Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, December 19, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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(Ehr C ia lis (City N ru u i
m ail at tb r poatoftic*
Com ity. O rvgoo, u tutor tl*
t of CcuftH l of March 3. 187V.
News Office, W .
Subscription Rat**: One year. $1.00; six month«.
SO cents; throe months. 2b cents; single copy. 5 eta.
Advertising Rates: Display. IS cents an inch
Rusiuets Notices. 5 cents a line For Sale. Rent.
Exchange. Want and Pay Entertainment No
♦ices. 5 ets. a line, t'ard olT hanks W ets. Legs
Notices, legal ratea.
Copy for new ads. and changes should be sem
to The News not later than Wednesday.
F 1C. llu l baid Mayor.
T Jf. Hollo well. Couucilm au-at Large
W. T Grier.
H C -ir o w n .
, ~, "
Albert Teal,
A. Sampson,
C L. H ipklni
R. A. Titus,
H. G. Strayer. Auditor and Poll*'« Judge
Walter L. Torvae Jr.. City Attorney.
W. P. Lewis. Marshal aud Water Supt,
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
L J. Sammons. Engineer^
Dr F. M. Hellwarth. Health Officer.
1 1 ef Jouncil meets iu regular session on the first
Monday evening ofp ach m onth.at 7 03o'clock
I n the office o f the Falls City News.
S aturday ,
D ecem ber
19. 1914
Shall Europe Dictate
The disposition of Europe to dic­
tate the policy of the United
States in her attitude towards
aliens is becoming more apparent.
In 1879 California passed a law
that the Chinese must go, but the
courts declared it unconstitutional
The alien land law of recent years
has caused a row with Japan that
will ultimately result in war un
less this government cowardh
backs down. Arizona comes tc
the front with an excellent law
providing that only one alien to
five employees can be used in any
business, which by the way is ont
too many. This law has caused
groans from all Europe.
It is time that the American
people begin to assert themselves
and pass laws that will protect
the citizenship against the hordes
that swarm to this country with
no other purpose than to take all
they can get an give nothing ir
return. If a foreigner is eligible,
and comes to this country and be
comes a citizen in good faith, he
should be protected, but otherwise
he should not be allowed to land
The United States has been toe
openhanded in her dealings with
aliens and Europe has selected
thi9 country as a dumping ground
for her undesirable citizens.
When some state tires of this
abuse and passes laws to correct
the evil, is taken as an affront and
up goes the howl. But we say,
let 'em howl.
Walter L. Tooie, Jr., Lawyer,
May it be a merry Christmas in RESUMPTION OF THE GREAT FAKE
Dallas, Oregon.
fact as well as in man.
The convening o f congress in its
Lint ycur (arm land with D. L.
short session brings to mind one
Even the merriest Christmas of the greatest and most ridicu­ Wood at tl»' Newa ôtfioe.
may be marred by a chronic lous fakes that has ever tfc*en
A Xmas Rilt lor you at Ellis.
foisted upon the American people
Following usual custom the Southern Pacific will have
And yet it is a fake fostered - H I 'W ' H -1 I I I l -H - l" H + + + - l H - +
in effect from all points, Main Lino and Branches
Just wish yourself a merry by the government.
Christmas, and then make the
It is the Congressional Record,
Do not coutract or sell your ;
wish daddy to the fact.
hops Strong co-operative as- <
Special Christmas and New Year. Holiday
the only really official publication
in this country. *
[ nance you and make you in- ;
“ Dead men tell no tales.” they
Round Trip Fares
Many o f our readers have re­ [ dependent. For particular*, .
say. But we know a few live
ceived from time to time copies h address. Organization Dept.
ones who are past masters o f the
of speeches purporting to have L Oregon Hop Growers Asso.ia-
been delivered by some senator [ tion; Sheridan, Oregon.
TicknU IwlwftMi «11 poitiU In Oregon will bo M>U) Dttern bar it, 19
1 + + + + + + + + + + + ■H - h-M - t
/•». : j I • «m l 31. 1911. «ml January 1. 1945; alfco bolw«on all C. A
“ Half the world is afire,” says or congressman at Washington.
h , P RAN
I’ h \ K . «m l M F i A v%„ point«. Final rtlorn
Some of these speeches were
limit January 4, 1913.
the president. New method of
reducing the winter’s coal bill, actually delivered on the floor of
the house or senate, but many W h o l e F a m i ly B e n e f it e d
you know.
were pure fakes.
B y W o n d e rfu l R e m e d y
it to ¿5. ami D*rvrab«r J* to Jauuary I. D ictum #. from
Here is the way it worked.
all potuU tn C rofou to t o y point In C atllorul*; alto io Klamath
The wise and the foolish are
There are many little things to
Kalla via W»«J. Final return limit Janutty 4. 1916.
X----- was ambi­
annoy us, under present conditions
again rubbing elbows in the halls
of congress. And it’s hard to tell
his constituents by the delivery noise and strain all tell on us and
which from t ’other.
o f a great speech, an oratorical tend to provoke nervousness and
irritability.. W e are frequently so
We just knew something would effort that was calculated to en­ worn out we can ueithcr eat, sleep
Call on our tient est Agent lor full partlouUr«, fare« to ipeolflc point«, ^
turn up to put a crimp in our hance his fame with the voters nor work with any coinfort. We
reservation«, trahi »ohedule«. etc.
are out of line with ourselves and
Christmas joy. Congress is back at home.
Not being able to secure the others as well.
on the old job again.
A good thing to do under such
for a
ciuumstances is to take something
King Nicholas of Montenegro speech from the presiding officer,
announces the loss of one-third of nor the ability to make one, he
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills
his army. Buck up, Nic. You hies himslf to the dealer in the
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
relieve the strain on the nerves.
still have sixty-seven left,'
“ canned article” where for a pal­
Mrs. J. B. Hartsfield, 8 j I ’ lu m S t,
try sum he can secure one calcu­
Atlanta Ga., writes:
If wishes produced tangible re lated to make the angels weep or
" I h ave on »evernl oorNstone Seen
suits we would fill every house in the tribesman shout with joy. v astly relieved by the ure o f your m ed­
List of Letters
Notice to Eletric Light Users
icines. especially the A n il 1'aln Pills,
this whole community a million Having carefully selected his w hich I keep con stan tly on hsnd (or
All persona owing the Falla City
Remaining uncalled for in this
use o f m yself, husband and tw o
fold with Christmas cheer.
speech, not forgetting to see that the
sons. N oth in g In ths world equals them
Light Co. for service prior
it was interspersed with numer­ as a headache rem edy O ften I era
enabled by the use o f one or tw o ot
1, 1914, will please pay
The modern conception of “ in­ ous exclamations o f “ applause,” the n i t s to continue m y housrwwrk
to D. L. Wood at The
L a d ie s
ternational law” is an agreement “ laughter,” etc., he wends his
husband Joins m s In m y praise o f ths
Kulnev, Mr» J. A.
A n tl-P a ln Pills and N ervin e.”
between nations to which nations way to the session.
are not expected to adhere.
There he arises, clears his
Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills
Anderson, Henry Juliua
throat and with much dignity are relied upon to relieve pain,
Extra copies of The News are
King Pete of Servia has been asks "permission to print,” and nervousness and irritability in thou­
B* ezley, J *§aie
printed each week, and will be sent
visiting the theatre of war. But of course it is graciously granted. sands of households. O f proven
Martin, J M
(o any address deaired, postpaid,
like his brother monarchs, he was That ended his speech on the merit after twenty years’ use, you
These letters w ill I e sect to the for 5 cents per copy.
can have no reason for being longer
careful to keep off the stage.
dead latter office Dec 26, 1914
without them.
if not delivered before. In calling
But the Congressional Record
A t alt Druggists, 29 doses 29 oents.
Here’s to the little tots! May is more obliging than the obdu­ M IL E S M E D IC A L CO., E lk h a rt, InS. for the above, pltass nay “ Adver­
Get your butter wrappers print­
your joy be supreme, your every rate presiding officer-
tized,” giving date of list.
ed at the Newa office.
I ra C M khhlisg , P. M.
wish gratified, and your juvenile
The Record printed his ‘speech’
hearts aflutter with the glory of it in full—that speech that was
never delivered—and very gen­
erously the government printing
If the war continues for another office supplied the congressman
year or two Europe may be offer with thousands of copies of his
ing inducements for turning the "speech” free for distribution to
tide o f immigration in the opposite an admiring constituency, and
they are sent through the mails
free, and the “ deer peepul” pay
the bills.
The president has offered
If a country publisher resorted
mortal affront to Mexico’s martial
spirit. He neglected to even men­ to a hundredth part o f the fakery
tion that country in his message that has been inflicted upon the
public by the Congressional Rec­
to congress.
ord his publication would be
Happy thought! Let’s pass the barred from the mails and he
would be cowhided and driven
hat and take up a collection for
o f any self-respecting com­
fund to be devoted to the installa­
tion of horse sense into the crown­
And yet the Congressional
ed pates of Europe.
Record is the national newspaper! j
11 . ... ■ -
' r — r r s f - 1 rrr.n :--------s = ----- 1 ----------------------------------- ----------------
11 —
A national fake!
“ Work hard and you will for­
get hunger,” advises a pill dis->
Holiday Fares
^ ¡C r
Ent« t «»< 1 « « •••
• t, F a ll« C ity. P o U
DEC.. 10. 1914.
Laws under which the land
owner must have a license to hunt
or fish on his own premises are
called perfect by the game experts.
The sportsmen’s clubs are hold
ing county and state conventions
to create sentiment to go before
the legislature in their own behalf.
The farmers and land owners
in Oregon and Washington are
also interesting themselves in more
stringent tresspass laws.
The Fish and Game commission
dv.rii g the past year has collected
and expended about $16,000 in
propogating game and fish.
Game farms have been estab­
lished and agents have been sent
to Europe to import new varieties
of game birds for Oregon.
Members of the game commis­
sion are sent over the state to
give illustrated lectures and ex­
pensive publications are sent out.
The citizen who does not hunt
or fish is not allowed to buy game
or trout in the open market, and
venison is for game lords only.
“ Go to School Day”
Ific total number of visitors in
I fie different schools in the county
on December litb was ‘ 206 . • Of
ihut number 1708 were parents.
Gooseneck, Kir Grove and Mistle­
toe turned out enmaese, every
patent being present. At Falls
t Tty 92 parents out of 310 were
j.resent making 29%.
Do You Want to Sell
Buy or Rent
penser who talks much and thinks
little. Some people are so hopeless
even the bughouse is Solomonistic
in comparison.
Don’t waste any salt on Zapa
ta’s assertion that he would not
accept the presidency if it was
offered to him. No one ever thinks
of believing a Mexican general,
A University of Chicago profes­
sor who pines to see his name in
print says he fasted five days
“ just to see how it felt.” And if
lack of the wherewithal required
that notoriety seeking prof, to fast
for half the time his wail would
drown a fat man’s snore.
The Rev. Irl It. Hicks Almanac,
now ready, grows more popular
and useful with each passing year.
It is a fixed necessity id homes,
shops and commercial establish­
ments all over this continent. This
famous and valuable year hook on
astronomy, storms, weather and
earthquakes should he io every
home and office. Professor Hicks
completes this best issue of his
great Almanac at the close of his
seventieth year. The Almanac will
be mailed for bo cents. The Rev.
Jrl R. Hicks fin# Magazine, Word
and Works, is sent one year, with
a copy of hie Almanac, for only
one dollar. Send for them to
Word and Works Publishing Com­
pany, 3401 Franklin \ve., St.
Louis, Mo. You will never regret
your investment. Try it for 1915.
Having exhausted all other
sources of exercising his mathe­
matical proclivities, an expert
arises to inform a suffering pop­
ulation that there are more rats
Correspondents wanted in every
in the country than there are
in this section of the
people, and that each rodent costs
a dollar a year for his keep. Rats!
Good house for sale in Falls
Mrs. Havelock Ellis has traveled City, part time. Enquire at News
all the way from England to tell office.
American women that “ marriage
I have a buyer for a small farm;
in which the woman is dependent
also have city property and farm
upon the man is legalized prosti­
and in Oklahoma for sale or trade
tution.” Inasmuch as the lady
for Oregon farm laud.
prefixes “ Mrs.” to her name we
Abstracts of title promptly fur­
presume—ahl—presume—a h e m !
—presume—b u t perhaps
it’s nished. Rates reasonable. Brown
Sibley, 1U Mill St., Dallas, Or.
safest not to presume.
List your property with me an< i 1 will
find you a buyer.
During the year 1915 Hundreds of Thousands of
People will come to
T 1 h I I p I D l U a v f I i I f l i v f fO
v U / iljl
Some of them will locate and perhaps you have
just what they want.
Falls City, Oregon.