QJljr JFalla (Ettif Nruia The pardoning o f Henry J. Har­ per, “ locator” convicted o f mis­ use o f the mails in the land fraud cases, by President Wilson, lie- D. L. WOOD ft SON. cause he confessed, appears to us Publishers. to be a travesty on justice and a Ent.rtO m «»rond-rtaM mail at th* poatofftc* vicious misuse o f the high jiosi- at Falla Cltj. N i l CoaatJ. O f t —» »*"***• tba Act of ConfrtM of March 1 liiTI. tion o f president o f the people. TeU^lMM Kkwi Om«. S3. The confessing to a murder does Subscription Kates; One year. $1.00: aix month*. not bring the dead to life, neither 10 m u ; three month*. IS t*rU ; single copy. & eta. does it soften the g rie f o f the be­ The New* U roprooentad for foreign advertising by reaved, or in any way palliate the T h a A m n rie n n P r a t * A sso cia tio n crime. It is a case o f being caught. General offices. New York and Chicago. Advertising Rate* Duplay. 10 cent* an Inch. The confession o f Henry J. Har­ Buslne** Not ice*, i cent* a lin e ; For Sale, Rent. per o f assisisting to defraud inno­ Exchange. Want and Pay Entertainment N >- cent people does not restore the tlcas. 5 eta. a line. 10 ct*. a line lor three l**uc* Card olThauk* SOcta. Legal Notice*.legal rate*. money thus obtained. I f Pres­ Copy lor new ad*, and change* »hould be *ent ident Wilson would recompense to The New* not later than Wedne»day. —_____ ——— --- ------ those that suffered loss and then OFFICIAL DIRECTORY OF FALL* CITY say to the criminal, “ go and sin P. K. Hubbard. Mayor. no more,” we would say, God T. D. Hollowell, Councilmau at Large W. T. Grier, bless you Woodrow. H. C. Br an. Albert Teal. Councilmcn A. Sampson. C. L. Hopkins, R. A. Tllu*. C. W. le e Auditor and Police Judge Walter L. Tooae Jr.. City Attorney W. P. Lewi*. Marshal and Water Supt M. L. Thompson. Treasurer J. J. Sammons. Engineer Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. Health Officer. ThsCouncll meets in regular session on the Br»t Monday evening ol each month,at ' OSo’clock. In the office ol the Fall* City New*. __________ S a t u r d a y JU LY 18, 1014. THE FALLS CITY NEWS. 2 J uly )8, 1914 Huerta has resigned an another Hot Tamale Bullfighting Greaser will continue the massacre. The only good we can figure out in the change is that the people will become familliar with another heathen. A bunch o f Oregon land g ra f­ ters have come to grief. They were “ locaters" and bled the un­ suspecting public. Their success caused them to be bold and use the malls in a reckless manner. There are others, yet at large and the people should be on the alert and not be taken in. A letter to the Portland Journal signed, “ Mother o f Three at­ tempts exonorate parents from blame that boys from 17 to 21, and girls from 16 to 19 years old were loitering and spooning in the park after hours, laying blame te the law fixing a girl’s m ajority at 18, that as soon as they became of age they could not be controll­ ed. It is a wellknown fact that early impressions are lasting and if a child is properly trained ir early childhood, that they will de­ part not. Too many mothers turr their children loose to roam the streets at will, and then w onder wrhy they are so hard to control. The mother ^who would depend upon the law to keep her girl ofl the streets nights is unworthy oi the name. Did He Expect Free Advertising? A short time ago we received from the American Press Assoc­ iation a cut o f Dr. Smith, Demo­ cratic candidate for governor. We waited a time and receiving no order from the Doctor regarding the matter we wrote to know what to do in the premises, stat­ ing that we should be pleased to publish any amount o f campaign matter for him at regular rates. In due course o f mail we received the following letter from Claud McColloch, an attorney o f Port­ land, presumably his campaign manager: Portland, Oregon, July 36, 1914. Mr. D. L. Wood, Editor, The Falls City News, Falls City, Ore. Dear Sir: Dr. Smith has asked me to make acknowledgment of your re­ cent letter, concerning cut and read­ ing matter recently sent out. I am of the belief that it would be advis­ able to defer advertising until the Fall, when we would be pleased to take this matter up with you again. Very truly yours, Claude McColloch. Now what worries us is, if he did not desire to advertise until fall why was he in such a rush to get the cuts out? We notice that several newspapers are running the cut in advance o f the “ fall trade,” but (?) presume that the Doctor gave them orders to begin early. Wanted—8iu* tl News onil-«.*. tent, Lull a! Miss Nellie Collins reluriieil l1* Dallas M, going to In the Justice Court lor lb * Justice nnd Con­ stable District No. 4, County of Polk, Neupjrt and then:»down the coast MUIe of Oregon returning by way of Eugene. N MKI.IO, I’l* I nt I ft Ve. They walked about *290 miles A. O. BAKER Delendent seeing soiie-of the grandest scen­ To A. G, Reiter, the (htteiidanl above named! ery in the state. In the name of the Bute of Oregon, you ere H o w ’s T h is ? W e offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CIIENF.Y & CO. Toledo. O. W e, the under: Ign. d. have known F. J. Cheney fo r the last ir, y. ira, and b< llev* him p orfe et'y honorable in all buslnc-aa transactions and financially able In carry out any obllgallons made by Id* firm. N A T IO N A L D A N K O F COMMERCE, Toledo, O. H a ll's Catarrh Cure I* taken Internally, acting directly upon the hlood nnd mu­ cous surface* o f the system. Testimonials sent free. P rice "ii cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take U eli's Family Pills fur constipation. hereby required to appearand answer the com pis I ill filed against you In tbe sh o rt entitled reuse within six week* from the dele of tbe drat publication of thl* *umtnon*. to-wlt: June 1.1. 1914 end If yon fell to appear end an­ swer *ald complaint. plaintiff will taka Judg man! against yon lor th* *um of |AI 4$ and for hi* coat* and dlaburaemenl of tbl* action and for lb * sale of the personal property attached In thla cause. You are further notified that tha aummona I* »erred upon you by publication thereof In the V ail*city New* by order of H 0. Strayar, Justice ot the Peace ol tbe abore named court. dated June Mb, 1914. You are lurther notified that tbe date ot the first publication ol the eummone le June 1$. 1914. and you are required to appearand an­ swer on or before July 2&, 1914. N. SELIO, rialntlff.