THE TAUS CITY NEWS. J Ü N K 2?, iot i 4TH O F J U L Y PICNIC ....P R O G R A M .... W HITE ROTARY SEW ING M ACHINES Closing Out at Cost. 9:30 to 10:30 Hand will play on Main Street. i0:80 to 11:00 Band will play at City Park. ll:00 to 12:00 Speaking, reading and einging. J. C. TALBO TT & CO. 1:30 Ball game, Fall« City va. Lincoln. 12:00 Dinner JUNE TIME is RING TIME à Mens Furnishings A C O M P L E T E L liS T E O E Gents Hats, Shirts, Shoes and Oxfords We have the Newefet Styles in Straw Hats 4:00 Sports on North Main St. Race«—100 yard d axh We Have the Largest Stock of Shirts in Town ñVCW/C'-n Ut prize 92.50, 2d 11.00 TOW s¡88? 5S5 100 yd dash, boys under Hi Golf Shirts in the plain and pleated bosoms; l»t prize $1 50, 2d »1 00 Mra. Maud Darby of Corvallia Negligee Shirts; flat, military and auto collars Potato Race for girls under 10 vlaited relative« in Falla City laat ~ : ■ ..................- « ■ " 1 1st prize 91.50, 2d 91.00 Twentieth Century Prosthesis week. Girls’ Race—50 yards Shake* For Bali—No busiueas 1st prize 91.00, 2d 50cta Underwearforthe hot Weather done on Saturday, M. B. Gibson, Boys’ Sack ttace. 314. 1st prize $1.50 2d 91.00 W. A. P ER S E Y , Jewelry. Balbriggan and Porosknit Underwear; Anatomically Plum« Mina Clara Montgomery return­ Pony Race, itpder 800 pounds P. Q. A. and Athletic Union Suits. Z Prize 9500 Mrs. J. W. Halsey visited in ed Monday to the Normal rchool Bull Ring for men, prize 95.00 Salem Thursday. | at Monmouth. 10 Articulated We have selected from the best lines on „ uav i ccc a J. A. Bowman was up from Bull Ring for boy« under Prize Mrs. C. H. Trask went to Cas­ 92.50 cade the market, and aim to sell on the smallest n DRESS n rlr ^ BETTER’ n in » Honkina laat Sunday visiting hi« Locks Thursday. margin, which entitles us to our motto; family. Mr«. W. H. Dorman went to M. E. Church Dentures C. O. Johnaon, Supt. of the Ho«- B. M. Howell Salem Thursday to attend the will preach at the Cherry Fair. kin« mills was here Sunday to M. E. Church Sunday at 11:00 a. has it bis family. The pupils of Miss Hammond m., and 8 :00 p. rn. Will not Blip or Blide when you via Mis« Grace Cockerline was at­ gave a hymn recital at the home chew. If you are from tending the Cherry Fair at Salem of Mrs. Ward. Missouri, call Thursday. Injured Cutting Kindling Mr. and Mrs. Lee and Mias The Gem Theatre la using the Wm. Finley met with a painful Hammond visited Mrs. J. W. Hal­ A. G. Atwood, Dentist. electric current from the electric and somewhat serious accident sey, last Sunday. HOTEL AND RESTAURANT CLOTHE* CLEANING AND PRES BINS Monday afternoon. He was split­ Mrs. R. Paul was entertained at light plant now. Office, North Main St. Rooms Commercial Trade For Kent—7 room house with ting kiudliug with a split maul dinner at the New Falls City Hotel Sample over Harrington sconf. Btore Mueller Building a Specialty I. A. JOHNSTON and the bandit struck the side of bath, #10 per month. Apply at by Mr. and Mrs. Lee, Thursday. a cord of wood, making the maul Bohles' Barber shop. CleaningandPressing go to one side, striki ig his left Bruce Rogers returned to his FalltC ity's Best Hotel Fresh Bread,Cake«,Cookies, Pies, thumb. Parlor t » . . . , . . . Mrs. Mae Nichols The blade went through home at Monmouth Wednesday M an ag ers Mr# SALEM. FALLS CITY & WESTERN and other bakery good*, every day French Dry Cleaning, Repairing the bone and almost severed the after several days visit with bis Passenger Train Schedule at the Falls City Bakery. and Alterations. Buttons made uncle, G. D. Treat. For good o a ts , go to th a organ from the hand. Dr. Hell- Effective Dec. 1,1913 Henry Wagner, the shoemaker, for ladies clothes. Work called warth was called and dressed the A pension of 930 a mouth has 161 m 117 «uraot'Hu am. for and delivered. Phone 126 Madena Restaurant am. pm. pm. is fitting up the ground floor of his injured member. At the present been granted to Barney J. Carey, a Salem . . . 6.35 9.45 1.10 3.25 house on Pine street for a work­ time he is resting easy and unless W m . F inley , Prop. Dallas. . . 8.45 11.00 2.50 5.00 shop. civil war veteran, residing at Falls 5.35 complication sets in he will be City—Dallas Itemizer. Falls City. 8.50 11.36 3.25 Meals at all hours—best on the m arket. 11.66 BP k Rock. We make Window and Door <9ta Drs. F.owe A Turner Eye Spe- able to be up in a few days. Mrs. C. H Cochran presented 164 id ~116 in cialists at Hotel Gail, Dallas, lutnorni) am. pm. pm. pm. Ore., Monday and Tuesday June the News force with a branch load­ REAL ESTATE Fly Screens 1.05 Bl’kKock ed with some of the finest cherries Miss Josie Thompson of Port- 1.25 3.45 5.40 9.30 Falls City. 29th and 30th. Consult them. in sizes. They cost little more Dallas. . . 10.15 2.00 4.25 6.40 laud is visiting her sister, Miss we ever saw. They were even bet­ F. K. Hubbard Realty Company than all cheesecloth. Get our prices. Get your lace curtains laundered Grace Paul this week. Salem . . . 11.25 8.15 5.30 7.45 Shop at ihe north end of the footbridge. ter than they looked. Many Real Estate bought, sold and exchanged. l.U K inolwtux . A uent at the Dallas Steam Laundry. Mrs. D. D. Finley of Portland thanks. Collections. Insurance, Abstracts. ELLE&ELLE Bohle is agent. Bundles go out came in Tuesday in response to a On Monday Mrs. W. B. McKowu Notarial work ; Legal Documents Prepared. Tuesday evening. Your business telegram of the injury of her son. entertained Mrs. F. K. Hubbard. Office, in the Falls City News office. M r. H o rn * Saakar solicited. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of Falls City The Falls City Electric Light & William Finley. C O M E TO F A L L S C IT Y , O R E G O N Mrs. Robertson of Day- Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Farrier and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Myers, Miss and Power Co., will sell 40 watts Tung- and B uy O ro h a rd Land Oregon. Mrs. Robertson is a Ore. Fire Relief Associ’n,McMinn­ stou globes son left Tuesday for St. Louis, Bertha Frink, Mrs. Roy McMurphy toil, for 35 cents. 60 watt of Mrs. Kerr with whom she Mich., where they expect to reside and Hallott McMurphy motored sister ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent. for 50 cents. is visitiug. for a time but will, in all prob­ to Salem last Saturday. C a l c a r — 3unc, 1 0 1 4 ability return to Falls City. Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Singleton S««. N ta . T aci. W«4. Thars. Fri. s«t. Goorge Hegler claims that he gave a party dinner at their home 6 3 4 5 1 2 was thriirst shipper of strawber­ 8 12 13 ries from Falls City, having ship­ Tuesday in honor of Miss Ham­ 7 9 10 If mond who left this week. 18 14 15 16 17 19 20 ped a crate the 11th of May. Lets Mrs. S. T. Jones and Mrs. Lock- 26 27 hear from somebody else. 21 22 23 24 25 man of Dallas were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. G. 28 29 30 Mr. and Mrs. Selig, Mr. and Mrs. Singleton Thursday. They had a Z. llinshaw. and Mrs. Will Hiu- party dinner shaw went to Portland Sunday and City Hotel. at the New Falls returned Tuesday. Mr. Selig drove Mis« Mary Hammond, who has them over in his car. Quite recently the wholesale h o u e from whom we pur­ been in charge of the public read­ B r in g Y b u C. J. Pugh will put pickers at ing room, left Thursday for Chic­ chase quite extensively held their SEM I-AN N U AL C L E A R ­ work on his loganberry farm next ago where she will visit relatives , P E N Monday. He expects to commence and spend her vacation. She ex­ the manufacture of the juice im­ pects to be absent about two and A N C E S A L E . Well knowing the G E N U IN E BARGAINS this one-half months. The reading mediately. room will be closed during her reputable firm would offer, WE A T T E N D E D E A R L Y and B. M. Webb, ex-city marshal, absence. Her friends are sorry to WTutf thefmaguir** it~u> the who went to California last Feb­ see her leave and will mis9 her V # modern? automata nfle. the item *md to the modem witch, the buttoft ruary in the hopes of getting rid secured the choicest offerings. to the etacihc bell, the wonderful »«• face at the reading room, of the rhoumatisjn, returned to pleasant •unpte CM8CENT FILLER ta but wish her a pleasant trip and t Falls City Wednesday. His health that These are now placed on sale to you at BARGAIN is much improved having no symp­ ted by she it. will return much benefit- Sell-Filling of tl.e rheumatism. He notes ^Fountain Fen. ik _ toms PRICES meaning quite a saving on new dependable many changes in Falls City even —. tom* It Alla and dean* itself 4 instantly by mean* of Why Work all Day Sunday the Crescent Fillet " A tan the smoothest pen— in so short a time. never *hana« Are’* or make* a miss, but meet« every merchandise. Read a few of the items secured and writing need with a precision that is . Miss Hammond gavo a musicale Wheu you can get a fine chicken m Plniad r»ld —a n il'f at the home of Mrs. Jack Wagner dinner at the Madena restaurantfor «OD WS «•/ ***"'* J prices now in effect. Monday evening. A large class 25c, or 50c, and nothing to do but eat and enjoy boing alive? Try it was awarded diplomas. The fol­ FOR SALE BY 5 Pieces hall wool Challie3 1 Lot mens Ilet mesh shirts lowing invited guests were present: usual price 40 to 50c......... . now 29c and drawers...................... 25c Mesdames, I. G. Singleton, Chora Send The News to Your Friends 1 Piece tan silk Pongee 1 Lot mens Ilet mesh Emmett, Geo. Loftus, G. L. Mc- usual price $1.................... now 59c Union suits..................*..... . . now 48c Murphy, W. W. Ward, Travis, M. 4 pieces figured silk Poplin, 1 Piece wool and silk Voile .... 48c Post Office Time Card M . L . Thompson L. Thompson, M. J. Cockerline, A. worth $1............................... In addition to the above there are B. Browu, E. A. Sayer, Jack Wag­ Office hours: Daily, except Sun 10 Pieces of the new popular numerous other items priced far below ner and Miss Cockerline. Crepe worth 25c............... regular price, as a visit to our store will day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. 1 lo t ladies Union suits now on sale 25c attest. Mail arrives, from Reduced prices on Ladies hats 1-3 to 1 less Birthday Party 4 Pieces Batists usual price Salem-Dallas, 8.50 a.m., 3 :36 p.m. 15c to 20c Mrs. J. E. Beezely, Mrs. L. T. 1 Lot ladies shoes and 2.00 p.m. Let Hartung Suit you. $1.75 1 Lot box paper and Oxfords worth to $3.50 at Murphy and Mrs. J. C. Talbott Black Rock, Mail closes, for envelopes regular 25c...... 1 F-nt In d ies ta n O x fo rd s 65c The best show at the Gem tonight gave their father, J. Rhodabarger, 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Mrs. John Walker was in Dallas a dinner in honor of his 79th birth­ Salem, 9.00 a.m. aud 5.00 p.m. Monday. day, Wednesday, June 24th, at the Dallas, Black Rock, 11.00 a.m. Chas. Hartung was in Salem home of J. C. Talbott. The invited guests were: Mrs. F. Office hours: Sunday ouly, 9:30 Thursday. Save Your Dollars By Trading at to 10:30 a.m: Butler, Matilda Travis, Mr. F. K. Hubbard made a business and Mrs. Mrs. G. M. Tice, Mr. and Mr«. Mail arrives from Salem 8,60a.m. trip to Dallas Monday. C. H. Tetherow, Mr. »nd Mr«. Wm. Mail closes for Salem 9:00 a.m. C. R. Cnntield of Black Rock Ford and L. Weikal. Their aver­ Effective May 20, 1914. was in the city Sunday. age was 70 years. All had a good I ra C. M eh rlin g , Postmaster. Milk and Cream, delivered morn­ time and wished Mr. Rhodabarger Falls City, Polk Co., Or. ing orevening. Call phone Blue 35, many happy returns of the day. I { C .H A R T U N G I Exclusive Men’s Furnisher Zb e flfcabena U t n n iu Í y Bargains For You 'm s vóli { i¡5ütisfe¡etian\ wnh«g flews of Jfall8Cit\> SEUG’S, Falls City Dept. Store.