3 north 70 degrees west 182 feet from the «outlim it corner o f the Theodore C. Thorp D. L C.f T. 8 H. H. 11 W. o f Willamette Meridian, Folk County, Oregon ; thence south ;JJ7 fr e t ; thence west 151) feet; thence iiortli 275 feet; thence anutli 70 degree* e*»t 50 feet; theuee north KM) feet; thence aouth 7tl degree« emit 107 feet to piece o f LAginning....................................... $42906 Bert D e n n is I te g in n in g el e point which re nouth 158 feet ernl north 76 degree! weit 280 feet from the eoutheaet corner o f the Theodore C Thorp 1). L. C., T. 8 K H. 0 W., Wil lemette Merrdien, Folk County, Ore gun; thence aouth KM) feet; thenci north 70 degree« weal 50 fe e t; thenci north 100 feet; thence aouth 70 de gree* eaat 50 feet to place o f begin p lu g .......... ......................................$10.05 > O. II. H u d s o n :- Beginning at point which hi aouth 158 feet and uurtli 70 degraea weat 240 feet from the eoutheaet corner o f the Theodore C. Thorp D. L. C., T. 8 8. R. 6 W., Willamette Meridian, Folk County, Oregon; theuee aouth 425 fe e t; thenci weat 110 feet; thence north 452 feet; thence couth 70 degree« eaat 122 feet to place o f beginning................... $47.05 C. J B r a d le y B e g in n in g at a point which ia aouth 158 feet and uurtli 70 degree« weat 402 feet from the eoutheaet corner o f Theodore C. Thorp D. L. C., T. 8 8. K 0 W ., W il­ lamette Meridian, Folk County, Ore­ gon ; thence aouth 452 feet; thence wcatwardly along north aide o f rail­ road right o f way to Lombard'a line; thence north about 470 fe e t; thence aouth 70 degree* eaat 220 feet to place o f beginning..................................$80.40 W. H. Matthews:— Beginning at a point which ia north 40.00 chain« from the eoutbwcet corner o f Samuel G othard’s D. L. C., T. 8 8. It 0 W , Willamette Meridian, in Folk County, Oregon; thence north 70 degree* west 170 feet; thence north 280 feet; thence aouth 70 degree« 20 miuute* weat 74 feet; thence north 01 degree* weat 90 feet to north wing o f the Kramer Mill Dam, thence easterly 244 feet to a poiut 48.10 chain* north o f the aouthweat corner o f »aid (lothard D. L. L\; thence east 75 feet; thence aouth 49» feet; thence we»t 75 feet to place o f beginning................... $90.39 U. L. McMurpby (Sold to Joseph Aufderiuauerl— Beginning at a |wint north 40.00 chains and north 78 de­ grees west 176 feet from the aouth­ weat corner o f the Sumuel tlothard D. L- t\, T. 8 8. R. 0 W „ Willamette Meridian, Polk County, Oregon; tbence north 190 fe e t; thence west 63 fe e t ; thence aouth 13 degree* we»t 107 fe e t ; tbence south 76 degrees east 103 feet to place o f beginning........ $37.72 C. J. Richey ¡— Beginning at a point north 40.80 chain* and north 76 degree» weat 279 feet from the south we»t corner o f the Samuel (lothard D. L. C , T. 8 8 H. 6 W „ Willamette Meridian, Polk County, Oregon; thence north 13 degree* eaat 167 feet; thence east 63 fe e t; thence north 190 fe e t ; thence south 70 degrees 30 min­ utes weet 74 feet; theuee south 33 fe e t ; thence south 76 degrees east 50 feet to place o f beginning.......... $19.65 Jennie M. Cobb ¡— Beginning ut a point north 40.60 chain* and mirth 76 degree* west 329 feet from the »outb west corner o f the Samuel _ Oothard I). L. ('., T. 8 8. H 6 W „ Willamette Meridian, Polk County, Oregon; thence northerly 180 feet; thence westerly 57 feet; thence aoutherly 180 fe e t; thence south 76 degree* east 57 feet to place o f beginning.......... $22.40 Joseph Hudson ¡—Beginning ut a poiut north 40. 60 chains and north 76 degree* west 386 feet from the southwest corner of the Samuel (loth aid D. L. C., T. 8 S. H. 6 W. Will. Mer., Polk Co., O re.; thence north 13 degree» east 280 feet to south bank o f Luckiamute river; thence along »aid aouth hank to a point di- rcetly north 13 degrees east o f the center o f south Main 8 t.; in halls City, Oregon, 129 fe e t; thence south 13 degrees west 129 fe e t; thence aouth 76 degree» east 118 feet to p. o. b. 346.39 W . B. McKown ¡— Beginning at » point which ia 40.60 chains north and north 76 degrees west 504 feet from the aouthwaat corner o f the Samuel Oothard D.L.C., Not. No. 5280, claim No. 48, T. 8 S. R. 6 W . o f the Will. Mer., Polk Co., Ore.; thence north 13 degree* eaat 129 feet to south bank o f Luckiamute river; thence along said bank westerly to a point north 129 feet from center o f south Main St., in Falls City, Ore.; thence aouth 129 fe e t; thence south 76 de­ gree* eaat 80 feet to place o f begin­ ning ............................................. $23.58 Edward Graham White and Lula May W hite:— That tract or par­ cel o f land being a part o f the D. L. C. o f Samuel Oothard, Not. No. 5280, claim No. 48, in T. 8 S. R. 6 W. of W ill. Mer., Polk Co., Ore., and de- acribed as beginning at a point on the west boundary o f said claim which ia 2.49 chains south from the northeast corner o f the John Shel­ don D. L. C .; thence south 2.35 chains; thence east 2.45 chains; thence north 1.08 chains; thence north 62 degrees .15 minutes west 2.77 chains to placu o f beginning THE FALLS CITY MEWS. .................................................... $00.95 Alex Coulter: Beginning at u point which i* aouth 150 feet uud weal 30 fi-cl from the soullieii*l cor tier o f Theodore C. Thorp I). L. C., T. 8 H. It. 0 W. of the Will. Mer., Folk Co., Ore.; tbence north 70 d< giecs west 152 feet; thence »otilli 87 feel; theuee ea»t 150 feet; I hence north 50 feet to plucc of beginning. (.'Ml feet front age on Sheldon Ave.) ................................................... $19.05 T. H. Hooker:- Iteginning at a point which ia *outh 200 feet and 30 feet weat of the Koutheaat corner of the Theodoie ( ’ Thorp II I, I , T h s. It. t; w , Will M. i . Folk i o Ore.; thence west 150 feet; theuee -outli 50 feet; theuee ea»t 1.50 feel; theuee north 50 feet to place of he ginning ................................... $19.05 J. M. Drum* Eat.:- Iteginning ut a point which is 250 feet south and 30 feet weat of the southeast corner of the Theodore C. Thorp D. L. C., T. 8 8 . R. 0 W., Will. Mer., Folk Co., Ore.; theuee went 150 feet; thence south 50 feet; thence east 150 feet; thence north 50 feet to place of beginning ........................... $19.0.« Jno. R. Walker:— Beginning at a (Niint which ia aouth 300 feet and west 30 feet from the Noutheust cor­ ner o f the Theodore C. Thorp D. L. C., T. 8 8. H. 0 W., Will. Mer., Folk Co., Ore.; theflee weat 150 feet; theuee south 75 feet; thence eu»t 150 to nace feet; theuee north 150 feet to place .4*9 48 i r ocginm.ig beginning - C. H. Conklin : Beginning at a •A .....i l. l i » Irin um |*iint which ... ia . aouth 375 feet and west 30 feet from the southeast cor­ ner o f the Theodore C. Thorp D. L. to 1 all* • 'it V, Oregon. . . , $48.70 C. M. T iavii und Matilda Travi* -Southerly me half o f Lola 1 uud 2. Block * * ('" , Montgomery'* Addi­ tion to Full* City, Oregon .. $-18.70 Eleanor I . Kntb-r: Fart o f l o t 3, Block K, Original Town o f Falla City, Oregon ...................... $0.50 (I. M. T ice;- Fart o f Lot 3, Block I'.; and ull o f lad I, Block K. Orig­ inal Town o f la ll* City, Oregon .......... ‘................................. $32.80 A. I and Jeldenu Courier: Lot I, Block 1', Original Town o f Fall* City, Oregon .................. $20.24 A. N. Robinson -lari 31, Block K, Original Town o f lu lls City, Ore­ gon ............................................. $36.08 Jonah L ow e:—lari 32, Block K, Original Town o f Falla City’, Ore- fon ............ VINDICATION WHO MALIGNS? M r « . Abigail S cott Dunlway has the respect of e v «ry man and wom an In the State of Oregon w ho thinks out his o r her ow n opinions. 6hc Is assailed only by a m in o rity of those w ho allow other people to think out th e ir opinions fo r them . $49,39 Jeldenu ami A. 1'. Courier:— Lot 1, Block L, Oiiginal Town o f Falls City, Oregon ..................... $49.20 Julia I Courier: Lot 16, Block L, Original Town o f Falla City, Or­ egon ........................................... $49.20 Kurbel Mr Row h Hiid W. B. Mc- K ow u:— Lot 9, Block C, Origiual Town o f Full» City, Oregon .. $26.80 (lu ía Emmett:— Lot 8, Block C, Original Town o f Fulls City, Ore­ gon ............................................. $20.80 Amelia Wagner and Jack W ag­ ner ami N. A. Lumie: Loi 7, Block < Original Tow n o f Falls City, Ore­ gon .................................................... $28.80 T. I*. Hollowed: Lots l Oregon .......................... $80 40 r8".4tt William*: Lot 6. Block C, Original Town o f Fall* City, Oregon. 1'or macadam ................ $125.00 l o r cement curb .......... $ 01.00 < T 8 8. R. • W . M ill Mai . Polk D. Tollar: Lot 1. Block 1). Orig­ Co., Ore.; Ihenro west 150 feet; inal Town o f Fall* City, Oregon. thence south 75 feet; thence east 150 For macudam..........................$125.00 feet; theuee not(h 75 feet to place of l o r cement curb . .. $ 01.00 beginning..................................... $29.48 M. ('. lluhhard:— A part of the ginning ..................................... $29.48 Theodore C. Thorp D. L. C. Nut. No. J. M. Drums Eel.:— Beginning ut 0743, claim 55. T. 8 S. R. 0 W., of a point which ia 4.50 feet south and Will. Mer., Folk C o. Ore., uud de­ 30 feet west from the southeast cor­ scribed : Beginning one and one-half ner o f the Theodore C. Thorp D. L rod* west o f the northwest corner of C.. T. 8 8 . R. 6 W.( Will. Mer., Folk the John Sheldon D. L. ('.; thence Co., Ore.; thence west 300 feet; eawt 22.49 cliuins; theuee north 22 tlirnre south 88 degrees 50 minute* degrees west 0.40 chain* to south side ea*t 300 feet; thence north 6 feet to o f Montgomery St.; thence south 69 $2.30 plure of beginning degrees 20 minutes west 2.80 chain»; E. O. Strum:— Beginning at a tbence point which i* south 450 feet and •heme west 15.96 chain»; minutes west weal 30 feet from the southeast eor- j s" B|h 21 degrees 30 niinu * ' .44 1 * -. I l.ilu III 11 111',. t chains to 1 place o j f f I) be-ginning, tier o f the Theodore C. Thorp D. I ................................................... $53.57 C „ T. 8 8 . H. 6 W., of Will. Mer., Falls City Lumber Company:- Be­ Folk Co., Ore.; Iheiiee north 88 de­ ginning at a point which is 30.00 gree* 50 minutes we*t 300 feet ; chains west o f the northeast eorner thence south 50 feet to right of way o f the Jno. Sheldon D. L. C., Not. o f 8. F. C. & W. R.R.; thence with 0832. claim No. 41, T. 8 N. It. 6 W north side of said right of way south i 88 degree* 50 minutes eaat 300 feet, "8 1 . Mer., Folk Co., Ore.; thence thence north 50 feet to place o f be-I "cat 70 leet to cast side o f Budge St.; St : thence theuee south southwesterly wc.*terly with sai »aid ginning ............................. .. $19.65 street 200 feet; thence east 108 feet S. F. C. & W. R. R. Co. ¡—Right thence north 132 feet to place of he of way o of f said Railroad Uailroail Company, company, i -- a» the same crosses Sheldon Avenue | finning ................................. $122.7 in Falls City, Folk County, Oregon, i W. 1'. Nichols: -Beginning at the ............................................... $19.05 southwest corner o f Lot No. 0, in Alia Chapin:—A pari of the D. L. Block M. Montgomery's Addition to C. o f Samuel Oothard. Not. No. Falls City, Folk County, Oregon; 5280, claim No. 48, T. 8 S. R. 0 W. theuee north 21 degrees; west 284 o f the Will. Mer.. Polk Co,. Oregon, j links; thence south 00 degrees 20 .nil described: Beginning at a point minutes west 155 links; thence south which is 19.00 chains north from the j 21 degrees cast 190 links; thence southwest corner o f Wm. Ellis laud, j east 107 links to the place of begiu- which said southwest corner is 21.00 ning ............................... .. ...........$49.82 chains north from the southwest eor- Edward Graham White and I.ula tier o f said Oothard D. L. C .; thence White: A part o f the I). L. C. of south 5.90 chains; thence east 5.50 Theodore C. Thorp, T. 8-S. R. 0 \V *- »1.-1 - .. ,*,„ n diaina; thence 2.50 chains to the f the Will. Mer., Folk Co.. Ore.; and described: Beginning at a point light hank of the Luckiamute creek; thence in a straight line and north­ which is south 2 chains and north westerly course to the place o f be­ 70 degrees west 560 feet from the ginning, containing 2.17 acres, more southeast corner o f the Theodore C. or less ...................................... $81.30 Thorp D. L. C .; thence north 129 Lsllier nr on i go me» , t und ..... 11. ... Esther Montgomery S. , feet; thence up the Luckiamute riv- * * « 9 and ----a 10. m er 0’„ ,jie aouth bank thereof west Montgomery Estate:—tota Block B. Montgomery’s Addition to w.rdl.v lo a point which ¡8 north 4 Falls City. Oregon ............... degrees cast 129 feet; thence south Also: Block “ F ” , Montgomery's I 4 degrees west 129 feet to center of »■ e* IV-II. (W Add. to Fall* City, Oregou; except south Main St,, in Falls City, Ore­ gon; thence south 76 degrees east a atrip o f land 21 feet wide olT o f the south side o f said Block “ F ” 123 feet to place of beginning. .$48.34 .................................... $129.06 Matilda and C. M. Travis Est. H. C. Brown :— Lot 11, Block " B " . (Sold to C. T. and Caroline Weat): Montgomery’s Addition to Falls — A part o f the D. L. C. of Theodore City, Ore..................................... $24.35 C. Thorp, Not. No. 6743, claim No. J. C. Courier and Alice C ourier:— 55, T. 8 S. R. 6 W. of the Will. Iaits 12, 13 and 14, Block “ B ” , Mer., in Polk Co., Ore., and as: Be­ Montgomery's Addition to Falls ginning at the northwest corner of 'ity, Oregon ........................... $77.92 the laud now owned by W. F. Nich­ Salem, Falls City & Western R. ols. (This property owned by W. F. R. Com pany:—A strip o f land, 21 Nichols on Sept. 15, 1914), which is feet wide off o f the aouth side of on the south side of Montgomery Block “ F ” , Montgomery’s Addition St.; thence south 22 degrees east to Falla City, Oregon ........... $10.23 178l _> feet; thenes south 09 degrees Jennie May Elkins (Snodgrass):— 20 minutes west 81 feet; thence north .'art o f Lot 1, Block “ N ” , Mont­ 22 degrees west 178' > feet; theuee gom ery's Addition to Fall* City, Ore- north 0!) degrees 20 minutes east 81 11 - O. l , feet to place of beginning .. $39.45 Fred C'bapin:— Part o f Lot 1, Block “ N ” , M ontgomery's Addition to Falls City, Oregon .......... $53.57 Edith L. Kramer Homlurunt:— Easterly one-half o f Lot 1, Block ‘ M ” , Montgomery's Addition to Fall* City, Oregon ................. $37.99 W. F. and Mae Nichols:— W est­ erly one-half o f Lot 1, Block “ M " , and Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block ' ‘ M " , Montgomery'* Addition to Fall* City, Oregon ........................... $116.04 Holla W aterhouse:— Southerly one- half o f Lots 5 and 6, Block " C " , Montgomery'a Addition to Falla City, Oregon ....................................... $48.70 Caleb Forshey:— Lots 3 and 4, Block " C , ” Montgomery’s addition 8KPT. 26, 1914 All of said street improvement for which said assessments were made was ordered by Ordinance’s No. 116 and No. 119 of Falls City, Oregon and the hereinabove men­ tioned assessments were entered in the Docket of City Liens of said City of Falls City, Oregon, on the 23rd day of September 1914. Done by order of the city* coun­ cil made on the 15th dav of Sept. 1914. Witness my hand and seal of the city of Falls City. Oregon this 26th day o f Sept. 1914. (LS.) H. O. STRAYER, Auditor and Police Judge. SHE SPEAKS It b«a been brought to my attention that the Anti-Saloon League, following the same tactic« It ha« followed In every campaign heretofore, la trying to b> smirch thia organization and to carry on a rio­ tous campaign of untruths. No name seem* to be too good to be dragged Into the mud by them. I have reliable Information that a statement ha* been made to the Anti-Saloon League and to the Com­ mittee of One Hundred by Mr*. Cora C. Talbott, former secretary of the Taxpayers’ and Wage-Earners' League, that she was brought Into this work by me under the Impression that it waa a Women's Suf­ frage movement and her duties would be- tho*e of a pbjsleiau while I made speeches throughout the state. I also understand that Mrs. Talbott makes the statement that funds have been collected with­ out authority, and In some way the Brewers' Association has been collecting these funds. These two statements are absolutely untrue. The collection of funds was authorized by me as president, and the secretary was ordered to have a letter cent out tu connection with this work. I understand that lira. Talbott, In this purported letter. In the hand* of the Anti-Saloon League and. the Commfttae of* One Hundred, states that she objected to the raising of funds under her signature as secretary. How did the good lady think the work of this league was to be carried on? Why did she think Mr. Bortx- meyer, cashier of the Scandinavian-American B ,nk, was appointed treasurer of this league? Did she think we would ask the brewers to put up the momy surreptitiously? If so, she reckoned wlthout9ier host. I have always fought in the open, and now, in my SOth year, and probably ic my last campaign, I do not Intend to change the principles 1 have always fought for, nor depart from my honesty of pur- poee In advocacy of equal rights for all the people —by no means e lu d in g women for whose Inter­ ests I have spent my life to obtain the ballot. My chief concern In their behalf has always been to secure lor them their economic independence, as married mothers within the home, whlclaalone will enable any woman to quit the business of marrying inebriates or raising drunkards. The moneys collected are In the hand* of Treasurer Bortzmeyer. and all those-who have (konstsd have received a letter acknowledging receipt thereof. Any one so desiring may inquire lcom>onritreas nrer as to whether the money ha* been put in his hands, and I am quite sure he will advtaewibea of receipt of their donation. If there Is any one who has paid their "taoney into this organizwflentaiider* misapprehension a* donation for carrying on this work this league will be only too glad t o - r t t e d H. It is Indeed atrabge that Mrs. Talbott thought this was a Suffrage movement when Bhe-wenkto the Portland Hotel, engaged the dining-room for our first luncheon for organisation mnl m isiijm I fur the payment of this luncheon, and went so far as to get speakers to express their view»«against^Pro­ hibition. Tha real break between Mrs. Talbott and myBelf was caused when I found oat thatsshaghaA g a s» to the Brewers' Association and told them she could be of good service to them I d conneetioweslth this league and asked and received a salary from the Brewers 'Association on the ground that she* wan put-* ting In her time and needed the money. On the 26th of August a meeting was heid. between Talbott and myself for the purpose of getting matters straightened out before startftig the gsneah^ organisation. At this meeting a statemeht was signed by myself as president and Mrs. Talbotfcaa aeo> retary that the two letters sent out by myself, as well as the letter sent out by the publicity depart*- ment, were approved. This statement ended with the sentence: “ After discussing generally o f the league, the officers ratified all work that had been done up to date by the psblicityfboreaa officers of the association." I have lived In this state for 60 years, during all of which time I have tolled and worked for t h a " people of my state, and I am willing to leave it to the public to decide as to whether I would bend my-' self in any way to any organization or any act that could be construed as anything but honorable. Kvery one in this state knows Mis. Duniway and her family. I wish further to say that, -If the occa­ sion arises and I deem It necessary to go further into this matter, I will be glad to publish some additional facts in these same papers not necessary to publish now, and will meet the conditions as they arise. If the Anti-Saloon League, by Its paid foreign agitators or Committee of One Hundred, think they can becloud this Issue by trying to drag Into the mud my name or others, they are very much mistaken. I expect to carry this work on to the conclusion of this campaign and then allow the people to judge as to whether we will control our own affairs in the State of Oregon orrallow the paid agitators of the East to show us what to do. ( S ig n e d ) Abigail Scott Duniway Inasm uch as the officers and m em bers of the Hop G ro w ­ ers* and Dealers* Association of Oregon have Ind ivid ua lly and collectively been assailed by the same designingpoHtlcal ‘reformers*, quite as viciously and equally as u n ju stly as th is attack on “ Oregon’s Grand Old L a d y ,” w e h e rsb y gfvc pub­ licity to M rs . D u n iw a y '« open letter, us an offering of trib u te . H O P G R O W E R S A N D D E A L E R S ASSOCIATION O F OREGON (Pai d Advert l a m e n t ) W hole Family Benefited By W onderful Rem edy There are many little things to annoy us. under present conditions of life. The hurry, hard work, noise and strain all tell on us and tend to provoke nervousness and irritability.. We are frequently so worn out we can neither eat, sleep nor work with any comfort. We are out of line with ourselves and others as well. A good thing to do under such circumstances is to take something like Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills to relieve the strain on the nerves. Mrs. J. C. Hartsheld, 8a Plum St., Atlanta Ga., writes: "I have on several occasions been vastly relieved by the use of your med­ icines. especially the Anti-Pain Pills, which I keep constantly on hand for the use of myself, husband and two sons. N othin , In the world equals them as a headache remedy. Often I am enabled by the uee of one or two of the Pills to continue my housework when otherwise I would he In bed My husband Joins me tn my prale. o f the Antl-Paln Plllg and Nervine." Dr. M ile«’ Anti-Pain Pills are relied upon to relieve pain, nervousness and irritability in thou­ sands of households. Of proven merit after twenty years' use, you can have no reason for being longer without them. it A t all Druggists, H doses 29 e«nts. M IL K S M K D IC A L CO., Klkhart, Ind. JO B PRINTING BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING THE NEWS OFFICE 1 You Do Not Need to Send Away We Are Prepared To Do It And Know How Our Efforts Will be to Please In Quality and Price. : : : T H E FALLS C ITY NEWS. Mr*. N. A. Tetherow went to Milk and Cream, delivered morn- Dallas Monday to take in the Fair. ingoievening. Cull phone Blue 35 Mr. Mason who has been living George Ford who ha* been con­ fined to his bed for 9ome tune was in the Charley Frink residence on Lombard street has moved to able to be out again Monday. Salem. Mrs. John Sumpter visited her Mr9. M. A. Gill returned to her mother in Dallas Monday. home in Salem Saturday after a Get your bu tter wrappers print pleasant visit at the home of her friend, Mrs. E. A. LaDow. ed at the News office,