' lllEIE IIPT. I, 1014 OITY NEW , TIACY 1111 T OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST THE REST IS SILENCE lo.-mor Par4N• 1 .. n Fer Life Term. ug. 31. - nouncin 1ua I, t~S'l 1 \ , , 1-J •·o R H LE I,~, 'I, I, l :i, J I, blo •k ' T11 t111111 1 h11iltl i11 lot In bl I l.111 Ev nt Occurring Throughout the State During the Pait We k. H k Pin ... ,_ - • • P nl Ull ................ . w. •. Oflleer, M. D. "' ••••na ... rt , II HHTN• . . , . . 1 fMM 1t1 heN .,,._ II Ml PftfflCI.&• ont , nt n on ron i i n of h in furni h Har r y Tr c nd David M rrill, ouU , w.ms a n d ammunition to slay guard and pe from th penitentiary. A r it t n stat ment by the Governor fol• low : ., " I have given ont hi lease becau e, after a car ful in- ve tigation, I am firmly com•inc• ed that he was never guilty of the crime for which he was con- victed. Tho e in trumental in • . . ·orda to tb city truu r, noll ub h is prosecutton were hone t m u n tly Mr. Tully round blm If their belief that he ·a guilty, I upon th bl h t nt of nrrr• 11, b ut he never would have been which J.s a Muln wo on d~ l •neu t . . ellmloa to t he rou b pot from a cltl• convicted h a :l 1t not been that he zen's O t my by tho hupl p ot was an ex-convict a nd t hat a n 1rnocll:lng rbem otr. o utraged public dem a nded a vie- Lea In Mr. uuy n th . ,, and In a ut ot tony b1ll tim. Jong a nd el ht mile b~b. e ,m The Governor furthe r said that turn a t on to · w Yo~k nod I victims of the ontlaws were Into this tran " lfnlr. "by wn r. . . h h d T ully In Maln at all? friends of h1 , a nd that e a .. ," Mr. Tully b d td to bl every reason to see that the men oldest friend, " I want to kn w wb t's who furnished them with gun wron "'Ith we. I'm run down, nnd • H I my nerv e hurt. I tr n tblu should be punished. e dee ar- creeping nton th wall nt nl bt." ed that the evidence upon which " Da \"ld," the doc nnsw red, "you M onte was convicted was cir- need P , t and quiet of t he . . qulete t ort, And I know ju t wber cumstantlal and fhmsy and that you ought t o . l'\"e t an nunt In his h a ving served a term in Eut Waldoboro. Go up there nod et prison was largely responsible back your n rr u you don't . . t· I you'll dle." f or h IS conv1c 10n. He dis mbarked from th tatlon ve- Tracy and Merrill escaped June blcle at the risk ot lit nod limb, touna 9, 1902. after sla ying Guards Fer- Dr. Ore ory's aunt a fin , pl n nt, 1 r dl, Jones a nd Tiffa ny. They !:~~~~!:e::d 1 ~ut~:~:{g h~ :: ; t e r rorized residents of Oregon be had e""er een, in the middle of a n d Washington, killing severa l which w as a bed, which wa twice a as regular bed. pe rsons . until they themselves large ' Tm going to Uk this place," b were slam. exclaimed enthu la UcaUy. "When a man needs quiet b wants to come to just such a place n tWs. I'll b t I'll DEVIUStl GRAFTING be perfectly well In no time." Be Id D r. Gregory' aunt ther hery Man who had a Part in it were others in the house, and at first Should be Hounded to Jail . Tully concluded that omebody wa IIJ In an upper room because of the con The e xposures of the worst tlnued quiet about the place and the f orm of graft by John Lovelace noisele mo¥ement of Its Inmate . I I I I I I of E stacada. should put the looters o f charity in jail for long terms. Mr. Lov elac e shipped a con - . s1gnm en t of flour to the Day ton , O hio, flood sufferers and in the sacks p u t notes asking the con- . . sumer to write him under what circumstances the flour was re- ceived . \"I~:: !1'~~~ !:t 0 !!7d ~: Tu~~ t:n the fl ~t e¥ening, "and we are o tar from the main roa d that you wUI not be disturbed by pa sing motorcars. There ar e only three ot u now-IV'• sel f, my nlece and the man who look.ii after thlngs for u . I nm sure you will find nothing to disturb you." "Thank yon," Tully said. " I am positive I shall improve very qulcltly In these peaceful surroundings." H e waa beginning to r el mbarrassed by the a ttentions shown him. h A nswers to the notes s ow that That night as he lay between the the users of the flou r bought it, sweet smel ling beets Ws ears fairly p aid the market price, a nd that tingled. He endeavored to corral some · bo h h d d f •1 I s tray. fa int sound. but there wa noth- it was ug t un re s O mi e s Ing except the soft rusue or the leave from Dayton . outside his window. F. E. Thomas, of S a ndy, wa. In the morning he a wakened, fresh a •nr,tributor of pota o es and he and vigorous, a!ter a sleep n dead man : I migh t have envied. During break.fast (A ,,ik Lh e s am e preca u tion, a n d I M rs. Knight ent the hired man Into letter::; h e received from the con- the yard to shoo away a b vy or rob- sumers state they p a id 60 cen ts Ins w hich had met In convention a . sembled under a lawn eprlnkJer a nd were chattertn over the minutes or p e r sack for the potatoes. This county a nd city sent bun - the last meeting. Tully watched t he dred s of bushels of potatoes to hired man In a tonlshment. "T he robi ns are so noisy," Mrs. h elp the hungry of Dayton, b e- Knight said to him. "We must try to s id e s fl our and other commodi- ke p the place qulet for you, Mr. Tul- ties. The railroads deli vered t he Jy." Tully began to wonder enictly what Doc Gregory had written hla food free of c harge. aun t abou t him. He b gan to wonder A nd now whe n it is found out wbether he bad not better bury bis t ha t this tu ff w as simply s t oh~n watch under a rosebu b on account of a nd :sold thro u gh the dealers a t t he m arket pri ce, i t makes one wonde r if the re is any si tuation th e gra fters will re pect • The sta te of Ohio s hould tak e h old of this mat t er and stay with it until every m an who had a . . . hand m stea h ng thes e contnbu- tions to t h e flood sufferers are in jail. - t 'ouri er Ore City. • Notice to Electric Ught Users A ll p e rsons o wing t he Fall City E lect r ic Li ghl Co. for ervice pr ior t o Apri l 1, 1014, wi ll plea e pay b e moun t to D. L . W ood at T he News o ffh.e, Notice 11.,r ,•,tft .. r watPr r Pn t be o m " de hn qu o t aft. r the 17th o f 'a Ii run11tl p id by that dat(' you r w,t r ffill be turntrl off by t llf' 1·11 \ m ar h l\l wi t hout n ottc . -,.i., .. ll G, ' Lra r , ~ud ito r. t your butter rapper priut• ed at the ewe office, I 0 ti~~~!~,, lt.sa!e~~~: ~ : that Mrs. Kn ight and her niece moved about without producing the lightest nolfle a nd that the hired man evidently ran The hug u pon pneumatic tire . grandfather' clock in the dining room ticktocked In a low, almost lnaudlble, tone. The scr n door ung noise- I 17 against rubber renders. T he ffoor were some h re und r- n th the thick rug or arpel:8. The entire hou e repr sented the word "quiet'' worked up lo the nth pow r. T be la t pocket in an nbn oaon d coal mine wa a uol. y r ck t compared with It. F. M. HELLWARTH PRY I 1AM AND IUIIO fflo one d r ea • t of P. • A TTO N Y JAa. 41. HILTl&L, et Law Att•,.•• Praelltt I• all ,~, llatt 11111• 11 n P rdon ed , dll\ lillll' hl' \I 1lb.1'tl (ar tcnh; • "Ith ,, tt•nll,•tl ,,,,r-. nu s llllll. 'l'h,• •• f'rd~' ut. but . t, .. ,p rd ISl•tl ltl t>;-.. 1111 It> p.111 ,,1,•r tiJ,• po I; 1,11r1• 700 l'II h , 11 rm Ul ~ tl l 011 'It.\ ti t;, i th I II t Ii l>rl 't II .• if boUK ht 11 !\ ti . tl1•,fi111• l111n , n itv , rt• , I l u I l iv u t rl. JJ I,'11r ....... o ..... fCllllAL DJ&IC'roa in ~l un t •n111, n' 111lditi 11 t F l '1 t1 ; •oml It ir,l, 1 11 11ro111HI, fenr tl; II urea. Ilda .. ph n, • -----------·- lm lanrt . j I 11'1•, 1 11 • 11.are,_n ilh .............. ,. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . Qei,.Or ~or 1tl1• 1 lul i, , 11 , 8 hi k K, 11d lut 11 111d l:.! hlu I.: Ji: . Will trndt• fill l'ortl 11d pro p rt •, I~ "l'w d!IITy,'' hi' mn,1,• J111l1: , nt wht'0 b fu11111I him,.,, If kh b.lm: n n rnpty • n I IJJl)ll (':I II u llllli-: 11,•,t•rt\ I Inn and lontloi; orer the ,,111111 It Ill u I,·, Int :! l>i1>t' k ~I , 1 ad. I mi. ,, rlli 1) ! it :! 1\ , 1111pr,H1·1l ; 2ft lo( 1 I timh r ; pl,•11 IJ or pn,tllrt 1111d \\u l• r . 11 F1•1 RM8J. .............. , ....... ...... .f alle (tft! botel Fnr nwn. ncb ul'(ht- 111llllous of rnlk ID tll \ll or thl• t rm 17 Thr,-,. :11·r1• , tlj,1111i111r •ity. IJrond window uudt•r th 011k tr • . I ~'in tll'rt · 'in Cit • waltin tor tbe tar rr toot. It wn" nt ,e1le Cit,, '.? o' . k Thur duy llllll'llill1' I hnt he 19:li. lot 1 1101mproHm ' nl jl'h a p at motlonle nud <'Oil ltlt•r('II n 11 :l I)' 11m. Ill, C • t, 111• ( 20 Lot ii llld 20 ft. ur I t h l k D, 70 thought. For fiv ml1111t1• till' ch,!nlh of the thou bt ru,-h ' 1huut In his SET VOTE CANVASS DATE l1·ct 110111, on No ri.Ii l,ii n tr t, i" Aee11tfWD•IIH . . . . 111 La1111lll,i, lha nfll • lo•••Ned 10"4•7 n•nlr, • bend. f11r d1•a b Tl(llin; I t L buildiug Tbeu b began 10 remon• 11~ p:,j,1 r,1c ry-Ben10n T ie W Iii Be Settl ed lot in t«rn n . .' F . 1'. JJ..a bbard. ma with rent ·p ti , tllHI, ell r ganl Septe mbe r 5. Ing nil co n Qlll'Dl'' · h' It l'IH•I ll(l l h <• ::hl••m, 1-:nrly tll m •nt or lb on• MOICUMlltTI f. K. Hubbard Rtalty Company oil lamp and ha tlly pack1•1I hi drt ·, · 1 t• I ror the r public n o min 1tlou ror In The N e w • office , Clar L ng ca~:-. J \ n w II ni It II lltll I r l II G. L. HAWKINS y , nnd b wa •mllln c: ~lorlou ty. ; JII tic of th ·upr m court bet\\ I' n Hl llend felt II bt, :J 0111•', l11•1111 li•1 • , .,u I 1, ' lcN r)· ,\lid Jud U II 011 II MA" LI AND G"ANITI: Al , t rn l'l 11f litl1• p ·orn pt.ly fur • after three gin· 11t <:hJ111p11i;uc on m.ul ccrtalu 1, h •n e r •tury or St t MONUMENTS ll rown & au ewpty Interior. IJtJ t •It llt1I'. I lltolt announ<·ed that th <: urn e of 1.i lll'd lt1tt, rea, 011 1,( Dallu, 0 ... •• I h1• vot • woult· niece be done rue n uuh· •i-,t• 11 r i:ood . , nee. Th nvassln , rd ta om Li ht & The 1<'1111 I nm th healthlc.t m·tn Ju th' world. , po r,I or Uov rnor \\' •st, S r tary or But 1 aw guin" U\\tty fro111 ~·v,i, th tnk• ,. a , OI ll d 'l II t T K Ing you 01· r unrt on•r rnr your t,J11d •• 1 t~ co an r aur r ay. ne· and your tlrnu •htful ad . l nm Judgt• 13 •n on I d11 In lb r c IJy 'I' 11 l •, goln awny b nu e It I u 11ulet lier one 101 , but sll pul lion pro1ld •• that 1r J .. tay two t11on• hu11r, I will that e1r ral pr cl nct In Multnomah , rowrult ,,owe de p.-rntP d ·1•11. I ha11:c.'t \\',, hlni:;ton, Till mook and llood the coura c to fill .1·011 11t11l t1•ll .vou 1t11 r ·t(all b r cunrnss d nntl thtr•• 1 tbl , end, b Id "'• till' 1, :.:ht rn•I •ht i, a po. llilllty thot tb rc1wl l wlll be train Is coming. ant! I \I Ill lo,•,!'' tbo < h rng d Thur al~o 1 8 proba bility caboo e r dmtb 11111 " 1111 It 1111 that 16 ballot In Six a 1r In ·t, ·ur- Mr. Tully let him l'lr Olll 11f ti.le [ Knight borne 011 fl'H of 11 , 11 ,.t IIJi ate •I •11• tb roued one' pro ltnl t,1·. "I've L en rlveUu' Loll Iulo this l(lr- d r for llt 111st hour and wut, hln' )·nu Bs.tn coplN of The New, are lumb r. I w b l wnld 110 th11t, m!H- printed each 1Hek, and will be 1en, ter. l nvy y u." " b, shut up uud let me ulou !" o any addnN d11lred, poetpald, Tully gro led. for 2 centl per oop7. H turu d \er, JIUII • h1•rl th (Jlll o nod r tur n d to