2 KEPT. ». 1914. THE FALLS CITY NEWS Œhr Jails CEitii Nruts FALLS C IT Y , OREGON FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR Offers exceptionally fine opportunities for the establishment D. L. WOOD A SON, Publish*?;. Eu to rvd • • p «* im ih 1 - c l i H M i l a t tho pootofftcv a t F a lla C it y . F o lk C o M t j. O ra fo a . a n d a r tbv A r t o f iV a g ro o p o f M a rch S. I NT» Telephone News Office. 83. Snbacefption K tU t: O m yaw . II .00; six months. 60 e w U : threw m onth». 2» canta; a ln «h copy, »eta. AdreeUsing Rates Display. 10 « n u n inch Business Notices. 6 cent* a line; For Sole, Kent. ■ «change. W ant and Pay Entertainment No ttraa.&ct». alin e . Card ol Thank, M eta: Legal Notice«, legal rate«. Copy (or new ada. and change« ahouM be aent to The Newa not later than Wedneeday. o r r ic iA L d i r e c t o r y or rtLLi c m F. K. Hubbard. Mayor. T. D. Hollowell. Councilman at Large W. T. Grier, H. C. Brown, Albert Teal. Councilman A. Sampaon, C. L. Hopktna, R. A. Tltua. H. G. Strayer, Auditor and Police Judge Walter L. Tooae Jr., City Attorney. W. P. Lewia. Marahal and Water 8up«. M. L. Thompson. Treaaurer J. J. Sammons, Engineer Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. Health OIBcer. The Council meetain regular aeealonon the flrat Monday eeening ol each month, at ' 03 o'clock I n the office ol the Falla City Newa. S a t u r d a y , S e p t e m b e r 5. 1914 TH E REPUBLICAN TICKET Gov—James Withycombe U. S. Senator—R. A. Booth State Senator—C. L. Hawley Representative in Cong.—W C. Hawley Joint Representative—S .G. Irvine Representative—W. T. Grier Circuit Judge—H. H. Belt Sheriff—John W. Orr Clerk—Ed. M. Smith Treasurer—Fred J. Holman Commissioner—C. W. Beckett Surveyor—C. R. Canfield Coroner— R, L. Chapman We are not able to see where in it is any worse to exempt the poor man $1,500 than to exempt the rich man $15,000. A little ruction between Japan and the ¿United States would af­ ford Colifornians an excellent op­ portunity of getting rid of their nut-headed population. “ Who will pay the taxes if the $1500 exemption proposition be­ comes a law?” shrieks the sub­ sidized press. The fellow who has $1500 and six-bits, certainly. Ask something hard. We would say that the world was growing better could we be­ lieve that the great interest taken by the rich in the defeat of the $1500 exemption was, as they de­ clare, for the benefit of the poor. Now that it has been shown that the advance in the price of sugar was purely speculative it will be in order for the adminis­ tration to select a committee to frame up an excuse for the poor sugar barons. During the civil war of 1861-5 in the United States, there were, aproximately 656,000 lives lost, an average o f 450 per day. Each life cost the government $5,500, besides the suffering and anguish and destruction of private prop­ erty. The German army, like the avenging hand of fate, is moving slowly but surely toward Paris Obstacles that were deemed un- surmountable have been swept away leaving a trail of death and desolation behind. Although war is horrible beyond description, one can not help admiring the wonderful generalship displayed in handling so great an army. A Democratic administration is a delicacy that comes pretty high. Before the election we were told that a Democratic administration would solve the question of high cost of living and prices on the necessaries of life would take a tumble. Today prices are higher than ever before and we are con­ fronted with an annual war tax of an $1000,000,000 and we are the most un-warlike nation on earth. —----------------------- — o r ----- ------------------- - Co-Operative Cannery Co-Operative Creamery Wood-working Factories Fruit and Berry Orchards Salem, Sept. 28, Oct. 3, 1914.— 120,000.00 offered in Premiums for Agricultural, Livestock, Poultry Textile and other exhibits. Horse races, Shooting Tournament, Hand Concerts, Boys’ Camd, Moving Pictures, Children’s Play­ ground, Bee Demonstrations, Animal Circus and other free attractions. Manufacturers and Hotneseekers who want to know the facts con­ cerning Falls City and its possibilites for future development are requested to read the information given in these two columns. For further and more particular information, address The News. The Nam e The city derives its name from the falls of the Little Luckia- niute River, which flows through the city from the West. You are invited. Free Camp Grounds Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks. Reduced rates on all Railroads. For particulars address The first sale of town lots occurred in 1889, though donation land-claim settlers came here many years before that date. In 1900 the population >vas 269; in 1910, 969; 1914, about 1,250. T h e L o c a t io n FRANK MEREDITH, Falls City is situated in the south central part of Polk County Oregon, in section 21, township 8, S., range 6,W.. Willamette mer­ idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, ami 73 rail miles south­ west of Portland, in the narrow western end of the Little I.ucki- amute River valley, surrounded on the north, south, and west bv the foothills of the Coast Range mountains. Elevation, 886.38 ft above sea level. Transportation— Salem, Falls City &• Western Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail distance of 30 miles, with S. P. main line connections at Pallas, Gerlinger, and Salem, and with the Oreuon Electric at Salem A nti-P ain Pills w i l l h o l p y o u , mm t h o y h o v e h o lp o d o th e r » . Good for all kind» of pain Used lo relieve Neuralgia, Head ache, Nervousness, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Kidney Pam», Lumbago, Locomotor Alaaia, Backache, Stomachache, Csriiebnra», Ir r i­ tability and for pain in any part of the body. " I have used De Mtlaa' A nti Pain Pilla when troubla« with haadarhe. and And that on« pill Infallibly •ffert« relief In a very abort tin»« I am ronaldarably a l a r l a t with n eu­ ralgia la tha hand at tlmaa. and Hnd tha AM I Pain PIII» of m uch h#n«AI T b « Dr. Mllaa Hamad Isa are beyond i-ompartaon and I r e am - m«n<] tham lo all m y frland a." uKonaa SECRETARY, til S a l e m , O re g o n . Oakland St , t a n A t all druoslata. oowjatb Antonio. Tea I t dotas 2So- « MI L B S M B O IC A L C O ., g lk h a rt. Ind. FREE FREE A. J.V ick . R. E.W iluam s . M. L . T h o m p s o n . W. F. N ichols , Cashier Assistant Cashier Vice-President President Falls City is incorporated as a city, and contains 7-‘>3 33 acres, valuation for taxation #268,887. The city administration is com­ posed of mayor, seven counci.men, auditor and police judge, mar­ shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer. Salaries: Marshal and water superintendent, #60; auditor, #25; attorney, #25. Bank of Falls City F alls C it y , P o i . k C o u n ty . O kkook Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States. Notary Public officially connected with the Bank. W a t e r and W ood The city of Falls City owns the gravity water system. IP first cost was $30,000. Pure mountain water is piped from springs on Judge le a l ’s ranch, 3 miles away, at an elevation o', about 300 feet above city level. Oak and fir fire wood is plentiful and cheap. Memoirs of Napoleon L u m b e r , F ru it, V e g e t a b le s and B e r r i e s In Three Volumes JOB PRINTING Electric-power planing and saw mill, log pond, dry kiln and lumber yard in the city, lumber flume, logging roads and logging outfits, all owned and operated by the Falls City Lumber Co. The surrounding bencli and bill lands are as well adapted to the production of fruits and berries as any other section of the Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines is going on. Dr. M>1 « This man caused tlie last general European war. BHINO YOUK JOH PRINTING THE NEWS OFFICE ^ You Do Not Need to Send Away H is person*! memoirs, written by hi» s e c re ta ry . Baron |) e M eneval, are full of the most absorbing incident!, exptKiall* in view of the present great Euro ­ pean struggle. Vegetables and berries of many kinds grow to perfection in and adjoining Falls City, and many acres are planted to straw­ berries and loganberries. Market conditions are improving stead­ ily, as production is increased. We Are Prepared To Do It And Know How Just a hundred rears ago, his am bi­ tions bathed the Continent in a .eg of blood. France alone, under his leader­ ship, fought Germany, Russia, Austria, Italy, and Graal Britain—« * / S c h o o l s , C h u r c h e s , S o c i e t ie s , C l u b s Our Efforts Will be to Please In Quality and Price. : : : Get these Memoirs THE FALLS CITY NEWS. By special arrangement with the pub­ lishers of COLLIER'S, The National Weekly, we are enabled to offer a lim­ ited number of these three-volume sets of the Memoir» of Napoleon free with a year's subscription lo Collier'! and this paper. Theoffer infricfly limited —to get advantage of it you mu»t act promptly. Falls City has a 12-grade school with a four-year high school course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teachers. Its diplomas are accepted by the higher schools in lieu of examina- ations. The entire community is justly proud of the school. The Religious organizations are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian, Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, Geinmn Lutheran. The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Kebekaha, Masons, Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors of America, Woodmen of the World, Women of Woodcraft. Free reading room. Gem theatre, photoplay. Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the rails; ow ned by the Falls City Electric Co., W. B. Stevens president, If. C. Brown vice-president and manager, A. W . Stevens secretary and treasurer. Telephone system, with long-distance connections. C. J. Pugh local manager. B u s in e s s E n te rp rise s Falls C'ty in ’well provided with the usual business enterprises. The News contains the announcements of the following business and professional men of the city: Bakery, D. Toller, Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier. Barber shops, Wm. Bohle. Carpenters and Builders, Elle & Elle, S. Ouderiiirk. Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Chas. Harlung. Confectionery stores: B. L. Ellis, R. B. Harrington. Drug store, M. L. Thompson. Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood. Department store, N. Selig, Funeral director, R. L. Chapman. Furniture, J. C. Talbott & Co. General stores. N. »Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co. Hardware store, J. C. Talbott & Co, Hotels: Falls City Hotel, Fritz Droege, owner and manager; The Madena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Dennis, managers Jewelry store. W. A. Persef. Newspaper, the Falls City News, D. L. Wood & Son. Photoplay lueatr», the Gem, C. J. Pugh. Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwaitn. Pressing amt cleaning parlor, I, A. Johnston. Railroads, h&lem. B alls City & Western, Southern Pacific. Real estate agent, F. K. Hubbard Realty Co, Restaurant. The Maolena; Wm. Finley, owner. Saloons: Tne Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mix. ■ ........................ . .. .................— ............ ■ ■ —..... ■ - ■ ^ Bring Your Job Printing to this Office F ite Notice for Publication (Publisher) A Grave Injustice Do those who advocate the absolute prohibition of the manufacture and sale of all alcoholic liquors realize the seriousness of the Bocial and e c o n o m ic crisis that would be precipitated by such legis­ lation? Are they aware of the fact that the heads of families aggregating probably not less than th ree m illio n people would suddenly he deprived of their sole means of livelihood, and that properties valued in the aggregate at perhaps two billion dollars would ns sud­ denly become worthless? It is doubtful if they do fully realize this,yet these are figures given by no less a writer than Dr. Henry Smith Williams in an article in the "Ladies Home Journal,” reviewing the pro­ hibition movement. And he adds: “ Personally I am at a loss to understand how anyone who has the slightest grasp of econom ic questions can contem ­ plate with equanimity the anarch­ istic possibilities— nay, certainties —which reveal themselves through the slightest ose o l the imagina­ tion in connection with these fig­ ures. T o m e. at least, it seems obvious that the only thing which has kept the prohibition m ove­ ment before the people o f the United States is the simple fart that prohibition does not prohibit. ’ ’ Thinking men and women who seek the truth and are unswayed by prejudice, and who give the foregoing facts the consideration they deserve cannot escape a like conclusion. — Paid Advartiaaoacat. E. D, Ulrich, Chamber of Com- mersc, Portland, Oregon. Department of the Interior (NerUI mm3) r . 8. Land Olllce at Portland, Oregon July 30. m e . NOTICE la hereby given that Mlchaol L. Roberta whose jkj .I office addreaa la 210 Alder ¡Hi. Portland. Oregon, did on the 13th day ol Augu-d, 1013. file In this olllce Sworn Statement anil Application, No. 03333. to purchase the SW I I ol HW l i, Section 4. Townahlp 8 South, llange 7 West. Wllllsuiette Meridian, and the i timber thereon, under the provisions ol the | act ol June 3. 1H7H, and acta amendatory, j known an the "Tim ber and Stone la w ," at such i valuo aa might he fixed by appraisement, and i i hat, pursuant to such application, the land ! and timber thareoa have been appialsed, the i limber estimated 260.000 board feet at 40 cents l-er M, and the land »20: that said applicant .»111 oiler dual proof In support of hla applies- j lion and sworn statement on the 16th day of October, 1914, before the Register and Receiver. If. S. lan d Office, at Portland? Oregon j A n y person is at liberty to protest this pur­ chase before entry, or Initiate a contest at any time before patent issues, by filing a corrobor­ ated affidavit In this office, alleging facta which would defeat the entry. H. P. HIGBY, Register. Sherlock Holmes Stories Exclusively in Collier’s All the Sherlock Holme« «tone« published \m 191» will be printed exclusively In Collier's. T he "Lilt minute” picture« of the Furopem War will appear every week in the photographic tection of Collier’«. The Sne«t Action written will appeal each week m »hoti «tory and aerial form. Mark Solllvan’a timely Editorial« and widely quoted Comment« on Conire«« will continue to be an extlusivg feature. Special Offer to our Readers Your own h>me paper and COLLIER’S, The National W eekly, together with the three volumes of Napoleon’• Memoirs—all of ihe«e you tet for the price of C olliei’s alone, plua 50c to cover the cott of packing and shipping the Memoir«. Send your order lo this ofice now. If you ere already a subscriber, your subscription will be e*- tended for one year from Its present date of expiration. C O L L I E R ’ S f J . S S r Special combination The News II.O O ” tM ^ .m - o l , ^ , - . O * ^ T THE LIFE CAREER "OehoaUag la youth should la.arlabty be directed to prepare e person la the best way Or the beef permanent occupation for which M la capable.’ ' —President C W RUot Thlt It tha Mission of tho 0RE60NAGRICULTURALC0LLEGE Forty-sixth School Veor Opeos Post Office Time Card S E P T E flB E R 18 th, 1914 Writo for Illustrated too pa go Book- lot, " T hb L if e C a r e e r ,” and for Cata­ Office hours: Daily, except Hun- log containing full Information. D egree C o u n t s - AGRICULTURE t day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus­ bandry, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Mail arrives, from Agrkulturo for Teachers F O R E S T R Y , Salem-Dal las, 8.50 a.m., 3:35 p.m. L ooo ing E n g in e e r in g . H o m e e c o ­ n o m ic s : DomestkScience, Domestic Art, Black Rock, 2.00 p.m. E N G IN E E R IN G : Etectrkil, Irrigation, Mail closes, for Salem, 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Dallas, 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Blbck Rock, 11.00 a.m. Highway, Mechankal, Chemical, Mining. Ceramics. C O M M E R C E . PH A R M A C Y. IN D U S T R IA L A RTS. Vocntienul Ourjgj-Agrlculture, Dairy­ ing, Home Makers’ Course, Industrial Arta, Forestry, Business Short Course. School of Music —Plano, String, Rand, Office houm: Sunday only, 9:30 Voice Culture. to 10:30 a.m: Farmers Busin«, Course by Mail Fren Mail arrives from Salem 8,50a.m Address THK R RG ISTgA R , (tw-T-15 to t-*) C orvallis, Oregon Mail closes lor Salem 9:00 a.m. Effective May 20, 1914. I r a C. M e h r l i n g , Postmaster. Ore. Fire Relief Asaoci’n,McMinn­ Falls City, Polk Co., Ore. ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent,