4 lu one hour Three hundred people In danger. Can you reach us?" That was the message which the yarduaster read to us from the «lei»» of the stntiou at I.attell. He was pal«k and his hands shook as he spelled the 1 words out slowly He didn't have any need to tell us the danger. Nor did he call for voliin < > leers. To try to get to Yardsley was An Engineer's Ride Por Life I ! | like buying a through ticket for death and be done with it W e atood around ami discussed tbe and Lives terrible news and did nothing-except | I-aunlgan He appeared at Png Donaldson's By J A R E D L. FULLER wlndc-r and. leaning tils arms on the Copyright fry Frank A. Munsey Co I sill, looked in with the same humorous ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I twist to bis lean features “ Them three boxes there empty?" he Pug Donaldson. who had boon the asked. Jerking his head backward to­ roundhouse foreman so long that he ward the sidetrack. thought he owned the entire system, PoDaldson nodded gave out his opinion o f I.aunigau at "I'm goiug to hitch my englue on to the end o f the latter's first week on | 'em. Jimmy aud me’ll see if we can git down there aud beat that barbecue. the M. and S. P. And this was It: “ That Grandfather Longlegs never 'll Gimme a clear switch!" The roundhouse foreman only stared; get to bold down a passeuger lever on this road, whatever he's done back but. after Lanuigau hud disappeared from the window, he rushed to tbe east. It ain't in him." Then the old man chalked up the door aud yelled after him: "H ey, you. Grandfather Longlegs! limit on the side of his little smoke dis­ a colored office, spat with emphasis and You'll be fried like a pancake —well, that closed the subject as far griddle!" But I.aunigau ouly grinned and leap­ as Pug was concerned. I reckon if I.aunigau hadn't begun ed aboard the old englue. We didn't by blowing about his eastern record know what he was up to until he'd coupled on the three empty box oars he'd made more o f a hit with us. He was a tall, awkwardly built man. and rattled away over the switches with a shock o f sandy hair and a and out o f tbe yard. "H e's making a bluff," some o f us smooth, humorous face. His legs and arms were remarkably long aud thin, said. Others who respected the pluck It aud old Donaldson's sobriquet stuck to him. "Daddy Longlegs" seemed took to approach the fire thought he'd never get through, hut would waste bis to fit. Lanuigau got a freight, and the worst steam for nothing. “ Well, Jimmy. It's going to be a hot bunch of scrap iron on the road, which, in moments of enthusiasm. Pug called run," the long legged Yankee told bis an engine. I f there was any man hand­ stoker as they neared the first belt o f icapped in the race to break the limit fire. "You fill up the furnace, and I'll it was the new man from the land of slow down so you can Jump. I don't want to take another man to perditiou tenderfeet The system o f advancement follow ­ with me.” "Oh. I guess I'll stop," says Slosson. ed by the M aud S. P. did uot include leugth o f service or "pull." Just one kind o f shamefaced. thing counted-the ability o f a driver Then they shook hands on it. aud to get speed out o f his machine over from that moment neither questioned the worst track the law ever allowed the other's intention of sticking to his man to lay. I Job. The country was new when the M. But Jimmy had loaded the old en­ and S. P. was surveyed aud laid down. gine for t>ear all right before they It had been a race between the M. aud reached the fire line. She was whirl- 8. P. and another corporation to see | ing miles under her drivers at a rate which should reach the terminating to !>eat even our one fast train, aud town where connection could be made the empty boxes behind were dancing with the Pacific road first. like mad over the rough roadway. We won. but at a cost which crip­ "W e're getting there. Jimmy!" sings pled the road financially for years, and , out I.annigan at last. "Shin over Into the renewing o f the first roadbed was the water tank and Oing a pail or so a slow and laborious job. over me when you get a chance." We ran one fast passenger—the L im ­ He stood out on the running board ited. The through mall cars were a t­ with a hand on the lever, his cap visor tached to that train too. shielding his eyes from the smoke and It was a continual fight all through flying sparks, peering ahead as best he the year to keep that one train alone could at the rails. Jimmy, up to his up to the schedule called for by the neck in tbe tank, flung pail after pull contract with the government. of water over his long figure. I f any man on any other train show­ Suddenly the engine seemed to run ed the ability to get speed out o f his into a veritable wall o f flame. It ex engine he was watched, and if he tended far across the roadbed, and It “ broke the limit" he stood a good wrapped the train about In a living, chance o f displacing the driver then seething mantle as she rushed on. running the mail train. It seemed as though no man could The M. and S. P. in those days was go through that sea of fire alive, but a “ farmers' railroad.” Most o f the when the old englue staggered out of way stations were merely huts and w a­ the fire belt Lannigan still stood up ter tanks in forest clearings, tapping a right at the lever. certain section of farming counCry His sparse mustache, his eyebrows, stretching westward of the line. his shock o f sandy hair were gone. He I.annlgan had been with us since the was as bald as a parrot, and his cloth­ winter before. He was a good driver, ing was afire in a dozen spots But he but not brilliant. Anybody but a p rej­ turned a horrible grin upon Jimmy and udiced old fool like Donaldson would waved his hand. have recognized his good 'points. lAit "G ive us another bucket!" he croak­ you never could stir the roundhouse ed. And tbe stoker climbed out o f the foreman when he'd once made up his tank, more dead than alive himself, mind. and put out the burning garments. Then they reached Yardsley. I.annlgan hud learned the road and his engine. I f he followed another I guess If any two men were ever train be was on its heels all tire time welcomed as angels straight from and got himself well cursed for it. heaven It was Lannigan and his stoker, Some o f us began to see that there though they must have looked a deal really was more to tbe eastern man more like devils from tbe pit. than we had believed. T w o hundred and ninety people, who That fall was dry. the sun and wind had given up their last hope of con­ all day and every day drying the sap tinued existence, piled Into those three out o f the trees und brush and burning box cars like cattle. The doors were ! the leaves brown before the frost could closed, aud then It was up to Lannigan make them pretty. and Jimmy to run them back to Lat- By and by the Inevitable happened. tell. Kiri'- began to Ught np tbe benrens The old engine was reversed, and nightly, and by' day streaks o f blue hack through the awful belt o f flame smoke hid the tk>ps o f the higher hills. and smoke she went with the three Iteports reached us from all direc­ boxes. tions of families burned out and set­ Lannigan certainly showed that day tlements threatened, but fo r a week what be could do when he had tbe the conflagrations kept away from the right o f way. line o f tbe rond. Scorched almost to a cinder one In­ Then suddenly one Sunday morning stant and saturated tbe next, Lannigan a flood o f fire swooped down the moun tain side and cross«si the tracks some stood at bis post and brought tbe res­ cue train through to Lattell. Tbe box miles south o f Yardsley. Tbe IJaiited came through somewhat cars were afire and tbe passengers | scorched, and the next day traffic on half suffocated when they arrived. Jimmy was pretty nearly drowned in tbe road between T.attell and the Junc­ the tank, and we picked Lannigan off tion was cut off altogether. This shut off several settlements as the engine Just as he caved completely. “ Daddy Longlegs” was some time In well as YardsVby, except by telegraph. The wires w are still working, and our the hospital and came plaguy near los­ operators shuck to their posts like the ing his sight, and all because o f that run. But If a man was ever popular brave fell9; in 1910, 909, 1914, about 1.2L0 T h e Location Falls City is situated in the south central part of Folk County Oregon, in section -1, township 8, S., range H.W., Willamette mer­ idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and "¡5 rail miles south­ west of Portland, in the narrow western end I the Little l.ucki- aniitte River valley, surrounded on the north, south, and west bv the foothills of the Coast Range mountains. Elevation, 88(1.88 ft above sea level. Transportation— Salem, Falls City A- Western Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail distance of 80 miles, with S. P. main line connections at Pallas, Gerlinger, and Salem, and with the Oregon Electric nt Salem Falls City is incorporated as a city, and contains 758 88 a 'ns, valuation for taxation $2(18,837. '1 he city administration is com­ posed of mayor, seven counci.men, auditor ami police judge, mar shal, treasurer, engineer, health otlicer. Salarns: Marshal aud water superintendent, $(10; auditor. $25; attorney, $25. W a t e r and W ood The citv of Falls City owns the gravity water systei Its first cost was $30,000 Pure mountain water is piped from siirings on Judge Teal’s ranch, II miles away, at an elevati n o' noon' 800 feet above city level. Oak and fir tiro wood is plentiful nml cheap. L u m b e r , Frui t, V e g e t a b l e s a nd B e r r i e s Klectric-powcr planing and saw mill, log pind, dry kiln and lumber yard in the city, lumber Hume, figging road.« and logging outfits, all owned and operated by the Falls City Lumber (.'■>. The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to the production of fruits and berries as any other section ol t ic Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines is going on. Vegetables ami berries of many kinds grow to perfection, in and adjoining Falla City, and many acres are planted to straw­ berries and loganberries. Market conditions are improving s t e a d ­ ily, as production is increased. S c h o o ls , C h u r c h e s , Soci eties, C lu b s p ro (c 00 ional C a r ta Iti: \ L E S T A T E KOIl SA LK I Lots I, 2, 8, I, 18, 14, block E. Two lini' building lots in block G , East View add. i For rent, house, barn, II lots; $H; Ellis street. Property for sale. •* For Sale, 2 good lots, on Pine stnel in block K, cultivated. I'll YHU'I AN W . B . O ff ic e r , M . D. P h y a la la n anS S u rg a a n OHI.-auvvt Thiuupaou'l ilm * .to r. Mu lual riunir i«| I'buua N l| lill'a ll Ml ' Lots 18. 1 L 15, hi, block O, at a bargain; $100 cash, bai. o n terms at 8 •» Two lots, (1 r. house; fruit, ber­ ries, city water, electric light; el >se in, burguin. I'll YHICIAN F. M. H E L L W A R T H PHYSICIAN AND 8UKGKON OHiee one door east of P. O. O ffici ami K« H I . t r i m Phono 8ti3 For sale. Urn acre, adjoining cily limits, with 6 room house. A bar­ gain at $125, terms. House to rent. * For sale — 9 acres, partially im­ proved. house, timber; spring uml living stream; near western city limits, price, $1000, half cash. 9 For sale, one aere, i ulti valid, truit, berries; tt-r. bouse insured for $ 1 100, elec, light, city water, n sHpot J , pi ice $1000; all cash, or $700 cash, terms on balance. I" For sale, 7 lots (all of block A) in Montgomery's addition to Falls City; good garden ground, fenced; city water; price $111X1 if bought within the next 80 dtys. II For sale, line home in city, with 2.5 acres, 10 cultivated. i For sale, lo ts 7, 8, 11, 2H block K, and lots 11 and 12 block K. Will trade for Portland property, O n g o ti ATTO KMC Y JA S . O. M C L T Z CL, A t t o r n e y a t Lav* Practice In all lb* Slats courts fiulto 11 Bush Hrrjrmsn Bldy., phone JU S a le m . O regon _________ I'KN TIB T Dr. A.G. Atwood D E N T IS T P h e n e 1931 F a lle C ity , O r. r t 'N K H A L n ta tU T o H R. L CHAPMAN Fu nera l Directo » W e altead te ell w erk p r.atplly. Dalles and Falla City, Or i' For sale, lot 2 block M, M ad. n For «ale, HO a. I j ini. north of city 20 a. improved; 25 a. good timber; plenty of pasture aud water. » U 0 tnc 00 (T arta _______ HOTICI, B To rent, I2 r house, fa lls CitçUotcl • I'wo acres, cultivated, fruit, ber­ ries • » r. house, sheds; water, elec­ tric light; will divide. l S a m p le R oo m s B eat A o o e m m o d a tle n e F. ro s e a . P ro p rie to r I'lirce acres, adjoining city, in !• ive acres, in city. HAKHKH SIIIII'S ' Six l o i n o im p ro vem en ts; cheap Lot 5 aud 2d fl. of lot I I.]k D, 70 i. > I front, on North Mailt street, is lor .-ah'at a bargain; lest building h>: in town s e F. K. Hubbard. \ . K. Hubbard Realty Company In T h e N e w s o ffic e , F a lla Cily Ab-lructs ol title promptly fur- i.i Tied. Rat. •reasonable. Brown A Sibley, Oil) Mill Si., Dallas, Or. I be Falls City Electric Light A l ower ( 'o , will cell 10 watts Tung- si >ii globe (or 85 cents. 00 watt 1 >r 50 cents. r ----------------- — \ I ’ m o Falls City lias a 12-grade school with a four-year high school course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teachers. It- diplouias are accepted by the higher schools in lieu of ex.iminu- alums. The entire community i« justly proud of the school. m i O l £be 1 he Religious organizations ure; Adventist, Calholic, Christian, Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, Geiman Lutheran. The Fraternal societies: Ind. C id e r of Oddf* Hows, Keliekalis, Masons, Knightsof Pythias, PythianSiaters, Modern Woodmen of Amerira, Royal Neighbors o f America, Woodmen of the World, Women of Woodcraft. Free reading room. rail» CltJr, (O re g o n C. W . M a t t h e w » , P r o p r i e t o r Gem theatre, photoplay. Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the ialls; owned by the Falls City Electric Co , W B. Stevens president, II C. Brown vice-president and manager, A. W. Stevens secretary ami treasurer. Telephone system, with long-distance connections. C. J. Pugh local manager. Bu s in es s En te rp ris es Falls C ’ty is well provided with the usual business enterprises. The News contains the announcements of the following business and professional men of the city : Bakery, I). Toller, Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier. Barber shops, Win. Bohle. Carpenters and Builders, Kile A Elio, S. Omh rkirk. Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Chas. llarlung. Confectionery stores: B. L. Ellis, It. B. Harrington. Drug store, M. L. Thompson. Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood. Department store, N. Selig. Funeral diiector, R. L. Chapman. Furniture, J. C. Talbott & Co. General stores. N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Mere. Co. Hardware fciore. J. C. Talbott A Co, Hotels: Falls City Hotel, Fritz Droege, owner and manager; The .Wadena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Dennis, managers Jewelry store. W. A, I ’ersey. Newspaper, the Falls City News. I). L. Wood & Son. Photoplay fneatre, the Gem, C. J. Pugh. Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwaifu. Pressing ami cleaning parlor, I. A. Johnston. Railroads, Salem, Falls City A Western, Southern Pacific. Real estate agent, F. K. Hubbard Realty Co, Restaurant, The Madeira; Win. Finley, owner. Haloons: Trie Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mix. For F i n e C a n d i e s — i > Go To Lilis’ Confectionery Store H arrington’s FOR Independence Ice Cream £bc litabo Salem Laundry Agency Bundles sent Tuesday evenings. Notice to News Subscribers H A R R I N G T O N ’S A b lu e -p e n o ll cross m a r k on th is no tlos m o a n s t h a t y o u r s u b s c r ip ­ tio n to T h s N e w s h a s e x p ir e d a n d nssds fix in g Do It n o w . 00 YEARS' E X P E R IE N C E T rade M arks Brown’s Garage D e s ig n * C o p y r ig h t s A c . 1 in i description mu? n n t f k l f m ic i* rfm u f . n r o p in io n f r e e w h e t h e r m i I n v e n t io n is p r o b a b ly p a t e n t a b l* C o n im u n lc * . t lor in si rtef I y confident lm. HANDBOOK on Patents a«" » fre e . «»blest n ire m -y f o r s**f u n n * p a t e n t * . I ’ . ite n f s ta k e n t f . r o u g h M u n n A C o. r e c e iv e i p " i i i < notice, w i t h o u t c h a r g e, in t h e Scientific American. vr- . r ; f o u r m o n th s , | L Bring Your Job Printing to this Office V i H o ld b y a ll n e w s d e a le r« . MUNN & Co '36tBroa4way. fljpyy Y 0 f| ( Brauch OfTloj, 8% r HI., Waahloatun, D. C. 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