THE F A L L « CITY NEWS. " .......... V 11 H e w s o f f a l l s (tit? ■ SALEM, FALLS CITY A WESTERN Panningor TrHÌn Schedule Effective D m . 1 ,11I1H 11*1 in Ml 117 WMTkUVMn am. tun. pin. pm. Salem . . . 6.35 :• i.* 1.10 3.26 Dnllitrt , . . 8.46 11.00 2.50 6.(HI Fall» C it y . 8.50 11.36 3.26 5.35 11 .W Bl'k Kook. JS 114 h » in («•rnui'Nb am. pill. l*m pm. 1.06 HI'k Hock F h II h City. 9.30 1.26 3.45 5.40 D h II km . . . 10.16 2.00 4.2*6 6.40 Salem . . . 11.25 3.15 5.30 7.45 School Notes. Kintergarten tables and chairs 1 In* beat allow ut the tlent tonight have been ordered for the Prim ­ ary Room. W. J. Keene wiih M r , H o r n » Saaliar— V C O M E TO F A L L S C IT Y , O R E G O N I and B ■ u y Orchard Land ) Lester Gardner who was sick the greater part o f last week has O, W. Breiituor Hlid wile went returned to school. to Ditllna Tuenday. For Kent Dwelling lioum ply nt New» office. 1‘ igH 8 wevkn old lur lab each by 1.. H. Murray. A move is on foot to secure a piano for the use o f the High [ School, some very liberal offers #- 60 have been made by Piano Houses. A p-1 Many o f the pupils are taking A. K d ic k and K IV Brown made sent from school and are attend­ a buainena trip to Aibuny Monday. ing the State Fair. The Manual Training Shop has Mr. mid Mr*. N. belig and Leon­ been remodeled, new work ard Frink were in Fort land T u i -- benches have replaced the old day. Than. Fri. I 2 8 9 10 16 17 Tati. Wed 4 5 6 7 II 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT There is none belter than PATTONS SUN PROOF PAINT You can buy paint for less money but does it pay. NO! It takes just as much labor to put on a cheap paint, and it will not look as well nor wear as long as Pattons. We also have a complete line or interior paint and varnish. At Thompson’s Drugstore. S. B. Taylor CIVIL ENGINEER Land Surveying Big Tent Near Electric Light Office. PORTRAITS, VIEWS. POST CARDS, ETC. • Give Us a Trial. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. from the Fischer Mill o f Seattle, Full blooded Duroc Jt-r»ey hour Wash., for a sack o f their famous for servie« at Oakhurnt farm. Fischers Blend Flour to be used B u t le r * Teal. 3 10-17. CLO TH E* CLKAN1NO AND l’ HKNMNü Mre. Roan J o I i i i h o i i of Idaho i» ment. visiting her brother, Jake Kritzer The at Camp No. 1. CleaningandPressing in the Domestic Science Depart­ Falls City School booth took second prize at the County Koy Me.Murphy and wife and Fair in Dallas last week. The Floyd Morrison and wile left List red ribbon decorates the office week for the coast. while the $15 helps to fill the 9 Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies,Pies, coffers o f the school fund. I. A. J O H N S T O N Parlor French Dry Cleaning, Repairing and Alterations. Buttons made for ladies clothes. Work called for and delivered. Phone 126 and other bakery goods, every day at the Fails City Bakery. A fifteen piece orchestra has been organized and will be known Miss Frma Chilcole is staving as the Falls City High School witli her grandmother at Dallas Orchestra and as soon as music and going to school. that has been ordered comes they Mr. and Mrs. A. Kdick and Dick will begin regular daily practice. Gardner attended tiie Lane Comity Mr. Treat o f the Treat Feed Fair at Kugcne last week. • A mare for sale cheap— quiet to ride or drive. Enquire oi Mr-1. Maud J. Butler. 3-10. Dr. W . B. Officer went to Salem Friday to the Fair where he will act ns judge for the baby contest. Store presented the Domestic Science Department with a nice present, consisting o f a sack of Snowfall flour-germeal-graham, 2 packages o f rolled oats and one o f rolled wheat, all the product o f the Fischer Mills Corvallis, Oregon. J. \V. Miller, Tom Miller and The school fire department is Arch Pollock left last Suudsy badly in need o f some good fire evening for a hunting trip on We I ladders to use in case o f fire as Fork. Mrs. If. Pratt and sou of Myrtle Creek came Tuesday evening to visit her eider, Mrs. N. Solig for a few days. two o f the rooms could be easily cut off by fire, forcing the chil­ dren to escape through windows. These rooms being upstairs rooms it is needless to say what the re­ sults would be in case o f tire. Grandma Courier acknowledge» the receipt of a nice box of fruit last Sunday Irom Mrs. Wolfe, that Mrs. Hellwarth and Miss Edna she appreciates very much. Barnhart motored to Dallas last Mis. J. S. S. Powell and lit r Monday ufternoou. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Hum|>)e Rooms SIuelhr Building Commercial Trude u Specialty Z b c flfoafccna KulUClty’b Best Hotel u . n. WM Mr*. Mue Nichols Malinger», Mrg uc,ia Dennis Madena Restaurant W m . F inley , Prop. «II b ou rr-b cilo n the market. Harrington’s FOB H o m e M a d e C a n d ie s Oi the Beat Brand S O F T D R IN L S OF ALL K IN D S . Miss Kdirn Barnhart returned from Portland last Tuesday after consulting Dr. Henderehott, Ou her way home she visited Mrs Pfandhofer and duughter Violet in Salem. home Friday to take care of her sister Mrs Hollcweli who has been very sick for two weeks. Tom says he lias been a busy man for some tirno doing cooking, nursing the sick, gathering tomatoes and grapes and other garden truck, feeding the chickens and cats and so on, Mrs. Nisewender had been visiting relatives in Stella, Wusii., and Portland, Ore., for two mouths. New York. —'The residue of the es­ Our teacher, Mr». Neil has mov­ tate of the lat« i Baroness De Bazus, ed in the Cement Co., house where formerly Mrs. Ft rank Leslie, has been bequeathed to $ he cause of woman she will be near tho s c h jo I house. suffrage. It w a s learned. The estate . Some of the young people met has been estimat« 'd at $2,000,000. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barnhart last Saturday evening giving their daughter, Edith a birthday party. Alan/ games were played after which lunch was cerv- ed and all felt that it was an even­ ing well spent. M. L . T h o m ps o n , Vice-President W . F. N i < h o l s , A . J .V ic k , Cashier Assistant Cashier F all « C i t y , P o l k C o u n t y . O k io o n Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. . Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. The Falls City Lumber company have made a 10 per cent reduction in wages in all cases where the wage is more the 20 cents per hour. Democratic Prosperity is Fog Prerent'. Railway Engineer From the probable reason. LOCOMOTIVE BUMPS TRACTION ENGINE Seeing Huller Outfit on Crossing. Because o f a heavy fog, which prevented the engineer from see­ ing but a few feet ahead, the in­ coming local freight train on the Salem, Falls City & Western struck a traction e/igine drawing a clover huller at the Bowerville crossing about 7 o ’clock Tuesday morning, completely demolishing it, and badly damaging the loco­ motive. Fortunately no one was serious­ ly injured, although Marlin Blod­ gett, the driver o f the traction engine, wvas brought to the Dal­ las hospital after the accident. His injuries consisted o f a bruis­ ed leg and a deep cut on the scalp. E. C. Ericksen, who was riding on the engine with Mr. Blodgett, received a sprained ankle. N o one on the freight train was hurt. —Dallas Itemizer. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bientner will go to Portland today. The drog store will close at 8:00 o’clock P. M. M. L Thompson. Mayor Hubbard and \Y. B Stevens went to Dallas Friday on business. Notice to ElectricLightUsers AH persons owing the Falls City Electric Light £o. for service prior to April 1. 1914, will please pay the amount to D. L. Wood at The News office. Ore. F'ire Relief Associ’n,McMinn­ ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent. W e notice our friend “ Sandy” B. Taylor, Democratic candidate for County Surveyor does not fly the Democratic flag in his appeal to the voters. Looks as if he was ashamed o f it. Can’t blame him much, though. MClean Up the Bowel» and Keep Them Clean” There had for culty is without are many remedies to he constipation, but the diffi­ to procure one that acts violence. A remedy that does not perform b y force w h a t should be accom­ plished by per ua- sion is Dr. 3 files' Laxative Tablets. Alter using them, Mr. N. A. Waddell, 315 Washington St., Waco, Tex., says: “ Alm oat all my life I have been troubled w ith constipation, and have tried m any remedi-s. all o f which seemed to cause pain without givin g much relief I anally tried D r Miles L a x a tiv e Tablets and found them e x ­ cellent. T h e ir action is pleasant and mild, and their chocolate taste makes them easy to take. I am more than glad to recommend them " “ Clean up the bowels and keep them clean,’’ is the advice of all physicians, because they realize the danger resulting from habitual con­ stipation. Do not del: y too long, but begin proper curative measures. Dr. Miles’ Laxative I ai lets are a new remedy for this o ! d complaint, and a great improver- znt over the cathartics you have been using in the past. They taste like candy and work like a charm. A trial will convince you. Dr. Miles’ Laxative Tablets are sold by all druggists, at 25 cents a box containing 25 doses. If not found satisfactory after trial, re­ turn the box to your druggist and he will return your money. tt M IL E S M E D IC A L CO., Elkhart. In*. Peanut and Popcorn S ta n d in Connection. daughter, Mre. Kritzer have re­ Our new millinery store is now turned from Seaside where they open, call and see us, we will be Post Office Time Card Koom 10 Nat. Bank Building have been spending a few weeks. pleased to snow you the goods. Phono -153. * Dalla;1 Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Koy Hatfield and L. Currier. day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.rn. son of Knseberg, Oregon, arrived C. T. Wi st relumed Tuesday Notice for Publication M ail arrives, from last Saturday on a visit with Mrs. from Salem where ho had been (Fublikbcr) Salem 8.50, 3:35' p.m , and Hatfield's aunt, Mrs. M. E. Miller. visiting his daughter and attend­ 5:35 p. m. Department of the Interior Mrs. Kubeu Hustings who was ing the Fair. Mail arrives from Dallas, 8:50 (SerUI 038M) operutid upon recently in a Dallas Prof, and Mis. II. H. Parsons a. m , and 3:35 p. m. U. 8. Loud Olllcc at PoriUnd, Oroion hospital was removed to the home former residents of this place were Mail closes lor Salem, 9:00 a.m., July 90. ton. of her mother, Mrs. John Waters. NOTICK U hereby given that Michael 1 waiting friends here this week. 1 p. m. and 5:00 p. m. Robert« whose post oflbe adrlr^h' ta 210 Abler Ht. Portlend. Oregon, did on the 13th day of Dr*. Lowe * Turn r rye Prof. "Parsons will have charge of - Mail tlo.-es for Dallas 9:00 a. m. A uguwt, 1W3. file In tb i« ottlee Sworn Statement » . »pceinlist» of Portland will he the school at McMinnville this and 5:00 p. ui. end Application, No. O.LS.*3. to purcbaie the 8\S m Falls City Wednesday and winter. Mail closes tor ßlack Rock 11:00 14 ol 8\V 14. Section 4. Township A South Range T West, WtUUuiutto Meridian, and the Thursday October 14-15. Consult a. m. timber thereon, under the provisions ot the Mail arrives from Black Rock 2 act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory them at Hotel Parlors. Rogistcr known an the ' Timber amt Stone Law,” at auch p. m. H. G. Strayer will register voters Mrs. H. G. Strayer left Wednes­ value aa might be fixed by appraisement ami at the S unday O nly Madena Hotel. Better that, pursuant to auch application, the land day to attend the State Fair at and timber thereon have been appiaUed, the Hurry. Mail arrives from Salem, 8:50 timber eatlmated '2rt»V0uu board feet at 40 cent« Salem, then she will no to Portland a. in. per M. ami the land $20. that said Applicant Thursday evening to spend several will offer final proof In support of his i pplica Mail closes for Salem, 9:00 a. m. tIon and sworn statement ou the I5lh day of weeks visiting friends, ' D R E SSM AK ING Office hours: Sunday ouly, 9:30 October. 1014, before the Register and Receiver I am prepared to do dressmak Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Frink of U. 8. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon. to 10:30 a.m: Any per non mat liberty to proteat thin pur­ Newberg, Oregon are hero this mg according to the latei t styles. Effective September 4, 1914. chase before entry, or initiate a contest at any Patterns tut and dressai fitted. time before patent issues, by tiling a corrobor­ week visiting Mrs. Frink’ s sistei, I r a C. M k h r l i n u , Postmaster ated altidavit In this office, alleging facte which Mrs. M. E. Miller, and relatives. Charges rea onnble and satisfaction Fails City, Polk Co., Ore. would defeat the entry. Mr. and Airs. Frink are old timers guaranteed. Mrs. May Lone. Flat It. F. lib .B Y . Register here and are glad to take a look at west of Newr, office. Pilone 86. D. L. Wood, Jr., attended the' Falls City again. fair at Salem Monday and Tuee- Catarrh Cannot Bo Cured day. A card from H. W. Bancroft w ith L O C A I. A P P L IC A T IO N S , n» they Oakdale Items. cannot n*ach the aeat o f the disease. Ca­ dated at Vestaburg, Mich., Sept. Mrs, Jessie Moyer will begin ber tarrh Is a blood o r conatltutlonal disease, and In order to cure It you must tnko In­ 25, states that he is visiting his school ut Oukhurst Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Olcott attended ternal remedies.. H a ll’s Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and act* directly upon daughter at that place, hut" will lecture in Dallas lust Sunday. G. W. Brentner, wife and son tho blood and mucous surfaces. H all’s Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It leave that day for Crystal Lake Howard \went to Salem Thursday Frank Wright is home again wna prescribed by one o f the best phy- ■letans In this country fo r years and Is and will ba home sometime next learning something o f farm life. to attend t.he fair. a regular prescription It Is composed of He is having a li iu time. the best tonics known, combined with the month. Mr. J. D. Moyer entertained u Mr. and Mrs. Boyd nnd Mr. best blood purifiers, actlmr d irectly on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combina­ Abstracts of title promptly fur­ Moffett spent Sunday at Mr. Rakes. number of friends in honor of tion o f the tw o Ingrcdlcnta Is what pro­ Mrs. J. S. Ti llbott. duces such w onderful results In curing nished. Rates reasonable. Brown A School opened Monday with an catarrh Hend fo r testimonials, free. F. .1 C II E N K Y A CO.. Props . Toledo. O. Sibley, 610 Mill St., Dallas, Or. enrollment of sixteen pupile; others Sold by Druggists, price 75c. 12 , 000,1 » 0 Left Suffrage. Take Ball's Family Pills for constipation. Mrs. Nisewender r e t u r n e d will enter later. For Sale— Five Thoroughbred Buff Leghorn rooaterH, four mouths old, $3 50 apiece. Call at this office. It. E. W il l i a m s , President Bank o f Falls City ones and the Manual Classes are Mr». T. D. Hall who ha» been getting duwn to real business. Sal. very nick ia repotted ai not im­ Miss Pimm received an order 3 proving. Mon. TAYLOR A ABBOTT Heyday, ila lc n tw r ^ Q c t., 1 0 1 4 W S um . NEW PHOTO GALLERY in I »nil. in Wed* Mian VVoleiitun and Han llunaon advantage o f the new ruling that motored to Salem Sunday. they will not be considered ab­ i, a HiNui.ston, AuKhr f O C T , H, 1011 Boom ia D* Iscou raged. Washington.—At the direction of President Wilson, a ecretary Tumulty wrote a letter to N Jersey demo­ crats, declining to ha v* them indorse the president for a at cond term. SELIG’S! SELIG’s! SELIG’S! You Can Buy Your Fall Requirements as Cheaply at Selig’s as Elsewhere. With an unsettled business condition and prices tend­ ing upwards we believe you will do well to make your pur­ chases early. Our stocks are now practically complete and the larger part were bought early last spring when prices were at lowest. We never had a larger or more varied line o f Woolen Dress Goods—36-inch Serges and Crepes sold nearly everywhere at 60c a \ ard. We have marked to sell at 50c as long as present stock lasts. Large Stock Outing Flannel Even a heavier, better grade than you usually get, marked 10-cents a yard. Blankets Are High But with us the price is even lower than last year. Present stock will not last a great while. Get yours now at no raise. Overalls A heavy full cut bib overall that usually costs you $1. We have marked and will sell until forced to raise for 90c. Flour There seems no question but we will see very high prices on flour before another season. W e recently pur­ chased a car and offer for a short time Olmpic $1.60 per sacK or $6.15 per barrel Bluestem $1.50 per sack or $5.75 per barrel White Rose $1.35 per sack or $5.20 per barrel Remember we absolutely guarantee our flour. our flour now in stock was made out o f the old wheat. Yours for business. SELIG. All