AtlOUtìT 1, 1914 THE FALLS CITY NEWS. i A SINGULAR j CUSTOM \ And How j; by It Was Illustrated < > a Russian i > < > Countess — < * B y L O U IS E B. C U M M IN G S V, A bull was in progress in the Winter palace at 8t. Petersburg. There were few persons in the resplendent throng who were not titled, and in Russia even a prince caunot hold his position in the court circle without complying with a number o f requirements. Among the few at the ball without the prefix to the name o f count, baron, duke or even general, without gold lace or a string o f decorations on the breast, but in plain black evening dress, was Adel Pert Wyman, an at­ tache to the American legation. I f Wyman was bereft o f artificial plumage nature had endowed him with an attractive personality. He was finely built, being tall and proportioned for an athlete, while his countenance bespoke a manly spirit within. H av­ ing Inherited a fortune and work not being a necessity with him. he had adopted a profession in which money making had no part and which to him seemed full o f interest—diplomacy. Wyman had prepared himself for his career by the study o f international law and more especially of several for­ eign languages. Russian among the number. H e was therefore enabled to chat in her native tongue with a young Russian girl, with whom he danced several times at this Imperial ball. The Countess Olga Ivanovna was one of those women o f the north whose com­ plexions are fair, whose eyes are blue and whose hair is flaxen. Notw ith­ standing the fact that she was noble and her companion was a commoner, she seemed to be pleased with him. Indeed, there was something unique in that unadorned figure among hundreds o f men most o f whom relied for ad­ miration on their velvet clothes, tinsel and the medals strung on their breasts. Some of them were misshapen, some had homely faces, and all were dress­ ed as if for a play. W ym an alone was unadorned. ‘•How do you like Russia?” asked the countess. All visitors are asked this question and if they are well bred usually reply that they like the coun­ try they visit very much. Wyman's reply was that the country interested him. When asked why, he said that it was in the marked difference to what be bad been accustomed. “ In what way?” asked the girl. “ First, with you Russians everything points from the people to the govern­ ment. while with us everything points from the government to the people. In other words, here the people seem to be for the government, while with us our government is for the people. But it is the many singular customs in the different parts o f your great em­ pire that especially interest me, the pronounced varied types o f your peo­ ple. 1 have read that in a certain province dowryless girls are raffled for as wives, the money paid in for chances being given for a marriage portion.” “ There is a more singular custom than that.” added the countess. "In a certain part o f Russia the girls pro­ pose to the men. I f a girl wants to marry a man she goes to his house. I f he refuses to marry her he is regard­ ed as insulting her and her fam ily, and they take revenge upon him.” "Th e privilege o f proposing mar­ riage," said Wyman, "accorded to the man Is a mere custom. F or my part I see no reason why a woman should not be as free to ask a man tx> marry her as that a man is free to ask her to be his wife." “ Do you really mean that?” asked the countess, looking up at Wyman archly. “ I certainly do. But you must not take me in that respect as representing my countrymen. I like to think for myself and am not a Slav«; to cus­ toms." The two parted at this point, but just before the ball closed they met again. “ We go next week to our home in the province of Viatka,” she said. “ I f you will make us a visit there I think I can show you sarnie more o f our odd customs. The people about us have some very singular ones.” “ I assure you 1 feel highly honored by the Invitation and shall accept it with much pleasure.” In time Wyman received a form al In­ vitation to visit Count Ivan Ivan ­ ovna's estates in Viatka. A time was set for his coming, but none for his departure. This surprised him, fo r it Is usual among most entertainers In high life all over the world to invite their guests for a definite period. The American was cordially received by the young lady’s fam ily and a suit o f rooms placed at his disposal. H e had not before met any o f them except Olga, and he seemed to be considered her especial guest A t any rate, sbe took upon herself his entertainment, driving him about herself, showing him the people, how they lived, how they worked and how they reared their chil­ dren Wyman was much interested in It all and more especially in tba Igno­ rance o f not only the-children, . 1 ) 0 1 of their parents. “ But you bare not sbown»m e,” said Wyman one day when they w ere put together. "liny o f those singular cifp- toms you spoke o f when in St. Peters­ burg." “ Ton must be p a tien t" w as the re ply. “ You Americans aiyfe always in hast« IT you are to be a olptomat yon must get rid o f that American trait.” A couple o f weeks passed Olga Ivanovna showed no «Usp-ndllou to part with her visitor, nor did lie care espe­ cially to return to the city There were no Intricate questions In-tween the I'nltcd States ami Itusata to render his attendance on his chief necessary, and he was not recalled lie occupied his time during the day in studying the Russian people under the guidance o f his fair hostess, and the evenlugs did uot seem long euougb. since he in­ variable spent them iu her company. I f Wytuan thought o f what might come o f this association it certainly did uot occur to him that a family whose nobility might bo traced back for centuries, which was In high favor with the exar. would consent to admit a commoner like himself Into its charm­ ed circle by giving biiu one o f its mem­ bers to wife. Nor did be suspect that Olga Ivanovna would sto >p to ally her­ self with him- He was happy, and he was young, and young persons are not given to looking to a point where their happiness may come to an end. One evening Olga showed a well de­ fined symptom that the little god had claimed her as one o f Its victims. He parting with the American was accom­ panied by an Inten .ty o f feeling uot tiefore definitely displayed. Wyman went to his rooms wondering. Could It bo that, yielding to love, this high­ born beauty would surrender to an un­ titled man from the other side o f the globe? The next moruiug Olga tbld her guest that th *e was to be a singular cere­ mony iu the line o f what she bad promised him. He was delighted. Olga would take |«irt in it. Would he like to do the same? Certainly. What was it like? There would be raelng. She would be dressed in ruunlng cos­ tume I f be 'intended to take part be would better dress for the same pur­ pose. Capital! He had been a sprinter in school and afterward In college. He had several cups at home be bad won on the cinder path. An hour later Olga appeared attired In a dress the skirt o f which came only to the knees. Wyman had no sprinting costume with him. so he ap­ peared simply in a pair o f white flan­ nel trousers and shirt. Thus arrayed, the two sprang luto a phaeton which stood at the door, and Olga drove to a field on which wns a crowd of peo­ ple. At one end o f the open space was a tent. Olga drove to a point near the canvas, and both she and her guest alighted. Olga went into the tent for a few moments, where she divested herself of her Jacket and came out ready for a run. Wyman saw no one else prepared for racing and noticed that he and Olga seemed to be the center o f at­ traction. While he was wondering what it all meant. Olga, who bad walked a short distance from him. turned, beckoned to him ami then darted away over the field. Wyman ran after her. There was the same excitem ent the same cheers, tbe same shouts, as when he had won cups in America. He was surprised to see that Olga was running very sw ift­ ly. Gallantry at first caused him to moderate his pace, but it was not long before he realized that if lie was to catch her be must do Ills best. Tbe space to be traveled was iiOO yards, and to win Wyman must cateli the fugitive before reaching a goal at the other end o f the field. He was at first so dilatory that when Olga had made half the distance it seemed be would lose. And so he would have lost bad nut Olga in the next quarter slowed her pace. Within a hundred yards o f the goal she ran so slowly that Wyman bad no difficulty In catch­ ing her. He put his hand on her shoulder, and she fell back Into his arms amid a vociferous approval of tbe onlookers Having recovered her breath, sbe slipped her arm through his. and they walked back together to the starting point. Out of tbe tent came a priest and advanced toward them. Olga rais­ ed her band in protest. “ No. no. father. This is not a real wedding. This gentleman wished to see some o f our customs, and I thought I had best show him one of our wedding ceremonies and arrange that he should be a part o f it, but your services will not be required.” Wyman stood looking at the speak er wonderingly. Tbe excitement o f tbe chase was ui»on bira. Moreover, a de­ lightful suspicion flashed in bis mind (hat there was something more in this ceremony than to show lain a custom of tbe country. As for the crowd, It showed signs o f dissent. There were cries of “ A wedding, a wedding!” But the count­ ess, who was much beloved by tbe people, stilled them. “ For my part,” said Wyman, looking at Olga with eyes that expressed’ far more than bis words Implied, “ I think tbe people are right. W e should not disappoint them.” At this tbe cries were renewed, and this time Olga found It impossible to still them. She gave Wyman a ques- ‘ inning look, then dropped her eyes. Wyman struck while the Iron was hot and signaled to the priest to advance lad ia-rfortii the ceremony. Olga yleld- cd, and the two, having been made one, were escorted to the bride's borne by a singing, shouting populace. Wyman returned to the embassy at St. Petersburg, and it was announced to the world that the secretary o f the American legation and tbe Countess Olga Ivanovna were betrothed. Not long afterward they were married In presence of the Imperial family, and there were few persons at the capital who knew that this wns a supplemen tary ceremony. W ym an’s life has been spent mostly abroad, hut a [lortlon o f It lie tins lived in America with his Itusitan wife. FALLS C IT Y , OREGON Offers exceptionally tine opportunities for the establishment to C o -O p e ra tiv e Cannery C o -O p e ra tiv e C re a m e ry W o o d -w o rk in g Factories Fruit and Berry Orchards Manufacturers anil Uomesookers who want to know the facia con­ cerning Falls City anil its posaibilites for future development are requested to read the information given in those two columns. For further and more particular information, address The News. The Name Th'* city derives its nanu from the falls ol the Little I.uckia- mute Hirer, which flows through the city from the West. The first sale of town lots occurred in 1889, though donation land-claim settlers came here many years before that date. In 1900 the imputation was 260; in 1910, 969; 1914, about 1,250. T h e Location Falls City is situated iu the south central part of Polk County Oregon, in section 21, township 8, S., range 6,W.. Willamette mer­ idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and 73 rail miles south­ west of Portland, in the narrow western end of the Little Lucki- aunite River valley, surrounded on the north, south, and west by the foothills of the Coast Range mountains. Klevation, 886 .IS ft above sea level. Transportation— Salem, Falls City A Western Railroad, which extends from Salem to Hluck Rock, a rail distance of 30 miles, with 8. P. main line connections at Dallas, Gerlinger, and Salem, and with the Oregon Electric at Salem Fulls City is incorporated as a city, and contains 753 33 a.’ rts, valuation for taxation $268,887. The city administration is com­ posed of mayor, seven, auditor and police judge, mar­ shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer. Salariis: Marshal and water superintendent, $60; auditor, $25; attorney, $25. W a t e r and W ood The city of Falls City owns the gravity water system. Its first cost was $30,000. Pure mountain water is piped from enrings on Judge Teal’s ranch, 8 miles stray, at an clevnti n o'. aDout 300 feet above city level. Oak anil fir tire wood is plentiful and cheap. L u m b e r, Fruit, V e g e ta b le s and Berries Electric-power planing and saw mill, log pand, dry kiln and lumber yard in the city, lunfber Hume, logging roads and logging outfits, all owned and operated by the Falls City I.umber Co. The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to the production of fruits and berries as any other section of the Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines is going on. Vegetables and berties of many kinds grow to perfection in and adjoining Falls City, and many acres are planted to straw­ berries and loganberries. Market conditions are improving stead­ ily, as production is increased. S choo ls, C h u rc h e s , Societies, Clubs It KA I« KST A T K TO K SA L ti p ro fc M to n a l C nrto l I .tils 1.2, 3. 4, 13, 14. block K. - Two line building lots in block G, East View add. I ' l l Y S I l'lA N i For rent, house, barn, II lots, $6; Ellis street. Property for sale. * For Sale. 2 good lots, on Pine ' Lots 13. I I, 15, 16, block O, at a bargain; $.100 cash, bal. on terms St 8 * Two lots, 6 r. house; fruit, l»or- ries. city water, electric light; cl >se in, bargain. Business Enterprises Falls C 'ty is well provided with the usual business enterprises. The News contains the announcements of the following business and professional men of the c ity : Bakery, D. Toller, Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichole cashier. Barber shops, Wm. Bohle. Carpenters and Builders, Elle A Kile, S. Ouderkirk. Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Clias. Harlung. Confectionery stores: B. I,. Ellis, R. It. Harrington. Drug store, M. L. Thompson. Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood. Department store, N. Selig, Funeral diieotor, R. L. Chapman. Furniture, J. C. Talbott A Co. General stores. N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Mere. Co. Hardware store. J. C. Talbott A Co, Hotels: Fails City Hotel, Fritz Droege, oivnei ar.d manager; 'I he Madena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Dennis, managers Jewelry store. W. A. I’ersey. Newspaper, the Falls City News, D L Wood & Son. Photoplay tneatre, the Gem. C. J. Pugh. Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwailn. Pressing and cleaning parlor, f. A. Johnston. Railroads, blletn, Falls City A Western, Southern Pacific. Real estate agent, F. K. Hubbard Realty Co. Restuurant. The Madena; Wm. Finley, owner. Saloons: Toe Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Clias. Mix. Odin, • (>t| ,,, „ uu K>*uo* * hone 368 limits, with 5-room house. A bar­ gain at $125, terms. House to rent. * For sale — 9 acres, partially im­ proved; house, timber; spring and living stream; near western city limits; price, $1000, half cash. 9 For sale, one acre, cultivated, Iruit, berries; 6-r. house insured for $1400; elec, light, city water, cesspool; pi ico $1050; all cash, or $700 cash, terms on balance. I" For sale, 7 lots (all of block A) in Montgomery's addition to Falls City; good garden ground, fenced; city water; price $1100 if bought w ithin the ncx: 30 d tys. 'i For sale, tine home m city, with 25 acres, 10 cultivated, l- For sale, lots 7, 8, 14, 28 block K, and lots 11 it ml 12 block E. W ill trade for Portland property, K.II. l i l y um*a ATTOHNKY J A S . G. H E L T Z C L , A tto rn e y a t Law f r u l l r . In *11 ih . Stai* «tu ri*. Sull. II Hu.I, Bri'yiiiaii UM« . phou. XVft S a la r ti. O r * | o n MCNTIBT Dr. A.G. Atwood D E N T IS T P h * n * 1931 F a lls C ity . O r. rtlNKHAI. DIKKCTOK R. L C H A P M A N Funeral Directoi W * a t l . n d I * *11 w o r k p ro m p t ly . D * I U . and F a ll* C it y , O r i' For sule, I>>t 2 block M, M ud. H For sale, 80 a. 1J ml. north of city 20 a. improved; 25 a. good timber; plenty of pasture and water. Buelncee liaría norm. It To rent, 12 r house, 1* Two acres, cultivated, fruit, ber­ ries; 6-r. house, sheds; water, elec­ tric light; will divide. 17 Three acres, adjoining city. jf a lls Œ it ç lb o t e l S im p l« B **t R oom » A c c o m m o d a t io n s F . r o a g * . P r o p r ie to r 1* Five acres, in city. 19 Six lots, no improvements; cheap IIA l i l t t i l l S H O P S Lot 5 and 20 ft. of lot 4 blk D, 70 h et front, on North Mam street, is for sale at a bargain; lest building Ini in town S e F. K. Hubbard. Bohle’s Barber Shops F. K. Hubbard Realty Company in T h * N t w i o ffic e , F a l l * O ily F a ll* C ity , O r * g o n Khtrr >ou (ss gel t Him. Rsir Cal. Istli or 'ihia«‘ A g * n l f o r O a lla * S l * * m Lau ndr y Huiiill,'. Inrw«r,t.«t liiru ta y rvvitlus MONUMENTS Abstracts of titlo p-omptly fur­ nished. Rates reasonable. Brown A Sibley, 610 Mill St., Dallas, Ur. The Falls City Electric Light A Power Co., w ill sell 40 watts Tung- ston globes for 35 cents. 60 watt for 50 cent«. G. L. H A W K I N S M A R B L E A N O G R A N IT E MONUMENTS D a lla * , O regon TLhc O re g o n C . VW. M a t l h * w * , P r o p r i e t o r P For F in e C a n d ie s Go To Ellis’ Confectionery Store H arrington’s fob Independence Ice Cream Salem Laundry Agency Bundles sent Tuesday evenings. Notice to News Subscribers H A R R I N G T O N ’S OVER e s YEARS* ENCC T rade M a r s * D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . A n v o n * e n d in g n s k e tf h m id d p s e rln tlo fl m$$ q u ic k ly n a c e rtn lfi o u r o p in io n fre « w h e th e r an In v e n tio n m p ro h n b ly p n te n ta b le , C o m m u n lm - tlo n » A trlc tlv c o n fid e n tia l* HANDBOOK on P g U n t i ■ent fre e . O ld e st n g e n ry fo r set tir in g u iU e n n . I ’ ate n fe ta k e n th ro u g h M iin n A Co. re c e iv e A b l u * - p * n o l l c r o t i m a rk on t h l* n o t l o * m * * n * t h a t y e u r au ba erlp - tl o n to T h o N o w . haa an plra d an d n eed a fliln g Do it n o w . Brown’ s Garage Autos Fo r Hire t l x ial notice , without charge. In the Scientific American. A h e n d e o m e lf llln w fre fe d w e ekly, f,a rg e n t H r - m u t t o n o f Hny s c ie n tific Journal. T e rm *, f it a y e a r; fo u r m o tif ha, f l . Hold by a ll n ew sdealer*. Bring Your Job Printing to this Office PHYSICIAN ANI) BUKOEON OlHen one door easl o l P, O. i For sale, One acre, adjoining city The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order ol Oddfellows, Rehekahs, Masons, Knightsof Pythias, Pythian Bisters, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors of Aiuirica, Woodmen of the World, Women of Woodcraft. Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the falls; owned by the Falls City Electric Co , W R. Stevens president, II. C. Brown vice-president and manager, A. W. Stevens secretary and treasurer. Telephone system, with long-distance connections. C. J. Pugh local manager. I'll YMCl AN F . M. H E L L W A R T H ,. 'I l.e Religious organizations are: Adventist,Catholic, Christian, Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, Geiman Lutheran. Gem theatre, photoplay. P h yslolsn and l u r | * t s Orti o» ovvi Thoni|uoit'a drug «tore. Mu lutti j*liouo ivi ritolto Night ('all 441 street in block K. c u ltiva ted . Falls City has a 12-grade school with a four-year high school course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teachers. lit diplomas are a c c e p t e d b y tbe higher schools iu lieu of examina- atiohs The entire community is justly proud of the school, Free reading room. W . B . Officer, M . D . MUNN & Co.36,Bre,d"*» New York g r a o c h O ffice. 025 V H U W a s h in g to n , I). C. SUPPLIES General Repair Shop