4 (julr.v, the questions, to toll her that It had happeued. There was sudden confusion. Tho •jp|>er sat untasted on the tables while * search was made of the shacks aud tents. Then there wss order, and squads were made up and details given, ami she saw a gun suddenly spring Into sight on her father's hip. : How He Made Good. : In t(«n minutes the honor camp was out on the hillsides starting the first man huut. for this was the first time a man had brokeu his parole. By VINÜIE E. ROE The girl ran at ber father's side, C o p y rig h t by F ra n k A M unw jr C o . . lithe and strong tn her short skirt and trim mountain boots, sileut. listening to the buss of comment and specula The groat, pine shaggy shoulders of Hon. the Cascades reared against the tur­ I.lke bloodhound, the squads went quoise summer sky. Far down below first to the wash below the high arched the turbulent white waters o f the culvert which carried off the most Itogue river foumed In their wild bed. threatening of the big mouutaiu's rush- and their murmur rose to the inountaiu lug rivulets iu the rains Here lay his crests. tools, but o f himself or the way tie H alfway between the two extremes had gone there was no slgu a Sne roadway climbed by steady “ Skipped." said her father disdain grades along the giant hills. fully, “ and him a 'trusty' the first Along this road for a matter o f a man to play the Infernal Tool, for tt’ ll mile were scattered little groups o f mean a long additiou to his term when men still at work upon it. They wore : lie's caught. And he'll he caught Now overalls and sateeu shirts, and there we'll spread out from here." was uotbing in their appearance to d if­ But here the girl pushed through and ferentiate them from other men. yet stood Just over the long crack iu the they were convicts. slanting rock. She leaned forward a Farther ou the pine shanties and bit. as if she wished her ringtug young touts of the honor camp straggled I voice to carry downward. along the road, hugging it close by rea "You're wroug. dad!" she cried son of the steepuess of the hills. strongly. “ I tell you you're wrong! Here there was a cook shack where The man's been a hunter—a fisher. the life of the camp centered. There He’s the putteed. gauutleted. tailored was no sign of authority anywhere, khaki kind, and the puli o f the hills and McConnel. the superintendent, and woods bus been too strong! He's went about unarmed as far as any one gone for a time, but ho'll coine back. knew. The freedom and the wild have waked A quarter utile from the camp, just the old lougiugs in him. and he's filing below the roadbed, a single man work­ j out to the woods, hut lie'll come hack. ed alone with pick and shovel deepen­ | I know, for my rifle aud my steel fly ing a wash from a culvert pipe. j rod are gone." He was nltout thirty. d;irk eyed and "Rosie." said her father gravely, haired, though the short curls at his “ you’ve never lieen a fool before. Go temples were dusted with gray. He on back to your mother." was slim and agile, with the sugges­ Obediently, having fallen contentedly tion o f football and the track meet in silent she went, and the squads spread every line o f his body. up and dowu the great watershed in H e looked out o f place as he la­ grim and orderly fashion. bored, stopping from time to time to When the midnight stars stood over­ gaze off over the feathery, whispering head there was a tiny, whispering slopes dropping so sw iftly to the river sound at the culvert, and a man came below. crawling cautiously out o f it. having "Heavens,’' he said aloud—’’ the good merely raised the mat of drooping green earth!” ferns that concealed the mouth o f as Presently, as he worked, bedding his line a natural underground cavern that eyes to the prosaic task under his gave at the upper end as one might hand with an effort, a girl came along need for such a purpose as his. around the betid on the road above Now be straightened cautiously ami him. listened. Far up on the ridge he could "Helio. impostor!" she called in a hear occasional scattered shouts where strong contralto voice that curried his fellows searched for him. He splendidly in the clear air. smiled grimly. He straightened and looked up with His dark eyes were full o f fire and a smile. grim determination, and the excite­ “ Not on your life !" he said. “ H aven't ment o f great hazard marked his clean I told you I'm where I belong?'' lined face. He was starting for free­ “ N ix!" said the girl shortly, and. s it­ dom. But the first careful step ap­ ting down on the fill, she dropped hur palled him by Its consequence. He length to the sloping surface a little put his foot on something that rolled above him. where she sat down, drew and sent him rattling down the wash, op her knees, clasped them in her w hile the object of the disaster slid arms and smiled at him with clear, with him. womanly gray eyes. With bis heart stopped still be put “ You're an impostor. You're not one out his bands and felt of it. It was o f the boys at heart.'* a steel fishing rod. its joints tied to “ No?" be said courteoiwly at this cetber. Dangling from it he found, blunt opening o f the tacitly shunned as bis fingers slipped along it. a reel subject o f the camp. “ You're wide full of line and a fly book. astray." It had been placed directly across She shook her brown head. the culvert's mouth. “ I know a man.” she said simply, With bis face a study in the dark­ “ from a criminal." ness be crept slowly back, reaching H e smiled a trifle grimly. with his sensitive bands along the “ Not in this cast;," he said. “ You rocky bed. They came upon the cold ! don't know what's in my h eart" metal of a gun—a neat light rifle. She did not speak, but under her “ Lord!” he said under bis breath j breath she said tr, herself sharply: Then be sat back up on his heels, mo “ Pity I don't!"* tionless in the darkness. She was M cfjonnel's daughter, and The men came straggling back at her parole '* a s more important than dawn for food. ate. talked, compared the govern jv 's in the honor camp. notes and went out again. All day “ I ndp’ j t be meditating escape Tight they hunted the hills and the gorges, now," ' ae said, flicking his eyes up­ slept a bit by turns and returned to the ward at her face as he bent to bis In search. terr.qpted work again. McConnel was grim and angry. He " 'I t ’s a mighty call—a mighty m il— bated to send word to the authorities that o f the open woods and the until be bad satisfied himself that be Streams.” could do nothing himself. He stopped again and looked down The girl watched slyly from her gray over the whispering pine tops to til«* eyes and aaid nothing, though she was roaring river. as tense a9 a drawn string. "T o you more than to those other»,” The next morning they were a hag she said, nodding her head toward the gard bunch that clustered around the bend ahead which hid the scattered long tables in the cook shack, and Me- groups, “ and a common man might an­ Counel stood at the telephone calling swer it. You are o f better fiber." for the valley town. He was sending They both fell silent, while the river for help. roared and the little winds played In The voices o f the men were hushed the pine tops. for his benefit, and there was only the He did not look up again, and she clatter o f knives against heavy plates. watched bis broad shoulders and lithe Suddenly there was an exclamation, hips give and take with the motion of the rasp o f a chair pushed back on the the pick for a long time. rough floor, and a man sprang up with Her gray eyes were speculative and a tragic finger pointed to a window very tender, while a tense line of anx­ that commanded the road. iety drew in around her lips* Pres­ “ Heavens!” be cried shrilly. "There ently she shifted her position a trifle. he comes!" As she did so a tiny stone under her In one hand he carried the lengths foot became dislodged, starting to roll o f a steel rod and a string o f trout down the sharp decline. Watching, she fresh from the cool shadows o f the saw it suddenly disappear in a narrow spray dashed rocks. In the other he j crack in the worn rock of the hillside. bore a light hunting rifle, while on his A moment Inter there came a tiny hack, properly slung with the trick of thud as it struck bottom, a thud that the true hunter, its slender feet tied on reverberated with a strangely hallow his breast and Its weight on his shoul­ sound. ders, there rode a young spike buck. The man did not seem to notice it “ Good morning!” he smiled. “ By and looked up as she rose after awhile George. I'm hungry!" to go ou her way. McConnel walked up to him, and for 1 "Goodby." he said gently, but she a long moment the two men look6; Ellis street. Property for sale. 5 For Sale, 2 good lots, ou street in block K, Cultivated. ' Lots 13. 14, 15, 16, block it, at a bargain; >100 cash, hal, on terms requested to read the information given in these two columns. For t For sale, One acre, udjoining city limits, with 5-room house, A bar­ gain at >425, terms. Hon so to rent. The first sale of town lots occurred in 1S89, though donation land-claim settlers CJnie here many years before that date. In 1900 the imputation was 269; in 1910, 969; 1914, almut 1,250. T h e Lo cation Falls City is situated in the south central part of Polk County Oregon, in section 21, township 8, S., range (3,\V., Willamette mer­ idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and 73 rail miles south­ west of Portland, in the narrow western end o f the Little I.ucki- anitite River valley, surrounded on the north, south, and west by the foothills of the Coast Range mountains. Elevation, 886 38 ft above sea levtl. Transportation— Salem, Falls City A Western Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail distance of 3U miles, with g. P. main line connections at Dallas. Gerling* r, and Salem, and with the Oregon Electric at Salem Falls City is incorporated as a city, and contains 768 33 a.’rre, valuation for taxation >268.887. The city administration is com­ posed of mayor, seven counci.men, auditor and police judge, mar shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer. Salaries: Marshal and water superintendent, 160; auditor. >25; attorney, >2». W a t e r and W ood The citv of Falls City owns the gravity water systeu. fts first cost was >U0,0CO. Pure mountain water is piped from springs on Judge Teal’s ranch, 8 miles away, at an elevation o' anout 30U feet above city level. Oak and fir fire wood is plentiful and cheap. L u m b e r, F ru it, V e g e ta b le s and B e rrie s Electric-power planing and saw mill, log pond, dry kiln pud lumber yard in the city, lumber flume, logging roads and logging outfits, all owned and operated by the Falls City Lumber Co. The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to the production of fruits and berries as any other section of the Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines is going on. Vegetables anil berries of many kinds grow to perfection in and adjoining Falls City, and many acres are planted to straw­ berries and loganberries. Market conditions sre improving stead­ ily, as production is increased. * For sale — 9 acres, partially im­ proved; house, timber; spring and living stream; near western city limits; price, >I(MX), half cash. 9 For sale, one acre, illltivated, Iruit, berries; (1-r. house insured for >1100; eh c. light, city water, cesspool; pi ice >1050; all cash, or >700 cash, tenus ou balance. 10 For sale, 7 lois (all of block A) in Montgomery's addìi inn to Fulls City ; good garden ground, fenced ; city water; price >11(X) if bought within the nex!. 30 dtys H For sale, tine home in citv, with 25 acres, 10 cult ¡vaimi. P h ysician and Surgeon OID, « o v v i ________ I'll.m. Nlfhl Call 441 PHYSICIAN F. M. H E L L W A R T H * A N D SURGEON Office in Toller Bldg.. pm.'» an.l ,,, Palla dir. R v.litviirc I hone o t t o Or vault A T T O IIN IÌY J A S . G. H E L T Z C L , A tto rn e y a t L aw Prartlea In a ll tliv s u t . .'„ u n . S u ll. Il llii.h Hrvjrnian Hl.ly |.|i..nv XJA S a l t m , O regon __________________ D E N T IS T Dr. A.G. Atwood D E N T IS T P h e n e 1031 F a lle C ity. O r H 'X E I t A I , D IR E C T O R R. L CHAPMAN Funeral Direr tot W e atland la all vrerti promptly. D . lla. and F all. City. Or B u s tn e e e ( l a t t o 11 For sulc, lot 2 clock M, M ad. !♦ For sale, 80 a. I j mi. north of city 20 a. improved; 26 a good timber; plenty of pasture and wuttr. IIO T K I. 15 To rent, 12 r house. 16 Two acres, cultivated, fruit, ber­ ries; O r. house, sheds; water, elec­ tric light; will divide. D Three acres, adjoining city. 1* Five acres, in city, i’ Six lois, no improvements; cheap 20 Lot 5 aud 20 ft. of lot 4 hik D, 70 feet front, on North Main street, is for sale at a bargain; lest building lot in town See F. K. Hubbard. F. K. Hubbard Realty Company I l l ' l l D I M ! CONTRACTOR In T h . N t w i o fflc a , F a lla City S a u l O u d e r k ir k Abstracts of title p-omptly fur­ nished. Rates reasonable. Brown A Sibley, 610 Mill 81., Dallas, Or. B u ild in g C o n tra o ta r . R o palrs M ade- Phone 1-.M For sale, 15 Buff Orpington day - F a lls City, Ore. CONTR ACTORS AN D I l l ’ ll.PKHS J. E. Elle Beezley, phone 271 & Elle Contractors and Builders Falls City has a 12 grade school with a four-year high school course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teachers. Its diplomas are accepted by the higher schools in lieu of examins- ations. The entire community is justly proud of the school. See us before you build, We may save you money. Phone 1411 1 he Religious organizations are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian, Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, German Lutheran. __________ MONUMENTS G . L. H A W K I N S The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Rehekahs, Masons, Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors of Annrica, Woodmen of the World, MARBLE a n d g r a n it e MONUMENTS Women of Woodcraft. Free reading room. Tbninpvun'v tlruf vlorv. Mu tuvl yhuuv m i 12 For sale, lots 7, 8, I 1, 28 hlm k K, and lots 11 and 12 block E. Will trade fot I’oitluml property. old chicks with lien, >2 50. S c h o o ls , C h u r c h e s , S o cie tie s , C lu b s • PH Y S IC IA N further and more particular information, address The News. The city derives it« iiiuiit from the falls of the Li Hi« I.urkia- mute liner, which flows through the city from the Weal. W . B . O ffic e r, M . D . at 8 Manufacturers utul Homeseekers who want to know the facts con­ cerning Falls City ami its possibilités for future development arc Nam e _____________ I'll V ill’l AN Pine * Two lots, fl r. house; fruit, ber­ ries, city water, electric light; cl >se in, bargain. The tfrofeoelonal d a rt* K E A L K H T A T K hO KH A LK D a lla s , Oregon Gem theatre, photoplay. Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the falls; owned by the Falls City Electric Co , W. B. Stevens president, H . C. Brown vice-president and manager, A. W . Stevens secretary and treasurer. Telephone system, with long-distance connections. C. J. Pugh local manager. B u s in e s s E n te rp ris e s Falls C ’ty is well provided with the usual business enterprises. The News contains the announcements of the following business and professional men of the city : Bakery, D. Toller, Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier. Barber shops, Wm. Bohle. Carpenters and Builders, Elle A Elle, S. Ouderkirk. Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Chas. HarUing. Confectionery stores; B. L. Ellis, R. B. Harrington. Drug store, M. L. Thompson. Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood. Department more, N. Selig. Funeral director, It. L. Chapman. Furniture, J. C. Talbott A Co. General stores. N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co. Hardware store. J. C. Talbott A Co, Hotels: Fails City Hotel, Fritz Droege, owner and manager; The Madena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Dennis, managers Jewelry store. \V. A. I’ersey. Newspaper, the Falls City News, D- L Wood & Son. Photoplay tneatre, the Gem, C. J. Pugh. Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. HellwaiIn. Pressing and cleaning parlor, I. A. Johnston. Railroads, balem. Falls City A Western, Southern Pacific. Real estate agent, F. K. Hubbard Realty Co, Restaurant, The Madena; Wm. Finley, owner. Saloons: Tne Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mix. Boost for a Gymnasium for the School -------------------------------- I'MONa 1*1 THE BEST Tobacco and Cigars Ellis’ Confectionary Store. Zhc H arrington’s O re g o n FOB Independence Ice Cream C. W . M a tth e w s , P ro p rie to r s__________________________________ * Salem Laundry Agency Bundles sent Tuteday evenings. H A R R I N G T O N ’S O V E R e s Y E A R S' E X P E R IE N C E P atents trade m a r k s D esigns C o py rig ht s A c . Antoni» urti din* n RkPlrh and «twicrlptlon mnr quickly aicf U t n our opinion free whet further «il Invention 1« probably patent nblo, Communlre- •Ictl? confident l«l.HANOBCI I0K on Patent« ___ o. Oiliest fluency for •ecu * __ imtentfl. •ecti mi«! Patent« taken through Munn A to. < recel*« tprrial notice, without charge, in the Scientific JUncrican. A hendiom elf lllnntrated weekly. I.urrent rtf. Dilution o f onr •rlentlflo Journal. T«*rnm, f.'l « rear ; four months, $L Bold by nil newndpnUni MUNN & Co.38'8" - « ’ Hew York S-'vuch on e», MS r St. Wn.hlumon, D. 0. — ■■I Notice to News Subscribers A b l u e - p e n c i l o ro s s m a rk on this n o l l e « m e a n s t h a t yo u r s u b s c r i p ­ tion to T h e N e w « h a « « s p i r e d and n ««d a fla ln e O o ltn o w .