholic*, but alio the Greek*. the (locked to the log cabin cburcb. Macr
Armenian* nml tbe Copt*, hnv« altar* son, who had been falling faat, was
of worahlp. It la a grotto or eaeern. much Improved on tbe day of tbe fu
cuuxlxllpg Ilf two room* hinm out of ncrul and waa carried to tbe church.
living rock. Tbe outer chamber, which The obkequles. as Is often tbo case In
1» alt let'll feet lyog by ten feet wide. la tbe mountains, were made a gala oc­
culled tb* Chapel of tbe Angel*. Tbe casion. after tbe service* nu old fash­
Inper room Id the aepqlcber Itself and ioned dance being held.
eontalna tbe stone ou which (lie body
of Jeau* repost'd'.
, It waa In the outcr chamber, the via
Itur la told, that the augela nnuounced T w in . B u tternuts and “ Ladiaa’ Trassa*”
tb* resurrection to the holy women
Am ong th* Odditiaa.
In tbe middle of tbu floor, covered with
Harrisburg, t’a.-Daniel Stonffcr. a
white uiurble. richly carved. Is a |>or Cumberland county farmer, living near
thin pf thowUmc on w.hlch. nx dcacrllx d Kuela, exhibited some curiosities at the
III tjle Scripture«, the angel set on Vertieke street market tn the wuy of
Master mbrulug:" BuiMX'iidcfl from tbe butternuts. He gathered three bushels
roof ere fifteen Jainpa.. reiiruHcutlug as of the nuts lu tbe mountains and found
many Christian nations, which nr* al­ nmoug them a number of twin nuts,
ways kept burning'
the shells being fastened together for
A floor so low tlml the visitor onn about nu lucb at one end nnd then
pnaa only by stooping given entrance widely seiairatiDK. In henrt shape. Mr
to th* Inner room, pointed out ns the Blunder baa also gutbered some One
hazelnuts, which are quite rare tn this
Or. John 11. Knger waa made happy
■ econtly over n find he made In tbe
same market of specimens of a native
orchid, "ladles' tresses." or "twisted
stalk.” This Is one of about sixty un-
ttve orchids o f the state nnd dlfllcultto
And. Dr. Knger says "one might wan
dcr about for hours nnd secure only
half a dozen stalks, and here they are.
from Fishing Creek valley. In nose-
gays of fifty or more, for a cent a
rujunhil aoLbiEUU
Buy all goods o f home
m erchants and help to-
make F alls City greater
actual burial place of Jesus. which I h
hnrdly monTthfin six feci square' Tlie
stone on which the body of the He-
deemer lay la rnlaed three fia t uliove
tbe ground and, covered with a umr
hie slab. Is used ua nu altar, tuns-
much as oul.v four pernona lit a time
can find room In the small chamber,
tbe Catholics. Creeks and Armenians
are jMIged to take turus tn perform
lng services.
Tbe Church of tbe Holy Sepulcher
Is surmounted by a dome. Beuentli
tbe ddme la a rotunda, off which Is
tbo Chapel of-the Apparition, mark­
ing thp place where the Suvlobr Oral
showed himself to his mother after the
resurrection. But this Is only one of
many bacred associations pertaining to
tbo ancient basilica. Just Inside tbe
main floor Is tbe stone of unction on
which* tbe body of Jesus was laid
while H - m . anointed by-the holy wo­
men before burial.
On eotering tbe cburcb tbe visitor
•scenes to the top of a stairway, where
l tablet set In ibe Wall ¿fates that this
was tbb place where Christ was “ strip.
ped of, his garments." Fpr It should
be understood that.the sacred edifice
bero described actually covers the rock
o f Calvary, aud a long »trip of mosaic
In tbe floor marks tbo spot where
Jeaua.was nailed to .the cross. Be­
neath a nearby a)tar is the bole or
aocket In which the* cross was planted
It la lined with silver. Tbe holes for
tbe creases of the two thieves are on
either hand a llitle tb the back.
On one aide of. thla ultar. luclqsed by
a silver railing. Is the rift made In tbe
rock at tbo moment of the death of
Artilleryman Writes ot Fatal
Eflact al Battery Fire.
Berlin.-A Gertnau artillerist writing
from Frnn-.e tells of the death of a
French aviator who was brought down
by German gunners
“Today 1« saw a French aviator
brought down by our guns," he said.
“The French filers had been growing
bolder aud bolder, especially In recon
nolterlng behind our front, aud so we
couctaled u half battery of howitzers
In a village about four miles to the
neur In order to teach them a lesson
Things bnppeued ns wo expected. By
Hi o'clock In the morning there carau
an aeroplane, sailing along wttb the
itreutest assurance lu the world. The
gnus ut tbo front were not permitted
to fltet aud after passing them the
aviator, thinking nil danger past, kept
coming lower and lower, reaching final,
ly a level pf only: about l.OtiO feet.
Not suspecting that he would encount­
e r Gorman artillery bo far in the rear
be came within easy shooting distance
for our gunners In the village.
“ Suddenly two shots were heard,
and two llttlo white ctouds Were ob­
served In the air not far from the aero
plnne. The aviator remained virtually
at the same spot until he wns almost
enveloped by the next two cloudlets.
One shot exploded just In front of btm.
the other just behind him Our men
had pot their range very quickly.
"Tbe next two ebots, fired almost
simultaneously, settled Its fate. Tbe
first one cut off a wing smoothly; the
other was a square hit, and tbe appa
ratus waa aeattered to the four winds
I have not seen such a beautiful shot
In tb$ whole war. The gun pointer
Who tired It had already dlrtliigulxhed
himself ou xoi era I ocfiistoiis. and lie
won the Iron cross. Tbe fragments of
this neroplape were picked up after­
ward from u wide range of gruuud, but
of the aviator ouly a few1 bits were
Count d# Man’s Seat In Aeadamy Ra-
sarvad For Commander.
I’nrla. — (.'Opinion announce* that
there will be uo competition for the
vacancy among tbe “ Immortals” caus­
ed by tbe death of Count Albert d*
Mtin. ns the academy has decided to
reserve the vacancy for Geuernl J off re,
tbe commander tn chief of (he French
Tlie forty members of the French
ncndcm.v roiiHtliutlng the “ Immortals"
Include nt present two famous military
lommniidcrs. Genera) de Freyclnet.
who has filled many high positions In
the government, nnd Geuernl l.ysutey.
w ho completed I lie conquest of Moroc
eo for France.
Women 1» Micaouri Judge.
Jefferson City. Mo - Mix» Frances
Hopkins, daughter of Froluite Judge
I.otilx 1!. Hopkins of I'lny county, who
died recently, sm-reeiled her parent
and has the dl-tllo-tlon of Is-lng the
first woman to hold such n |x>s|i|on In
Missouri Miss Hopkins wss appoint­
ed let (lotcrnof Major.
Bal«s From America to 6nrman]r
First M o g r a p M .
New York.—Tbe war In Europe baa
brought to light tuuny Innovations, but
none more Interesting than (be taking
of X ray photographs of bales of cot­
ton to discover contraband of war
possibly concealed therein. X ray ex
peris with a big powerful machine are
taking photograph after photograph
of bales of cotton on piers In this dty
Cotton amounting to 10,000 bales was
all photographed before being loaded
Into the bold of tbe steamer City of
Macon of tbe Suvaunah Hue for
Bremen, tbe first cargo for thnt port
to leave New York since the wnr start­
ed. Cotton is not contraband of war.
and the City of Macon. Bylug tbe
American Bag. will be allowed to pro­
ceed to Bremen without Interference
from tbe British.
But tbe British, who bave command
of tbe sea. are extremely cautious
those times. It occurred to tbe con­
sul general lu New York, Sir Cour­
tenay W. Bennett, that cannons, guns
or other contraband might be con­
cealed in tbe cotton for delivery to
the German army or navy. Obviously
It would be Impracticable to open nny
of tha bales apd go through tbe cotton
for contraband. Tbe Idea of taking
X ray photographs was suggested.
Officials of tbe British government,
passing along tbe immense piles of
cotton bales on the pier, directed Steve
dores to drag out a bale here and
there. Each bale b o selected was pho­
tographed, with the Idea that solid sub­
stances concealed In the cotton would
show. Tbe X ray did not detect any
contraband tn tbe Brat batch of bales
French Have Devised a Way to Pull
Down German Entanglements.
Paris.—! was talking with a group of
soldiers from tbe front and In tbe
course of their stories of life In tbe
trenches one of them told me of nu in­
genious device with which they have
been tearing down tbe German barbed
wire entanglements, writes a corre­
spondent at tbe front.
There are hundreds o f miles of these
barriers In front of the German
trenches In France and Belgium, and
they bring tbe most Impetuous bayonet
charge to a standstill until a way Is
cut through them.
Now. I am told, tbe French are ex­
perimenting with an appliance similar
to a rocket apparatus, which throws a
grappling Iron attached to a rope over
tbe entanglements, which are then
dragged down and hauled Into the al-
I lee’ trenches.
I was not able to ascertain whether
this appliance was In general use or
wns only tbe Inspiration of the local
commander at tbe point from which
these men come.
By posing a few good marksmen un­
der cover to command tbe spot where
It Is Intended to burl tbe grappter the
French obtain a number of victims, be­
sides destroying the barriers! Instinc­
tively several Germans will dash out of
tbelr trenches to try to selae the grap-
pler before It is bnuled taut nnd
catches In tbe wires, and these w e al­
most Invariably shot down.
"Every three "or four day» tlie genor-
ill»»l:i>o goes on a tour of tmqMx-tlon la
Ills auto mobile. Ho visit* ont'h of his
:i rut le» In turn, «-«lifer* wttti their
i-blefx. chat* wltb the soldiers. His
. flituffeuni ure two of the most famous
racers In France. Rolllot and Rlgnl.
General Joffre likes to take naps while
tils automobile Is flying along. He says
It Induces n most restful sleep.
“ Plain nnd good. Just In rewards as
In punishment. he Is respected, esteem­
ed. adored by nil. Obeying nothing
but military noeossltles. he chooses his
men. lea ring to each one Ills Initiative.
Insensible to eulogy. Indifferent tocrit-
Iclsm. n general of duty, he has con­
quered the admiration of tbe entire
About Him Gravitate 200 Officers As­
---------------- — —
sisted by Other«—All Labor Day and
Night, With Little Rest—Idleness Is REUNITE MOTHER AND GIRL
Navar Displayed Among the Maohine-
A d e p ttJ Parents Give U p Ssventesn-
like Clerical Force.
y a a r-e ld . Sought Ela vsn Years.
Enforcing Prohibition
In Oklahoma
That they enforce prohibition in
Oklahoma with a vengence, (some­
times) is evidenced by an occur­
rence a short time ago in the Eas­
tern portion o f that state.
Pen Pitture ol Industry Around
Popular French Commander.
There are the hungriest lot o f
officeseekers in that state imagin­
able and the office o f sheriff is
highly prized as it affords an op­
portunity for large, fat, juicy
Parts.—“ War tn Ita grim reality has
upset all tbs Ideas which we bad of
Ua aspect” says Frantz Itelcbel. who
In tbe Figaro gives n pen plctnre of
General .'offru and bis staff at work
at tbe headquarters o f tbe French
army. ' "L e G. Q. U..” abbreviation for
grand quartler general." la wbat tbe
headquarters of tbe generalissimo Is
"For each army tbe headquarters le
anywhere from seven to twelve kilo
meters behind tbe Bring line, wblle
for tbe entire field army tbe greet
headquarters hi from 80 to 100 kilo
meters away. Great headquarter* is
tbe mysterious cooler from wblcb
comes nothing but wbat Is duly au­
thorised. To go there, to see those
wbo. grouped sbout tbe chief, are as­
sociated. however little. In tbe work
of tbe brain that thinks for all; to ap­
proach that corner of France wberr
are brought by telegrapb or telephone
the results of every hour, from where
leave tbe orders which Inspire tbe
movements of that Immense and many
jointed body, tbe army, la the dream
of all. tbe privilege of a few.
“ But tbe great headquarters where
the generalissimo works—tbe man who
assumes the superb but cruahlug re
s|>onelblllty of tbe life of France-Is
far different from wbat one would
liuurine IL When one has viewed It.
with* alt Its Installations, tbe liupres.
slon that one gets Is of a glgnntlc
manufactory where tn offices filled
wltb work everybody tolls with order
and method nt tbe accomplishment of
tasks well understood.
“ Tbe great headquarters of the
French army waa In a little town at a
goodly distance from the trenches,
shifting whenever tbe occasion requir­
ed IL
"The town It occupied presented no
uncommon sight—a commercial towu.
with humdrum streets, which were In
times of peace antmnted by Its popu
latlou concerned In two Industries, tbe
repairs of material of Ibe Eastern rail
road and tbe manufacture of woolen
“ About General Joffre gravitate 200
officers, assisted by an army of aecre-
tartes. These men collaborate nt three
services—that o f ibe general staff prop
erly. tbe service of the rear aud the
service of the railroads—all placed tra­
der tbe orders of three officers who
are tb« Immediate associate« of tbe
generalissimo. The three services are
Installed In three school buildings Day
and night the staff Is at work ntteud
lng to the thousand nnd one exigencies
of tbe front where 2,000,000 men are
deployed along a stretch of (100 kilo­
“ In these offices, from wblcb are sent
out tbe orders commanding tlie thun­
der of tbe guns, tbe rattle of small
arms, tbe pandemonium of regiments
hurled forward la clamoring assault,
there Is a silence absolute. Impressive
They are working without noise, with
out respite. The only sounds are the
clattering of typewriters and the ring
lng of telephone bells. One has the
sensation of passing through tbe offices
of a great Industry, where every one.
animated by duty and held by strong
discipline, works faithfully at b's np
pointed task. Heads are not lifted as
one passes. Such order, such applies
tlon gives one a feeling not of hope,
but of confidence that tbe fluctuations
of the battlefield cannot shake. The
faces reflect confidence and faith.
“ All this Is tbe work of General Jof
fre. Incomparable administrator, emi­
nent strategist, admirable chief, wbo
by hla own example and the Inflnence
he wields has brought all hla subordi­
nates into tbe path of duty well dona
“ An Indefatigable worker, hla great
headquarters Is run like a piece of
well oiled machinery. The general!*
stmo himself follows a atrlct routine
He rises at fi o'clock and has a light
breakfast of coffee and rolls; then he
visits tbe three service chiefs, works
with them, hearing or rending reports,
sanctioning solutions adopted; after
that before luncheon, bo takes a walk
on foot, during wblcb ho works out In
his brain plans for tho notion of the
allied atmtos. Tb* walk over, tbe gen­
eralissimo returns to his house, where
he has luncheon.
Ashtabula, O —To live with her moth
er. whom she has not seen In eleven
years. EMznheth lYnllme. seventeen,
adopted daughter o f Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J.
IVIlder of Jefferson, left here In com
pnny with her stepfather, William H
Sjielcher, for Stoyestown. I’a. When
she was Are years old Kllzulieth's fa
ther tiled, nnd her mother, who was 111
had to put tbe child In s home in Alll
nnee. O When ehe regained her health
the child had been adopted, but she
wns never able to learn by whom
When she became older tbe girl
longed for her mother nnd wrote hun
dreds of letters to nil parts of tbe state
In search of her Her mother finally
located her In Jefferson high school
and Mr. Wilder, her second bnsbnnd.
came for her.
rake-offs from bootleggers and
joint keepers, who a re said to part
with their coin in a manner very
gratifyin g to these gentlemen bri­
gands and it often happens that
there are as high as six or eight
candidates on one ticket at the
prim ary. That means that five or
seven o f the bunch will be defeat­
ed. In order to prevent the de­
feated candidates from getting too
sore and w orking for the fellow
on the other ticket the successful
candidate (presum ebly) agrees to
rew a rd them with a deputyship
to get out and help elect him.
This, in a w a v , accounts for the
great number o f “ guntoters” one
sees patrolling the shady side of
the streets o f the county seats
during the hot months. A s these
gentlemen depend upon fees and
possible rakeoffs there is much
competition, and woe to the boot­
legger ot jointist who is- not in
good standing with Die gang. -
Jean de Greyear Holds Impor-
porlant Plate In Los Aogeles.
Los Angeles. Cal.—Since the women
of this state were grunted suffrage the
uuuibcr of women lawyers hue great­
ly Increased. Many case«. It Is snld,
are better handled by women tfa.au by
men. nnd their services are la big de­
One of tbe most prominent female
lawyers In the country and the only
One balmy day two o f these
doughty deputies who were in
need o f “ coffee money” and H '
burning desire to cover themselves
with glory, sallied forth seeking
whom they might devour. A F o
lander woman who had more o f •
the liquid that cheers than they,
in their official judgement, deemed
good for her, w a s discovered.-
They arrested her and proceeded
to convey her to the county bas-
tile. She objected very stren­
uously and finally they threw her
into the vehicle and stood on her
to hold her down. W hen they a r ­
rived at the county jail instead of
having one Polander they found
tw o ,— she had i,iven birth to a •'
child on the w a y . Both deputies
being good consistent Jeffersonian
Democrats, and alw avs vote ‘er
straight, the matter was hushed
up and the tw o Democratic papers
published in the city never (? )
found it out.
Enforce the law s, but do not
employ brutes to do i t
woman assistant district attorney Is
Miss Jean de Greyenr. wbo has recent-,
ly been appointed to this responsible
position by the district attorney here.
It has been found thnt she 1« better
able to get testimony from women nnd
has given a great part of her time to
settling domestic troubles.
She was named more as an experi­
ment ttjnn anything else, but since as­
suming the duties hah proved such a
big aid that district attorneys lu other
cities w e likely to follow the example
Legist* Man Sow* Wheat Crop.
Hollis. Kan.—Although he lost both!
legs. In a railroad accident two years
ago, L. M. Ashcraft who lives on a
thrfn near here, put in fifty nffres o f
wheat this fall, doing all tbe work Urn-
self wltb tbe exception of the ttarses*-
Ing) o f tbe horses.
' . ‘
Kaiaar’s Son Had With
Franch Dragoon*.
Paris.—Details of tbo German crown
prince's escape from French dragoons
after the Marne defeat were given b y .
a French civilian who. disregarding
the prohibitive placards, succeeded 1«
making tbe trip op.g bicycle to with­
in four miles of the German trenches
on the western fringe of the Argonqe
Before tbe battle o f the M»rn* the
prince waa at St- Metieboul«) for shout
a week, with tbo princess. He occu­
pied a chateau belonging fo a rich'
drug manufacturer, M. (JeraudW; wbt» '
gained considerable notoriety, hern
some yen re ago by trying to get a huge
poster advertising a rough specific at­
tached to the Eiffel tower. When the
Germans retreated the crown prince
and princess retired to the small vil­
lage ot Mofatfancon. tn' the Argonoe.
where they live* for some days in A
large bouse which previously bud been
prepared for him.
Learning of this, the French mad« a
furious dash on Moatfancon. w'kicb
they surrounded with a regiment of
dragoons and captured aereral hun­
dred Germans, but tbe royal party had
flown. Th* raider* found a new sub­
terranean passage 800 yards long con­
necting tb* house with a byroad at
th* farther aid* o f a »mail wood.
There, seconding to natives, a meter
was always waiting, during tb* prince *
stay, 'it la further asserted even thif
would not hare saved him from cap
ture If tb* mayor o f Moatfancon bad'
not run to warn him whop tb* French
entered th# village. For thla treachery
tha mayor subsequently paid with kin