AUGUST 18. 1914. THE FALLS CITY WEW8 2 I In days gone by, and not very City A Western Railroad: All the above described streets kodshed and kvss of sidewalks along the property A ct ot t»*ie*« of M an 'b 3, is«*9 of property and the adjustment Telephone News Office. S3. of the difficulties as far from set­ abutting on said streets and parts Im p r o v e d T r a in S o r v lc e of streets in said city; such im­ S u b scrip tio n R ates: O ne year. $1.00; six month», tlement as ever. provement to be made at the time $o c e n t« ; th r e e m o n th « . 25 c e n t« : sin g t« c o p y . 5 e ta . Connection made at Albany and Corval­ If the starspangled banner con­ and in the manner to be here­ A 'lY eriisius R ates: Display, 10 cents a n inch : lis with C. & K. trains, which leave Al­ tinues to wave over this great R usm ess Notices. S cen ts a l i n e . For ta le . Rent. after prescribed bv ordinance: bany at 7.:t0 n. m. daily and 1:00 p.m . Kxchangv. W ant an-t Pay (E ntertainm ent No­ land, the cry of distress or op­ The cost of such improvement daily except Sunday. tices. S e ts a lin e , C ant of T h an k s SOcts; le g a l pression from her most humble will be assessed to the real pro­ Notices, legal rates. eitized must, and will lie heard. perty. providing and abutting on S p o o i a l L i m i t e d S u n d a y E x c u r s i o n T r a in Copy for new a>ls. an d ch ange*should be sent Should the horse or other domes­ said streets or parts of streets; to The News n o t later th a n W ednesday. ticated animals become conscious to Newport, leaves Albany every Sunday OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF FALLS CITY That the City Council of said of their power they would not city will set in the Council Cham­ F K. H ubbard. Mayor. at 0:45 a. m., Cor’ dJui 7.15 a. in. Arrives T. D Hollow ell. C ouncilm an a t Large long remain passive and obedient ber of said city on the 18th day Newport 1 1:10 a. in. W. T Ur er. to the will of man. The laboring of Aug. 11)14 at the hour of 7:30 II. C. Brown, Albert Teal man has long responded to the in the evening of said day and Cou noi linen Special Round Trip Season Tares and Week A Ratnpaon, beck and call of his master, and at the said time and place to hear C. L. Hopkins. End fares from all S. P. points and Sunday R. A. Titua. should he become obstreperous, and determine objections and re­ II. 1». Strayer, A uditor an d Police Judge Excursion Pares from Albany and Corvallis. the strong arm of the law was monstrances thereto; if any there W alter L. T o o k J r . City A ttorney. >V. p. lew is, M arshal an d W ater Supt. invoked and he was quickly, sub­ be, and, M. L. T hom pson. T reasurer dued. Many of the laboring class J. J. Sam m ons, E ngineer That all ow ners and other per­ For Folders describing Newport, Dr. Y M .H ellw arth. H ealth Officer. look upon the laws as being en­ sons in interest may attend at tickets and full information, call The C ouncil meet* in reg u lar session on th e first acted for the employer only and on nearest S. P. Agent, said time and show causes if any M outlay ev en in g of each m onth, at 7 03 o’clock. in times of trouble appear to think they have, why such improve­ In *,he office of the F alls City News. that “every man’s hand is against ment should not be made. S aturday , A ugust 15. 1914 them," and seeking some means Done by order of the City John M. Scott, Gen. Pass’er A g en t, whereby they may get even. The Council of Falls City, Folk Coun­ THE REPUBLICAN TICKET Portland, Oregon sending of troops to convince him ty, Oregon made on the 21st day of the “error of his way” is not of July, 1914. Gov—James Withyeombe calculated to inspire him with pa­ Witness my hand and official U. S. Senator—K. A. Booth State Senator—C. L. Hawley triotism, that the United States seal of the said city of Falls City may soon be in sore need of. He Representative in Cong.—W. should be made to feel that the this 6th day of Aug. 1914. R. E. W illiams , M. L. T hompson . W. F. N ichols , A.J.V ick , [L. S.1 H. G. S traykr . C. Hawley government is his friend, ever President Vice-President Cashier Assistant Cashier Auditor and Folice Judge Joint Representative—S .G. ready to champion the cause of of Falls City, Oregon. Irvine right and succor her most humble Representative—W. T. Grier citizens in their rights and pos­ Street Grade Notice Circuit Judge—H. H. Belt sessions. F all » C it y , P olk C ooi.fT. O regon To D. D. Bell, C. F. Vick, Sheriff—John W. Orr The California hopgrowers are Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time Frank Hayden. Chas. Young, J. Clerk—Ed. M. Smith bidding for trouble by sending Deposits. Exchange soid on ¡ill points in the United States. A. Young, W. L. Young, Wm. out press dispatches of the war­ Ellis, S. F. C. & W. Ry. Co., and Treasurer—Fred J. Holman Notary Public officially connected w ith the Bank. Commissioner—C. W. Beckett like preparations they are making all other persons in interest, pro­ Last year trouble arose over the perty holders and owners in Surveyor — ( ' . R. Canfield sanatary condition of some of the Falls City, Polk Co., Ore., whose Coroner—R, L. Chapman yards. There was a disturbance froperty is fronting or abutting and some acted rashly and all Poor old Huerta, Carranza were brought under ban. Civil upon the street hereafter de­ Enrique Rivero, Joaquin Jiminez authorities took a hand and seri­ scribed. Castro. Angel Garcia Conde and ous trouble resulted. If condi­ NOTICE is hereby given that President Carbajal of Mexico are tions were anything like as bad the city council of Falls City, BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING being sadly neglected since war as represented the civil authori­ Oregon, contemplates the pass­ THE NEWS OFFICE age of an ordinance establishing broke out across the pond. ties should have held criminally grades on the following describ­ liable. When complaint was made ed street or parts of street; PREPARING FOR WAR the authorities should have seen All of East Avenue: The people who have been ad­ that the necessary improvements All the above described street We Are Prepared To Do It vocating universal peace have at were made instead of sending or part of street being located tie same time been preparing men to shoot ud the camp. And Know How and situate in the city of Falls for war. The organization of Only last week Sisson, Califor­ City, Folk County, Ore, tie Boy Scouts is but the train­ nia suffered from a fire, supposed Our Efforts Will be to Please Profiles of plans of the im­ ing of the youth for a possible to have been set by men from In Quality and Price. : : : provements prepared to be made war. In Berlin the Boy Scout Sacramento who were sent to fight on the above described street alliance have issued a call to the forest fires. The men asked pay are on file in the office of Auditor youth of that country to assist for time coming and going, but and Police Judge. t ie fatherland. were denied, and it is supposed That the city council of said they fired the town to get even. city will set in the council cham­ FULFILLMENT OF PROPHESY? That was wrong and the guilty ber of said city on the 18th day Many great men believe that should be punished. There is an­ of August 1914 at the hour of the present war is but a fulfill­ other side. If it was desirable 7:30 in the evening of said dav to -------------------------- -------- ment of prophesy that nations that these men come from Sacra­ pass an ordinance establishing the following streets and parts Notice for Publication that have become corrupt—‘that mento, their time in so doing was grades on the hereinbefore named (Pu b lish er) forget God will be destroyed,” certainly an asset. The observ­ streets and also at the said time of streets, to-wit: All that part of Terrace street and a righteous one established. ance of the “Golden Rule” in such and place to hear and determine Department of the Interior However this may be, we do cases would undoubtedly save objections and remonstrances extending from Bridge street to ( ta ri« I 03*03) not believe that God takes any from destruction much property. against the establishment of said Fairview street U. 8 . Lami Office el P ortland, Oregon All the above described streets Ju ly 30, 1914. hand in the destruction of a na­ In cases of disagreement be- grades if any there be, and, NOTICK Is hereby given th a t Michael L. tion, but their fall comes through teen employer and employed in­ That all owners and other per­ and parts of streets being located H uberts whose post office address la 210 Alder disregard of the rights of others, stead of sending armed men to sons in interest may attend at in the city of Falls City, Polk st. P o rtlan d . Oregon, did on th e 13th day of August, 1913. file In th is office Hworn S tatem ent oppression, greed and graft until drag the laborer, like a criminal, said time and place and show County Oregon. and A pplication, No. 03*93. to purchase th e 8W Profiles and plans of the im- 14 of 8>V M , Section 4, T ow nship * South, there is an uprising and a day of up before a judge, who is proba­ cause if any they have, why such provments proposed to be made Kango 7 Went, W llliam ette ffe iid ia n , an d the reckoning brought about. bly unfriendly toward labor, give proposed grades should not be on the above described streets tim b er thereo n , u n d er th e provisions of the a ct of Ju n e 3. 1*78, and acts am en d ato ry , him a chance to be heard before established. are on file in the office of the know n as the “T im ber an d Stone Law,*' a t such Done by the order of the city Auditor and Police Judge. value a* m ight be fixed by ap p raisem en t, and “WHITHER ARE WE DRIFTING?” a court of inquiry where he will th a t, p u rsu a n t to such ap p licatio n , th e land council of Falls City, Folk Co., feel that his interests will be con­ Reading of strikes, riots and That City Council of said city n o d tim b er thereon have been ap p raised , the b e r estim ated 2ft).ouo board feet a t 40 cents wars, and then listen to the enthu­ sidered and an impartial decision Ore., made on the 4th day of will sit in the council chambers tim per M, an d the lan d $20; th a t «aid ap p lican t Aug. 1914. rendered. To do otherwise means siastic evangelist discourse,—how <>f said city on the 18th day of w ill offer final proof in su p p o rt of his ap p lica Witness my hand and the offic­ August 1914 at the hour of 7:30 tloil an d Hworn sta te m e n t on the 16th day of the world is growing better, that that conditions will continue to October. 1914, before th a Iteglster an d Roceiver. the gospel is being preached to all grow worse, murder and arson ial seal of said city of Falls City, in the evening of said day to pass V. 8. Land Office, a t P o rtla n d , Oregon. Oregon the 6th day of August an ordinance establishing grades Any person is a t lib erty to protest th is pur- the nations of the earth, should with its consequent horrors. chase before en try , or in itia te a co n test a t any 1914. --------- •— ♦ -------- cause the thinking man to ask the on the herein before named tim e before p aten t Issues, by filing a co rro b o r­ [L S.] H. G. S trayer , affidavit in th is office, alleging facta which question, “ whither are we drift­ street, and also at the said time ated Sidewalk Improvement Notice would defeat th e en try . Auditor and Police Judge ing.” Great men have prophesied - if F. IIKJBY, Register. and place, to hear and determine To W\ R. Hinshaw, EmmaHin- of Falls City, Ore. universal peace; that the nations objections and remonstrances of the earth were so nearly civil­ shaw, Wm. Campbell, L. M. against the establishment of said Post Office Time Card ized and christianized that wars Treat, Odd Fellows Lodge No. grade, if any there be, and Street Grade Notice 148, R. E. Williams, E. C. Kirk- would only be in history; that bet­ That all owners and other per­ Oilico hours: Daily, except Sun­ To Alex Courier, Jack Moore, ter and brighter days were in pa1 rick. Free Methodist Church, Chas. Dill, Free Methodist Par­ sons in interest may attend at day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. store, even to the breaking of the and all other persons in interest. sonage, Fred Chapin, Arthur said time and place and show Mail arrives, from NOTICE is hereby given that cause if any they have, why such Millennial Dawn. Today the great Krebs, Bert Iverson, Jerry Sny­ Hiilcin-Dallns, 8.60 a.m., 8:86 p.m. nations of the earth are arrayed the City Council of Falls City, der, S. F. C. & W. R. R. Co., A. proposed grades should not be Black Rock, 2.00 p.m. Oregon, contemplate the passage established. for battle and the world is on the W. Walker, Mr. Bondurant and of an ordinance requiring the Mail closes, for Done by order of the City verge of one of the greatest wars all other persons in interest, pro­ improvement of the following de­ Baleni, 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Council of Falls City, Polk Co., since Sampson manhandled the perty owners and holders of Falls scribed streets and parts of Dallas, 9.00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Oregon made on the 4th day of Phillistines with the jawbone of City, Polk Co., Ore,, whose pro­ streets, tow it: Black Rock, 11.00 a.m. August, 1914. anjass. perty is fronting or abutting -T h ere are, however, other dis­ Beginning at intersection of upon the streets hereinafter de­ Witness my hand and the of­ Office hours: Hunday only, 9:30 ficial seal of said city of Falls to 10:80 a.m: turbances at home that the peo­ south Main street with Bridge scribed, City, Oregon this 6th day of ple should interest themselves. street and running thence east Mail arrives from Salem 8,50 a.m NOTICE is hereby given, that August, 1914. The labor question is becoming in south side of south Main street Mail closes lor Salem 9:00 a.m. the City Council of Falls City, Or. [L. S.] to the intersection of Church one of serious import—one that Effective May 20, 1914. H. G. S t r a y e r . must be dealt with fairly and street, thence south on west side contemplates the passage of an I r a C. M b u r l i n o , Postmaster. Auditor and Police Judge of Church street to Salem, Falls ordinance establishing grades on without fear or favor. of Falls City, Oregon. | Falls City, Polk Co., Or a h i' f a llii ( £ i t i| N r u m Mid-Summer at Newport Bank of Fails City JOB PR IN TING You Do Not Need to Send Away THE FALLS CITY NEWS BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Two hundred acres of Yer land am ss Id to bava burned over In tha Bluataw forcala. Tha f ir s t Ilapllat church. Indrpend an’., and tha Immanuel Ilapllat church at i>av i decided to marge. Joint property la valued al 313.000 Taxes In Oregon which ere declared delinquent on Septem ber 1 will auf- fer a penally of 10 per cent It 1« de­ clared at Salem. Fifty tb o u im d ateelhead trout weie placed In 'h e stream s In the vicinity of Dufur They w era obtained from tha Bonneville batchary. Ban has been placed on all unmui- sled dogs by tha Ashland city council and 110 will ba required to got doge ou*. of pound. Cows and hogs and avan ra b b u ia re eald lo have died In considerable n u n bere In Pleasant Valley, presumably aa a result of the eevere beet. W elter Hlinpoon. bom eat.ader 35 mile* south of Burns was Instantly hilled when a bucket fell on him while he was at the bottom of a well. Tha auto of C. J. Pugh was caught by th e tide end carried out to eea at Cannon Beach. Mr Pugh had a nar­ row eacape. He laaped „ut of tha car lust In lime. The Hammond Lumber company of Aalo-ia may be a f f e c t s by a threat of the Hindu employe.: to quit w. k to retu rn to India to join In a revo­ lution against G reat Britain. Prises aggregatlag « 0 0 will be given at band concerts a t Gresham, bonds from Multnc-nab C o u n ty and eastern part of Clackam as county to take part. On a w arrant from Coos Bay eec tlon charging him with a recent bank robbery W elter S. Peealee was a r r e tt­ ed at V allo/ atatlon, by Sheriff W. I,. Woodard and Deputy Kelllng. Mtaa Anna Quick, daughter of the < Ity recorder of 8t. Helena, la acting n her father's absence, and she de­ clares aha will give liquor offendere the limit when passing sentence. Portland. Ore., was chosen as tn e city for tha 1916 convention of tbe suprem e lodge of K nights of Pythias, at tho concluding aeaalon of the Pyth Ian convention at W innipeg, Canada. The John Day valley Is experienc­ ing a grasshopper storm. They sta rt mostly In the foothill* of the rnoun tains and descend, taking all of tha vegetation clean aa they advance. S tate P rin ter H arrla has completed the printing of the aeccnd edition of the 1913 aeaalon laws, this being ne­ cessary because th e first edition of 480 waa exhausted T his tim e gOO copies were printed. P reparations are being made to have this year's Pacific International stock show a t North Portland to acllpae all previous recorda In Impor­ tance. The tihow will be held Decem­ ber 7-14 at the stockyards. P arties from the Umpqua say th at there h a t been a fair run of salmon up to the present tbls season The fisherm en held a meeting there re ­ cently apd raised th e price of salmon sold to th a canneries to 8Ho per pound. McKee* Flat, 13 miles west of Con­ don, Is Infasted with grasshoppers aa had as they were In K ansas many years ago. Farm era fear a total de­ struction by grasshoppers next year. T he sam e condition Is reported on Pine Creek, leading to Condon. At a meeting of the I-ane County F arm ers' Protective association In Eugene several thousand Bob W hite quail will be asked for from the sta te game farm, to eat buga th a t are ra v ­ aging the bean and corn crops In thla county. Seventy accidents, one fatal, were reported to Labor Commlasloner O. P. Hoff during tha past week. E. H. Baker of Dee, waa tbe victim of a railroad train a t Dee and there were more accidents In railroad work than in any other. G rape growera about H erm lstonare all rejoicing. The orop there has al­ ways been a good one, but this year It promlaea to even beat anything yet. Flame Tokays, M uscats, Thompson Seedling, Worden sad Concord vines are all carrying every pound possible of fine big bunches. T hat there Is a strong sentim ent In Roseburg toward bonding-the city for 8600,000 to aid the construction of a railroad to the coast la shown by the fact th a t 760 voters algned the Initi­ ative petitions authorizing an election on the proposed am endm ent. Only 160 signatures w ere required With about 20 orchardlala of the valley aa members, the Kood River Fruitgrow ers’ Exchange haa been for­ mally organized and papera of Incor­ poration bava been sent for filing to the secretary of stale. A contract of affiliation has been algned with the N orthw estern F ru it Exchange, of Portland. Orsaaboppera are playing havoc with the crops a t th e farm of the sta te Insane asylum. Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superintendent, has reported to the sta te board of control that tbe pests virtually have destroyed th e po­ tato crop and th a t they are dam aging other crop.!. He say* tha Insects are of tbe K ansas variety.