THE FALLS CITY HEWS. JULY 4, 1014 Boy Scouts Heard From W H IT E R O T A R Y S E W IN G M A C H IN E S Closing Out at Cost. J. C. T A L B O T T & CO. m New|>ort, Ore , June BO, 1914 Mra. Butler, Falls City, Ore. Desr Friend: We arrived yesterday morning, went deep sea fishing in the afternoon nnd are now camped about 200 yards front the beach and If miles from Newport. All well and having a big time, M. A. Marcy. M. E. Church m IWM WQM m UKU O'* Hews of jfallsGit^ Twentieth Century Prosthesis Let Hartung Suit you. Anatomically Articulated Dentures Will not Blip or slide when you chew. If you are from Missouri, call A. G. Atwood, Dentist, Office, North Main St. overllarrington'Bconf. store r- - - - - - - - \ SALEM, FALLS CITY & WESTERN l’iu«'niii'i Train Schedule Kffective Dec. 1,1913 161 m Ilf M7 «umorsD am. am. pm. pm. Salem . . . 6.35 9.45 1.40 3.25 Dallas . . . 8.45 11.00 2.5015.00 Falls City. 8.50 11.30 3.25 5.36 ] 1 56 Bl’kRodt. 114 116 H» 1 * 4 IMTiwH’Xb am. pin. pm. pm. 1.06 Bl’ k Rook Falls City. 9 .:» 1.25 3.45 5.40 Dallas . . . 10.15 2.00 4.25 6.40 Salem . . . 11.28 8.15 5.30 7.45 Dr. Jamea Moore of Salem, Pre­ siding Elder, will preach at the M. K. Church Sunday morning, July 6, at 11:00. A cordial im itation ia extendid to all to be present and hear a good lermon. u ik t ( 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 8 15 22 29 9 16 23 30 IO 17 24 31 II at the Dallas Steam Laundry. Mrs. Stimpling was bruised 18 Bohle is agent. Buudles go out about the right arm and side Wed­ 25 Tueaday evening. Your business nesday by falling from bridge No. 'm s Watt B r in g Y o u PEN ISatisfaction^ Whsf f tht / m afs/m e T (M modrnO automata nfle. the stem ' Wind to the modem watch, the butto* to the elBCtnc bell, the wonderful ysl CRESCENT FILLER » 9 * ^ □ r St If - r i l l i n g itain Pen\ .Fountain y wj k O $ hS hS vi. ___ It Alla and rlesna itaslfl K I instantly by meana of the Crescent Filler '* Aten the amoothaat wnhng pen-» never ’hang* Are* or makes a mitt. hut meet« every witting need with a prertatnn that ta r a n d I M tw*d. ■inula», poann« p m pana, m an ' — " * • » •» a w - a uid d d a t k o o U H p » I p, U<* < h ej V S FOR SALE BY M. L. Thompson solicited. 11. She was walking alopg the Mra. J. H. Flowers and daugh­ railroad track near Dutch creek ter, Margurete, of Salem, visited and had walked out on the bridge with Mrs, M. L. Thompson last when a train come in sight and she became panic stricken and fell Saturday. from the bridge. M. L. Thompsou went over to Saisiu last Saturday in his car. Loses Finger Mr. and Mrs. Nichols aud Mrs. J C. Talbott accompanied him. Mrs. Hazel Auderion bad tbe Mrs. G. A. Roberts and two eons misfortune to lose tbe third finger of Portland and Mrs. J. P. Dewtttt of her left hand last Sunday. She of Monmouth, mother and sister was engaged in a friendly scuffle of Mrs. I. G. Singleton are here and in some manner the ring on her finger caught upon a nail tear­ visiting and spending the 4th. ing the flesh 90 badly that an am­ Mrs. R. M. Wonderly ai.d her putation below the second joint two sons left Sunday for a six waB necessary. weeks visit with relatives in the northeastern part of the state. Why WorK all Day Sunday They will visit at Portland, The When you can get a tine chicken Dalles, Moroand Tygh Valley. dinner at the Madena restaurant for Miss Edith and Clara Mont­ 26c, or 60c, aud uothing to do but gomery, Miss Ells Mehrling and eat and enjoy being alive? Try it. Miss Isabelle Snyder are students at the summer Normal at Mon­ mouth. Falls City always contri­ butes her share of patronage to anything that is worth while. Homesteaders Organized Send The News to Your Friends Post Office Time Card Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Monday night State Deputy J. A. Mann organized the Home­ Mail arrives, from steaders in the Odd Fellows ball. Salem-Dsllas, 8.60 a.m., 3:36 p.m. After nominating the officers the Black Rock, 2.00 p.m. obligations were taken. Mail closes, for The following officers were Salem, 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. chosen: President— Bert Iverson; Dallas, 9.00 a.m. aud 5.00 p.m. V-President— Floyd Morrison;Sec- Black Rock, 11.00 a.m. SUPPLIES Tress,— D. L. Wood, Jr; Marshal— Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30 Gustoff Larson; Man-at-Arms— to 10:80 a.m: Samuel Gardner; Herald— Aleck Mail arrives from Salem 8,60a.m. Sleveueon; Lady of Charity— Mrs. Mail closes for Salem 9:00 a m. F Morrison; Lady of Entertain­ Effective May 20, 1914. ment— Leda Iverson. Uet your butter wrappers print­ The new order will be known as I r a C. M b u r l i n o , Postmaster. ed at the News office. Fir Mountain Lodge. Falls City, Polk Co., Or. Brown’s Garage Autos For Hire General Repair Shop A COMPLETE LINE OF A New Stock of 80UTH BEND W ATCHES Mens Furnishings Gents Hats, Shirts, Shoes and Oxfords Every W atch G uaranteed by Both the Fectory end Ue Come in and see us W. A. PERSEY, Selling Agent SOUTH BEND WATCH Falls City, - . Oregon. Mra. H. C. Brown haa been quite Paul Rusk ie on the sick list ■iuk this week. this week. Miaa Ivey Dewetlc in working in Charlie Shaffer, bridge carpenter Drugstore will be open Sundays, the phone office now. at Camp 1 cut hie foot with an adz 9 to 11 and from 5 to 6. C. It. Canfield of Black Rock Monday. H. H. Stain of Monroe haa open­ Mike McLaughlin, foreman of ed up a barber shop in town. was in Dallaa Saturday. Milk and Cream, delivered morn­ the Spaulding camp at Black Rock Miaa Vola Selig attended the ing orevening. Call phone Blue 36. spent the 4th here. Cherry Fair at Salem Saturday. Fred J. Holman and wife left Lee Sadler left Tuesday for Lake county where he haa taken a Thursday morning fjr an outing in the coast country. They went homestead. to Newport by rail and at that Mra. W. A. Horsey and daughter point will contiuue down the beach Annie, weut to Salem Saturday to on foot, fishing and camping as visit friends and attend the Fair. I. 0 . A they go. They will probably re­ Fresh Bread,Cakes,Cookies, Piee, turn by way of Eugene. and other bakery goods, every day Hollis, the 7-year old son of W. at the Falls City Bakery. M r. H o m e S< S a a k a r- L. Young was taken to the hospital ITV. C O M I TO FA L LI onccor CIT W. B. Stevens commenced work at Dallas Wednesday suffering and Buy O rch a rd Land on the street improvement work from appendicitis and underwent Wednesday. an operation. The appendical ab­ C. K. McFerren, who left here a scess had broken and the abdomen ( Ia l c n f t t r — 3ul\>, 1 0 1 4 short time ago for Castle Rock, was full of puss. While he is in a Sat. Mon. Tatt. Wed. Than. Fri. Sal. Wash., returned Wedneeday. serious condition he is getting 1 2 3 4 Get your lace curtains laundered along very well. h in u m c t u n JUST RECEIVED The beat show at the Gem tonight Mre. Walter Nichols, Miss Leda Mre. I. G. Singleton attended the Chautauqua at Dallas Sunday. Dennis and Miss Lucile Finley spent the week in Dallas. Charley Moyer end wife have M u. M. J. Cockerline and son moved back from Gladstone. Matthew left Monday for Walls Mrs. I). D. Finley returned to Walla, Wash., to spend the sum­ her home in Fortlaud Sunday. mer. For sale, new view camera; or A. N. Robison of Linn county will trade for good cow. Call Newa was here Wednesday visiting his office. old friend, H. W. B a icrofl. Mr, Mia. Frank Butler and Mre. Robison lived in Falls City many Esther Montgomery were in Dallas years and still has property here. Saturday. He was Auditor and Police Judge For Kent— 7 room house with of Falls City for a number of years. bath, 910 per month. Apply at He is engaged in farming in Linn county. Bohles' Barber shop. 3 Albert Teal and Sam Halsey left Wednesday on a fishing trip to the Siletz country. Wm. M. Whyte, merchant of Black Rock, was transacting busi­ ness in Falls City Friday. McMurphy and Bell have open­ ed a Hamburg stand for the 4th next door to the Oregon saloon. We have the Newes.t Styles in Straw Hats We Have the Largest Stock of Shirts in Town I I Golf Shirts in the plain and pleated bosoms; Negligee Shirts; Hat, military and auto collars É Underwearforthe hot Weather Balbriggan and Porosknit Underwear; P. Q. A. and Athletic Union Suits. We have selected from the best lines on „ p .y 1 ccc and the market, and aim to sell on the smallest rfttfd ” margin, which entitles us to our motto: I C h a s HARTUNG Exclusive Men’s Furnisher wmmmmmmmmsmsmmmzmsm HOTEL ANI> RESTAURANT Bam pie Rooms Mueller Building Commercial Trade a Specialty XTbe iHSabcna Falla City's Best Hotel Last Thursday night someone fell against or broke out a window pane in the Madena restaurant. Word was received from Bert Dennis who want to Coos Bay re­ cently that he likee the country fine. Fred J. Holman and wife and S. H. Tetberow and wife attended the Chautauqua at Dallas last Sat­ urday. The Eureka Theatre has install- ed an electric fan for the 4th to cool its patrons off during the afternoon and evening show. Ma Hauers M Hr*. Mae Nichols Managers, ff ^ Uennig Madena Restaurant CLOTHES CLEANING AND P1TE86ING I. A. J O H N S T O N CleaningandPressing Pai-rlor French Dry Cli * ning. Repairing and Alteratioria. Buttons made for ladies clothes. Work called for and deliverec'. Phone 126 W m . F in le y , Prop. Meals at all hours—best on tbe market. We makf; Window and Door REAL ESTATE Fly'Screens F. K. Hubbard Realty Company in all sizes. They cost little more than cheesecloth. G tt our prices. Real Estate bought, hold and exchanged. Collections, Insurance, Abstracts. Notarial work; Legal Documents Prepared. Shop at the north end of t&o footbridge E L L E &. E L L E Office, in the Falls City News office. The Falls City .Electric Light & Miss Ella Mehrling and Miss Power Co., will soil 40 watts Timg- Edna Barnhart of Falls City are Dallas visitors during chautauqua. Ore. Fire Relief Associ’n.McMiun- stou globes for 35 cente. 60 watt — Tuesday’s Observer. ville. F. K. Hubbard, local ageut. for 50 cents. Bargains Quite recently the wholesale hou e from whom we pur­ chase quite extensively held their SEMI-ANNUAL CLEAR­ ANCE SALE Well knowing the GENUINE BARGAINS this reputable firm would offer, WE ATTENDED EARLY and secured the choicest offerings. These are now placed on sale to you at BARGAIN PRICES meaning quite a saving on new dependable merchandise. Redd a few of the items secured and prices now in effect. 5 Pieces halt wool Challies usual price 40 to 29c 1 Piece tan silk Pongee * usual price $1.......................... now 59c 4 pieces figured silk Poplin. worth $ 69c 10 Pieces o f the new popular Crepe worth 25c.................... now 19c 1 Lot ladies Union suits now on sale 25c 4 Pieces Batists usual price 15c to 10c 1 Lot box paper and envelopes regular 15c 1 Lot mens Ilet mesh shirts and drawers................. 25c 1 Lot mens Ilet mesh Union suits............................. now 48c 1 Piece wool and silk Voile 48c In addition to the above there are numerous other items priced far below regular price, as a visit to our store will attest- Reduced prices on Ladies hats 1-3 to i less 1 Lot ladies shoes and Oxfords worth to $3.50 at...... $1.75 1 Lot ladies tan O xford s......................65c Save Your Dollars By Trading at SEUG’S, Falls City Dept Store. y