TlIK NEW* stuntls for u greater and better Fulls City all the time FALLS CITY NEWS VOL. X KALLS C ITY. OREGON, SATU RD AY. JU LY 18. 1014 News From Various Parts Of The Country Father Schooner’s J time are engugcd in the construe- Ition of a new road to Newport. New Berry The new route will lessen the dis­ tance between Dallas and New- The "Willamette" May Bo Contender j»ort by a considerable n amber of miles and will afford a most pleas­ With Loganberry By pollenizin^ the Oregon wild blackberry wtyh the Cuthbert raspberry, Father Schoener, par­ ish priest o f Brooks, and famous as a breeder o f roses, has pro­ duced an entirely new variety of berry, which he tentatively has named the “ Willamette,” in honor o f the valley in which it was crea­ ted. In pollenizing the blackberry with the raspberry, Father Schoe­ ner reversed the process that pro­ duced the loganberry. The fruit is described as being firm and o f a most delicious, dis­ tinctive flavor. It has nothing o f the acid sourness o f the loganber­ ry, nor o f the heavy sweetness of the raspberry. Nor does it re­ semble the taste o f its wild mother. It is neither tart nor sugary. AUTOISTS RUSH TO BEACHES. New Road to Nowport Now |Building to Make Better Route. Judging from the number of automobile parties ami wagons loaded with campers on their way to Newport and other beach re­ sorts west o f this city, the season at the summer resorts is to be one o f the best in years. The route generally taken to New’port from points north of Dallas is through Dallas, I’eedee, Blodgett, Nashville and Toledo. The county courts o f Folk and Lincoln counties at the present ant route. The new route will go through Falls City, through the Siletz Busin near to the Siletz Agency and down to Newport. This pro­ posed road will penetrate the great timl>ered section lying to the west and south o f Falls City. It will run close to the Siletz river in a number o f places, thus afford­ ing ample op|»ortunity for sjjorts- men to take a little time off on the trip to angle in the waters o f the Siletz, which river is widely known as one o f the best fishing streams in the state. Observer. Lassen Again Spouts Smoke a Mile High Redding, Cal., July 15. Black smoke belched forth a mile high from the crater on Lassen Peak early today and then drifted south­ ward before the wind in a banner 10 miles long. The amount of falling ashes was small, compared with the great eruption o f June 14, although the volume o f the cloud was fully as great and the duration o f the disturbance longer. The first violence o f the outbreak began to dwindle after two hours though the mountain still emitted smoke. The spectacle o f Mount Lassen in eruption has become so common that it no longer excites the countryside. Today’s is the 18th eruption since May. Woman’s Escape Close The Spirit Off $1509 Exemption M'trao Prances Over Her While Engine Approaches Eugene, Or., July 14. Although expecting death from an oncom­ ing switch engine, Mrs. W. G. Muckle lay motionless between the rails o f the Southern Pacific track while her husband sought to con­ trol a frightened horse which pranced above her, its hoofs strik­ ing on both sides o f her. The switch engine was stopped, the horse did not trample her, and the woman escaped injury except for severe cuts and bruises about the face and eyes. The accident occurred at 10 o’clock last night on Lincoln street at the west end o f the Southern Pacific yards. Mr. and Mrs. Muckle and Glen Watkins were driving in a buggy from the en­ trance o f Skinner’s Butte Park, and their horse shied at a switch engine as they were about to cross the tracks. The animal start­ ed down the tracks toward the engine, and as the buggy struck the rails Mrs. Muckle was thrown out head foremost. A t that mo­ ment the horse backed up until he was prancing directly over the woman on the ground. The hus­ band in the buggy was unable to turn him in the opposite direction. Mrs. Muckle’s presence o f mind in lying absolutely quiet saved her from injury, according to specta­ tors. The buggy was wrecked. ------ ♦ » » ♦ ■ -------- California Getting Right Registration reports from fifty- seven counties in California shows the following totals: Republicans 878,057: progressives, 183.388; democrats, 300,287; socialists, 51, 723; prohibitonists, 28,193; declin­ ed to state, 70,041; miscellaneous, 2189. One county is yet to be heard from. Try a Sack of HIGH FLIGHT FLOUR and watch results All Goods and Prices Are Right AT Falls City Lumber Co. STO RE The fifteen-hundred-dollar ex­ emption amendment deserves to pass. The Oregonian says it is vicious. But it is not. The tim­ ber baron says it is vicious. But it is not. The alien owner o f big tracts o f idle land says it is vic­ ious. But it is not. The owners o f speculative town lots say it is vicious. But it is not. Here is the vital part o f the measure: Every person is exempt from lax on $1500 on the total assessed value o f his or her dwelling house household furniture, livestock, machinery, orchard trees, vines, bushes, shrubs, nursery stock, merchandise, buildings, i nd other improvements on, in ana under his or her lands made by clear­ ing, ditching and draining. It is especially intended io in­ clude within this fifteen hundred- dollar exemption all kinds o f per­ sonal property and all said land improvements made for t h e greater convenience and attrac­ tiveness o f the home or the gain­ ing o f a livelihood. This is practically all there is o f the amendment. The rest has reference to administration o f the measure, and in providing for its resubmission hereafter. Its pur­ pose is to aid average men and small men All their belongings are usually in full sight, and they have long had the chief burden o f taxes to pay, while personal and other property o f big owners has largely escaped payment o f a proper share o f taxation. That is why the cry that the measure is “ vicious’ ’ rings in clarion tones from certain quarters. Another purpose is to add to the effectiveness o f the worker. Many a small home owner is struggling along in an effort to pay for his home on the install­ ment plan. He has a salary, but it is only by dint o f great self- denial that he can meet monthly bills. The proposed exemption will lower his taxes, and to that extent make his burden lighter, and his labor more effective in the struggle for survival. There is already an exemption of household furniture. The owner o f a mansion may have $10,000 or $20,000 worth o f fur­ niture, and it is all exempt from taxation The wage-earner may have but $200 worth o f household furniture, and that $200 is all the exemption he gets. It is a law that favors the rich at the ex­ pense o f the poor. The fifieen- hundred-dollar exemption amend­ ment proposes to change the plan so as to give the rich man and the poor man alike an exemption o f $1500. It is a perfectly simple plan, so plain that there is no trouble about understanding it. T h e farmer who has dwelling, barn, farm machinery, ditches, drain­ age. orchard, horses, cows, sheep household furniture and improve­ ments totaling $3000 is assessed valuation will have $1500 deduc­ ted and his property be taxed on a total valuation o f $1500, or a city dweller who has a house, furniture, and improvements as­ sessed at $1800 will be entitled to the same exemption that a mil­ lionaire gets, and be taxed on only $300. The loss o f revenue through the exempted valuation will, o f course, leave a smaller total valuation o f taxable pro­ perty, and will either result in a higher levy or less extravagance in government. In any event, the plan will throw a slightly heavier burden o f taxe3 on those best able to Buy all goods o f hom merchants and help make Falls City great No. 45 Dallas Fishing Parfy Lew Cates and w ife o f the Dal­ las Observer, Attorney Tooze and wife, and Al Martin and wife, all o f Dallas passed through here last Saturday on their way to the Big Luckiamute on a fishing expedi­ tion. They came by train as far as this city and waited for the team that was supposed to get here before they did, that didn’ t however. While waiting for the belated wagon containing their camp outfit, provisions, fish bait, etc., Lew Cates strayed off and got lost. A search was made and after considerable hallooing he was finally located and they proceeded on their journey. Council Meeting The city council met Monday night to hear protests with re­ gard to the proposed street im­ provements. Several protests were filed. Joe Floria appeared in person and presented his pro­ test signed by a number o f pro­ perty owners along the Jstreets affected. Mr. Floria said that he had come 12 miles and de­ manded a hearing as he had made the trip several times and the council had put it off every time and that it appeared to him that they did it on purpose. There seems to be a wTrong im­ pression and misunderstanding o f this street improvement work and if properly explained it is quite possible that there would be less objections to it. Many do not really know just where and to what extent the improvement district covers. All parties should get together and have it fully ex­ plained so that there could be no misunderstanding as to t h a t streets to be improved. H. G. Strayer was appointed auditor and police judge to fill the unexpired term o f C. W. Lee, resigned. The hearing o f protests was continued until Tuesday, July 28. Polk Bounffy Leads University o f Oregon, E igene, July 15.— A. L . Barnhart and H. E. Barnhart, o f Falls City, and Joseph F. Bogynska, ar.d E. L. Keezel, o f Monmouth, are among the Polk county representatives registered at the University o f Oregon Summer School this year. Both the Barnharts are stulying the History o f American Demo­ cracy under Dr. Joseph Schafer. H. E. Barnhart adds to this courses in “ Social Redemption” and in “ Sociology” under Prof. F. G. Young, while A. D. Barn­ hart is studying Libary Methods under Prof. F. C. A yer and Lib­ rarian M. H. Douglass, and the History o f Education, under Prof. Ayer. The present session o f the Summer School has the lar­ gest attendance in the history o f the institution. Standards have been raised, six credits now tak­ ing as much work to eafn as was formerly required for seven. No credit is now given for presence at Assembly lectures, yet these have proven popular enough to fill the largest hall on the campus every day at eleven without any other reward than the lecture itself. Am ong the students this year is an unusually large pro­ portion o f older men and women, who go at the work in a serious and determined way and are set­ ting a pace in study that it is not any too easy for the young peo­ ple to follow. pay, and lighten the burden o f those for whom payment is dif- ! ficult.— Portland Journal. Meeff Afffer 19 Years I. G. Singleton was very pie: autly surprised last Saturday eve ing by meeting hig brother, A. Singleton, after a separation of years. Mr. A. L. Singleton's co iug was unexpected and he not recognized. He lives at Cu Kansas where he has been age for the C. B. <3c Q. Ry. for 28 yea He will remain about a week. Berean Class Maaf The Berean Class of the Chr‘ tia i church had their month class meeting Monday night the absence of the president M Frink was chosen pro tem. Ti regular routine of business w gone through and then n num of Bible questions were asked R Paul, most of which were a ?wered. A contest was then pa ticipited in and sides were chos: with Rev. Hicks and Frink as le erg. The feature of tne conte was the carrying of peanuts upon knife and placing them in a pa the pan that contained the mo was the winner, which was won I Rev. Hicks side. After the co test a repast was served. An e joyable time was had. Train flint Wild; O m Dtnd, Another Will Logging Crew Jumps but Two Hurt by Falling Timber. Wallowa. Or., July 14.—Char Williams was killed outright a June Mason was fatally injur in a runaway o f a logging trai on the line o f the Nibley M : naugh Lumber Company, on Whisky Creek branch, this afte noon. The cause o f the runawa is not known. All o f the tra' crew jumped. Williams and Mason, howeve did not jump in time and wer caught by the falling logs. Wf liams was killed instantly. Hi brother saw him mashed by th falling logs. Mason probably wr hit by logs, but his injuries ar confined to his head, the skull ing fractured in three places an his face badly gashed. He w brought to Wallowa Hospital i mediately, but doctors held out n hopes for recovery. An inquest was held tonigh over the body o f Charles Williar The dead man and his brother ar from Utah and are unmarrie Mason has a w ife and six chi dren. Advertising Is Insurance By HOLLAND. N advertisement is an in- aurance policy. It in­ sures against loss through the purchase of goods of in­ ferior quality. W hen you buy goods that are advertised you know you are getting the beat. Makers of poor articles can't afford to advertise them. Unreliable merchants are not allowed to advertise in this paper even if advertising would be profitable to them, which la unlikely—unlikely because truth and reliability are the essence o f successful advertising. You don't take chances when you buy advertised goods, because if by any chance there should be any­ thing wrong with the goods there is the reputation of merchant and manufacturer back of them, and any article that is not up to the adver­ tised specifications will be re­ placed. A D O N 'T T A K E CHANCES. BUY A D V E K T I8 E D GOODS.