Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 25, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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J U L Y 2/5. 10U.
Œljr Jfalla ditti Nruttì
Kat^nnl as
« issa mail st the* |a»at»>ff.«v
St F slls O H r. lN*lk C w ra u . t'r»-|i*B. uutlrff lb »
Act of LV or r«*ss of Mart'll 3, ISTI.
News Offici. 83.
Subscription fUtss: OiMyasr. $100; six month*.
SO cunts; three months. 26 cents: mincis copy. 6 eta.
The Newi is represented for foreign advertising; by
T h « A m eric an Prssm Association
O ners! ofAces. New York and Chioairo.
Advertising Rates: Display, 10 cents an inch
Business Notices, 5<**nts a line For Sale. Rent.
Exchange. Want a
Pay Entertainment No
ticea. 5 cts. a line. Card of Thanks SOcta; Legal
Notices, legal rates.
Copy for new ads. and changes should be sent
to The Sews not later than Wednesday.
F K. Hubbard. Mayor.
T. D. Hollowell. Councilman at-Large
W. T. Gr*er.
H. C. Brown.
Albert Teal
A. Sampson.
C. L. Hopkins,
R. A. Titus.
H. G. Strayer. Auditor and Police Judge
Walter L. Tooxe Jr., City Attorney.
W. P. Lewis. Marshal and Water Supt.
VI. L. Thompson. Treasurer
J. J. Sammons. Engineer
Dr. F T *. Hellwarth. Health Officer.
Various phases o f newspaper
economics were discussed, partic­
ularly the “ Free Ihiblicity” as is
being worked by the San Francis­
co Exposition bunch. While ull
were practically agreed that it
is poor business policy, yet in all
probabilitics.thciv will be little or
no change and the free space get­
ters will continue to flourish and
wax fat.
While it is improbable that very
much financial benefit is derived
from these meetings yet it is'good
to get together and swap experi­
ences and get away from the
Charles D. Tice Dead
Notice o f estim ated Cost o f Street
Im provem ent.
Klack Rock Items.
M r Sk io rctiii n«'d last Monday
froni Porllnnd « I i h » li« hau beim
visiling bis f.imilv for a i- w day»,
l'he Great W olo rt» inill
i» at
woik ptauning a fcw car !>>ads uf
luu. La r.
Mi>. IVophtf and ionG leim vvere
up (rinn Salem last Monday tu
visit her initiier and sieter.
R. M. Wnmh'rly « f Falls City
WH-» a Black R > k visitor Sunday.
Miss SurliiiR uf this town was n
Fall« City vieitor last Sunday and
Mrs. Stevens and children havr
returned Imme from attending ht-r
hrotber’s fur.eral at Sahdn.
L*st Monday evening, July 20.
Mr. and Mia. Goo. Pye wem
1914, at his home in Falls City,
down from camp visiling their
Charles 1). Tice passed away after
motlier Sunday.
his long illness, his ailment being
Mm. Edgar Baldcrree rrtumed
known as Addison’s disease.
me W’cdnesday from the hoi-
He was horn in Topeka. Kansas
in Dallas.
Man.li 29, 1 S7*>, being 38 years. H
ninths and 21 days at the time of
his death.
List o f Letters
He came to Oregon with his
Remaining uncalled F>r in the
The Council meets in regular session on the first parents at the age i f 15 years
Monday evening of each month, at 7 ( » o ’clock.
Falls City postoffio* for the month
They settled at Albany fur two
In the office of the Falls City News.
ending July 18, 1914.
years, ti.e remainder of his life
S a t u r d a y J u l y 25. 1914
being spent in Falls City and
vicinity. He was married to H at­
Vanonken, Mrs. H. 1>.
tie I Miller, Dec. 13, 1903 at the
home of her father near Dallas. ,
she being left to mourn his loss,
Booker, Samuel
besides a lather, mother, sister,
J. A.
two brothers, and a host i f friends
He was an exemplary man and
Gov— James Withycombe
o f sterling qualities.
U. S. Senator— R. A. Booth
I.. J.
The funeral was held Wednes­
will be S-nt to the
State Senator— C. L. Hawley
day at 2 o'clock at the Methodist
Representative in Cong.— W. church by Rev. Marcy. Interment dead letter offije, Aug., 1, 1914, if
being conducted at the I. O. O. F., j not delivered before, in calling lor
C. Hawley
under the auspices of the the above, please say,“ Advertised,'
Joint Representative—S .G.
lodge assisted by mem- ! giving date of list.
Ira C. Mehrhng, Postmaster.
hers of the \V. O. \V„ he lein g a.
Representative—W. T. Grier
Circuit Judge—H. H. Belt
Sheriff—John W. Orr
C le rk -E d . M. Smith
Treasurer— Fred J. Holman
Commissioner—C. W. Beckett
Surveyor— C. R. Canfield
—— ■ --
member of both orders.
E. L. Bon Durant of Hillsboro,
The paul bearers were; F. I. Ore., woe in this city Friday look­
Holman, G. D. Treat, J. C. T a l­ ing after his propelty interests.
bott, Frank Martin, Bert Webb,
Mayor Frank Hubbard went i<>
Elmer Lewis.
his farm near town Thursday and
commenced to thresh his grain.
Delightful Newport
To Eleanor F. Butler. George
M. Tice, Jonah Lowe, A. N. Rob­
inson, Jeldenu Courier and A. F.
Courier, Julia 1. Courter, A. E.
Kimball, Ester Montgomery, It.
S. Montgomery Estate. It. C.
Brown, J. S. Courter, Salem,
Falls City & Western R. R. Com­
E. L. BonDurant, Mae
Nichols, W. F. Nichols, Matilda
Travis. M. C. Hubbard, Fred
Chapin, Jennie Snodgrass. E.
Forshey, Holla Waterhouse. Alice
Courter, Mrs. B. M. Adams, B.
A. Lombard Estate, S. H. Teth-
erow, J. C. Frink. A. E. La Dow,
Joseph Wankey Estate. Clarence
Atkman Estate, Mrs. A. G. Stew­
art. Jack W agner. C. M. Munson,
Sarah Lineback, Rida Lintback.
Otto Kneebone. R. Burton, L. C.
Tyler, H. Hanson, Richard Roe,
unknown owner o f tract o f land,
fronting on Clark street, J.
Trueax, Falls City Lumber Com
pany. John Hughes, J. 0. Cham­
berlain. J. T. Chamberlain Estate,
A. Walker, Alex Courter, M. G.
Ellis. Chas. Olts. William Ellis.
C. L. Hopkins. Chas. Trimble,
Philip Gottfried, T. D. Hollowell,
D. Tollar, R. E. Williams, N. A.
Lunde. Clara Emmett, W. B.
McKnown, F. Droege,
J. B.
Tawney, A. F. Courter. Jeldena
Courter, W. H. Estey, W. B.
McKnown, C, S. O ’ Rrien, Joseph
Hudson, John Dot*, unknown
owner o f tract o f land fronting
on South Main Street, Jennie M.
Cobb, Chas. Richey, R. R. Bettis
Estate, G. L. McMurphy, W. H.
Matthews, C. J. Bradley, B. F.
Boughey, O. H. Hudson, E. G.
Stram. Bert Dennis, J. M. Den­
nis Estate. A lex Courter, D.
Shepherd, T. B. Hooker, J. M.
Dennis Estate, John Walker, C.
H. Conklin, E. G. White, Ada
Chapin, D. Tollar and R. E. W il­
liams and all other persons in in­
terest, owning real property
within the limits o f the following
described street improvements.
‘ T ried and True” is this old reliable outing resort,
with a wealth o f natural scenery, healthful drives, a
splendid beach uml numerous near-by points o f interest:
Lighthouse, D evil’s Punchbowl, Seal Rocks, etc.
Special Low Round-Trip Season Lares Week-End
Tart's I rom Tails lily and Sundav Excursion Tares
from Albany and C orvallis
via the
Portland Eugene
On account o f poisonous sulpher
fumes from smelters near Redding,
California killing timber and all veg-
itation the Forestry Department
caused the smelters to close down.
But now comes one Mt. Lassen and
in open defiance and willful disre­
gard o f constituted authority, fills
the air with poisonous vapors and
scatters ashes broadcast.
Some newspapers and societies are
having much to say about the “ Low
Grade Medical Schools” and appear
to be greatly concerned about possi­
ble harm that might result thereby.
If these schools are such a menace
to the health, and happiness it is
passing strange that they do not
name these school that the unsophis­
ticated youth who aspires to "peddle
pills” might not be led into paths
that appear unseemly to the “ Regu­
Interesting Session of the Willam­
ette Valley Press Association,
Dallas, July 18
Editors from various parts of
the Willamette Valley met in the
city o f Dallas last Saturday. They
were met at the train by members
o f the Commercial Club and driv­
en through the city and country
adjacent. The trip was a delight­
ful one and on their return to the
city were dined at the Gail.
The business part o f the meet­
ing was held in the basement of
the Public Library, the Socialists
and Democrats having taken pos­
session o f the court house.
The meeting was not as well
attended as should have been, yet
the “ free space,, grafter was in
W. L. Tooze, Jr., salary..........................
3 extra trips ...............
C. W. Lee, salary as Auditor and
Police Judge to July 7. 1911............
C. W. Lee, notice to water users............
Postage, Registry, Etc.............
Time check.............................
Portland Wood Pipe Co., 1 length of pipe 2.1'J
C. W. Matthews, Time checks................
J. J. Sammons, surveying and overseeing 57 50
Gordon Sammons, assisting City Engineer 5.00
Verl Courier, assisting City Engineer__ 10 00
F. K. Hubbard. Notary work on
deeds, trip to J. B. Teals trip
to Dallas................................... Total 3.20
F. Droege, 24 meals to prisoners.............
Falls City Reading Room.......................
R. M. Wonderly, making gate for
Garbage dump...................................
ft. R. ftkeels. type w ritin g.......................
3 50
D. L. Wood a Son, publication of notices 18.50
rent for City H a ll___
5.0 )
Falls City Water Board, hydrants.......... 75 00
Falls City Lumber Co.............................
R. A. Tltua. hauling................................
* 25
hauling pipe to Glaze Creek. 14.00
W. P. Lewis, salary as Water ftupt.......... 30.00
Lloyd Miller, work for Lewis.................
8 00
Lee Teal.
5 00
W P. Lewis, expense on pipe ................
Tom Robinson, work for Lewis...............
W. P .Lewis, w ork...................................
W. P. Lewis, salary as City Marshal........ Sk»00
arrests................................. 1»\00
fixing walk.........................
F. C. Electric Light Co............................. 85-00
F. K. Hubbard, notaries f es...................
3 00
M. L. Thompson, work of L. Murphy......
supplies.............................. CO
commission................. 36 99
H E Hiestand. work ............................
G S. Sutherland, w ork............................ 1125
Wm Bohle, work by R. 1!. Butler.......... 10.50
Lester Bow man, work............................. 10.00
W. p. Lewis, for special police:
N. A Lunde.......................................
E. R. Lewis........................................
2 50
B. L. Ellis, work on water mains............
B. W. Robison, work..............................
4 00
C. L. Barnhart, work by Bomon...............
G. O. Clemments. work by Cyrus Powell.
F C. Mer. Co., work by 8. E. Hiestand, ctal 10.-50
J. C. Talbott A Co. Supplies fer City
Get your butter wrappers print­
ed at the News office.
H o w ’s T h L ?
We offer One Hundr'd Itoliars Ho­
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's ('atari h
F. J. C H E N E Y & CO.. Toledo, O.
W e. the undersigned, have known ! ’ J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, nnd believe
him p erfectly honorable In all businoas
transaction« and financially able to carry
out nny obligations made by bis firm.
Toledo, O.
H a ll’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu­
cous surfaces o f tho system. Testim onials
sent free. P rice 75 cents per bottle. Hold
by all Druggists.
Take H all's Family Pills for constipation.
jurors Saturday for
term of court.
The County rock crusher was
hauled in h riday and pho-ed ut
the rock |iinrry on the Luckiamute
and the work of getting out rock
for the streets will soon begin.
W. M. Black was painfully in­
jured the first of the week while
working at the flume. He was
taking timber from the flume and
thinking that all had come down
was not watching when a stick
came unexpectedly striking him in
the face.
Mr. Clarence Powell and wife,
and Mrs. Grace H u lbertleft Satur
day for Oregon City.
Mrs. Grace
flulbert remain .it Oregon City hut
a few days and then go t<> Win-
lock, Washington to visit her si*»
ter, Mrs. Baldwin.
Post O ffice Tim e Card
Offico hours: Daily, except Sun­
day, 8 a.in. to (i.30 p.m.
Mail arrives, from
Salem-Dallas, 8.50 a.m., 3 ^ 5 p.m.
Black Rock, 2 00 p.m.
M ail closes, for
Salem, 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.
Dallas, 9.00 a m. and 5.00 p.m.
Black Rock, 11.00 a.m.
Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30
to 10:80 a.m:
Mail arrives from Salem 8,50a.m.
Mail closes for Salem 9:00 a.m.
Effective May 20, 1914.
I ka C. M k h k m n o , Postmaster.
Falls City, Polk Co., Or.
‘ Lend a H an d’
Citizens who wish to help fhe
News give the news of the town can
render a good service by sending or
phoningauy information they may
have o f local doings, especially of
matters that are not likely to come
under the personal observation o-
he editor
$0.531 per front foot on all real
property fronting and abutting
upon each side o f the center line
o f Butler, Clark, and Lombard
Streets in said city being improv­
$0.590 per front foot on all real
property fronting and abutting
upon each side o f the center line
o f Bridge Street in said city be­
ing improved.
$0.328 per front foot on all real
property fronting and abutting
upon each side o f the center line
o f Fifth street in said city being
$0.487 per front foot on all real
property fronting and abutting
upon each side o f the center line
o f Montgomery street in said city
being improved.
$0.393 per front foot on all real
property fronting and abutting
upon each side o f the center line
o f South Main Street and Shel­
don Avenue being improved,
$0.530 per front foot on all real
property fronting and anutting
upon each side o f the center line
o f that part o f ’ Third Street in
said City being improved by the
grading thereof and the construc­
tion thereon o f macadam road 12
feet in width, 6 feet on each side
o f the center line o f said part o f
$1.25 per front foot on all real
property fronting and abutting
upon each side o f the center lir.e
o f that part o f Third Street in
said city being improved the full
width o f said street by the grad­
ing and construction o f macadam
pavement thereon.
$0.01 per front foot on all real
property fronting and abutting
upon each side o f the center line
o f that part o f Third Street in
said city being improved by the
construction o f cement curbs
thereon, said estimated cost of
Eastern Ry.
D O U B L E D A IL Y T R A I N 8
Leave Albany, daily ....... .............................. 7:30 A. M.
Leave Albany, daily except Sunday...................1:00 P. M.
Leave Corvallis, d a ily ........................................8:00 A. M.
Leave Corvallis, daily except Sunday ............... 1:40 P. M.
Connection made ut Albany nnd Corvullis withS. P. trains
S. F. C. & W. truins connect with S. P. trains for Corvallis
Special Excursion Train will leave Newport every
Sunday evening ut 0:00 p. m., arrive Corvullis
10:15 p. m., Albany 10:45 p. m.
G o o d F is h in g S t r e a m s A lo n g th e C . & E .
At Elk City, Morrison, Toledo and along the
Yaquina river, also on the Breitenbush and San-
tiam rivers, on the East End.
For Folders describing Newport ns an outing place call on our
nearest P. E. & Eastern Agent,
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
E . W i u . i a m s ,
M. I,. T h o m p s o n , W. F. N ichols ,
A. J. V ick ,
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Bank of Falls City
F alls
C it y , P o l k C o u n t y . O
Does u General Banking Business.
Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
Mrs John Talbott of Portland
spent two weeks with her sons Josh
You, and each o f you, are here­
and Fred, leaving for home last
by notified that the city council
Secretary Bryan asked Congress Allowed by Cily Council July 7, 19 i 4.
for an appropriation of $4,500 for a J. H. Teal. ftr., right of way for
o f the city o f Falls City, Oregon,
Glaze Creek, cash warrant.............. $100 00
Two bridges at M ill 8 harmd
Special Assistant Secratary o f State J. B Teal, Sr., right of way for
has estimated the cost o f con­
The dam was saved
to be appointed by himself, presum­
Glaze Cieek. time warrant ............. W000 Thursday.
structing those certain street im­
ably in order that he, Bryan, might A. B. Brown, rent for Garage dump. .. 15.00 with difficulty. The origin of the provements provided for by Ordi­
I. G. Singleton, express freight
give more o f his attention to Chau­
of water pipe.....................................
11.86 fire is unknown.
nances Numbered 115 and 119.
tauqua engagements.
The House Portland Wood Pipe Co., repairs
Deputy Sheriff Ritchur of Dallas o f said City, to be as follows,
on water m ain..................................
“ brutally” turned it down.
was subpoenaing jurois and grand
Coroner— R, L. Chapman
You Do Not Need to Send A w ay
We Are Prepared To Do I t
And Know How
Our Efforts Will be to Please
In Quality and Price. : : :
$0.01 per front foot being the es-1
tiinated cost o f the construction
The Boy ¿Scouts have returned
o f such cement curbs.
from the hike and plan to begin
You and each <>f you are hereby
Monday to shingle their building.
further notified that the said city
All the w >rk on the building has
council will sit in the council
been donated. The Kile Brothers
chamber in said city on Tuesday,
and Mr. Aurland have been espec­
the 4th day o f August, at the
ially generous in helping out and
hour o f 8 o ’clock P. M.t for the
we appreciate it very much. The
purpose o f apportioning the cost;
shingling of a building is an im ­
o f such improvements and assess­
portant part and we need the help
ing upon each lot, part o f lot, or
of adults. If you can lay shingles
tract o f land liable therefor and;
or drive shingle nails, wo a*k yuo
owned by the persons herein­
to help the cause by helping us next
above mentioned, its proportion­
ate share o f such cost; and
M. A. Marcy, Scout Master.
That all the owners o f real*
property above named, and all j
other persons in interest, may at-1 FREE CANADIAN HOMESTEADS
tend at such place and time and
W hy psy $50 00 to be located?
show cause, if any they have,
W e give y o u f u l l information
why such apportionment and as­
where the best lands are in West­
sessment o f cost should not be
ern Canada and British Columbia
that are close to railroad ar,d town;
Done by order o f the City
name of guide on the ground; full
Council o f Falls City, Oregon,
direction* to get maps and platts
made and entered o f record on
free; Imw to get home seekers tick­
the 21st day o f July, 1914.
ets; everything you need to know
Witness my hand and the offic­
atid locate yourself, all for #3.00
ial seal o f the said city o f Falls
Remit by P. O. money order and
City, Oregon, this 22d day o f
we will send you the complete in­
July. 1914.
[S e a l ]
H. G. S t r a y e r ,
Auditor and Police Judge o f
Falls City, Oregon.
The Kpwofth
League had a
«venie supper up Lurkiainiite laH
Saturday evening.
Mrs. Brooks’ mother, of
is visiting her t tit * week.
formation at once.
C anadian H omkstkao C o m p a n y ,
73 tith St., Portland, Ore.
For refereact Tne Farm Magazine
Company, 111 Panama Bid.
Portland, Ore.
J. A Mann, Deputy Organizer
-*• attic of the HoiiiestLaders ia here this
we«k in the interest of that order.