Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 25, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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J U L Y 25, 1014
Traders A w ait Sentence
unable to obtain employment, then
all may expect to enjoy prosperity
Men Accused of Freud in Land Deals
Irving Matthews.
OIters exceptionally line opportunities for the establishment
- OK
to Be Before the Court Today
Portland, Or. July 22— Fraud­
ulent land traders recently con­
victed in Judge M orrow's court
will be brought before him for
sentence. They are R. 1.. Gibson
R. M. Black, H. G. Kemp, and
Ed De Young. A ll were found
guilty o f trading worthless lands
in Linn County for property in
and near Portland.
Two defendants remain to be
tried. J. I. Mearow and B. Kiv-
ich. alias Kaufman. Their case
will be taken up early in the fall
with a new jury.
Fresh Bread,Cakee,Cookies, Pics,
and other bakery goods, t>\\ry day
it the Fall* City Bakery.
C o -O p e ra tiv e Cannery
C o -O p e ra tiv e C ream ery
W o o d -w o rk in g Factories
Fruit and Berry Orchards
Auditor and PoliceJudge.
o f Falls City, Oregon
profeeeto nnl Cart*
t Luta 1, 2, 3. I, 13, 11, block K.
- Tati fine building hit* in hiotik
G, F a si View adii.
) For reni, house, barn, U lots, $6;
Fili* Street, Propcity for sale
Boost for a Gymnasium for the School
W . B. Officer,
P h y alo lan and S u rg e o n
um. ■> tivvi TlioMlMon'* <lru. Mur*. Mu
lu u l I'I m . ui ’ rv|
I'I io iiu N l . h i c . i l 441
4 For Sale, 2 good Iota, oli Pino
stn-ot in block K, cullivuted.
5 Loti* 13. 1 I, 15, 16, block O, al a
hsrgain ; IKK) cash, bai, on terni*
at 8
<• Tw.u Iota, (I r. house; fruii, ber-
rie*, city water, eluvio«' tight; vi »so
Manufacturers and Homosookers w lu> want to know the facts con­
in, bargaili.
cerning Falls City and its possi bill tea for future development are
7 For sale, O h e a c re , adjoining eiiy
requested to read the information given in those twq columns, fo r
with 5 ionio house. A bai­
further and more particular information, address The News.
g li in at $ 125, terni*. House tu reni.
* For sale — 9 acre*, partially im-
The Name
proved ; house, tini ber; spriug and
living strenui; nenr western city
The city derives it- nanu from the falls of the Little I.uckia-
lindi»; priee, $1(KH), hall cash.
mute River, which flows through the city from t1 \\ est.
9 For sale, «me aere, lultivated,
The fust sale of town lots occurred in 1889, . High donation
Iridi, berrics; 6-r. house iusured
land-claim settlers « m e here many years befort that date. In
for $1100; «dee. light, city water,
RHH.) the population was 269; in 1910, 969; 1911, a >ont 1,250.
ce«Npool; plico $1050; all cash, or
$700 cash, terni* un baia lice,
T h e L o ca tio n
To A. N. Robinson, M. W.
Chappell estate, George March,
Jessie Moyer, J. R. Moyer, Cath­
olic Church.
To A. J. Wurtzbergar, F. Rob­
inson. A. F. Courter and Jeldena
To C. J. Pugh. Jos. Wankey.
estate, Alvina Quick, Chas. E.
To A. F. Courter and J. Cour­
E. L. Bancroft, P. Bogard
and H. Bogard.
( Continued from page 1 )
To Jos. Wankey, est.. School
are receiving about the same amount District No. 57, S. Cook. Sadie
of berries daily. At the Puliyup can fooze, S. M. Kratzer, Jas. Floria
nery today 66,000 pounds of rasper- L. Frink.
To Alania A. Quick. Mrs. D.M
ries were canned, 160 barrels, or 73,-
600 pounds of berries were barrelled Graham. Mrs. Emma Bancroft.
and six car loads, equal to 84,000 lb» Joseph Floria. Electa Bancroft.
Falls City is situated in the south central part of Polk County
Richard S. Ferguson.
P. M.
j f fresh berries, were sent East by
in section 21, township 8, S., rang* 6,W.. \\ illamette mer­
lones, A. F. Courter, J. Rliode-
cold storage express. This is a tota barger.
idian. 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and 73 rail miles south­
of 223,600 pounds or more than 111
To W. W. Ebert. Wilbur P.
west of Portland, in the narrow western end cf the Little Lucki-
tons Jof berries. The Sumner can­ Lewis, N. Ferguson. A. F. Court-
anuite River valley, surrounded on the north, south, ami west by
nery and shipping station received ?r and Jeldena Courter. W. L.
about the same amount.
Besides Gilson estate, L. Frink. J. Rhode- the foothills of the Coast Range mountains. Elevation, 886.38 ft
this, the association has two othei larger, Richard Roe and John ahovv sea lcvtl. Transportation— Salem, Fulls City A' Western
canneries in operation, one at Olym Doe unknown owners o f lots 1. Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail
phia and the other at Newberg, Ore 2, 3, 4. 5. and 1] a. tract all in distance of 30 miles, with F. P. main line connections at Dallas,
More than 3,000,000 cans will b« dock F, fronting on Ellis street.
Gerlingsr, und Salem, and with the Oregon Electric at Salem
To J. M. Dennis, estate. R.
needed to fill this year's orders. Las
Falls City is incorporated as a city, and contain* 7-81 33 ¡uris,
year the association did a business ol Paul. J. W. Halsey. Richard Van-
for taxation $268.837. 1 he city administration is com­
$1,000.000. This year the total if DenBosch, Joseph Harlan, C. T.
seven counci nu n, auditor and police judge, mar­
expected to amount to almost $2,00 West, Dale Bell. Jennie M. Cobb,
Chas. Hubbard. J. H. Lew is, D.
shal, tifugnrcr, engineer, health officer.
Salari»*: Marshal and
0 , 000 .
F. Boje, and all other persons in water superint« ndent, $60; auditor, $25; attorney, $25.
I further notice that Spokane n teres t.
business men have taken a hunch
W a t e r and W o o d
Notice is hereby given, that
to themselves, and awakened tc the city council o f Falls City,
The citv of Falls City owns the gravity water systet •. its first
the fact that all wealth comes Oregon, contemplates the pass­
cost was $30,000 Pure mountain water is piped from springs on
from the earth and instead of
improvement o f the follow ing de­ Judge Teal’s rai eh, 8 mih s away at an elevnti n o' aDout 300
grafting the produces as former­ scribed streets and parts o f
feet above rity level.
ly, and as most business centers streets, towit:
Oak and fir fire wood is plentiful and cheap.
do they are going to the aid o f the
All that part o f Prospect ave­
tiller o f the soil to effect a full de­ nue beginning at the intersection
L u m b e r , Fr u it , V e g e t a b l e s and B e r r i e s
velopment o f the country around of Fifth street with Prospect
avenue and running thence east
Electric-power planing and saw mill, log pond, dry kiln and
about the city, and Spokane is
to the intersection o f Prospect
lumber yard in the city, lumber Heme, logging roads and logging
sure to benefit very greatly by avenue with Alder street;
outfits, all owned and operated by the Falls City Lumber Co,
their undertaking. They are wise
All that part o f Alder street
enough to see that i f every acre beginning at the intersection o f
The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to
around about the city is produc­ Prospect avenue with Aider the production of fruits and lierrics as any other section of tin»
ing, there will be more business street and running thence north
Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines is going on.
to the intersection o f Alder street
for all concerned. Those who do
Vegetables and berries of many kinds grow to perfection in
with Fairoaks avenue;
not benefit directly, know that in­
adjoining Falls City, and many acres are planted to straw­
All that part o f Fairoaks ave­
directly, through the increase of nue beginning at the intersection
berries and loganberries. Market conditions are improving stead­
general prosperity they will be o f Alder street with Fairoaks ily, as production is increased.
benefited, and the business forces avenue and running thence east
are united in an effort to bring to the intersection o f Fairoaks
S c h o o l s , C h u r c h e s , Soc iet ies , C l u b s
avenne with Ellis street;
more people onto the land and to
Fall* City ha* a 12-grade school with a four-year high school
All that part o f Ellis street be­
help them make the most out of
ginning at the intersection of course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teacher*. It;
it, in fact they are offering all Fairoaks avenue with Ellis street
diplomas are accepted by the higher schools in lieu of examina-
possible assistance to the man who and running thence south to the
intersection o f Ellis street with ation*. The entire community is justly proud of the school.
will develope the country.
T ie Religious organiz.itions are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian,
It would be a step forward if North Main street:
Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, Gemian Lutheran.
the Falls City business men would
nue beginning at the south line
The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellow*, Rebekah*,
follow Spokane’s example in this o f the right o f way o f the Salem,
Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Modern Woodmen of
Falls City & Western Railroad in
The foggy idea o f extermina­ said Sheldon avenue and running America, Royal Neighbors of America, Woodmen of the World,
Women of Woodcraft.
ting every business but your own thence southeasterly in Sheldon
Free reading room. Gem theatre, photoplay.
is fast loosing favor with the far­ avenue to the city limits o f Falls
City, Oregon;
mer and people in general. They
Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the iails; owned
All the above described streets
are beginning to think for them­ and parts o f streets being locat­ hy the Falls City Electric Co , VV. B. Stevens president, H. C.
selves, and now see the need to ed and situate in the city o f Falls
Brown vice-president and manager, A. W. Steven* secretary and
City, Polk County, Oregon.
That said improvement will
There is a reckoning day in
Telephone system, with long-distance connection*. C. J. Pugh
every hive, and that day seems consist in general in the con­ local manager.
struction o f macadam pavement
close at hand for business people
on a grade heretofore established
who take but a casual interest in by Ordinance, such improvement
Business Enterprises
the producer and consumer.
to be made at the time and in the
Falls C'ty is well provided with the usual business enterprise*.
When the farmer is prosperous manner to be hereafter prescrib­
The News coinaum the announcement* of the following business
all are prosperous. “ In union ed by Ordinance.
That the cost o f said improve­ and professional men of the city:
there is strength’ ’ so let us co­
ment, and the whole thereof, ex­
operate to produce more o f the
Bakery, I). Toller,
cept the cost o f improving street
best, build factories to manufac­ intersections, will be assessed to
Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier.
ture the bi-products and as soon the real property fronting and
Barber shops, Win. Bohle.
as we can produce brands o f stan­ abutting thereon; and
Carpenters and Builders, Elle & File, S. Ouderkirk.
That the city council o f said
dard or superior distinction we
Clothier, Tailor and gents' furnisher, Chas. Harlung.
may have no fear o f market at city will sit in the council cham­
Confectionery stores: B. L. Ellis, R. B. Harrington.
ber o f said city on the 28th day
the highest price. I do not claim o f July, 1914, at the hour o f 7:30
Drug store, M. L. Thompson.
that we should all be growers, o’ clock in the evening o f said day
Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood.
but I do insist that what ever and at said time and place toTiear
Department store, N. Selig.
your line (fru it growing, dairying and determine objections and
director, It. L. Chapman.
or any other line you see fit to remonstrances thereto, if any
J. C. Talbott A Co.
there be, and,
follow ) those o f you in your par­
N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co.
That all owners and other per - 1
ticular line should get together son in interest may attend at said
Hardware store. J. C. Tall ott ifc Co,
with a determination to produce a time and place and show cause if
Hotels: Fails City Hotel, Fritz Droege, owner and manager;
sufficient quanity o f the best qual­ any they have, why such propos­
T he Madena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, M th . Dennis, managers
ity to enable you to put your pro­ ed improvements should not be
W. A. I’ersey.
duct on the best market the world
Falls City News, I) L. Wood & Son.
Done by order of the City
the Gem, C. J. Pugh.
Council o f Falls City, Polk Coun­
I hope the time is near when ty, Oregon made on the 23d day
Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwsttn.
Falls City will have a cannery, o f June, 1914.
Pressing ami cleaning parlor, I, A. Johnston.
evaporator, creamery, vegetable
Witness my hand and the offic­
Railroads, oaiem. Fails City A Western, Southern Pacific.
oil plant and several other indus­ ial seal o f said City o f Falls City,
Real estate agent, F. K. Hubbard Realty Co.
tries to assist the farmers to ob­ Oregon this 15,day o f July, 1914.
Restaurant, The Madena; Win. Finley, owner.
F. K. H ubbakd ,
tain a better market for what (L. S .)
Saloons: Tuft Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mix.
Mayor «nd Ex-Officio.
ever they may raise, and at the
same time furnish employment for
men, women and children now
tu For sale, 7 lots (all ot Idock A)
in Montgomery'* addìi ioti tu Fall*
City ; good garden ground, (enced;
city Water; priee $1100 it bonghi
within thè nex 30 <1 tys.
it For sale, lino homo in city, with
25 ai re», 10 cultivatud.
1- For siile, lots 7, 8, 11, 23 bine k K,
and Kit* 11 and 12 block li. Will
trade for Portland property.
13 For sale, lot 2 bloek M, M ad.
14 For sale, 80 n. I .1 mi. nortli of city
20 a. improved; 25 a. good tinibor;
plenty of pasture and wat< r.
15 Po rent, 12 r house,
l<> Two aere*, cullivuted, fruii, bor­
rir*; 0 r. house, shed»; water, eleo-
trio tight ; w ili divide.
Olile» one door »aut of P, O.
onii« «ml ,,,
F »ll . c i l , .
H.-Mi.... Phone dlill
JA S .
tvSix lot*, no improvcincut*; cheap
-" Lot 5 and 20 fi. >d lot I hlk I), 70
fu t front, on Notili Main Street, i»
for pule ut a h..rgain; lesi building
lo: in town S e F. K. Huhhnrd.
F. K. Nubbard Realtv Company
In T h » N e w s o f f i c e , F a l l a City
Abstracts of title promptly fur­
nished. Rates reasonable. Brown d’
Sibley, 610 Mill St., Dallas, Or.
The Falls City Electric Light it
Power Co., will »ell 40 watts Tung-
ston globe» fur 35 cent*. 60 watt
far 50 celiti.
H E L TZ E L ,
A tto rti», s t L o w
l'rohtlM lu « Il III« Miai, u m ili
S u ll« Il H iu ti Hr«riMAM U lt i.., |>t,unv luò
Solom. Oregon
Dr. A.G. Atwood
r a l l a Ci t y , O r .
Funeral Director
W « a t t e n d te e il w e r k p r o m p t ly .
D e lle # e n d F e lle C l i p , O r
jfa lle d ft? H o te l
Samplo Rooms
Boot A c c o m m o d a t i o n s
1’ Three acri*», udjoiiiing city,
ts Fìve nere», in city.
ro v g v , P rop rietor
Bohle’s Barber Shops
Falio C ity. O regon
fchrrt you car gel a Shiv., flair C.l, Both
or 'Shine*
A o v n t for D a l i « « S t « « m
Muinll«» lur««r*1»il lurvlajr «vniiln.
________ I l l ' l l . H I N O
Saul Ouderkirk
B u ild in g
C o n tra c to r.
R e p a irs
M odo.
Phone 194
Fall* City. Ore.
' <i,M II A I T O I I * A N D Ill'll.IIKK S
E lle & E lle
Contractors and Builders
See us before you build,
We may save you money.
Phone 1411
G . L. H A W K I N S
D a lla * , O re g o n
For Fine C a nd ie s
Go To
Ellis’ Confectionery More
Ice Cream
Salem Laundry
O re g o n
C . W . M a tth e w s , P ro p rie to r
I ' momm l a y
Bundles sent. Tuesday evenings.
H A R R I N G T O N ’S
lif c a b o
« I I A H . M I X , I'MopMirtti#
T rade M arks
D esigns
Coe volo MTS 4c.
Anvonn ponrlln« n *k«*frh sm| fl<<rr Infinit may
nulrh lf itpi-orf/ini f u r opinion free wiu-Hirr «tu
involinoti is prnhnl.lv p neuf afri«, < • •mrtiutilrri«
t Ioni rtrlcfly confident lai. HANDBOOK «in I’m ont*
•»nit free, oldest iigi'iiejr for #i*»'umur patent*.
I'afent* U k cii Ihm iiuh Munii A < o. receive
without c hnrgn, luth*)
Scientific American.
A hnndnnninFf lllnnf mted weekly. V,nrirent H r
filili»uni of nny peienflfp* inumiti. Tertm«. f l a
) »* i r . four riioiit ha, f L Hold hy ull newmli nier»
MUNN & Co .36"1'0**” 7 New Vork
ün uiU i office, m r H t- Wash m* ion. I*. C.
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I needc fixing
D o It n o w .