Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 12, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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SF.IT. 12 . 1914 .
Œhr JFaila (£iîi| Nrtua
Knt.TtHl aa » moiu I ri««* mall at tha poetoffu*«
at Kalla City. Polk County. O p «**on, uu*lvr the
Act of Ci'iigrvaa of March 3. 1ST*.
News Office. M.
Subscription Rates: One year. 11.00; six months.
50 csnts; three months. 25 cents; single copy, & cts.
A dvertising Rates: Display, 10 c e n ts * n inch
Business Notices. S cents a line For Sale. Kent
E xchange. W ant and Pay E n te rta in m e n t So
ttces. 5 cts. a line. C ard of T hanks 50 c t s . 1 eg* .
Notices, legal rates.
Copy for new ads. an d changes should be sent
to The News not later th a n W ednesday.
P K. H ubbard. Mayor.
T. D. Hollow ell. C ouncilm an st Large
All classes of food stalls con­
tinue to raise in price. Fresh
meats made another sensational
jump during the past week.
Bread stuffs is on the rise all
over the country. Oregon apple
growers are much alarmed over
the market prospects. For some
years past, a very large portion
of the apples grown in this state
have been marketed abroad, but
it now seems probable that this
market will be lost to the 1914
crop. In that event, with a
large increase in production
throughout the country, apples
promises to be lower in price
than in some years.
. »
V ' ' : v -:
Finds Cur« for Epilepsy
After Years of Suffering
“ U p daughter waa efflh ted with
epileptic nta for th r a . rea r.. Ilia atlarh a
com ing »vary law waaka Wa em ployed
aavaral doclora but they did bar na
About a
w a
o f Dr.
and It cartalnly
h it
provad a
blaaalng to our
lltlla girl Hha la
n o w npparantly
curad and la an-
i Joying tha beet
1 of health
It la
ovar n yaar alnoa
she haa had a
Wa cannot
apeak to o highly
of Dr Miles Narvlna
fo m fr e y Minn
W i
Events of tremendous import
have occurred in the war zone of
western Europe within the past
week. The German armies seem
to be within striking distance of
Paris and the last reports indicate
that they are overwhelming the
combined British-Belgium French
defensive positions. Paris at last
realizes that a siege is among the
The Council m eets in reg u lar session on th e first
and the Capitol is
M onday evening of each m o n th , a t 7 03 o’clock,
making all possible haste in its
i u th e office of th e Kalis City News.
efforts to withstand the Kaiser’s
S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 12. 1914
guns. On the other hand, it is
reported from St. Petersburg and
London that the Russians are
over-running East Prussia. The
last accounts had the Czar’s
Gov—James Withycombe
troops within the fortified city of
U. S. Senator—R. A. Booth
Koenigsburg and within striking
State Senator—C. L. Hawley distance
of the old Polish city of
Representative in Cong.—W. Danzig. The German Emperor
has withdrawn 120,000 men from
C. Hawley
the French frontier and is hurry­
Joint Representative—S .G.
ing them across Germany to meet
the invading Russian hordes.
Representative—W. T. Grier
Both France and Germany have
Circuit Judge—H. H. Belt
called to the colors the last of the
Sheriff—John W. Orr
reserves and in a short time the
Clerk—Ed. M. Smith
plains of Europe will be resound­
ing with the tramp of ten million
Treasurer—Fred J. Holman
Commissioner—C. W. Beckett
Surveyor—C. R. Canfield
Coroner—R, L. Chapman
H. C. Brown,
A lbert Teal
C ouncilm en
A. Sampson,
C. L. H opkins,
R. A. Titus.
H U. Strayer. A uditor an d Police Judge
W alter L. Tooxe Jr.. City A ttorney.
W. p. Lewis. M arshal and W a te r Supt.
M. L. Thom pson. T reasurer
J. J. Sammons. E ngineer
Dr. F. M. H ellw arth. H ealth Officer.
SEPTEMBER 17, 18, 19. 1914
Dr. Miles’ Nervine
•o ld by all D ruggists.
It tag first
bottia fa lls to banant your m oney le
MILK* M ID IC A L CO.. B lkhart. Ind.
Bigger and Better Than Ever Before
Valuable Prizes in all Departments
Excellent Programs of Band
Vocal Music
Wars are, perhaps, wrong and
unchristian-like, yet there has
been wars eversince there were
enough peoplo on earth to stir up
a decent sized scrap. According
to scripture there was a war in
Heaven resulting in throwing out
the rebellious hosts. In all history
there is nothing to show that God
was averse to wars as a means of
settling disputes. That he assisted
Joshua and other old-time warriors
would indicate his approval.
ia one ol the beat remedies known
(or this affliction
It has provan
beneficial in thouaanda of cases
and those who have uaed it have
the greatest faith in it
It ia not
a "cure-all," but a reliable remedy
fo r nervous diseases
You need
not hesitate to give it a trial.
Agricultural, Stock and School Exhibits
Democratic politicians are try­
ing very hard to repudiate that
part of President Wilson’s plat­
form pledging the “one-term” Events Occurring Throughout
polic in order that the “ professor-
the State During the Past
may run again.
pledges often become galling.
Lest anyone should be mistaken
we will say that while our adver­
tising space is a commodity, the
purchase of any amount, great or
small does not entitle the purchas­
er to any claim whatsoever to
any editorial support. We sell
space to firms or individuals to
exploit their wares of views. The
principles they advocate may be
in direct opposition to our views.
Thousands of children in the
United States who are suffering
from attacks of epilepsy are a
burden and aorrow to their parenta,
who would give anything to reitore
health lo the aufferera.
M em oirs of
In Three Volumet
This man caused th e last
general European war.
His personxl memoirs, w ritten j
by his se c re ta ry . Baron I)e I
Meneval, are full of the most J-
absorbing incidents, especially in ' (
view of the present great Euro­
pean struggle.
Present New Free Acts.
Amusements and Shows.
Cost E x p e rt Prom ised.
Eugene.—On th e basis th a t th e Ore­
gon farm needs scientific business or­
ganization as much as does any cor­
poration, and holding th a t th e Oregon
farm er suffers m ore from inefficiency
and leakage of cost item s th an any
o th e r one factor, the United S tates
governm ent is preparing to place a
fa r m e rs ’ efficiency exp ert in th e state
to co-operate with th e county farm ex­
T h ey will m ake a system atic survey
of conditions and formulate, if possi­
ble, schedules and suggestions to elim ­
All gave bail of $3000 each on being
inate presen t waste.
arrested .
David Pepp is an attorney with of­
Benton W in s By One Vote.
fices in th e Board of T rad e building.
Salem .—T h e s ta te can vassing board It Is charged th at he counseled crirn
has decided th a t Judge Benson has Inal acts by th e o th ers and acted as
won th e republican nomination for the in suran ce a d ju s te r in a n u m ber of
su prem e c o u rt over J u s tic e McNary cases.
T h e o th ers a r e sm all sh opkeepers
by one vote. T h e next step is for
Judge Benson to receive a certificate w hose frequent fires have brought
of nomination from G overnor West. th em w rongwise of the law. it is a l­
T he governor is h esita tin g because leged by th e district a tto rn e y ’s office,
Judge Benson refused several days which is pressing the ch arges against
ago to agree to a recount of 15 votes th e accused, th a t an arson tr u s t has
in Sixes precinct, Curry county, and existed In Portland for many m onths
declined to co n sid er extension of time and th a t an Investigation has uncov­
to S ep tem b er 22, suggested by th e ered no less th an 50 fires in the city
w ithin th e past few y ears th a t w ere
sta te canvassing board.
unquestionably of incendiary origin.
F acts upon which the indictm ents
Round-Up to Be Big ger and B ette r.
Pendleton.—T h e g re a te st bunch of a re predicated were brought to light
perform ers, both cowboys and cow­ in a search ing inquiry into the arson
girls, ever gotten together, will be seen situation by Deputy District A ttorney
a t th e roundup this year, Sept. 24, 25 Charles W. Robison and W alter Garen,
and 26. W ith th e closing of th e con­ special agent. During th ree m onths
tr a c t for th e M cCarty outfit of C hey­ th is su m m e r th e y w ere probing con­
enne, including all th e w inn ers of the sta n tly th e situation and finally se­
main events at C heyenne this year, cured such com plete evidence th a t e n ­
the roundup program is bro u g h t to the tire confidence is felt convictions will
g re a te s t perfection of a n y ever yet of­ be secured.
Just a hundred years ago, his ambi­
tions Lathed the Continent in a sea ot
blood. France elone, under his leader­
ship, fought Germany, Russia, Austria,
Italy, and Great Britain —an J icon.
G et these M emoirs
F ite
“ Painless Parker” has initiated
a bill regulating the practice of
dentistry that is causing the Den­
tal Board excruciating pain. Ac­
cording to Parker, this Board is
ultraethical and have a distress­
ing c u s t o m of discriminating
against anyone refusing to be
tied down to their narrow moth-
eaten code of ethics. The bill
curtails the Board’s Czar-like rule
in that they can nof bar from
practice competent dentists even
Confession C le a rs M urder M ystery.
though the said dentist should One Fa ta l W re ck A ccid en t Reported
K lam ath F a l l s — With a bullet hole
advertise. There is much unnec­ 8alem .—Seventy-two accidents, one In his head and th e lower p a rt of his
essary fuss over the practice of fatal, were repo rted to S ta t e Labor face crush ed as if with an ax, the body
dentistry. It is principally me­ C omm issioner H off d u rin g th e last of Allan McLeod, a Scotchm an, was
chanical and unless a man is en­ week. T he fata) acciden t occurred a t found buried in a shallow grave about
60 feet from th e cabin on his hom e­
dowed with a considerable amount Lime Mile Board, w here H. R. Yuhl, a stead. n e a r T ule Lake. F ran k W il­
railroad section employe, lost his life.
of mechanical ingenuity he never Lumbering activities cau sed th e g re a t­ liams, an ex-prizefighter. Is being
gets very far. Of all “ butchers” er n um b er of accidents, 25 being h u rt held, and Is said to have m ade a c o m ­
and “ bunglers” some of these In th a t employment, an d railroad s plete confession to the officers. T he
“ethical gentlemen are the worst. cam e second with a total of 19 acci­ body was found by H o m er Depuy.
It is a rare occurrence for anyone dents.
Salm on Men R aise Fund.
to die from the effects of a dental
of the offer
operations, and then usually from ARSON TRUST IS A LLEG ED of th e United S a ta result
te s bureau of fish­
causes entirely foreign to the case S m a ll Shopkeepers Charged W ith eries to give th e s t a te of Oregon 6,-
S ta rtin g F ifty F ire * .
in hand and happens to the ethical
000,000 Alaska salmon eggs tak en at
and unethical alike. It is not the P ortlan d.—Wholesale in d ic tm e n ts th e Yes Bay h atch ery, the Columbia
Board’s great love for humanity charging arson w ere re tu rn e d h e re by riv er salmon p ack ers h ave u n dertaken
raise a fund to ca re for the eggs
that they are making this fight th e grand jury. T hose accused a re : to
Phillip Davis, A. Wolfman. A. ZaOc. when th ey a rriv e and keep the young
on the bill, but, the casual observ­ David Pepp, L. Sax. Sam Sax, Max Al­ fry until th ey a r e ready to be released
er would suspect that they feared bert, I. W. W einberg and P. Milter. T he im prov em en ts will cost approxi­
m ately $5000.
E ight Indictm ent* ware returned,
H. E . W i l l i a m s ,
M. L. T h o m p s o n , W. F. N i c h o l s ,
A. J . V i c k ,
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Bank of Falls City
Sherlock Holmes Stories
Exclusively in Collier’s
F a l l s C i t y , P o i . k C o u n t y . O uk oon
Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. E x c h a n g e sold on all points in the Uni ed States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
□ □
T h e A nett Action w ritten «kill appear esch week
m short «tor? and « e rlsl form .
Y o u r ow n home paper and C O M .IC R 'S . T h e
N a tio n a l W e e k ly , together w ith the three volume«
of N apoleon’ « M em oir« - a l l of the«e you get for rha
price of C o llie r '« a lo ne, plu« H k to cover the coat
of p acking and «hipping the M em oir».
Send yo u r order to thle office n o w . If you arc
already a « u b ten b er, your subscription w il l he e»-
tended for one y e a r from I u present date of e a p ira tio n .
C O L L I E R ’S $2.5« t Sp ecial
ms ,
J p rice ,
co m b in ation
in clu d in g the
The News >1.001i«™
—«*■. n it
i M s i a o lr i .o o .t p a i d 'f
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior
(Herial 03808)
U. 8. L and Office at P o rtlan d , Oregon
Ju ly 30, l i l t .
NOTICE ia hereby g iven th e l Mlcheel L.
Roberts whose poet-office editress Is 210 Alder
8t. P o rtlan d , Oregon, did on the 13th day ol
August, 1213. file In th is office Sworn H tatem ent
and A pplication, No. 03823. to purchase the 8W
1-4 Ol 8W 1-4, Section 4, T ow nship A Month,
Range 7 Weat. W llllam otte M eridian, and the
tim b er thereo n , u n d er th e provisions ol th e
ect of Ju n e 3. 1878, end acts am en d ato ry ,
know n as th e "T im ber en d Stone ta w ," at such
value aa m ight be Axed by ap p raisem en t, a n d
th at, p u rsu an t to such ap p licatio n , the lan d
an d tim ber thereon have h ern ap p raised , th e
tim ber estim ated 380.000 board feet a t 40 cents
per M, and th e land IX . th a t said ap p lican t
will offer Anal proof In su p p o rt ol his applies
lion and sw orn sta te m e n t on th e IMh day of
October, 1214, before the Register and Receiver.
U. B. lan d Office, at P o rtlan d , Oregon
Any person is a t lib erty to protest th is pur
chase before e n try , or tn ttie le e co n test e t eny
tim e before p a te n t Issues, by Allng a corrobor
ated affidavit In tbla office, alleg in g (acts which
would defeat tb e ontry.
1!. P. HIGRY. Register.
Yes! You A r e =
Provided he is addicted to liquor
I N S A LEM— Business
is fa r better th an when
t h e t o w n w a s w et,
th r e e lead in g m e r­
c h a n t s say.
Paid Advertisement by Committee of One Hundred
748 Montan Building, Portland, Oregon
T h e T .s « t m in u te ” picture« o l the European
W a r w ill appear ev e ry w eek In the photocraphic
section of C o llie r ’ «.
Special Offer to our Readers
Am I My
enness has decreased
in ratio of six to one
since the town went
A ll the Sherlock: Holme« «torle« published in
I t l ' w ill be printer! d e lu s iv e ly In C o llie r 's .
M stk S u lliv a n ’« tim e ly Edito ria l« and w id e ly
quoted Com m ent« on C oncre«« w il l co n tin u e m be
aa e ic lu tt v e fe atu re.
a 0 e § h a si i s
I N S A LEM — Drunk­
By special arrangement with the pub­
lishers of COLLIER'S, The National
Weekly, we are enabled lo offer a lim­
ited number of these three volume sets
of the Memoirs of Napoleon tree with
a year's subscription to Collier’s and
this paper. The offer is strictly limited
—to get advantage of it you must art
Ore. Fire Relief Asaoci’it,McMinn­
ville. F. K. Hubbard, local a^eut.