Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 15, 1914, Image 1

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    T hb N kwh stands for
u Kreator and botter
Kalla City all the time
LS eiT
No. 49
-r —
Buy all goods o f home
merchants and help to
make Falla City greater
while admitting thi-i the forts remain
Intact, explain« this by saying:
"7 tie emperor did not. wish to sacrl
flee ltf<- unnecessarily, but aa soon sa
the heavy artillery arrives the forts
tvlll be taken without the loee of a
Stubbornly Oppose and Block General Von Stein admlta the cap­
ture of the forts Is s difficult problem
Advance of German Army
btcause of the unfavorable ground
on France.
about them, and further because the
population of the towu, Including the |
London -A remarkable and uncx women, shot at the German troops
period feature of the opening duya ol from behind, firing Indiscriminately,
the great European war was the stub hitting the surgeons and the wounded.
born reslatance offered by the Bel
scious bather to shore.
glans of Liege to the German advance Allow Departure of Unarmed Reserves
As soon as he landed Ernest
through Belgium.
Washington.—European warring na­
Though the city baa been occupied tion! were Informed by government
left those on the beach to carry
by the Oermana, It held out heroically officials that the United States will truest O'Bryan Mekes Daring
the apparently dead man to the
for day* agalnat the wave of German not Interfere with the departure of
sous at Seaviaw.
nearby cottage o f Mrs. T. C. El­
Invasion which shattered Itaelf against reservists unless they were organized
liott, o f Walla Walla, while he
the forts held by the brave Third Dt and armed in this country.
galloped to the cottage o f Dr. R. J.
vision and the Fifteenth mixed brl
England Accepts Flour.
gade, commanded by General Leman.
Marsh, o f Portland. Dr. Marsh
Ottawa, Ont -The Canadian gov­
The Initial losa sustained by the
raced to the Elliott -cottage, and
German Invaders la the most serious ernment has offered the Imperial au While Older Bathers Look on Help-j
after an hour's hard work, with
encountered by any army In modern thorltlea 1.otto,000 bags of flour as a
leeely, Youngster Carries William
hypodermics and restoratives, A b ­
gift for the use of the British people,
Wells Abbott to Safety in
bott regained consciousness.
The great Prussian assault on Fort and the offer has been accepted.
Unconscious Condition.
Boncelles ended In a terrible alaught
Mr. Abbott is Northwest gen­
— —■ —■ ♦
- — —
er. storming Infnntry melting away be­
eral agent for the Continental Life
fore the machine guna of tbs defend­
Sea view, Wash., Aug. 9.—One Insurance Company, o f Salt Lake
o f the finest pieces o f individual City, and lives at the Hotel Ben­
During the German night attack on Rev S R Hawkins Also Fears United
heroism ever witnessed on North son. Young O’Bryan, who at­
Liege they were received with a ter­
States May Bn Involved
Beach was enacted here today, tends the Ladd School, fives with
rible fire from the head of the street
That the present war is unjusti­ when Ernest O ’Bryan, 13-year-old his parents at 208 Sixteenth street.
as well as the houses on either side.
Women and children carried ammuni­ fiable and was caused by greed son o f Harvey O’Bryan o f Port­
When the Potter train pulled
tion for the defenders.
and selfishness on the part o f the land, rescued William Wells Ab­
out tonight, the 13-year-old hero,
The Belgians fell on them like fu
nations involved, excepting Bel­ bott, also o f Portland, from drown­
who had faced almost certain
rles, soldiers and civilians alike using
and Servia, and that will ing in the Pacific Ocean. Abbott
knives, revolvers and rifles, and wo
death taking a chance which a
men and children and gray-beards tak suffer fearful consequences, was swam out beyond the breakers score o f experienced swimmers
Ing part, many of the women pouring declared Sunday by Rev. S. R. and was unable to return.
refused, was shouldered by the
boiling water from the windows on Hawkins in his sermon on “ War,
Ernest O’ Bryan was riding his crowd.
the charging Germans In the narrow-
Its Uses and Abuses,” in the Cen­ pony, Dixie, along the beach when
streets below.
Christian Church.
he saw Abbott making a desper­ State Fire Wardens Employed in
While both combatants claim vic­
preacher referred to the ate struggle far out in the break­
tory at Liege, military experts here
Polk County
Interpret the rather conflicting dis­ present war as the most signifi­ ers. He lashed the cayuse into
patches to mean that the German cant o f modern times, and said he the foaming surf, out among the Bird. Walter *
Mi Id letón, Jag.
forcea have broken through the Bel
would not be surprised -to see the combers and beyond the bathers Harris, J. R.
glan defenses at Liege, taken the city
Airlie, Rfd
States become involved. who were afraid to venture the C o n d o n ,J. L. ‘
and started toward Namur, where the
Black Rock
next big battle of the seven nations’
European war Is expected.
war, justified by the Scriptures, go further into the treacherous Kiroes, Ray
Durell, Cha-. *
Apart from Liege, the fighting of among which was national self- undertow, young O’ Bryan threw
Flória, Joseph ‘
Falla City
the first week, when resolved to the
preservation and war declared to himself over its head and swam Hardesty, Chas.
proper perspective, eventually, doubt­
a weaker nation, such as the to where Abbott had gone down. Kim niel I, Samuel
less, will be considered Insignificant.
the United States waged He found the unconscious man ! .et*. Win. F.
One of the most Important develop­
Teal, Albert
ments In the eyes of experta, la the against Spain to save Cuba.
being steadily seaborne, secured a Turnbull, Thomas
general testimony that the German In­
“ This war period,” declared grip on his bathing suit and in a I Val lier, K. E.
fantry formation la obsolete and Inef
the clergyman, “ will not be over few minutes hauled the uncon- Teats, Bert
fectlve against weapons of today, and
means an enormous slaughter If re­
its ending we shall have a new
A news dispatch from Brussels says heaven and a new earth, compar­
It Is officially announced there that atively speaking. It is going to
the Gertnpn loss in Belgium In the re­
result in man realizing the hope­
cent fighting was 2000 dead, 20,000
o f depending on carnal1
wounded and 9700 prisoners.
Fifty Families
News From Various
to Fire Zone
Paris Of The Country
0 tnt« Smokt AMs t*
Danfsr I«
interesting News Clipped From Exchanges and
Gathered From Other Sources
* ' »
Count Von Moltko, chief of staff of
ths German army, who will direct the
German forces In the European war.
■ / »
Switzerland rlvea the powers to
understand she will realat Invasion of
her territory.
Releían authorities arrested 600
Germans supposed to be spies, and
100 are said to have been shot.
Detachments of the famous Turcoa
or native troops from the Krench col­
ony of Algeria penetrated Upper Al­
Prance acknowledge President Wil­
son’s medlatlou offer, but the ac­
knowledgments went no farther.
The German troops Inundated the
valley of the Kellie, hoping by this
means to stop the advance of the
french, but the quantity of water was
not sufficient and the French troops
were able to continue their march
In the capture of Mulhausen, the
French seized a great aeroplane fac­
tory. operated by a noted German
Cholera la reported to have broken
out among Austrian and Servian sol­
Arthur M. Huntington, president of
American Geographical Society, and
his wife were held as spies at Nurem-
The German cruiser Augsburg was
reported sunk by Russian torpedo-
boat In Baltic Sea, after bombarding
Many czech soldiers In the Austrian
army were shot for refusing to fight
The Belgian government seized 34
German steamer« and two sailing
ships In port at Antwerp
Austrian troops having been with
drawn from the 8erv!an frontier, Ser­
via began an Invasion of Austria.
Hundreds of American school teach­
ers were marooned abroad. It was
predicted that the opening of a num­
ber of eastern schools would have to
be postponed as a result.
Despite strong pressure by Ger­
many and Austria, Italy remained neu­
tral. It was believed Germany with­
held a declaration of war only because
It stilt hoped to win Italy Over.
Norway and Sweden have exchang­
ed obligatory assurances with the view
of preventing hostile measures being
taken by either against the other be-
oause of the war.
The secretary of agriculture Intro­
duced a bill Into the house of com­
mons giving the British government
power to seize all foodstuffs The bill
passed through all Its stages.
German Charge d’Affalres tells Sec
rotary Bryan reports emanating from
London and Tarts put Kaiser In wrong
light; alleges Britain wanted to tie
up Germany, and make her fleet use­
less and otherwise sought to humili­
ate the German emperor.
The Qerman reservists here appar
ently have despaired of getting back
to the Fatherland. There are 66,000
stranded In New York. They were
notified to return to their homes un
til further notice.
Similar Instruc
tlons were given to 10,000 Austrians
and several hundred Dutch reservists.
The long list of captures of German
merchantmen appearing every day are
evidence of the exercise of sea pres
sure. Nothing In the shape of food
can enter Germany by sea. Her «¿a
board supplies of every kfn4 are stop
ped. The cessation of her trade and
commerce and the consequent scarci­
ty will presently have an Influence
upon her population generally and al­
so upon her provisioning of her huge
military forces.
Brussel«.—The German army Is be­
ing detached from Its position before
Liege and Is advancing through the
heart of Belgium. The main body of
the German cavalry Is engaged In a
forward movement all along the front
of the allied armlea.
An official report says communica­
tion has been restored with Landen, a
village In the province of Liege, seven
miles southeast of Tirlement.
Belgians blew up several bridges at
their front In that vicinity, which gave
rise to the report of an artillery en­
gagement. No news has arrived show­
ing that such an action took place.
A German aeroplane flew over Brus­
sels at a height of 2000 feet. Civic
guards fired several shots at the air­
ship, but they fell short.
There Is no fear regarding the food
■upply of Belgium.
An earlier dispatch from Brussels
said that German troops had seized
the station at Lnnden, a short dis­
tance west of Llegef, and, after driving
out the railway employes, burned the
weapons. Since the earliest dawn
of human history God never per­
mitted a nation to go unpunished |
after making war upon his w o rd 1
and upon his people.
“ None o f us today can tell,
where this war will end. I be-1
lieve it may last ten years, in'
some form, and I shall not be
surprised to see the United States
involved. Even some o f the young
men present in this congregation
may die upon the battlefield. ‘
—---- - » •
Down on Camp Without Not ico
Is Alarming aa Rcthing Can
Bs Soon M ils Away,
Eugene, Or.,
in a state o f fear o f being cut off
from escape by forest fires.
with smoke and objects a mile dis­
tant are swallowed up by the
dense blanket tliat prevents all
chance o f detection o f fire before
its spread across the narrow val­
ley, where it might wipe out the
camps as it did the town o f Wend-
ling and the camps several years
A report was received at Wend-
ling that fire had started between
Wendling and the camps 10 miles
above. As yet it has not been
The smoke which fills the valley
is caused by three fires. One at
Mabel, which has been burning
for two weeks in old slashings
and covering 200 acres, assumed
serious proportions this morning
and a force o f men was rushed
from Marcola. The fire at Donna,
which has been burning for a
week, is advancing slowly, despite
the efforts o f a large force o f pa­
trolmen. The third fire is small
as yet.
T ry a S a c k of
a n d w a t c h r e s u lt s
Belgium, 40,000 German soldiers
They went
suit that, they gathered, August 5,
for attack ou Liege. In the first
day’s fighting they were repulsed,
and according to acccuhts from
Belgian sources, they lost 8000.
The battle was^jrenewed August 6
with Crown Prince Frederick W il­
liam himself in charge of about
100.000 troops. The Belgians un­
der King Albert held them off for
a long time awaitiug the arrival of
80.000 French troops being hurried
to the scene.
The battle took place some miles
from t he scene of Waterloo, lOO
years ago. Inasmuch as it came at
the beginning and not the end uf a
war it did not promise to be so de­
Garmant Confident Fortifications Will
Fall Before Siege Guns.
London.—The correspondent of the
Exchange Telegraph
Rome says a dispatch from Berlin
glvks an official statement by General
Von Stein regarding the alege of
The German commander denies the
loss of 20,000 men, hut does not give
his losses. He says that only a small
number of German troops were en­
M. L. Thompson, Josh Talbott
gaged In order to mask the move­
W. T. Grier autoed to Port­
ments of the bulk of the army. The
enemy's advance attacking; force, he land Tuesday to atteud Buyers
says, waa completely annihilated, and
entire Mohawk Valley is filled
were on the march into the little
nation from Hanover.
1 2 .-Fifty
families in logging camps on the
Within two days after the kais­
by foot and train and with the re-
Upper Mohawk River are living
er’s declaration of war
All Goods and Prices Are Right
Falls City Lumber Co.