Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 12, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    „ • t
His One
Failing jj
An Odd Episode In s City
< j
Belle's Summer Cam­
paign In the Woods.
< >
C o p y rig h t by F r a n k A M unsey Co
“ I'll get Tinker to take you ou t I
guess.' said old Sackett. "H e's Just
come in.”
“ Is he a good, safe man?" asked Mrs.
"W h o—Tinker? Safe? Well, he's sup­
posed to be safe—safe as they make
’em round here,’’ responded the hotel
keeper. "H e ’s ber j up in the woods
with a party for tw o weeks—got back
this mom in'. Best guide on the lakes
fo r a young feller. Quiet, good lookin',
and knows his businesa— you'll like
him, inarm. H e'll work around the
house till another party picks him up
—maybe a day or two or a week.
You're lucky to gtt him—I don't know
as he’ll go out. He's cranky some­
The Cranbys had just come up to the
String lakes, that well known chain
where the lower one affords good hotel
accommodations fair general society
and poor fishing and the upper ones
dwindle into wilderness with its ac­
companiments. according to distance.
“ It was ton bad that papa had to
get that disgusting telegram which
called him back to nasty old Wall
street Just as he was comfortably set­
tled. How mean and inconsiderate for
those people to fall at such a time!”
Bo said Ethel, who. with her mother
and sisters, lamented the trying cir­
cumstances in various degrees of im ­
potent wrath.
“ H e will be back soon. In a week
probably.” explained Mrs. Cranby.
"Meanwhile w e must enjoy ourselves
as best we may. It Is too bad, though.
W hat shall we do for amusement? It’s
a duil place.”
"L e t’s have a picnic tom orrow !" cried
Harriet, the second shining light in the
galaxy o f daughters. "That'll be fun."
Her eighteen years had not dulled
her appreciation o f the love o f free­
dom. and the woods and waters ap­
pealed to her strongly.
Ruth and Maria, the Junior hopefuls,
whose respective ages o f fifteen and
thirteen were as yet undimmed by the
tarnish o f society, gave glad accord t«>
the proposition. To them a picnic em­
braced many thoughts of mild adven­
ture. as well as a variety o f refresh­
ments, which alone "was worthy of
their approving consideration.
Ethel, whose tw enty summers had
brought to her much beauty o f face
and form and a rather undue portion
o f masculine adoration, poohpoohed
the picnic idea at first. Finally sthe
graciously yielded, thereby receiving
much thankful acclamation from Rut2)
and Maria.
" I wou't row five "women, Sackett—
you can put that don-n,” observed Mr.
Tinker when he was approached. “ I'm
willing to take tweg Let ’em have a
couple of boats, and the Injun can row
Five females in a boat isn't
Tiuker had considerable fault to find,
and be did it loudly, addressing his re­
marks to the hotel man, who was on
hand to see them off.
“ Why don't you keep your old tubs
In some kind o f shape. Sackett? I'm
ashaused to taka a lady out in this one
—it's all fish sea'les!” he cried.
"He’s a m ite sour this morning,"
whispered Sachett to EtheL “ I don’t
mind him. Usually he don't say but
Fine lookin’ feller when he's
dressed up. Knows a lot too.”
The girl was gazing at the actfve
figure in the boat, swabbing a w ay with
an old rag o f a sponge.
" I think I'll go In Mr. Tinker's boat,”
she said very audibly.
The man looked up, and tbeireyes met.
“ She’s a stunner!” thought Tinker.
"H e looks like a. nobleman In dis­
guise,” mused Ethel. “ H i take Maria
with me,” she called, “ and then the
children won't get fooling.”
The “ Injun,” who was only a tall,
tanned Yankee with strongly pro­
nounced features, accepted all burilens
meekly and grinned as "he started with
his load.
"W here are you goln,’ Tinker?” he
asked as that gentleman drew aw jiy
from him.
“ Over to Bogey point,” answeret1
Tinker. “ Got any terbaclaer?”
“ Yep!” replied the Injun
“ Got a
whole new plug.”
“ How long will It take to row to the
point?" asked Ethel.
“ H alf an hoty," was the short an­
The pretty girl in the stem gazed
reflectively as t o s s the lake. I9he won­
dered how Much she could accomplish
to half an hour.
She brought her eyes bock: to the
face o f Tinker.
He w a* looking
straight at her with an expression o f
respectful admiration, and bis bright
brown eyes sought hers fo r a moment
and then dropped.
The girl had smiled Into them, a
quick “ I like you j" smile, and the
guide's cheeks burned through the tn.v
nis features wore an almost childish-
look of pleasure and srabarrasnniei .1
Ethel smiled softly at some Interest­
ing thought Could she have read the
mind o f Tinker s !» d wou!d not have
“ Trying to flirt with the guide, eh!”
he was thinking. “ W ell, let her go It.
I ’ll Just lead her on. I ’m nothing but
a poor, unsophisticated countryman,*
but good looking enough for that
beauty to try to upset I'll have some
fun out o f It myself 1 haven't rowed
pretty girls around thla old pond for
six years for uotblng
She evidently
thinks I never saw a girl before
guess she Is younger than she looks.”
Tinker stopped rowing long enough
to pull off his gray sloueh hut and
drop It at Ills feet. Then he dlp|>ed
his brown hand in the lake and rubbed
his hair vigorously with the eold wa
"There.” he remarked; “ that fe<*Js
"Mr. Tin ker,’ observed Marla, “ you
are quite a beautiful looklug mail.
Isn't he, Ethel?”
The guide looked at Ethel and unti­
ed—a very pleasant. Indulgent smile.
•'Hush. Maria,” said her sister re
provlngly. with a quick blush. "You
mustn't be personal in your remarks.”
“ You look like a picture of young
St. John," went on Maria iu an ab­
sorbed tone. “ W e have it ”
“ I feel honored," laughed Tiuker. "I
know the picture o f which you speak.
In the old days"—he suddenly became
very serious and bent to his work,
sighiug a little as if at some sad re­
membrance—"no matter," he added
Ethel was now consumed with curi­
osity, and her eyes Inquired of his ns he
looked up. He shook his head.
"N ot now," he said.
The picnic was a great success. Ruth
and the Injun appeared to have form ­
ed ties o f the closest Interest. It sub­
sequently turned out tlmt these two
bad possessed themselves of sundry
delicacies from the basket, the lujun's
pocket being a convenient repository.
“ I'm sure they put in more cake.”
complained Harriet, "and 1 told them
particularly about the apples. They
must have forgotten."
It was all very beautiful in the fresh,
sweet air, with the wild sounds of
birds and little waves. What more con
dudve to a nap for Mrs. Cranby and
small explorations for Harriet and the
little girls?
Tinker rowed Ethel along the shore
and up into the cool shade of Moose
creek, where the fine old trees and the
limpid water combined to form a pic­
ture which would have gladdened the
heart o f a painter iu water color. The
very air seemed to invite confidences
and to Induce low toned and very ear­
nest conversation. The Injun smoked
and lounged, and the fair afternoon
was soon over.
"H ave a nice time yesterday?" ob
served Mr. Sackett to the eldest Miss
Cranby as she sat on the piazza the
next morning trying to read.
“ Lovely," responded the young lady
dreamily. "Ob, Mr. Sackett!"
“ Yes?” said her host Interrogatively.
"Isn't that young man—thut one you
called Tinker—isn't he quite superior
to most o f the men about here? He
talks very nicely—1 mean uses such
good language.” went on the girl, hosl
tating a little. "H e was not born here,
was he?"
"Eh?” ejaculated the old man. "Oh.
well! Let's see! Yes, he does talk first
rate—he's a quick feller. He got some
education when he was younger, an"
he's smart. Remembers everything!
He can talk all right. Likes fun, but
he's real solemn and steady most al
"Y'es, bo was telling me," said Ethel ,
"W hat was he tellin' you?” asked
Me gazed at the pretty, confident face
and smiled quietly.
"D id he tell you about his uncle,"
he went on, without waiting for a j
reply, "and his college days—the uu j
Just charge and how he bore It all
to shield another—how he ran awuy
and was now livin' In this desolate
country, away from everybody, where
he could feel free and Independent?"
"Ah, you know about him, too!” cried
the girl.
"Yes, 1 know about him,” answered
the hotel keeper. “ Did he tell you about
thoughts and ambitions and things—
how he hoped to go to the city and be­
gin over and succeed? Maybe he ask­
ed you to be his friend?”
Ethel nodded.
" I think he will succeed," she said;
“ he seems so determined and strong.
I shall be glad to be his friend."
"D id he tell you,” resumed Sackett
with great solemnity, “ that he had a
w ife and two kids over in Brushvlew,
four miles east o f here?”
"Mr. Sackett!” cried the girl, jump­
ing up in consternation. “ What do you
“ Just what 1 say—that's right,” an­
swered her host, “ and that's the only
true thing in the whole story—the rest
is all lies. He's told that tale before.
Yes’m, he's got a nice little woman
and two boys that be thinks the world
of, and he’s a good guide and a good
feller. I've never known him to lie,
except about this one thing. Wonder
why he does it?”
Ills keen eyes twinkled. Ethel, al­
most as tall as he, peered into them
tfs if trying to read his thoughts. Then
she burst out laughing.
"That's right!” exclaimed Sackett.
“ You’re a sensible young lady. Gra­
cious, but your face was rod, and your
eyes blazed for a minute!”
“ Where Is he?” asked Ethel. *T want
to see him.”
"H e's gone,” said »he landlord “ He
went up the lakes with a party early
this mornln'. I don't expect him back
for a fortnight.”
"W e w ill be gone by Then," said the
girl. “ I'm sorry. Well, yon tell him
I have a little sense, and I forgive him
It was a real mean trick -tell htni that,
too—but It wasn't a had lesson. Will
ht’ tell about It?"
■ H e —Tinker? No! He'll never lisp
It. and I w on't!" exclaimed Sackett.
■ I don't think 1 will, either,” said
. ■
‘ V,
SKPT. 12, 1014
.i —
Salem, Sept.^8, Oct. 3, 1914.— $20.000.00
offered in Premiums for Agricultural, Livestock,
1’oultry Textile and other exhibits. Horse
races, Shooting Tournament, Band Concerts,
Boys’ Canal, Moving Pictures, Children’s Play­
ground, Bee Demonstrations, Animal Circus
and other free attractions.
You are invited. Free Camp Grounds
Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks.
Reduced rates on all Railroads.
P’or particulars address
F R A N K M E R E D IT H ,
S a le m , Oregon.
I Lots 1.2, 8. 4, 18, U, block K.
I mu (it * builtling lots in hlot'k
tl, Knot View add.
I For rent, bouse, barn, II lots;
Filis street. I'roperty (or sale.
■* Fur Stile, 2 good lot», on Pin»
ftru t in block K, cultivated,
s Lots 18, I I, l,r», 111, block O, at a
bargain; $100 cash, bal, <>n terms
at 8 ’i.
»> Two bds, tbr. house; fruit, Iter-
lies, city water, electric light; cl tse
j in, bargain.
For sale, One acre, adjoining city
limits, with ft room house. A bar­
gain at Í 125, terms. House to rent.
s For sale — 5) acres, partially im­
proved; bouse, timber; spring and
living stream; near western city
limits; price, 11000, half cash.
') For sale, on« acre, cultivated,
Iruil, berries; ti-r. bouse insured
'for $1400; eleo. light, city water,
resupo I; pi ice $1050; all cash, or
$700 cash, terms on balance.
10 For sa e, 7 lots (all of block A)
in Montgomery’ s addition to Falls
City; good garden ground, fenced;
city water; price $1100 if bought
within th« nex. dO days.
II For sale, fine brine in citv
25 .nrr*. 10 i tilt i vate 1
J For sale, lots T. 8. 14. 2H
d lots 11 and 12 |,l " o
ri lb
Many thousands o f good men and women took kindly to the
theory and in the belief that It wa practicable, they voted It upon
the state.
Brought up within a home, sh Idod from the seamy side of life
or^the troubles of the "submerged h a lf" of humanity, they did not
know what practice would do to tin Ir theory. They have aluce found
W . B. Officer, M . D.
P h y s ic ie n a n » l a r f e r e
om.-e o re i Thompaon'e drug Hure. Mu
I u a I phone ivI
Phone W l*hl Cal)
F. M . H E L L W A R T H
Office one door
omce And
of P. O.
Hui'Uuc, I none Jbu
F a IU Ottf,
JAS. a . H C LT Z K L ,
A tto rn e y a t Law
PrArtlee In All Ihr Sute couru.
Suite U Biieh Breymen aid* . phone 146
•alena. O rejen
Funeral Director
W e alte ad te e ll week prom ptly.
De Ilea end Felle C itv. O
4 For -ale. SO a. IJ mi. m rib ol eit)
20 a. improved; 2.r> a good lim*’«r;
plenty of pasture and wat* r.
i$ To rent, 12 r house,
Morn than sixty years ago Prohibition became the name for a
theory advanced In an eifort to overcome such vices as could be laid
at the door of Intemperauce. Prohibition at Its birth was fathered
by men of unassailable virtue. It wag spoken of as a panacea for
all humanity. The intention or motive was admirable and the spirit
o f Its authors was commendable.
SuatncM darte
mde fo| I’ortlaiel |it"pert>.
J Fol S h le, lot 2 bio k M, M
profceetonnl darte
1$ Two seres, cultivated, fruit, ber­
nes; 0 r. house, sheds; water, elec-
tt ic light ; will divide
1? Three acre«, adjoining citv.
1* Five acres, in city.
19 Six lois, no improvements; cheap
20 Lot ó and 20 ft. of lot 4 blk D, 70
f.-et front, oil North Main street, is
I >r s ile at a bargain; lest building
i >. in town. S e F K. Hubbard.
jF a lls C ftç lb o td
Sample Neeme
Beet Aeeemmefletlene
F. Dresse, Proprietor
Bohle’s Barber Shops
F a lle C i t y , O r e t e a
Where yes
get * Skive, l a ir Cat. ta lk
•r Shine
A g e n t f a r D a lle s H e r r n
L a u n d ry
Rundís« forwarded lurtdey evening
F. K. Hubbard Realty Company
In T h « N ew s o ffic e , Fal l s City
G. L. H A W K I N S
Prohibition was adopt- d in Maine by Constitutional amendment
In 1884 by a m ajority vote of 41 1
Maine only retained the law
in 1911 by a bare m ajority of 758
A list i acts of title p-omptly fur-
l.i-hed Itati s reasonable, ltrow n A
•obley, (ill) Mill St., Dallas, Or.
Prohibition was adopted In V t.m on t; was retained under trial
for fifty-three years and v.as REJECTED.
Prohibition was voted
and retained in the State of New Hampshire for forty-eight years
and was REJECTED.
In all..during the pa t sixty ; ars It Is a fact that twenty-four
States accepted the prohibit!' n do line and it is a fact that fifteen
o f those states have REJE TED IT.
The Falls City Electric Light A
I’owc r Co., « ill sell 40 watts Tung-
»ton globes for 35 cents. 60 watt
f.yr 50 centi.
D a lla s , O re te n
PB O E I O l
w hen
When prohibition was reject,d in one state after another those
"W O R K E R S ” who are d
ing 110.000 and $20,000 per campaign
from the "fu n ds" set up
h ie and cry for Nation-W ide Prohibition
by United States Con !ltu i inal an:-ndmont.
O re g o n
C. W . M o t t h o w o , P r o p r i e t o r
Those "W O R K E R S ” were not the men who conceived the
theory o f Prohibition. They are rip n w ho, actuated by "principles"
of mere personal gain and
rand..' incut poured oil on the burned
out stump of the old theory in the hope of "creatin g” sentiment so
that they could hold tlielr employment indefinitely a j $10,000 und
$20,00 per campaign.
P a o * » * 1117
What will be the verdict of Oregon voters when they realize
that such as these have "ta lk e d " enough good men and women into
their line as to be able to place thi exploded theory on the OregoD
ballot? W ill the voters experiment with a theory exploded In fif­
teen states o f the twenty-four that have tested It and found It
"w an tin g” ?
True temperance has been advanced through the Home Rule
or Local Option laws. Communities govern themselves.
tion wipes this excellent system from the books. Thousands o f good
people, anxious to do good, have b< en misled Into accepting prohi­
bition as a "cu re” when in reality it Is a menace.
W H IT H E R ?
W hither will the economic and Industrial future of Oregon
lead, If through zeal and prejudice the Ban<T voriers of cool brains
and knowledge are defeated and- this exploded experim ent shall be
placed on the statute books of Oregon?
Fourteen hundred farmers representing holdings o f 25,000
acres o f hop land, part o f an industry bringing more than $6,000,-
000 annually to Oregon are asking you to T H IN K .
There are
50,000 people now In the hop fields harvesting this year’s crop.
They, with other labor, will receive $3,000,000 In wages. They too
are depending upon you to THINJC.
Inquire Into the statements
made In this appeal.
E L L IS ’
For the best Ice Cream
Corvallis and Mt. Hood.
H arrington’s
Ice Cream
Salem Laundry
Bundles sent T u i s d j y evenings.
O V E R e s YEARS*
Then look fo r more Truths In this paper every week and—
T H IN K .
w, w - ■
Paid Advertisem ent
T rade M a r k s
Desian e
C o p v n io M T S A c .
A n ron e «en d ln e m
end «serrin o m i « A t
ntiu iclf n-irprlfiifi our opinion fre e whathor on
sont. fr»*«. Oldest «$r PTirf fo r ■«
I ’ ltiM if* ih
ta k - w
e n th ro u g h M u —
tp e rU ü n o t U t ,
Ib a b o
C H A O . M I X , P R O F R ItT O R
^ '
Notice to News Subscribers
A k lu e - e a n e ll e ra s * m a r k e n t h is
n e tlo e m e a n s t h a t y o u r s u b s c r ip ­
tio n te T h e N e w s h a s e x p ire d e n d
n s s d s f lx ln e
D e lt n s w .
H A R R I N G T O N ’S
They are true.
VOTE 333 X NO.
¥•. In
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ihn «
without charge.
Scientific American.
A handunmolf |
1 Tn«trat «4
e r n i. I l e
lian».o «.f muy Ri u n tlfl« Journal. l T
il newi
prt ; four nionth», $L Hold by all
J 361 Broadway
New York
5«rn, ' » r It. Washington”
loftoo. D. C.
F . K. Hubbard Realty Company