Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, December 19, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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PiunH'ngrr Train Schedule
Effective Dec. 1,1013
IM HI !H 147
WMfROUftb am.
am. pm. pm.
Salem . . . 6.35 9.46 1.10 3.26
1 liti Inn . . . 8.46 11.00 2.60 6.00
Falla City. 8.60 11.36 3.26 6.36
144 146 HI
■ A*ri»OV»D am.
pin. pm pm.
Bl’k Rock
Falls City. 9.30 1.26 3.46 6.40
Dallas. . . 10.16 2.00 4.25 (i.40
Salem . . . 11 26 3.16 5.30 7.46
]. U. (imiumm, « h im
M r. H e m e S e e k e r-
[ C O M E TO FA LLS C IT V , O k lO O N
end B u y O re h a re Land
W e e x te n d g re e tin g to o u r m a n y
frie n d s a n d c u s to m e rs . W is h ­
in g th e m a M e rry C h ris tm a s .
J. C. T A L B O T T & CO.
Hews of jf alls
Calentar— ©cc., 1014
*1 ht) beat allow ut the Geui tonight
Watch for a blue mark on your
Saa. M m . Tacs. M . Tkan. P rt Sal.
3 4 5
1 2
10 II 12 Mra. C. M. Oita was shopping in
6 7 8 9
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Dttllua Wednesday.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Irvin Juhnaon was visiting ut
Black Rock Sunday.
27 28 29 30 31
Mra. C. I.. Hopkins waa shop­
ping in Dallas Thursday.
Charles Uartung made a trip to
Salem Wednesday evening.
What Are You Going to
Othel Hart of Dallas was calling
Give to Your Mother on Miss Vo I a Belig Sunday.
Mr. and Mra, N. Selig were in
Portlund Friday on business.
Sweetheart or wife for a
26% Discount on all Holiday
Xmas rememberance? Have goods at Tlionipson'a. Redd his
you decided! Xmas will soon ad.
be here. Let us make a sug­
A new girl baby arrived at the
There is nothing that would home of W. C. Nelson Thursday
please her better than a box of night.
Xmas stationery. Better pur­
W. M. Black, who lives in the
chase now. Ours is dainty and south pait of town is building a
up-to style.
Mias Leila March of Corvallis
was visiting George March and
26c to 3 DOLLARS
family this wetk.
Edison Phonograph for sale or
trad« for a good cow. Frank
25 per cent off on Cut Glass,
Hand-Painted China and all
Mrs. J. F. Hagar of Monmouth
Holiday goods.
came lust Saturday to visit her
sister, Mrs. E. A. LaDow, return­
ing home Wednesday.
John Wagner of Portlaud, of
the circulation department of the
Oregonian was getting subs here
Keep your eye on Persey’s |
caret diamond riug in the show
window. It is being reduced $1.00
each day until sold.
A blue mark on your paper is an
invitation for you to call on the
editor and inquire after the con­
dition of your subscription.
Iu order to get your laundry for
Xuias you should bring it Monday
so the basket can go Tuesday
morning. Agency at Ruble's Bar­
—and, Son, Just
ber Shop.
One More W ord
For P. dr O. plows for stubble
and sod, call at N. A. Guide’s
IKE all red-blooded
blacksmith shop.
j men, you have a natu­
ral desire for stimu­
Henry Brown is laid up with an
injured foot this week. While
I'm fifty-five years young
cutting wood Sunday he accidently
and all my life I've drunk
cut his right foot, making a pain­
beer — temperately. That
ful, but not serious wound.
fact ia largely responsible
for my present rugged con­
Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies, Pies,
und other bakery goods, every day
at the Falls City Bakery.
I want you to pattern after
me. Walk into a beer saloon
whenever you feel the need of a
mild atimulantandaet your glata
of beer. It’a the drink of real
temperance. Thoae people you
meet up with in life who tell
you total abstinence is Temper­
ance are deceiving themselves.
They're the kind that close the
decent tax-paying saloon« and fos­
ter the speak-easy and blind pig.
Steer clear of thoae dives, my
boy, and you'll never cultivate
an appetite for strong drinks.
You've got a perfect right to
drink beer moderately, but do it
aboveboard, son — in the beer
saloon, where decent men are
aah^.urd to drink to exrraa. I
won’t fear the caliber of the
companions you meet there.
— Adv*rtU*m«nt
Arriving daily at Persey’s Jew-
eiry store.
Goose Dinner
The Ladies Aid of the Christian
Church will serve a goose and
chickeu dinner New Year’s day
from 11:80 to 2:00 in the base­
ment of the church. 36c for adults
20c for children under 12 ye irs.
The person that wishes t<r buy
the Edison phonograph from Frank
E. D. Ulrich, Chamber of Com­ Weltou should call and see me and
merce. Portland, Oregon.
settle same with me as it is my
own pioperty and belongs to no
one but me. Mrs. Annie Weltou,
S. B. Ta ylor
Dallas, Oregon, Rfd. 2.
M. L. Thompson, I. C. Mehrling
Land Surveying
and Chas. Hartung are to act as
judges for the Boy Scout “knot ty­
Room 10 Nat. Bank Building
contest. Speed, accuracy,
Phone 463.
variety and neatness are the points
to be judged. A yevr’s subscrip­
Good farm for sale, enquire at tion to the Boys Life magazine is
this office.
offered as a prize.
DEC, 10, 1014
ChrisUin Church
Service on next Lord’« Day at
11 a. n i, and 7:30 p. m.
Bible School at 10 A. M.
Junior Endeavor at 3 P M.
Christian Endeavor at(i 30 P. M.
Theme—Morning Service:
“The work of the Iloly Spirit.”
Theme—Evening Service:
“ What muat I do to be savtd.’’
A cordial invitation to everyone.
Strangers made.welcome.
B. L. H i c k s , Pastor.
M. £ Church
Morning worship: Sermon in co-
m e m o ration of Christmas.
Evening worship: “No room in
Saloon Lieontos Orantod. Steven’s
Street Improvement Contract Allow­
ed After Mueh Haggling. Coun­
cil Aekod to Wink at Law Pro­
hibiting Minora From Fre­
quenting Pool Halle.
M i l t o n A. M a r c y , Pastor.
The city council pulled off its
semi-monthly s h o w Tuesday
night. The congregation was not
quite so large as usual. Mayor
Hubbard, and councilmen Hol-
lowell, Teal, Grier, Hopkins and
Titus were present. Brown had
taken a freak notion to split up
some wood for hiß wife and cut
his foot and Sampson said that he
was tired, (must have got his
hair cut) was the excuses for
their absence.
The application of C. W. Mat­
thews and Chas. Mix for saloon
licenses was brought up and were
granted changing the license
from $1000 to $1500 per year.
The question of approving Stev­
en’s contract for grading and
rocking certain streets was
brought up again. The question
was discussed at some length,
objections being made that the
ordinance was not complied with
when the contractor was allowed
to put river gravel on instead of
No. 3 crushed rock as the ordi­
nance called for. The curb on
Third street was also reported to
be in a crumbling condition and
required props to keep iUn place.
Vote was taken which resulted in
thrfce for accepting and two
against. It was urged that if the
matter went into court that this
division would work against the
city in forcing ihe property
owners to pay the assessment
and Grier changed his vote and
voted against the acceptance and
the motion was declared lost. A
motion was then made to accept
all the work except the curb on
Third street which carried, the
vote standing four for and one
A committee waited on the
council asking that the council in­
struct the city marshal to wink
at the law prohibiting minors
from frequenting pool halls. This
was, rather an unusual and open
way of handling such propositions
and the council were up in the
air, so to speak. Mayor Hubbard
told the committee that this was
a state law and that the council
had no authority to act in the
matter even were they so dispos­
Councilman Hollowell told the
council that he had something to
spring on them. He said that
there was an unopened street
near the school house that the
children had to use, that was a
disgrace to a civilized community.
That it was dangerous to pass
over. A motion was then made
to begin condemnation proceed­
ings against all the property
along this street in order that the
city could have it improved. The
council then adjourned, “ peace
and good will prevailing.”
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Courter re­
turned last week from their farm
near M o n m o u t h where they have
been spending the past two months.
They enjoyed country life very
much but their interests in Falls
City d e m a n d e d t.heir attention and
they were obliged to return.
R. 8. Ferguson left Thursday
morning for a few days visit with a
daughter near Oregon City.
Key ring and keys, on Monday
Dec. 14. Return to owner and
receive liberal reward. Inquire
3(18 New» office.
Hold-Up Man in Falls City
Last Monday night while going
home, Charlea Moyer wai held up
at the point of a guu, near the
Christian church and relieved of
his pocket book containing 30-
cents. The highwayman wore a
light bat and raincoat. The rob­
ber after getting the money disap­
peared across a vacant lot.
Notice of Stockholders Meeting of
Bank of Falls City.
Notice is hereby given that the
regular Animal Stockholders’meet-
ing of the Bauk of Falls City,
located at Falls City, Oregon, will
be held at the Banking rooms of
said bank on Tuesday, the 12th
day of January, 1915, for the pur­
pose of electing eight directors for
the ensuing year and such either
business as may regularly come
before the meeting.
W. F. N ichols , Cashier.
Date of first publication Decem­
ber 12tb, 1914.
December 23
There will be a shew given at the le * eu the abeve
date far the beaefH ef these la Falte City ea wheat Baaie
Fartene bee set smiled. This will five yea aa eyperf Ity
ta remember the little oaes less fertauate aad gtaddaa their
hearts ea Chrtetams day. Thara ara atea seam through slefc-
eeee aad mietertele who are la need at the neeen a rtee at
Ufa. H te for those people that this offert b pat forth.
Every persea atteadiaf te reqnired to make seam doaatlan la
tba way at slothing. Provisions or toys. Ihre as yea feel
that you can. NO MONEY TAKEN.
Mesdames Pugh,
Batter aad
Ns show Thursday uifht. Negater thaw Friday aad
Saturday night.
R. E. W i l l i a m s , M. L. T h o m p s o n , W. F. N ichols , R.G. W hite ,
Cashier Assistant CaBiirr
- Bank of Falls City
C it y , P
C o u n ty . O regon
Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
Machine Useless Under
Hew Law.
Exit the penny-in-the-slot gum
vending machine.
The war tax has driven them
out of business.
Hereafter, under provisions of
the war-tax, all gum must be sold
from the open box and the box
must not be destroyed until after
the last piece has been sold.
As the nature of the machines
requires that the gum be entered
into them without the box, further
use of machines would constitute
a violation of the Federal law.
So owners of the vending mach­
ines explain. And some machine-
owners are much discouraged
about i t Even the smallest mach­
ine costs $10. They will be use­
less and unproductive of profits
so long as the tax law remains in
effect Glass cases used for gum
also must go unless the original
package of gum is placed therein.
The law requires a stamp of 4
cents on every $1 box of chewing
You Do Not Need to Send Away
We Are Prepared To Do I
And Know How
Our Efforts Will be to Please
In Quality and Price. : : :
Christmas Dance
Post Office Time Card
At Wagner’s hall. All night dance
Office hours: Daily, except Sun­
Dec. 25. Music by Falls City,
Dallas and Independence. Tickets day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
$1. Spectators 10c. Everybody
Mail arrives, from
welcome. Supper at hotel.
Salem 8.50 a.m., 5:85 p.m.
Mail arrives from Dallas, 8:50
Mrs. John Walker was in Salem -Mail closes for Salem, 9:00 a.ro„
this week.
1 p. m. and 5:00 p. m.
Mail closes for Dallas 9:00 a. ui.
Mrs. W. T. Grier aDd Mrs. P. J.
5:00 p. m.
Shepherd were Salem shoppers
Mrs. Chapin and daughter, Mil­ Saturday.
Mail closes for Black Rock 11:00
dred were shopping in Salem
Rev. Hicks, Pastor of the Chris- a. m.
Mail arrives from Black Rock 2
tian church visited Mr. Curtis at
p. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Good’s daughitr
S u n d a y O nly
and husband have come from
Mail arrives from Salem, 8:60
Montana to live-tm ihtir farm near Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by" local applications, aa they
a. m.
Falls City.
the diseased I B portion
of th e ear.
here la only one w ay to cure deafness,
Mail closes foi Salem, 9:00 a. m.
Thomas Hooker and family have T and
th a t Is by constitutional remedies.
D eafness la caused by an Inflam ed condi­
hours: Sunday only, 9:30
moved to Dallas. Mr. Hooker has tion
of th e m ucous lining of th e E u sta ­
Tube. W hen th is tube Is Inflamed
been appointed office deputy in the chian
iu h ave a ru m bling sound or Im perfect
e arin g , a n d w hen It ts e n tirely closed.
sheriff’s office.
4, 1914.
----- la th e resu lt, and unless the In­
c a n be ta k e n out and this
J. M. Hollowell of Gladstone, tube resto red to Its norm al condition,
I r a C. M e h r l i n o , Postmaster
hearin g trill be destroyed forever; nlno
Oregon was here the first of the cases
Falls City, Polk Co., Ore.
o u t of te n a re caused by C a ta rrh ,
hich Is n o th in g b u t an Inflam ed condi­
week visiting his brother, Tom w tion
of the m ucoua surfaces.
a will |t v a One B o n d red D o lla rs f o r a n y c a sa o f
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rains and
Hollowell. Mr. Hollowell like his Dea W tecas
(ceased by c a ta rrh j ) ' t e s t c a n n o t be co red by
H ellt C atarrh Cere. Seed ti to r « I r a n ia n free.
daughter have gone to his
F . 1 C H B N ST, * 0 0 , Toledo, O bto
brother Tom, is an expert gardner,
Sold b y D ru ss ta ta . n o .
for the holidays.
only Tom says that he has to take tabs n a il's r a a i i r f ills to r ooaa lpai loa
lessons of J. M.