Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 10, 1914, Image 1

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T h e N e w -) stam i» for
a greater und botter
Fulla City ull the time
FALLS CITY. O R E G O N , S A T U R D A Y , O C T O B E R 10, 1014
Fifteen Hundred Armed Men on Way
lo Butte.
Fonto Mansion and J. Warren
Art Struck While Crossing Rail­
way by Motor Car and Both
Are Killed.
Last Monday morning u fatal
nccident occurred at the railroad
crostiing o f the Salem, Fall» City
& Western lluilroud
at BowerB-
vills* that resulted in the deaths
o f Fonso Mansion and J. Warren
Quick, citizens o f Dallas.
accident occurred at the
crossing where the traction en­
gine driven by Ed Blodgett was
knocked from the track by a log­
ging train Tuesday o f last week.
From the facts learned o f the
accident Quick and Mansion were
going out to the Quick home in
an automobile, coming
crossing, it is thought thai they
attempted to cross in front o f the
oncoming motor car that
from Salem and meets the one at
Dallus. The automobile w a s
struck in the middle and dragged
u distance o f 676 feet before the
motor could be brought
Mansion was caught
between the motor and the auto­
mobile and crushed
Quick was thrown a distance o f
sixty feet
from the track and
badly mangled and died an hour
Huy all goods o f home
merchant» and help to
inakf Falla City greater
Pieces and contents o f the
automobile were scattered along
the track.
Manston and Quick were both
young men and married and were
prominent citizens o f Polk coun­
ty. Manston’s father was fore­
man of the section crew here for
many years.
Falls City No Longer a Separate Road
Oiatrict. But Is Now Under the
Jurisdiction of County Judge.
The election held Monday for
Oovernor Stewart ol Montana h.- the purpose o f repealing that
atrueta Sharif fa to bo on Watch---
section o f the charter making
Ride Free On Trains.
Falls City a separate road district
resulted in the repeal o f said
section and Falls City is now a
Helena, Mont., Oct. 7. Pre­ part o f road district No. 21, and
sumably headed for Butte, and under the control o f the County
carrying arms, as many as 1500 Judge so far as the disposition o f
I. W. W ’s., are scattered along the funds are concerned.
the route o f the Great Northern
The object o f getting back into
railway between Great Falla and the county roal district was to
Fargo. N. I)., according to in­ get a road through from Falls
formation given to Governor City to the Lincoln county line.
Samuel V. Stewart today by the : It was not believed that a suftic-
railroad olticiuls.
1 ient levy could be voted without
Upon being appraised ot the I the aid o f Falls City, as it was
seriousness o f the situation, and 'thought that there would be
ir. order to prevent the I. W. enough o f people in the city in
W .’a front congregating in uny t favor o f the road to carry the
great number, Governor Stewart levy. The vote was 112 for the
immediately wired to the sheriffs repeal and 47 against the repeal.
o f counties through which the Very little interest was taken as
Great Northern extends, and was attested by the small vote
asked them to be on the lookout polled.
for the wanderers. He also in­
formed the Bheriffa o f eastern
counties through which the Mil­ IS JAPAN WANTING TROUBLE
waukee and Northern Pacific en­
ter Montana.
The railway officials are much
Pekin, Oct. 7, 7:45 P. M. A c­
concerned over the situation. cording to a German news agency
They reported to the governor dispatch, Japanese forces have
that many o f the invaders were occupied the island o f Yap. the
armed and that they are forcing most important island in the
the trainmen to permit them to Carolina group, or new Philip­
pines, in the Pacific Ocean.
It was suggested to the gover­
nor today that a band o f fifty I.
The Caroline Islands are east
W. W .’s had left Havre yester­ o f the Philippines. The group is
day morning and probably had very extended and comprises
arrived in Great Falls. It is un­ about 080 small islands. Yap is
derstood, also, that bands o f the about 1000 miles from the Island
wanderers have been seen in j o f Mindanao, one o f the Philip­
Powell county, and near Boze­ p in e group, and only 400 miles
from Guam, which also belongs
The sheriffs have been request­ to the United States. The Caro­
ed to handle the situation as it line Islands were sold by Spain
to Germany in 1890.
seems best to them.
Try a Sack of
and watch results
Overlapping Movement Carries
‘ Them to Within 30 Miles of
the Belgian Border.
Part».- The western wing of the al
lied armies was still further extended
and now reaches within 30 miles of
the Belgian frontier, carrying the al­
lies' overlapping movement In a north- j
easterly direction
The German right has hammered
away at the French left wing in the
region between Hoye and Lassigny
and east of Amiens toward Doual. All
reporta agree that the fighting Is ot
the most deadly nature with the losses
In reality, the proceedings aré In
the nature of separate and distinct cn
gagementa, more Independent battles
than anything else.
The Germans
have been very heavily reinforced but
so have the allies. The result Is that
the contest has borne the appearance,
for the most part, of a draw, with the
advantage-to the allies, In that for
every individual killed or wounded on
their side the Germans are losing two
or three.
German cavalry again made Its re­
appearance on the scene of action In
great force, thus disproving the re­
pot ts that all of its horses had been
rendered useless owing to an epidemic
of the glanders.
The allies' extended front has met
with vigorous counter attacks on the
part of the Germans who seem to have
weakened their position on the center
of the battle line In order to throw-
heavy masses of men against the right
and left wings. The allies, although
forced back short distances at some
points on their left, have been gen
erally able to hold their own .
The eastern wing also was the scene
of severe combats, but there the bat­
tle was between Infantry and artillery,
and the allies were able Jto push for­
Germans Capture 3000 Prisoner» in
Two Days.
Ixtndon.— A dispatch from Amster­
dam to Reuter's Telegram company
"The German commander at Koen-
Igsberg, Fast Prussia, has officially
announced that the Russian armies in
the battles of October 1 and 2 lost
3000 prisoners, 18 big guns and many
machine guns and much transport ma­
In a dispatch dealing with the fight­
ing in the Russian provinces which
border on East Prussia, the Petrograd
correspondent of Reuter's Telegram
company says:
"The recent German operations were
particularly vigorous along the rail­
way line between Suwalki and Olita.
The enemy's intention was to reach
Vilna, a turning movement around Yo-
von. The Russians began to fall back
and then made a fierce counter attack.
The shock was terrible. The Rus­
sians made frequent bayonet charges
and drove back the Germans, on whom
they Inflicted enormous losses.”
All Goods and Prices Are Right
Falls City 1 Lumber Co.
No. «
Rerltn.— An official reiort from the
German army headquarters says that
In the siege of Antwerp the forts of
Llerre, Waelhem and Koningshoyckt.
and the intermediate redoubts, with
30 guns, have been taken.
Thus a breach has been made in
the outer circle of forts, rendering an
attack on the Inner circle of forts and
the town itself possible.
According to a statement made by
Cardlnal Bettlnger. the highest Ro­
man Catholic authority In Bavaria, the
statements appearing In English and
American newspapers that priest9
have been shot and bayoneted by Ger
man soldiers while attending the
wounded in Belgium are to be consid­
ered as absolutely without foundation.
It Is also declared that the English
newspaper correspondents overlook
the fact that a large portion of the
German army Is Roman Catholic.
A manifesto signed by Harnack
Bode. Behring. Haupntan. Klinger, Su
dormano. Roentgen. Fulda. Peissman.
Liszt, Thoma. Wundt and other prom­
inent savants and artists, Indignantly
protests against what Is termed "uu
ceasing lies about the pretended bar
barons warfare of the Germans.”
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
Contour Survey Nearly Finiehed.
Eugene.—A United States geologi­
cal surveying party, composed of nine
men. under J. G. Staaks, arrived at
Ridgon ranch, on the upper Wlllam-
ette river. 50 miles east of here, this
week, where they have established the
last camp on a large topographical
survey project. They expect to com­
plete the mapping of what Is known
as the Diamond Lake quadrangle by
November 15. The party has been at
work all summer, having left Rose-
burg, In Douglas county, early in the
Contour lines are being run, show­
ing all streams, ranges, mountains,
roads and trails, including both artifi­
cial and natural features.
State'» Executive Tells Why Ihe Peo­
ple Should Dump the Foreign
' liquor Corporations
By Oswald West, Governor o f
Oregon should go dry because
there does not exist
reason on earth why it should
stay wet.
The war news from Europe
strikes us with horror; yet this
great war, with all its carnage,
past, present and future, w ill
not prove a drop in the bucket
compared with the ravages w hich
are being made throughout the
land by booze.
We boast that we are the great­
est nation upon earth, and in our
; efforts to preserve that position
we must strive constantly to
Jack Grant Champion Baby of Oregon
raise, or at least maintain, the
Salem.— With an almost perfect standard o f our citizenship, and
score, Jack Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs.
to accomplish this end we must
D. J. Grant, of Dallas, was awarded a
gold medal for being the finest baby unceasingly fight organized greed
entered in the eugenics contest at the and graft, stamp out poverty,
state fair. Doris Lee Gordon, daugh­ vice and crime, protect the home,
ter of I. J. Gordon, of Portland, won and make life more pleasant for
the girl baby first prize, scoring a
those who have been less fortun­
fraction of a point less than the Grant
ate than others. It is idle, how­
ever, to talk o f progress along
these lines so long as K ing Alco­
hol occupies the throne.
New Company Has Capitalization of
Who grabs the pay check from
the honest workman on Saturday
night, and makes his w ife and
little ones go ragged and hun­
gry? Mr. Booze.
Portland.— For the purpose of re­
ducing operating expenses by elimina­
tion of duplication in fixed charges,
the pulp and paper Interests control­
ling ihe Croivn-Columbia Paper com­
Who sows the seeds of,poverty
pany and the Willamette Pulp & Pa­
per company have perfected a consol­ and distress everywhere? Mr.
idation involving a capitalization of Booze.
$13,000,000 and will hereafter operate
Who fills our insane asylums,
under the corporate name of Crown-
feeble minded institutions, pen­
Wlllamette Paper company. All prop­
erties of the two companies located in itentiaries and reform schools?
Oregon, Washington and California Mr. Booze.
will be taken into the combination. It
Who loads upon us most o f our
is understood that a majority of the
tax burdens? Mr. Booze.
stockholders in the two concerns have
The wets protest against our
ratified the plan and that the new- com­
pany will be organized as a Maine cor­ voting the state dry because it
will close Paul Wessinger’s brew­
It is declared that additional new- ery and be equivalent to the con­
capital will be brought Into the busi­
fiscation o f his property; but they
ness and enable the consolidation to
make extensive improvements which do not tell you how the biew ery
have been In contemplation for some was built through the ruination
o f homes and the confiscation o f
The Crown-Columbia Paper company paychecks. They do not tell you
has a large modern plant at Camas,
that every brick in the building
Wash., said to have the finest equip­
represents a broken heart, and
ment of any paper mill in the world.
It has a capacity of 175 tons a day. It the color o f the building is em­
manufactures print paper, paper bags blematical o f the blood that has
and tissue paper. It has an auxiliary dripped therefrom.
plant for making wrapping paper at
Whenever I think o f the Devil
Oregon City, pulp mills at Warren-
: I think o f booze, and whenever 1
dale, Or., and a large wrapping paper
and tissue paper establishment at think o f booze 1 think o f the
Floriston, Cal., where the chief out­ Devil, for the Devil is booze and
put is tissue paper wrappers for fruit. ! booze is hell.
The chief plant of the Willamette
Old Booze is an outlaw who has
Pulp & Paper company is located at
been long pursued but never sub­
Oregon City, with a capacity of 200
tons of print paper » day. The com­ dued. A t no time and under no
bined capacity of the various mills in­ | circumstances should he be given
volved in the deal is about 450 tons quarter, and it is the duty o f
a day.
every good citizen to stand ready
to sandbag him whenever he
sticks his head in sight. All
Oregon will have a chance to
sandbag him on November 3,
and for the Lord’s sake let us
make a good job o f it!
W. C. T. U. Ends 3-Day Session.
The Dalles.—The 31st annual con­
vention of the Oregon Women's Chris
tlan Temperance Union came to a
close in this city after a three-day ses­
sion. The following new officers were
elected: President, Mrs. Jennie Kemp.
Portland; corresponding
Mrs. Mary Russell, McMinnville; re­
cording secretary, Mrs. Madge Mears,
Shedd, and treasurer. Mrs. Margaret
Houston, Portland.
Paid Advertisement.
611 Stock Exchange Bldg., Portland
1 Leet. an attorney, is candidate against
| Commissioner Brewster and H. E.
Mayor Albee, Commissioners Dieck
| Abry, an employe of the United States
and Brewster Accused.
Engineer department, is candidate
Portland. — Recall petitions, bear­ against Commissioner Dteck.
ing approximately 9800 names, were i
Under the provisions of the recall
filed with City Auditor Barbur against | amendment the officers are given five
Mayor Albee and City Commissioners i days in which to resign. After that
Dieck and Brewster. They were filed the city auditor ts obliged to call a
by a committee comprising M. E. Gib­ special election within 20 days. Mayor
son, C. W’ . Hohlt and A. C. Allen, Albee and Commissioner Dieck both
which cdtamittee has headed the re­ announced that they would not resign
call movement, which has been under Commissioner Brewster i9 out of the
way for about two months.
city. This means that the election
B. E. Kennedy, a real estate man. Is will be held unless legal complication»
the recall candidate for mayor, W. A. set in.