Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, October 03, 1914, Image 1

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    T he N e w * stands for
a Kreater and better
Falls City all the time
Buy all goods o f home
merchants and help to
make Falls City greater
Destruction of M ill to Throw Suspic-
ion on Labor at Stoohton la
Ono Dotaotlve Recently Arroated With
Suit Caao Near Caoho of 50
Poundo of Eiploeivae Stolon
From lo io a ra .
Martinez, Cal., Sept. 29.
Thomas J. Mooney, tried and ac­
quitted here three times within
the last year on a charge o f hav­
ing high explosives in his poss­
ession, appeared before the grand
jury here Monday and asserted
that the theft last Thursday o f a
case o f dynamite from a boxcar
near Martinez was part o f a con­
spiracy o f detectives to blow up
the Sperry flour mills at Stock-
ton, Cal.____
Labor troubles have been acute
at that point for several months.
A warrant immediately was
sworn out for the arrest on a
charge o f having explosives in
his possession o f J. C. Emerson,
who says he is a private detective
employed by the Merchants and
Manufacturers’ Association o f
W hsrsabouts Is Known.
Emerson, who was taken into
custody Friday while wandering
about with a suitcase near a
bridge where 50 pounds o f the
stolen dynamite was found cach­
ed in a clump o f tules, was re­
leased yesterday. Sheriff It. R.
Veale said tonight, however, that
Emerson’s whereabouts
Three detectives in the employ
o f the Merchants’ and Manufac­
turers' Association, o f Stockton,
told Sheriff Veale on Saturday
No. 5
ago hf notlflt-d grocery stores on the
that they had found 350 pounds
outaklrta of ibe city that they must
o f dynamite along the railroad
close on Sunday, In conformity with
the atate law.
Ridiculing of Baubloa by Eugeno S u ­
Mooney told the grand jury I
perintendent Like Ban.
Dallas Prisoner Confesses Wrecking.
today, it is said, that he was rep- j
Eugene, Or., Sept. 30.— Eu-I Terrific Struggle Going O n ! Events Occurring Throughout
Dallas.— D. M. Deal, who gave him­
resenting the Inter-Defense As |
self up to officials here, confessed to
gene school teachers are discard- j
social ion o f the Stockton labor j
Without Decisive Results For
the State During the Past
wrecking the Willamette Valley Ha­
ing earrings.
organization. He asserted that 1
lted train No. 23 on the Southern P +
Disapproval o f earrings by C. I
Either Side.
clflc, near Salem. June 1 8 , 1 9 1 3 . A
the alleged "dynam ite plot’ ’ wu.-.
Collins, Superintendent o f
reward of $6000 bad been ottered by
for the purpose o f throwing sus­
Schools, lias been announced,
Paris.—A battle of extraordinary
Round-up a Great Success
the railroad company for the convlo-
picion on the labor interests o f
Pendleton.—The 1914 Roundup Is a non of the person or persons implied^ r
and, although no order against severity la raging at the western end
the wearing o f earrings has been of the Anglo-French and Cerman bat­ thing of the past, which it oan safely ed in this transaction.
tle line In the region of Noyon, 60 be said is regretted by all. It has been
Dynamite Car Robbod.
issued, the effect has been sim­
miles to the north of Paris, where the a wonderful show most wonderfully
It is not definitely known just ilar.
French were .striving to outflank Gen­ staged.
how much dynamite was taken
"T h e war has put Paris out of eral von Kluck s reinforced army.
The new world champions are:
Broncho buster, "Red" Parker; Cow­
Iland-toband fighting between the
in the robbery last Thursday of commission as the world’s fash­
A monster rally to further the Nor­
the boxcar filled withe explosives ion center, but we seem to have allies' left and the Germans' right was girl broncho buster, Bertha Blancett; mal school movement was held on the
taken to- importing from Zuzu- reported by the military authorities bull dogger, Fred Spain; steer roper. institution's grounds at Ashland.
from the Hercules Powder Com­
land,” says the Teachers’ Bul­ here.
Tommy Grimes; cowboy relay rider,
Mayor Rice of Roseburg will provide
pany at Pinole.
The car was letin, issued by the Superinten­
Germany had dashed ita first and E. A. Armstrong; cowgirl relay rider, ! that city with a rockpile this winter
broken open at Bay Point, five dent o f Schools. "T h e hideous, second lines of reserves against the Ruth Parton; pony express rider, Fred where prisoners can be put to work.
barbarous, disfiguring ear bau­ Franco-Brltlsh front. It was stated, Spain.
miles north o f this city.
More than a million trout of ihe
Eastern brook. rainbow and black
Deputies from The S h eriffs o f­ bles o f the most savage races are and General Joffre was heavily rein­
Road Agreement is Filed.
all the rage. May the Lord de­ forcing the allies.
¡spotted varieties were released in the
fice are conducting a search for
Hood River.—The contract between i streams of Polk county last week.
liver us from noserings and tat-
On the eastern end of the fighting
a quantity o f dynamite which it tooings."
linn the French officially admit that the O-W. R. & N. company and Hood
Examinations for admissions into
♦ •
— -
is believed has not yet been ac­
their line has been forced back by the River county for the use of portions j the army and navy will be held at the
Germans across the river Meuse near of the railroad right of way for the I Oregon agricultural
counted for.
S t Mlhlel, a point about 20 miles to construction of *he Columbia High­
Mooney was arrested about a
DESTROYED BY FIRE the south of the French fortress of way was filed here with County Court I month, army officers being In charge.
Thomas H. West, of Portland was
year ago in(connection with the
Clerk Hanson.
Dallas, Ore., Sept. 30.—The Verdun.
elected vice-president of the American
finding o f a boat laden with high
The county agrees to finish the I Institute of Banking af the closing
The losses of the last few days on
fruit drier on the farm o f J. N .
explosives and an infernal mach­ Conn, a mile southeast o f Dellas, both sides are said to exceed all other highway In three years or relinquish session of its twelfth annual conven­
was totally destroyed by fire o engagements of the war. Stories have all claim to use of the railroad right of tion at Dallas, Tex.
unknown origin yesterday. Three reached here from Belgium that the way.
Dr. Virgil W. Knowles, cholera ex­
tons o f dried prunes were de­ Germans, unable to bury their dead
pert of the government bureau, has
Uniform Road Dragging Urged.
stroyed. Loss on building and on the field, have sent the bodies be­
taken up the work at the Oregon Agri­
La Grande.—Granges of Union coun­
equipment will aggregate $3000, hind the army by trainload In order
cultural college for the purpose of
ty have started a movement to get
with $1500 insurance. There had to avoid epidemics.
ridding hogs of the disease.
uniform dragging of county roads by
The official directory of the schools
been 11000 insurance on the fruit,
Reported German Right Wing Broken. the King drag system. The county of Jackson county shows that the
Fsar of Fata of Families Keeps M an y
court has purchased many drags. The
county has 101 schools and employs
already been marketed.
London.—A Paris dispatch says:
Marriud Men And War
From Battle
Want Religious Liberty
London, Sept. 28. -The fear o f
what may befall his family and
children is making many a man
refrain from enlisting.
The old taunt o f "an ungrate­
ful country" holds good. The
bad example o f the government
at the conclusion o f the South
African campign is not forgotten.
The present government must do
its duty with regard to the fam ­
ilies o f those who have gone to
the front if it wishes to enroll
the pick o f the married popula­
The Catholic Societies o f Am er­
ica are asking President Wilson
not to recognize any government
in Mexico that do»*s not grant re­
ligious liberty. They allege that
priests and nuns have been rob­
bed and murdered and church
property destroyed. Heretofore
the Catholics have flourished in
Mexico and were very powerful;
but it seems that Villa. Carran-
aza and some o f these Latter Day
Organizers propose to not only
channe the form o f government,
but also would change the form
o f religion. President Wilson
has promised to do everything
possible for those in danger.
Try a Sack of
a n d w a t c h re s u lts
All Goods and Prices Are Right
Falls City Lumber Co.
“ It Is said here that the German
right has been entirely broken and is
now belr.g pursued by the allies. All
the automobiles In northern France
have been requisitioned for the pur­
pose of pursuit.
"Armored motor cars with mitrail­
leuses are also being used to pursue
the retreating enemy.
"It Is officially announced thai Per-
onne has been recaptured.”
granges believe that they can educate
every farmer who has land abutting
a highway to get into the movement
and drag his ow n piece of road at the
correct time, with the result that the
bad road question will largely have
been solved.
Dredging Is Discontinued.
Marshfield.-The government dredge
Oregon, which has been at work here
for some time past, has stopped oper­
ations and is to be removed to Grays
Luxemburg Paid In Part for Damages. Harbor. The government appropria­
Copenhagen.— It Is reported here tion was exhausted and the dredge has
that Germany has already paid to the been working on money furnished by
grand duchy of Luxemburg $260,000 the port commission. The government
as partial compensation for the dam­ bar dredge Col. P. S. Michie is idle on
age resulting from the violation at Its account of no operative funds, but will
remain here.
Kaiser's Fifth Son III.
London.— Prince Oscar, Emperor
William's fifth son. has be»en obliged Superintendent's Figures Show Re-
because of heart sickness, to enter a
serve Reductions General
hospital, according to a tejegram from
Salem.— Reports received from 162
state banks and trust companies out
of 176 to September 12 by State Su-
Sweden Facet Soc4alism.
Stockholm, Sweden.—The final re­ that they are not hoarding money. The
sults of the general elections for mem report shows that 85 state banks have
bers of the Swedish parliament sl'ow decreased their reserve percentages
that the socialists hare 57 seats, t'he and 71 Increased them since June 30.
conservatives 86 and the liberals 57.
"Judging from the figures in my
The liberals lost 14 seats to the s®- possession," said Mr. Sargent, "it does
The conservatives neither not appear that the charges made by
lost nor gained, yet at the conclusion Secretary McAdoo against national
of the war it is expected that a so-« banks in certain districts apply to the
cialtst government will be formed.
■ Oregon state banks to any extent. Out
] of 162 institutions 93, in spite of the
have extended their lines of credits;
40 have been obliged to reduce their
loans on account of a shrinkage in de­
posits. and only 29 have failed to In­
crease their loans with a correspond­
Paris.— Four bombs were dropped ing increase in deposits, a majority of
on the city from a German aeroplane which have fully met the legitimate
Sunday. One missile, exploding in demands of their customers.”
p«!«»«« - »*»»>
Avenue du Trocadero at the corner of
Rue Freyoinet, b,iew the head from
the shoulders </( a man who was
standing on tho corner with his daugh­
ter, and cripp led the child. The other
bombs did J.ittle damage.
It is bef.ieved that the first bomb
dropped v.-as Intended for the- wireless
station or the tower, or pos.tlbly for
the ne» rby buildings containing army
store». it landed In Avenue ilu Tro-
cader o, not far from the towe r, and
the explosion was heard for jmany
The houses In the vicinity were bad­
ly damaged, many of the walls c.tack-
I ng and windows being shattered. The
bomb struck only a block from the
American Embassy at No. 5 Rue de
Challlot where Ambassador Myron T.
Herrick, who did not accompany t “be
government to Bordeaux, sttll mak
his home
Peace Pacts Ratified.
Washington. — Peace commissioa
treaties with Great Britain. France
and Spain were ratified by the senate,
making 25 nations in the series r.ego
tiated by the state department v. hlch
have been approved by this lovorn-
233 teachers. There are 6806 children
of school age in the county.
Five bodies of nine washed ashore
at Newport and Gardiner from the
steamer Francis H. Leggett have been
identified and arrangements are being
made for their final disposition.
The Modoc Point irrigation project,
which will irrigate about 6500 acres of
land in the Klamath Indian reserva­
tion. will be fully completed this fall,
according to Project Engineer H. W.
A train load of cattle was ditched
on the Sumpter Valley railway, near
the smelter. There were 235 cattle
in the wrecked cars, and all miracu­
lously escaped injury except one which
had a leg broken.
A verdict of manslaughter was re-
turned by the jury in the Sprague mur-
der trffcl at Baker
Henry Sprat;ue
was indicted for murder in the first
degree for killing D. Yamagama, a
Japanese, living in Baker.
A second suit to restrain the state
railroad commission from executing
. , .
l the
? passenger fares of m.
the United
ways Company between Linnton and
Portland, was filed at Salem.
The government surveying party,
which is conducting a state line exam­
ination between Oregon and Califor­
nia, have completed their work in the
Waldo country and gone south through
Ashland to strike east along the line
in pursuance of their work.
State Highway Commissioner Bowl-
by has announced that six miles of a
link of the Pacific Highway, which is
being constructed from the California
line to Ashland, has been accepted by
the state. There are seven more miles
under process of construction and
which will be completed in the near
Two hundred delegates from 73 or­
ganizations composing the Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs will
Citizens Rout Safe Crackers.
Albany.— Fired upon after they had meet in Eugene October 12, 13. 14 and
blown off the outer door of a safe, 15 to formulate a number of bills
threto men who attempted to rob the which the women of Oregon expect
merchandise store of Dennis & Mc- to bring before the state legislature
Kerclter at Crawfordsville were forced next year. This will be the 14th an­
to flee without obtaining any booty. nual convention of this organization.
Announcement has been made by
The rofcbers had not yet penetrated
to the money drawers when a number State Engineer John H. Lewis that
of men were attracted to the scene by H. K. Donnelly has gone to Enterprise
the explosion and opened fire with to assist C. E. Strickland in the sur
vey of Wallowa valley, and that the
rifles and shotguns.
work will now be rushed. The survey
wlU cover all irrigated lands, power
Sheridan Has Cannery.
Sheridan.—The first unit of Sheri plants and reservoir sites on the Wal­
dan's packing and fruit canning estab­ lowa river. A controversy has arisen
lishment was dedicated by the Sheri over water rights on the stream, and
dan Fruitgrowers' association, aud 250 the purpose of the survey Is to settle
farmers and their families gathered these.
According to a report submitted to
In the big warehouse to rejoice over
the United States bureau of education
the event.
The entire plant, costing $8000. will by State Superintendent of Public In­
be completed and ready for the season struction Churchill, the rural schools
of the state have been standardized
of 1915.
during the last year; the industrial
Cigar Stores and Groceries Closed. fair work has grown until 12.006 chit
Eugene.—Eugene is to be a closed dren are participating; more than 300
town to the extent of soda fountains Parent Teachers' associations have
and cigar shops on Sundays, accord­ been organized; a complete school
ing to the announcement made by J. record has been adopted and a recrea­
M. Devers, district attorney. A week tion manual published.