Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, July 04, 1914, Image 1

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    Big P icnic Falls City, Oregon
T ry a S a ck of
and w atch results
All Goods and Prices Are Right
Falls City Lumber Co.
fisherman, who operates his own
fishingboat, received a letter de­
manding $2000 on pain o f death.
He thought the letter a joke but
his wife was worried over the
communication and turned itover
to the police. Mariscalio was
away from homo on a fishing
cruise when the explosion occur­
defrauded a : i union officia' .vould red. The cartridge did not con­
tain enough explosive to do any
have benefited.
Purchase of valuable rai. '.es by material damage to the building.
Mrs. Mariscalio was alone in the
oiü dais of the union since holding1 house at the time. Detectives
Jallagher and Bakuiich have been
Black Cloud of Smoke Arises HOOD
detailed to investigate the ex­
plosion and to trace the writer of
Feet and Is Plainly Visible From
the black hand letter.
Redding, 60 Miles From the Peak
-------------- ♦
Ju v Returns Verdict Against Jour-
Redding, Cal., June dd. Al ter
na! in Favor of J. E. Daigle,
nearly two weeks’ Inactivity,
Daigle was allowed $1 W j'idr Official Then Beimi» Penalty Pending
Good Behavior.
Mount Lassen burst into violent damages by a jury in his suit
eruption again at 11:10 a. m. 1 a,vainst tho j ourna| Publishing
Seaside, Or., June 30. John
Company for libel yesterday. In L. Berry, Recorder and Police
Thick, black smoke ascended an article the Journal referred to Judge o f Seaside, has the unique
3000 feet or more and drifting, him as "another Pagin'’ ip telling distinction o f having fined him­
self for overstepping a city ordi­
away, obscured the eastern] h er- 1 ot bis being charged with contri- nance and then remitting the fine
| buling to the delinquency of a
izon. Ashes fell in a heavy show­
i minor in teaching him to steal. pending good behavior.
er. The slope was black with The charge was afterwards dis­
The offense was a slight alter­
missed by District Judge Jones. cation with the Chief o f Police
Daigle sued 1 Hie Journal for over a detail in the management
The mountain has been strok­
The trial was before o f the city business. The com­
ing for several days and the only
batants were separated by a
Circuit Judge Phelps.
surprise was that the eruption did
former Chief o f Police who hap­
♦ •
■ ♦ ....... ................
not come sooner. It was plainly
pened to be present at the time.
visible from Redding, 60 miles
Four $97.50*Checks Bad
from the peak’s base.
Marshfield, Or., June 30.—
Today’s eruption was
the I
j While highwaymen were holding
twelfth since the crater burst'
Sail Francisco Fisherman Receives ! up tiie auto par ties near Empire,1
into activity about a month ago. |
Letter Demanding $2000—Home I last Sunday l ight, J. Burnetii
— — ---------- • - ♦
--- - - -
Is Damaged by Explosion While ! employed a safer method o f ob-
! taming money, and got better
Causes of Butte Miners’ War
j returns. He forged and passed
Alleged grafting by President'
checks o f $97.50 each on Al Men­
Moyer and oilier officials of the Wes­
del, Peter Mirrasoul, Peterson
tern Federation of Miners.
Kronholm and Fred Johnson, and
Disappearance of $12,000 from the , was shaken by an explosion o f then departed without leaving
dynamite here today following
union safe which officials said “ rats
| the receipt of a black hand letter any address.
The forgeries were not dis­
! in which his life was threatened
Scheme to insure nil members t f am| jn which bombs and dagger covered until they were sent to
the union in Butte, by which it is | pjerced hearts were striking tea- the first National Bank o f North
claimed by secedors would haveU.tn | turos. A week ago Mariscalio, a
News From Various
Parts Of the
Coui ry
Mount Lassen Once
More in Eruption
$1 Libel Damages Won
Explosion Follows
Black Hand Letter