Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 12, 1914, Image 1

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Til K N ews stands for
u greater und better
Kal h City all the time
Four Generals. 40,000 Troops
and 400 Cannon Included
In Fall of City.
Berlin. (By wlreleee via Hay villa )
••-The rapture of Maubeuge by the
(Irrman* waa announced by the war
office here.
The prlaonera taken, It waa elated,
Included four Frei.rh «enerala and
do.unit troops
Four hundred cannon
alao fell Into the Germane' handa
The place waa one of Krance'a moat
powerful atronyholda It made a Ions
and deaperate realatanre.
The name of I’ rtnce Frederick W il­
helm of Heaaen waa given In the Hat
of wounded.
Faria.—"Our aucceaaea continue.*'
wna the alalement laaued by General
Oalllenl, Faria' military governor.
The French. It wua announced, were
holding and both right and left wlnga
were drM ng the kalaer'a troopa bark.
Aa a riault of thla. General Ualllenl
declared, the German < enter muat alao
retire aoon Army offlclala aald, how­
ever. that the battle would not reach
a declalve atage fo'r several daya.
The Germana were aald to be out­
numbered for the flrat time alnce
fighting between them and the French
Wounded aoldlera, who were arriv­
ing by hundreda. declared the alllee'
left wing had taken thouaanda of prla
Thouaanda of Germana are believed
to be deed and wounded In the nine
or ten mile atrip of territory between
their preaent poeltlona and the llnea
from which they have retired.
The kalaer'a offlcera were aald to
have aucrlflced their men wholesale
In the effort to break through the al­
lies' ranks.
The fighting has been of the most
deaperate character, moat of It hand
to hand
15 British Boats Destroyed !e North
Sea and Sailors Salted.
London.— The official Information
bureau announced a German squadron
had sunk 15 British flaking boats In
the North Sea.
The Admiralty Issued the following:
"Th e German cruisers and four de­
stroyers succeeded In Blnklng 16 Brit­
ish fishing boats In the North Sea.
They captured a quantity of fish, and
the fishermen were taken to Wll-
helmshaven us prisoners cf war.”
How the German fleet escaped the
British war fleet which had previously
reported that the seas were safe to
British and neutral shipping, la not
yet known. The admiralty had an
nounced that the Beas were now safe
and had permitted the resumption of
shipping between Antwerp, the Dutch
and Scandinavian ports and Harwich.
Loaded Liner Hit* Mina.
London.—The Wilson passenger lin­
er Runo. with 600 passengers on hoard
struck a mine In the North Sea and
was sunk. All of the crew and pas­
sengers, with the exception of about
20 Russian refugees, wore saved.
London.— Foreign minister Sir Ed­
ward Grey and the French and Rus­
sian ambassadors signed an agree­
ment binding their three respective
countries to continue the European
war to the end unitedly— that la. no
one of them may make peace on Its
own account.
When peace Is finally concluded,
It waa also arranged, the allies "un­
dertake not to make Individual de­
mands without prevloua mutual agree­
The belief here was that It will en­
able the British and French to have
the final word In the peace negotia­
tions If Germany la crushed and It
was thought that, by playing France
against Russia, the British might be
able to effect a settlement which
would not upset the future European
bn la nee of power.
Ambassador Accuses British of Plot.
Charging that the in­
timation by Oreat Britain to the Unlt-
ed Slates that she would welcome the
presence of American war venaela In
Turkey's waters lo protect Christ Ians
was merely a "vulgar trap" lo g e l the
Grilled Slates "mixed In the Kuropeitn
fray on the allies' aide.* ws>. the glut
of a statement Issued by A. Ituatem
Bey, Turkish ambassador.
Both Ihe slate department and the
British Kmbaaay here repudiated the
charge of A. Ituatem Bey. It Is known
authoritatively that Great Britain's ex
preaalon on the subject answered an
Inquiry by the United States as lo
whether ah# would object to the send
Ing of an American warahlp.
Orand Duka Nicholas, commander-
In-chlef of the Russian armies, oper­
ating against Austria and Germany.
Th# German forces having failed lo
envelope the allies, are reported to
have fallen back before their offens­
ive tactics on the line from Manteutl-
le Haudoutn to Verdan, In a dispatch
from Boulogne, In which the French
commander. General Pau, la given as
authority that the allies have won, a
victory at Precy Sur Oise, In which
the Imperial Ouard, under the Crown
Prince of Germany, Is alleged to have
been annihilated by a BrltlBh force.
The British official bureau says that
the plana of the French commander-
Inchlef, General Joffre, are being
steadily carried out, and that the al­
lies have succeeded In forcing back
In a northeastern direction the Ger­
man forces opposed to them. Paris
officially reports that the allies have
advanced their left wing without en­
ergetic opposition by the Germans,
and that several engagements on the
Ourcq river have favored the French
and British.
Russia has retrieved In Galicia dur­
ing the week her disaster In eastern
Prussia and starts, by her own asser­
tions, a new offensive movement of
20 army corps toward Berlin.
The Galician operations can have
Ilttla Influence on events In France,
which are subject to serious German
disarrangement only as Russia gets
close to Berlin. The Slav now is no
nearer the German capital than he
was at the outbreak of hostilities. His
first movement was violently thrust
back In the lake district of Allenstein
The Germans are being strongly re
Inforced In eastern Prussia and it Is
certain that the Russians will meet
with a strenuous resistance before
they succeed In clearing the roads to
In eastern Galicia the Austrians
have suffered disaster almost on the
scale of that which overwhelmed Mc­
Mahon 44 years ago. The Russians
alao defeated the Austrians between
Lublin and ('holm and forced them to
retreat south.
The Russian capture of Lemberg Is
declared to be of first Importance and
Petrograd (St. Petersburg) declares
It has rendered the Austrian army In
G&llcla of no further military value.
It la known that the military opera­
tions In that region have been over­
whelming In their magnitude. Along
the entire front of 250 miles probably
1.500,000 men were engaged. Around
Lemberg the Austrians had 200.000
men and perhaps 500 pieces of artil­
lery. Lemberg Is a Junction point of
eight railroads and contained great
quantities of military stores. Russian
offlclala declare their victory has put
out of action a quarter of Auatrla'a
first line troops.
Kaiser Protests the “ Dum Dume.”
London.— The kaiser cabled
i News From Various
Parts Of The Country
President Wilson, It waa stated In
1 Copenhagen
against the alleged use of dum dum
bullets by British troopa on the con
> It waa stated bla majesty's message
alao denounced In general the Bel­
gians' participation In the war. and
declared the Germana were compelled
to act drastically against them on ac
count of atrocities they perpetrated
ugalnat the Germans.
For the destruction of Louvain be
waa quoted aa expressing regret.
Interesting News Clipped From Exchanges and
Gathered From Other Sources
No Peace Signs Are Seen.
Washington.— Secretary Bryan aald
that no Intimations had been received
from any of the warring nations of
Europe of any likelihood of acceptance
of President Wilson s offer of media
lion at thla time. He denied that Ger­
many had Indicated any desire for
blanketed all the north slope o f
the mountain.
Against a brilliantly blue sky,
on a perfect day, the display was
visible from one end o f the Sac­
ramento Valley to the other.
The increased diameter o f the
outpouring indicates the crater
Reported Kaleer Sent Wlleon Mettage
has been greatly enlarged.
News has reached
here Cloud Blankets North Slope of M o u n ­
Differing from the count kept
that the North Gorman Gazette, of
tain, and Snow Is Completely
by private individuals, the United
Berlin, the official organ of the gov­
Covered With Ashes,
States foresty observer at Min­
ernment of Germany, publishes a
eral, Cal., said tonight that the
atalement that Emperor William has
sent an Importaul message to Presi­
Redding, Cal., Sept. 6.— Las­ eruption today was the 40th o f
dent Wilson.
sen Peak broke forth today in a the series since the ancient vol­
German Aviator Drops Bomb on Paris. series o f eruptions, the third of cano awakened. He added that
Paris.— A German aeroplane flying which was a solemn and awesome today’s demonstration was ac­
at a height of 6000 feet over Paris, spectacle, far
overtopping in companied by rumblings which
dropped a bomb which landed near
magnitude and splendor any pre- aroused the sleeping forest ob­
L'Eat railway station, off the Boule-
manifestation. Persons servers.
\ard Magenta, which waa so named v i o u s
Fresh snow that had fallen re­
from the battle of Magenta.
The who have observed the mountain
bomb did no damage.
closely since it first woke to new cently and that which lay on the
. volcanic life on May 30 estimated mountain’s southern slope was
A Strangs Custom.
The Bayunzi, w ho live along the I that the last eruption trebly ex- completely covered by today’s
upper Kongo, have a strange cua- ; ceeded in volume any o f the shower o f volcanic ashes.
loui which makes life a burden to
the married women. Brass rods are
In the face o f a stiff gale a
welded into the great rings round
black column o f vapor,
the necks of the wives. Many of
these rings worn by the women | vastly greater in diameter than
whose husbands are well to do weigh any others seen, rose slowly and Dillas Concern M u s t Qo Outside for
as much as thirty pounds, and thia solidly upward to a height o f 10,-
Portion of Its Wheat.
burden must be carried by the
000 feet before it began to spread
The Dallas flouring mills will
wretched creatures as long aa they
and bend.
resume operations next week,
In 20 minutes the pillar had after having been closed down
A Trua Heroine.
reached its full height, and it be­ during the summer months. The
“ What is your idea of a heroine,
gan to expand into the shape o f a Sweeny Brothers have hereto­
John?” asked the wife of his bosom
as she looked up from the novel she gigantic cauliflower swaying on a fore found a sufficient amount of
limb stalk. Great billows o f inky wheat with which to operate
was reading.
“ A heroine, my dear,” answered smoke rolled about the capitol o f throughout the season in the lo­
John, “ is a woman who could talk the descending column as it rear­ cal market, but it will be other­
back, but doesn’t.” — Chicago News.
ed its head. The spreading cloud wise this year. Owing to the
T ry a Sack of
w a tc h
re s u lts
All Goods and Prices Are Right
Falls City Lumber Co.
Buy all goods o f home
merchants and help to
make Falls City greater
No. 2
long dry spell there will be a
shortage, notwithstanding the
fact that the acreage is uncom­
monly large. It will be late in
the season, however, before the
mill will be obliged to ship in
hard wheat, the local crop carry­
ing the concern during the fall
and early winter. The demand
for the Dallas product is con­
stantly increasing, and the mill
will be operated to its capacity.—
M ra . Amanda Weeks Charged With
Being Implicated in the Assass­
ination of President Lincoln
Washington, Sept. 9.— Mrs.
Amanda Weeks, last survivor o f
those arrested at the time ot the
assassination o f President Lin­
coln and charged with having
been implicated in the plot, is
dead at her home here at the age
o f 89. She was at the home of
Mrs. Surrat at the time o f the
murder and was said to have re­
marked when she heard the
“ Lincoln should have been shot
long before.”
She was released after ten
days in prison.
J . E . Hosmer, Silverton
Editor, to Serve Time
Salem, Or., Sept. 9.—The Su­
preme Court yesterday refused
to grant a rehearing to J. E.
Hosmer, editor o f the Silverton
Journal, convicted o f criminal
libel and sentenced to pay a fine
o f $200 by the Circuit Court.
Hosmer’s attorney, W. C. Wins­
low, announced last evening that
his client would not pay the fine,
but serve it out in jail. This will
give him a jail term o f 100 days.
Hosmer was convb ;d o f crim­
inal libel for the publication of
an alleged confession by Mary
Lasenan, who claimed to have
been a nun at Mount Angel and
to have escaped from the con­
vent. In the alleged confession
serious charges were m a d e
against the Catholic clergy o f
Mount Angel.
Polk County Bachelor
Kills Self With Rifle
Dallas, Or., Sept. 8 . - Simor.
W. Gloss, aged 68 years, a bach­
elor, living near McCoy, in this
county, was found dead in a
shack on his farm today, with a
bullet through the heart. He
had committed suicide by shoot­
ing himself with a rifle, yester­
day, according to a note left by
the man, in which he stated that
financial troubles were respon­
sible for the act. He has no
known relatives in Oregon, but
has a father living in the state o f
Third Annual Fair to Begin at Dallas
Thursday. September 1 7 and Con­
tinue Until Saturday the 19.
Elaborate preparations have
been made for the Third Annual
Fair o f Polk County. A pre­
mium list has been carefully pre­
pared and all are urged to enter
some product o f the farm and
assist in making this one o f the
most interesting and helpful
fairs in the history o f the Coun­
ty. A good exhibit in the way
o f livestock, poultry, fruit and
vegetables will stimulate people
to improvement.
There is no entry fee charged
for exhibiting in any department.
You should at least go and see
what your neighbor is doing.