Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, August 01, 1914, Image 1

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    T mk N e w * stands for
a (Treater and better
Falla City all the time
Official Nofificafion of the Declaration of War Senf
fa Sarvia. Russia Ready fo Assisf Servia
their ally, Austria. In any cir­
cumstances it is believed England
and France, the two remaining
powers in the triple alliance, would
not permit their ally, Russia, to
fight such a serious battle alone.
This might mean the arraying
o f Russia, France and Great Bri-
tian and possibly Roumania—on
the side o f Servia and Germany
and Italy on the side o f Austria,
with the (possibility that the other
Balkan nations and Turkey may
be dragged into the quarrel.
Austria’s army is credited with
Annailaf Bosnia and HarzafOvina by Austria Ona Causa of Trouble. a jxrace sU jngth o f 415,000 men
and 1880 guns, which the first
Servian Capital Bombarded and Brldfe Over River Sava Blown Up
From AuBtria'H declaration of ciently recovered from the effects
hoetllitiea againstServia the great- o f the war with Japan to render
any aid.
est war in history is threatened.
Servia had another ambition.
Austria's southeastern provin­
inland country, it was com­
ces have large Servian popula­
That is, the people are pelled to trade through Austrian
Servians by race and sympathy, ports on terms unfavorable to
just as there are is a population Servan commerce.
that is Mexican by race and sym-
In the Balkan war they fought
l>athy in southern California. Ari- their way to the Adriatic
zono, New Mexico and Texas, stead o f permitting them to retain
though born in the U nited States. a part,, however, Austria organ­
Two important Austrian prov­ ized the kingdom o f Albana, shut­
inces- Bosnia and Herzegovina - ting them in again.
originally were Servia's.
The Servians blamed Archduke
Many years ago they passed to Francis Ferdinand, heir to -the
Turkey. The war o f 1878 loosned Austrian throne, for this anti-
Turkey's grip.
The sultan re­ Servan policy.
tained a nominal suzerainty, but
Millions o f men are available
the provinces were under Austri­ for war duty in the event that
an supervision.
crisis between Servia and Austria-
It was plain that they must ul­ Hungary should involve Europe.
Austria large as she is in ter­
timately pass out of Turkey’s
hands. When this happened Ser­ ritory and population—does not
via hoped to acquire them again. outnumber Servia in available
A large share o f their people, be­ trained men so heavily as might
ing Servians, wanted this to hap­ be expected.
But the seriousness o f the situ­
lies in the fact that once
In 1908 Austria, however, un­
begin, a general war
expectedly annexed both provin­
ces. This was a dreadful blow to
Should Russia make good her
Servian ambitions, but Servia
to aid Servia. it is believed
was not strong enough to resist,
and Russia had not then suffi­ Germany and Italy would join
line reserves would increase in a
few days to 800,IKK) men. Behind
these could be mustered hundreds
o f thousands o f men o f varying
ages who have had military train­
ing and who would fill the gaps in
the field army, Servia can mob­
ilize all her male population able
to bear arms to the number of
.‘124,000 in a fortnight's time, al­
though she maintains only 30,000
men in time o f peace.
As Austria must guard the Rus­
sian frontier and leave some troops
in the great Slav territory to re­
strain outbursts o f revolution, it
can be seen that any army it
might attempt to throw across the
Danube into Servia would not be
o f overwhelming strength. Then,
too the Servian army is largely
composed o f veterans with a re­
cord o f first rate achievements in
the Balkan wars.
Germany’s field army in time of
war numbers 1,220,000 men and
her entire system o f mobilization
and strategy is based upon an in­
vasion o f France and a simultan­
eous resistance to a Russian at­
tack upon her back door.
Behind this field army stands an
active reserve o f 600,000 men o f
the Landwehr. and behind them
still 1,500,000 men who have had
military training.
No. 47
News From Various
Parts Of The Country
On a peace footing the Russian 1
army numbers 1,384,000 men o f
all corps, distributed over h er,
European and Asiatic possessions.
Many o f these men would not be
available for use in an European I
war. But military experts con-1
cede that Russia could hurl a
great army o f 1,500,0 JO men
across the German and Austrian
frontiers, the men comprising the
regular European army in the
corps and first line reservists. Albany Democrat Dives Republican
Nominee for Senator Opportunity
Behind them in turn are several
to Answer Question.
million trained and partly trained
Albany, Ore., July 27. —“ Sen­
France, too, would be an effec­ ator Booth, where did you get
tive ally o f the Servians on land. it?’ ’ This question will be an­
The active army within continen­ swered by the Republican nom­
tal France is thought to number inee for United States senator
about 600,000 men, and the out­ through the columns o f the A l­
break o f war would mean the in­ bany Daily Democrat during the
stant increase o f the field army to present week. The article in de­
strength o f 1,500,000, which fense o f the manner in which
might be still further increased Senator Booth acquired his im-
Booth to Answer
Newspaper’s Query
>y the recall o f troops from A l­
geria and drafts from 700,000
trained reservists o f the second
On a peace basis the Italian
army consists o f slightly more
than 300,000 men. The field army
in time o f war would muster near-
y 500,000 and could be raised
from drafts from the mobile mil-
»tia to 800,000 men. Behind these
troops stand the territorial militia,
more than 2,000,000 men.
England is not expected to ac­
count for much in military opera­
tions on land. Her allies would
expect her to smash or bottle up
the German fleet and then lead
her navy to assist France in wip­
ing out the Italian and Austrian
squadrons in the Mediterranean
and Adriatic seas. But England’s
most efficient help would undoubt­
edly consist in attempting to de­
stroy the German navy and mer­
cantile marine and in blockading
the German ports o f the North
sea and the Baltic.
-------------- • — ♦ ♦ ♦ — « --------------
Try a Sack of
and watch results
All Goods and Prices Are Right
Falls City Lumber Co.
1 %
Huy all (roods o f home
merchants and help to
make Falla City (Treater
Drive Through Cairo to Thoae Mar­
vels of the Desert.
It is a wonderful drive through
Cairo to the pyramids, whether you
«pin out there in a motor, or trot
on a donkey, or lilt on a camel,
squatting erosslegged on a load of
green bersin. l ’ast the great swing­
ing bridge and the island of Ghezi-
rch (the word that in itself means
"island") begins the six mile dyke,
which is the road made by Ismail
to please the Empress Eugenie.
Since her visit, in the days when
the Suez canal was opened, it has
pleased two empresses and more
queens than I have time to count.
Under the deep shade of lcbbek
trees it goes on and on, toward the
pyramids, a dark cool avenue, high
above cultivated fields flooded by
the Nile when the river is “ up."
The emerald waves of grain flow
like green water to the foot of the
broad dyke road, and the canals like
long, tight drawn blue ribbons are
threaded through it, their ends lost
to sight at the shimmering horizon.
Even at this noon hour, when
the world should have been eating
lotuses or luncheon, the intermin­
able arbor was crowded with strings
of camels, forever going both ways,
into Cairo and out, one wondered
why— and there were flocks of wool­
ly brown sheep, and donkeys draw­
ing sidcless carts in which whole
families of veiled women and half
naked children were seated tailor
fashion. On we spun, past the zoo,
past scattered villas of Frenchified,
oriental fashion, which might have
been designed by the confectioner;
past azure lakes left by the ebbing
Nile, and so into sudden dazzling
sight of the three geometric moun­
tains in a tawny desert— two, mon
sters in size, and one a baby trying
to catch up with them.
“ O hI” everybody breathed. For
these things were beyond words.
Then in a moment more the great
pyramid had grown so big that it
loomed over us and ate up half the
sky— a pyre of yellow flame against
a flame of blue.— From “ It Happen
ed in Egypt,” by C. N. and A. M.
mense tim ber holdings in wes-
tern Oregon is now in course o f
preparation and w ill doubtless ap-
pear in the A lbany paper within
the next tw o or three days in re-
sponse to a letter addressed to
the editor o f the Democrat by
Senator Booth requesting space
in which to reply to an editorial
published in the Democart on
July 21 and later commented
upon editorially by The Portland
Journal, Morning Oregonion and
and other Oregon newspapers.
Federal Aid Probable but Bridge Re*
pairs Will Rot Re Made Until Re­
sult Is Known.
Salem, Oregon July 29.— North
Salem is in danger of losing the
W illiam ette River, according to
reperts of experts who have exam-
i:ie(| the current and the western
i.a„k of the dream. Minto’s Is-
which ri up the river several
blocks, diverts the current and
sends it full force against the
bank just above the suspension
The earth is gradually
wearing away and it is feared that
ihe stream will cut its way into a
ravi ie and change its course so
the northern half of the city will
he high and dry.
Want Jap Workers
Japanese labor contractor is
al>out here trying to contract for
the picking of entire yards with
Japanese labor. I i is not likely
that he will succeed in making a
deal w ith any growers in this sec-
lion. They still remember the
"battle'’ fought three years ago in
Chung L in ’ i yard when
dusky sons of Japan, armed with
knives and clubs, made a vicious
attack on several white men when
ordered to pick the hops more
carefully. No fatalities resulted,
hut several received severe bruises
and one nun's hand was badly
Chung Lin, speaking of Japan­
ese hop-pickers says: “ Ms no
wan tee Jap toy no m re. He
makee too muchee tro .hie.’ ’—
Salem Statesman.
Representative Hawley, who has
been requested to ask the United
States Government to strengthen
the western bank, notified the
Commercial Club today that the
chief of engineers of the War De­
partment had instiucced the G ov­
ernment engineer at Portland to
make au investigation. Mr. Haw­
ley said he would do everything
possible to have the work done.
State Highway Engineer Bowl-
by, who is making an investiga­
tion of the suspension bridge, vir­
tually has pronounced it unsafe,
und it is probable that a new one
a ill be erected
Th e steel in the
frame work has crystalized. How­
ever, it is not the intention to
build a new one until the bank is
strengthened, fer if the river should
change its course the stream would
he a block or more to the west­
ventilation and running water.
The cows will be given a bath
before m ilking. The milking will
be done by machinery except the
filial stripping. The employees will
wear white suits and w ill look
more like waiters at a cafe than
successors to a calf.
Sanitary Dairying
The Krebs Brothers of -idney,
Folk County, formerly ln|>-aisers.
are constructing ail immense d«M\
ham that will be up to dale in
every particular. It will have ce­
ment floors, brass rails, modern
Men Who Will
Serve at August
of Court.
Following is a list o f jurors
drawn for the August term o f
the Circuit court for Polk county,
drawn on July 16, and certified
to by Clerk Robinson and Sheriff
B. F. Wells. Willamina, farmer
P. H. Drexler, Independence,
C. E. Staats, Airlie, farmer.
Wm. Riddell, Sr.. Monmouth,
J. K. Neal, Buena Vista, mer­
M. W. Mix,
J. C. Syron. Sheridan, farm er.
W. E. Williams, Airlie, farmer
S. H. McElmurray, Independ­
ence, farmer.
G. T. Boothby,
stock buyer.
C. E. Huntley, Independence,
C. L. Gardner, Dallas, farmer.
J. E. Beezley, Falls City, far-
i mer.
I George H. Brown, Dallas, far-
P. C. Lady, Willamina. farmer.
C. G. Griffa. Monmouth, man­
ager water works.
James Boydston, Dallas, retir-
C. P. Wells. Buena Vista, far-
John A. Botz. Jr., Sheridan,
Ira Phillips. Dallas, farmer.
T. T. Notson, Dallas, retired.
Ira A. Hooker, Independence,
E A . Pagenkopf. Monmouth,
T. D. Hollowell, Falls City,
Reason Brunk, Salem, farmer.
W. D. Henry, Salem, farmer.
Verd Hill, Independence, far­
M. Scrafford, Suver, farmer.
D. L. Keyt, Perrydale, farmer
T. J, Cherrington, Dallas, re­
Hiram Wood, Independence,