Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, September 05, 1914, Image 1

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    THE N e w 1! h tunda for
a greater and better
Kalla City ull the time
J. C. Talbott & Co., Hardwaro and Furniture Store
Destroyed by Fire Monday Morning.
View of Forts.
About 7:00 o ’clock Monday
morninR a tire was discovered in
the back part o f J. 0. Talbott &
Co., hardware and furniture
store. An alarm was turned in
and the city volunteer fire depart­
ment responded quickly and the
water turned on. Unfortunately
the hose on the cart was too short
for effective fire fiRhtinR and
some time was lost thereby be­
fore another cart arrived. In
the meantime the fire had spread
rapidly throuRh the back rooms
where the mattressess and other
liRht und infiamable material was
kept and into the Rarret. The
root was covered with rubberoid
and it was difficult to Ret water
on the fire. A hole was finally
cut throuRh the front and water
turned on and the fire checked.
\ The stoves and heavy hardware
I did not suffer Rreatly, but the
> furniture, carpets, ruRS and mat-
i tressess were damaRed badly by
Jfire and water. The stock is
j estimated to have been worth
■ $9,000 and the buildinR $3,000.
l The insurance is said to have
( been very small. The cause o f
¡the fire is unexplained. There
wtas no one in the buildinR at the
tim e the fire was discovered.
^This is not only a loss to the
owners, but also to the town and
ccAnmunity. It beinR the only
hitfdware and furniture store in
town, the loss will be felt.
The fact that there was no
wind accounts for the depart­
ment being able to control the
fire and prevent its spreading to
“ Troops Will Find Ashos, (or Wo
Hove Dynamite and Oil,” Says
adjacent buildings. Everything
was dry as tinder and but a puff
o f wind would have sent the
flames leaping skyward and in
all probabilities the block would
have been a mass o f smoking
ruins. The telephone office was
located just east o f the Talbott
building, over the Persey Jewel­
ry store, with only a narrow
Btairway between. Miss
DeWitte and Miss Pearl Titus,
telephone girls bravely remained
at their posts until the flames
were lapping across the stairway.
They then climbed out at a win­
dow and down a ladder. The
confectionery o f R. B. Harring­
ton was on the west. The roof
caught fire in several places but
watchers put it out. The goods
and fixtures were removed to a
safe distance. We can also be very
thankful that the water supply
held out, and but for the timely
action o f the water board some
weeks ago in limiting the time
for irrigation it might have so
happened that the water would
hpve run short. The fire was a
heavy drain up on the water
supply and it behooves everyone
to conserve the water *is best
they may for emergencies.
The company will open for
business as soon as the loss can
be adjusted by the insurance
company. Some o f the furniture
and stoves were moved across
the street into another building
where they could be better cared
ing tonight. The electric light
plant and all the larger stores
are guarded by many armed men,
as are the mines. On the attic
floor o f the Courthouse there are
50 guards armed with rifles.
County Attorney MacCaffery
issued a warrant for the arrest
o f the Helena editor on a charge
o f inciting a disturbance, but the
editor was said to have left the
city early and the officers could
not find him.
All ammunition in the hard­
ware stores has been removecl,
and firing-pins have been taken
from the rifles.
Butte, Mont., Aug. 31.- Miners
openly threatened tonight to lay
the town in ashes if either state
or Federal troops attempted to
enter Butte. One o f the leaders
o f the miners declared that they
do not intend to fight, but would
wreak vengeance upon the busi­
ness men for having been instru­
mental in bringing soldiers to
T i m a N o t S a t f o r A c t i o n at B u t t e .
Says Q ovarnor.
“ We have quantities o f dyna­
Mont., Aug. 31.— No
mite and oil,” said one leader,
specified for the
“ and the troops will find ashes.”
sending o f the National Guard to
S o ld ie r s C o m i n g S t a r t l e s .
Butte, said Governor Stewart
Until today the majority o f the today.
miners did not credit the reports
The Second Regiment, 600
that the mijitia was being mobil­ strong, will be mobilized here by
ized, as the Butte newspapers night. Four companies,
withheld the news on request o f each from Miles City, Bozeman,
business men, who feared that Billings and Roundup, detrained
the news would excite the miners. this morning, and the remaining
A Helena newspaper editor, six companies, one each from
however, this morning brought Libby, Shelby, Choteau, Valier
an auto load o f newspapers to and two from Kalispell, will ar­
Butte for sale, and the newsboys rive on a special train this arter-
soon began crying the news o f noon.
the mobilization o f the militia.
Camp has been pitched at the
Calls immediately went forth State Armory. The troops are
from President “ Muckie” Mc­ equipped for field service.
Donald and "the other leaders for
a meeting o f the miners, which LafTerty Is Docked Five Days in Pay
was held in secret to discuss the
Washingtou, Sept. 2.— Repre­
coming o f the soldiers. Later a sentative A. W alter Lafferty has
committee o f miners was hur­
suffered the loss of five days’ pay
riedly sent to the railroad depots on account of absence, but says he
to determine whether the troops w ill return to Oregon October 1,
had arrived.
whether congress adjourns or not
P la n ts Unde r G uard.
“ I f they want me then, they can
The miners have called a meet- arrest me,” he said.
Four Days' Notice Given to Re­
move Buildings Obstructing
Paris.—It 1s officially announced
that the military governor baa order­
ed all residents of the zone within ac­
tion of the clty'a defending forte to
evacuate and destroy tbelr bouses
within four daya.
The order for the clearing of the
zone for the guns of the three lines
of forts comprising the defenses of
the French capital, Is regarded by mil­
itary observers as decidedly ominous
coming as It does on the heels of re­
ports of unexpected gains by the Ger­
man Invaders in the north and rumor­
ed advance of another German col­
umn through Alsace In the direction
of Belfort.
The unexpected strength displayed
by the Germans, the wonderful celeri­
ty of their movements, the unaccount­
able abandonment of Lille, the Intima­
tions of evacuation of Boulogne, to­
gether with many other developments
have led military men to believe that
unless fresh forces are brought Into
the field in the north by the allies the
Germans will make further rapid prog­
ress in the direction of the capital.
Paris defenses cover a zone of 400
square miles. They Include some of
the most beautiful suburbs in the
Buy all Roods o f home
merchants and help to
make Falls City Rreater
mutilated and doctors and nurses shot
No. 1
Austrians Defeated In Russian Poland.
Home.—The Measagero publishes a
telegram from Bofla. Bulgaria, which
says the Austrians have suffered an
Irreparable defeat at Xamoste. in R um
slan Poland, 60 miles southeast of
Germans Reported Defeated in Somme
London An Antwerp dispatch to
the Reuter company says:
"It is reported here that General
Pan has won a brilliant victory over
60,000 Germans nedr Peronnes, in the
department of Somme."
Washington.—A German victory at
Altensteln, In which three Russian
corps were defeated and 70,000 pris­
oners, Including two Russian com­
manding generals, were taken, was re­
ported to the German embassy from
Berlin by wireless via Sayville, L. I.
The dispatch says:
"Official report of the victory at Al-
tenstein shows that It was even great­
er than known before. Three Russian
army corps were annihilated. Seven­
ty thousand prisoners were taken, In­
cluding two commanding generals, 300
officers and the complete artillery of
the Russian army.”
The statement of the big German
Victory against the Russians attracted
wide attention.
Military observers
pointed out that If the number of Rus­
sians taken prisoner had been esti­
G E R M A N C R U E L T Y IS D E N I E D mated at 70,000 there must have been
Diplomat Calls Accusations of Cruelty great losses, no mention of which is
of German Army Shameful.
The statement conflicts to
New York,—Count von Bernstorff, some extent with one issued by the
the German nmbassador. while here French embassy, which speaks of the
from Washington, Issued the follow­ progress of the Russian offensive
ing statement in reference- to the al­ Army.
leged atrocities of the German army:
London.—The Rqsslan general staff
“ The campaign of our enemies
frankly acknowledges a disastrous
charging the Oerman army with cruel­
conflict with the Germans in which
ty Is Absolutely shameful. The tradi­
tions of the German army are above they lost two army corps and three
all attacks fn this respect. Nobody generals.
can regret more than I do If women
First Canadian Troops Sail.
and children have been Killed during
Montreal.—The Princess Patricia
the fighting. ThlB Is, however, un­ Canadian light Infantry, first troops
avoidable if the civilian population of
from North America to leave for the
a country join In the fighting, as is
European war, sailed, 1000 strong,
the case In Belgium, where German aboard the White Star liner Megantic,
soldiers have been shot tn the back,
amid gala scenes, for a secret destin­
where German «funded have been ation.
Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm,
the kaieer'e eldeet eon, who commands
one of the German armlea Invading
During the past week the whole
force of the German array was thrown
against the allied troops and a des­
perate effort made to break through
the Franco-Britiah lines. The offen­
sive movements of the allies were aban­
doned and defensive strategy adopted
in an effort to delay as much as pos­
sible what now seems to be an In­
evitable advance on Paris.
It is already realized that the ter­
rible struggle on land Is only at Its
beginning and that the German plan
of campaign to strike the swiftest
and strongest blow at France, regard­
less of Belgian- neutrality or any other
hindrance, and then, when France Is
at Germany's feet, for Germany to
turn her attention to the Russian at­
tack, is being carried through ruth­
Little can be gathered from either
British or French official accounts of
the great battles of the last week. In
fact, more is learned from what Is
omitted than from what is told. The
only thing that is clear is that the
allies are fighting on the defensive on
Try a Sack of
ever receding lines. Both French and
British are calling upon all their men
to Join In the defense of the French
lines, which apparently are dropping
back gradually.
Most slgniricent Is the official an­
nouncement by the French war office
that the military governor of Paris
has ordered all residents within the
zone of action of the forts around
Paris to evacuate and rare their
houses within four days.
The Russian army In east Prussia
and Galicia continues Its march
through east Prussia and confirms the
statement It has Invested Koenigsberg
and taken Allensteln. Russian troops
on the Austrian frontier are engaged
in a general battle on a front of 16«
miles between the Vistula and Lem­
berg, the capital of Galicia.
The steady advance of the vast Rus­
sian armies through eastern Prussia
Is giving concern to the German gen­
eral staff. That the kaiser s empire
Is really menaced by the hordes pour­
ing Into Prussia and Galicia Is prac­
tically admitted by the military com­
manders If reports received from Am
sterdem are true.
These reports declare that troops
In great numbers are being withdrawn
from the lines along the French fron­
tier and are being rushed northward
through Belgium. Messages declare
that 160 train loads of Germans passed
through Belgium. It Is presumed that
they are being hurried toward Prussia
to meet the Russian advance.
News of a British victory in a sea
battle off Heligoland, the German
naval stronghold in the North sea, la
confirmed. The Germans are report­
ed to have lost two cruisers and two
torpedo-boats sunk, while another of
their cruisers and many of their de­
stroyers were badly battered in a fight
with British warships.
This an­
nouncement comes from British offi­
cial sources and the assertion Is add­
ed that the British navy did not lose
a vessel and that fatalities were two
officers and 27 men killed. 19 men
seriously injured and 19 others slight­
ly wounded.
In oriental waters, the Japanese be­
gan the bombardment of the conces­
sion* of Klau-Chau, by firing on an
unoccupied Island. It is said the Jap­
anese are experiencing difficulty in
their land operations, owing to muddy
roads following recent rains, and that
the investment of the German posses­
sion may require some time.
Louvain, a Belgian town of* 45.000
Inhabitants and with many historic
buildings. Is reported to have been
burned by the Germans as an act of
reprisal, alleging Belgian citizens fired
on German soldiers. The Belgians
contended, however, that the people
of Louvain did not commit'the hostile
act charged, but that it was the Ger­
mans themselves who fired on their
fellow countrymen.
and watch results
All Goods and Prices Are Right
Falls City Lumber Co.
J a p a n C h a r g e d W i t h V io la t in g C h in e s e
Ne utrality.
Pekin, Sept. 2.— The German
legation hay protested to the for­
eign office against an infringement
of China's neutrality by Japan.
The protest followed the landing
of a Japanese division at the new­
ly opened Chinese port of Lung-
Kow, 100 miles north o f Tsing-
News of the Japanese lauding
caused no surprise here, as the
Japanese legation several days ago
requested the foreign office to re­
move the lim it i f the£0 kilometers
(about 80 miles) radius prescribed
by the Chinese as the fighting area
around Tsing-Tau.
The foreign office did not com ­
ply with the request, hut it was
understood that the Chinese troops
would be instructed not to oppose
the Japauese. The Chinese offic­
ials are described as inceneed, but
afraid of doing anything that
might afford the Japanese a cause
for territorial or other exactions.
Whether British forces will cross
Shan-Tung with the Japanese is
not divulged, but the point is much
discussed here.
Washington, 8ept. 2.— Chinese
officials have called the attention
of American Consular officers at
Chne Koo to the landiug of several
thousand troops
by Japau on
Chinese terr;*ory
near Huar. j-Ila ie u .
nis, Chinese
officials assert, is a distinct viola­
tion of neutrality.