Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 27, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Πljr J a l l a
D. L
B a t*«*«* u
C it y N ru ta
W fntN l v i a «
m a ll a l t l f
poet o f f lot
at Talla City. Polk I'miatr Or*»*on. uo4*r (h*
Art of Omt m i of March 8, 1ST*
Subscription Rat«*: On« jraar. 81.00. alx months.
50 r«nta. t h n month*. 25 cant*. single copy. 6 eta.
Tho N«wa i# r t p n n t a d for foreign advert uong by
T h t Am eric an Press Association
G«n«m l offle«* Naw York and Chtenet*
Advertising Rate* Duplay. 10 cents an inch
Busin«»* Notices 5 cents a line. Tor Sale. Kent
Exchange. Want and Fay Entertainment No
ticca, I eta. a line. 10 eta. a 11 rV lor three issues
Card of Thanks .Vets Legal Notices,legsl rates
Copy (or new ads. and changes should be sent
to The News not later than Wednesday
F K. Hubbard Mayor.
T. D Hollo well. Councilman at-Large
W. T. Gr«er,
H. C. Brown,
Albert Teal.
A. Sampson.
C. L. Hopkins.
R. A. Titus.
C. W. Lee. Auditor and Police Judge
Walter L. Toose Jr.. City Attorney.
W. F. lew is. Marshal and Water 8upt.
II. L. Thompson. Treasurer
J. J. Sammons. Engineer
Dr. F. M. Hell wart h. Health Officer.
The Council meets in regular session on the first
Monday evening of each month, at 7 OS o'clock,
In the office of the Falls City News.
S aturday J une 27. 1914
i'" 1 ■
Bills for May Allowed by the City
Council, June 2,1914.
W L Tooae, Jr . salary................... ........ $25 no
th r*« extra trip«
R A Titus, hauling .........................
i 00
J. J Hammons, two days surveying
10 00
F. K Hubonrd, helping surveyor 12 hours
2 ki
90 oak fence posts..........
9 00
J A. Meskimen. 00 hours work
........... 15.00
H G. Htrayer drawing deed
M. L. Thompson. 20 hours work by Reeaely
C. W Lee. Auditor's M elary............
25 00
publishing notices
........ 14.20
rent for City H s ll......................
Falls City Electric A Fewer Co., light»
R. l>. Edwards, Superintendent.
Falls city Read lug Room rent
5 00
James H, McLaren— Morning
Geo. Brown, 6 hour» w ork.......
2 00
Hour Lecturer.
Floyd Morrison. 45 hours work
W F Lewis, salary water Superintendent 90.00
salary is marshal . . .. .
fees and repair work on
9 00 A
water main ..........................
2.00 Childrens Hour
C. J Bradley 24 hours work
6 00 Morning Lecture
10 00 A
A. Sampson, 2 days work
5 00
2 30 P.
G. Fry. 4 days work
3 (X) P
Lunde. 4 days work ............... ............
A 00 Afternoon Lecture
J. Robinson. 4 days work
*00 Evening Concert
7 30 P.
E. A LaDow, 4 days work ..
* 00
16 P.
A. K. Meyer, three days wo. k with team
12 00
Ross Flrkltn. 4 days work with team
L. Sampson. 1 day s work with team.
4 00
L. Murphy. 4 days work with team
"P lo n s s r D a »“
O. L. Carey. 4 days work with team
. 16 00
Till Bell. 4 days work with team
16 00 Afternoon— Welcome Address
b y
G. Dean. 4 days work with team
. 1 6 00
Mayor. Response by Superintend'!
Rov Graham. S days work with team ... 1- 00
B. NY. Robinson, 4 days work .............
* 00 Short addresses by Pioneers.
Dewitt*. S days work with team
.. 12 <W
Lyric Glee Club
v> . T. Harris, 1 days work with team .
“ Farming and
H. Griffin. 1 dny’s work with team .......
4 00
J. A. Meskimen. 64 hours work ............. 16.00
Being Farmed” , Col. W. H. Miller
keeping tim e................
Evening— Grand Opening Concert
Tom Robinson, 41 hours w ork ................ U 00
Lyric Glee Club.
J Bradley. 41 hours w ork ................... H i »
H. C. Horn. 52 hours w ork...................... 12.00 Impersonations by Francis Ives Hen­
11 00
W R Hiushaw. 44 hours w o r k ............
A. LaDow. 44 hours w ork.................
900 Entertainment— Wm. A. McCormick
G. 8. Sutherland. 36 hours w ork..............
K. Sheppard, 12 hours work with team
the wonderful imitator, and Bonte,
H Butler, 41 1-2 h'rs work with team JO 75
the smartest dog in the world.
1 66
shoveling 2 1-2 hours.......
Frank DeWitte, 30 hours work with team 15 CO
2 hours w ork.......................
G. Singleton, agent F. C. A W. Ry. frt
Dallas Chautauqua
Dr. Langdon of Oxford is en­
deavoring to prove that Noah,
and not Adam “ ate the apple.”
W e fail to see who will benefit
even though the Doctor proves
an alibi for Father Adam .
President Wilson desires that the
“ Mason and Dixon line” be forgot­
ten and that there no longer be a
North and a South, but one united
country. The theory is good, but he
will have to put a muzzle on some of
the politicians who depend entirely
for success upon the waiving o f the
“ bloody shirt.”
Must Be Long Winded
The Monmouth Herald, in last
week’s issue makes the following an­
“ Dr. C. J. Smith, o f Portland,
Democratic Nominee for Governor,
will speak here, July 4, from 1:30
until 12:00 o’clock a. m.”
The Doctor will certainly have to
be long-winded and be possessed of
unusual oratorical ability if he holds
any considerable crowd for such
length of time. Perhaps the Herald
is like the Dutchman, “ must take
them for what they mean, and not
what they say.”
Clean Up Day
In view of the fact that Falls City
is to have a big picnic the 4th of July
and many visitors from the neigh­
boring towns and country will be
here, we should endeavor to make
everything as attractive as possible.
While nature has done much for the
city, it is also necessary that the
citizens should do their part toward
keeping it beautiful. There is much
rubbish and unsightly accumulations
that should be removed. Every
citizen should take pride in keeping
their premises clean and attractive.
Let’s put the best foot forward and
give the visitors a royal welcome and
a clean town.
The labor troubles in the United
States are assuming threatening
While many are in­
clined to scoff at the idea that it will
result in anything more than a local
disturbance, we are inclined to be­
lieve that if something is not done,
and that soon, to equitably adjust
the differences between the employer
and the employed that the tragedies
enacted in Colorado and Montana
will be duplicated in other parts of
the country, It has been the custom
when any difference occurs between
the employer and employed, to send
armed men to terrorize them into
submission. The laborer has rights
that should be recognized and given
due consideration, and to ignore
such rights and arbitrarially dictate
the terms of settlement [is contrary
to the Constitution of the .United
States and the principles ofgood
Parcels Must Bear Return Card
Programs Begin Promptly
Special Low Round-Trip Season Fares
Week-End Fares to All Points and Sunday
Excursion Fares from Albany and Corvallis
via the
Farmers Attention
lecture— “ Why 1 Quit Fighting’ ’
F. R. Wedge, Kx-Frize Fighter.
Evening—Jubilee Concert,
Hann Jubilee Singers,
lecture Oration— “ The Burden of
the Nations” . Dr. Thus. E Green.
World Lecturer.
'the city council met Tuesday
evening in special session to con­
sider deferred business. The prin­
ciple business that came before
that body was acting upon the re
commendations of a committee
selected to canvass the bids for
street improvement. The commit­
tee had recommended that the hid
of W. B. Stevens be accepted. The
question was brought before the
house and just what they did, un­
did and didn’t did is an unsolved
problem. For a while it looked as
though they might remove all the
macadam from North Main Street
and toss it into the Luckiamute.
But as the hours passed and each
had exhausted his store of elo­
quence they got down to business
and probably did the right thing
by awarding the contract to Mr.
Stevens. They will meet again
next Tuesday night to pass upon
the contract between the city and
Mr. 8tevens and approve of hie
bond to insure his faithful perfor­
mance of his duty.
The attention of all is directed to
paragraph 4 o f section 470, Postal
Laws and Regulations, Which re­
quires that the name and address
of the sender shall appear on every
package that is to be sent by par­
cel poet, or it w ill not be accepted
Drug store wdl be open Sundays,
for mailing.
11 aud from 5 to 6.
Ira C. Mehrling, P. M.
" M u n o Day”
Morning—Children's Hour (Seton
Indian Games)
Lecture— “ Tho Radium o f the Soul"
Dr. James H. McLaren.
Afternoon-Concert. Ciricillo’s Italian
Evening-Popular Concert. Ciricillo’s
Italian Band.
Music Festival, Thavin Grand Opera
Company with Ciricillo’s Entire
“ W o m a n 's O iy ’ ’
Morning—Children’s Hour (Seton
Indian Games)
Lecture— “ Rachel, or an Old Time
Courtship", Dr. James H. McLaren
AfUrnoon--Literary Interpretations
Mrs. William Calvin Chilton.
Lecture—The Japanese as I Saw
them, Mrs. A. L. A. Robinson.
Evening— Entertainment,
Mrs. William Calvin Chilton.
Travelogue— Mexico and S o u t h
America (175 Beautiful Views)
Dr. Peter Macqteen.
E. Railway
Albany, daily........................................
Albany, daily except Sunday...........
Corvallis, d a ily ......... ..... .................. .
Corvallis, daily except S un day..........
.7:30 A.
1:00 P.
8:00 A.
1:40 P.
Connections made at Albany and Corvallis with S. P. trains
P. E. & E. Trains connect with S. P. Trains for Cor­
vallis. Special Excursion Train will leave Newport
every Sunday evening at 6:00 p. m., arrive Corvallis
10:15 p. m., Albany 10:45 p. m.
Good F ish in g Stream s Alongthe C . & E.
At Elk City, Morrison, Toledo and along the Yaquina
river, also on the Breitenbush and Santiam rivers,
on the East End.
For Folders describing Newport as an outing place call on our
nearest P. E. & E., Agent.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
Morning— Usual s e r v i c e s at all
R. E. W i l l i a m s , M. L . T hompson , W. F. N ichols ,
A. J. V ick ,
Afternoon— Sacred Concert, Elwynn
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Lecture— “ The New American” , Dr.
Frank W. Gunsaulus.
America’s Greatest Pulpit Orator.
F ai ls C i t y , P olk C o un t y . O rkoon
Vespers, 4 00 P. M.
Elwynn Trio
Does a General Banking Business.
Interest Paid on Time
Popular LectiUe— "Christianity and
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
the New Chinese, N g Poon Chew. Morning—Children’s Hour
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
(Seton Indian Games)
“ The Oriental Mark Twain.”
Lecture— Ben Hur,
Dr. James H. Mclaren.
Notice for Publication
Morning—Children's Hour (Seton Afternoon—Concert
Dunbar Singing Orchestra.
Indian Games)
Lecture— "The Wisest of Fools” , Dr. Popular Lecture— Brains and the Taklcts U ntinhrd al Nippur Exhonoralt Adam
Drpartmenl of th« latrrtsr
Blame Noah With Eating the Forbidden Fruit
Bible, Dr. Charles L. Seasholes.
James H McLaren.
(Mortal m m )
Philadelphia, June 25.— Report«
Afternoon—Melodies of the South­ Evening—JOY NIGH T—The time of
Office at Portland, Ortxon
your life!
land, Hann Jubilee Singers.
May IS. 1914.
new version o f the flood and the fall
NOTICE la hereby given that Michael L.
o f man deciphered from an ancient
tablet by Dr. Stephen KoberU. who«« post office add teat la 210 Alder
STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE Fairoaks avenue with Ellis street Sumerian
Fort laud Oregon did. on the Uth day of
of assyriology in 6t..
Auguai. 1914, file In this office Sworn Statement
To A. N. Robinson, M. W. and running thence south to the Jesus College, Oxford, were con­ and
Application. No. 03898, to purchase the
Chappell estate. George March, intersection o f Ellis street with firmed today by officials o f the Uni­
1 4 of the HW 14. Section 4. Township 4
versity of Pennsylvania Museum. South, Kange 7 Went, Willamette Meridian,
Jessie Moyer, J. K. Moyer, Cath­
All that part o f Sheldon ave­ The tablet is part of the collection and the timber thereon, under the provision*
olic Church.
unearthed by the university’s ex p e­ of the art of June 8. 1678, and acts amenda­
To A. J. Wurtzbergar, F. Rob­ nue beginning at the south line dition to Nippur.
tory. known a* the “ Timber and Stone I a w /'
inson. A. F. Courier and Jeldena
On comparing a tablet, which Dr. at eudi value at might be flied by appraise-
inent, and that, pursuant to such application,
said Sheldon avenue and running Langdon has just translated with a the laud and timber thereon have been ap
To C. J. Pugh, Jos. Wankey, thence southeasterly in Sheldon similar fragment translated by Dr. praised. the timber estimated 300,000 board
estate. Alvina Quick, Chas. E. avenue to »he city limits o f Falls Probel, the university authorities feet at 40r per M, and the land 820, that aald
found that the two tablets evidently applicant will offer final proof In »upport of
City, Oregon;
had been writen by the same person hi* application and «worn statement on the
To A. F. Courter and J. Cour-
All the above described streets about 2500 H. C. or 4(h) years hsfore doth day of July. 1914, before the Register and
ter, E. L. Bancroft, P. Bogard and parts o f streets being locat­ the time of Abraham. It is believed Kec stver, V.8 Land Office, at Portland, Oregon.
A n y person 1* at liberty to p r o t it thl* pur-
and H. Bogard.
ed and situate in the city o f Falls fragments are part o f two separate cha*o before entry, or Initiate a contest at any
tablets, which, with others, formed
To Jos. Wankey, est.. School City, Polk County, Oregon.
lime before patent Issues, by filing a corrobor­
a treatise or hymn o f praise contain­
District No. 57, S. Cook, Sadie
affidavit In thl* office, alleging fact*
That said improvement will ing an account of the beginning o f ated
which would defeat tha entry.
Tooze, S. M. Kratzer, Jas. Floria consist in general in the building
the world.
H. L. HIORY. Rrglftter
L. Frink.
o f macaddam streets on a grade
The fragment tells o f the flood and
To Alama A. Quick. Mrs. D.M heretofore established by Ordi­ it differs from the Biblical accou nt
Graham, Mrs. Emma Bancroft. nance, such improvement to be of creation in reciting that it w as
Joseph Floria. Electa Bancroft. made at the time and in the Noah who sinned by eating o f Che
Richard S. Ferguson.
P. M. manner to be hereafter prescrib­ tree of kowledge and thus brou ght In the Justice Court fur the Justice and Con-
s I h M u M a t r l c l N o
i, ( . uni ty <>f Polk.
about his fall. From this time on,
Jones, A. F. Courter, J. Rhode- ed by Ordinance.
State of Oregon
That the city council o f said no work, and man’s days were short­ N HKLIG. Plaintiff
To W. VV. Ebert, Wilbur P. city will sit in the council cham­ ened to their present length. Instead
A G. BAKER. Defendant
Lewis, N. Ferguson, A. F. Court­ ber o f said city on the 6th day of a serpent, it was Enki, the w ater To
a . G. Baker, the Defendant above named:
er and Jeldena Courter, W. L. o f July, 1914, at the hour o f 7:30 god, who tempted him.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you ara
Upon two different occasions I
*ave tried to get the business men
of Falls City interested in financ­
ing a creamery at Falls City, but
have failed. Therefore I have seen
tit to try to interest foreign capital
aud at present seem to be in a fair
way to secure aid to finance the
proposition, provided I can get the
farmers to co-operate s i as to have
reasonable assurance of getting the
necessary milk. I also have ar­
ranged with an A1 man, a grad-
uate of the O. A. C., who has had
five years experience in the manu­
facture of ice, ice cream, butter and
cheese and who is willing to make
the venture with us.
Are you willing to turn a hand
to better your own
It appears to me that a creamery
in a good grass country like this is
almost indispensible. Furthermore
it might not be out o f place ft say
here, that I have been quietly
making investigations in other
lines for the up building of our
community, of which I am at pre­
sent not at liberty to go into the
details of. So let it suffice to say,
that it is an industry for the pur­
pose of extracting vegetable oil,
which is said to be extremely pro
Stable to the producers of the
plants from which the oil is ex­
tracted, often yielding the producer
as high as $300 per acre with as
little care and expense as an ordi­
nary corn or potato crop. Already
having property here tnst. is well
located for factory sites, makes me
all the more desirous to help pro­
mote any industry which will be a
perpetual benefit to the whole
A ll progressive farmers who are
interested in either o f the proposi­
tions please send their names and
address to Irvin g Matthews, 401
Gilson estate, L. Frink, J. Rhode- o ’clock in the evening o f said day
Dekum Bldg. Portland, Oregon arid
barger, Richard Roe and John and at said time and place to hear
in due course of time you will re­
Doe unknown owners o f lots 1. and determine objections and
ceive further information.
Council Meeting
P. E.
“ Tried and True” is this old reliable outing resort, with a
wealth o f natural scenery, healthful drives, a splendid beach
and numerous near-by point* o f interest: Lighthouse, D evil’s
Punchbowl, Seal Kocka, etc.
June 27 to July 2, 1914.
Ttltphont News Office. U.
■ ■ ■ ■
JUNE 27, 1914.
2, 3, 4. 5, and l j a . tract all in
block F, fronting on Ellis street.
To J. M. Dennis, estate. R.
Paul, J. W. Halsey, Richard Van-
Den Bosch, Joseph Harlan, C. T.
West, Dale Bell, Jennie M. Cobb,
Chas. Hubbard, J. H. Lewis, D.
F. Boje, and all other persons in
interest, property holders and
owners o f Falls City, Polk Coun­
ty, Oregon, whose property is
fronting or abutting upon the
streets hereinafter described,
Notice is hereby given, that
the city council o f Falls City,
Oregon, contemplates the pass­
age o f an ordinance establishing
grades on the following described
streets and parts o f streets, to-
All that part o f Prospect ave­
nue beginning at the intersection
o f Fifth street with Prospect
avenue and running thence east
to the intersection o f Prospect
avenue with Alder street;
All that part o f Alder street
beginning at the intersection of
Prospect avenue with Alder
street and running thence north
to the intersection o f Alder street
with Fairoak3 avenue;
All that part o f Fairoaks ave­
nue beginning at the intersection
o f Alder street with Fairoaks
avenue and running thence east
to the intersection of Fairoaks
avenne with Ellis street;
All that part o f Ellis street be­
ginning at the intersection o f
remonstrances against the estab­
lishment o f said grades, if any
there be, and,
That all owners and other per­
son in interest may attend at said
time and place and show cause if
any they have, why such propos­
ed grades should not be estab­
Done by order of the City
Council o f Falls City, Polk Coun­
ty, Oregon made on the 23d day
o f June, 1914.
Witness my hand and the offic­
ial seal o f said City o f Falls City,
Oregon this 27, day o f June,1914.
(L. S .)
C. W. L e e ,
Auditor and Police Judge
o f Falls City, Oregon.
Druggist Says ‘Take Only One Dose’
We want to tell those living in
Falls City, suffering from stomach
or bowel trouble that we are agents
for the simple mixture of buckthorn
bark, glycerine/ etc., known a s
Adler-i-ka, the remedy which be­
came famous by curing appendicitis.
This is the most thorough bowel
cleanser known and j u s t o n k k o s k
relieves sour stomach, gas on the
stomach and constipation almost
immediately . You will be surpris­
ed at the quick action of Adler-i-
ka, M. L. Thompson Druggist.
Bank o f Falls City
Salem Federal* and Hopewell Nine
to Cross Bats Today— Hot Con­
test Is Promised Public-
Falls City walked away with
the big end o f the score yester­
day in the baseball game played
with the Stayton nine on the Wil-
liamette field. The final score
was 7 to 6, and this would indi­
cate the contest was a h ot and
close one from beginning t o end.
Both nines put up a good exhibi­
tion and the result was in doubt
until the last ball was p ut over
the plate by the pitcher. A
rather poor crowd was pi-e sent.
The result o f the game means
that Falls City must pi ay the
winner in today’s game for the
championship o n
Salem Statesman.
Medical Society Meeds
hereby required to ap|»ear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
cause within six weeks from the date of tha
first 'publication of this summons, to-wit:
June L3. 1914 and If yon fall to appear and a n ­
swer sa id complaint, plali.Uff will take Judg­
ment against you for the sum of $51.48 and for
his costs and disbursement of this action and
for tha i»ale of the personal property attached
In this cause
You are further notified that the summons
Is served upon you by publication thereof In
the Kails City Naws by order of If G. Strayer,
j ustlce of the Peace of the above named court,
dated June 8th, 1914.
V o » are further notified thst tha date of the
first publication of the summons Is June 18.
1914 . a n d you are required to app earan d a n ­
swer o n or before July 25, 1914.
S. HKLIG, Plaintiff.
E xtra copies of The News are
printed each week, and will be seut
to any address desired, postpaid,
for 2 cents per "opy.
For sa le, new view camera; or
will trade for good cow. Call News
Get you r butter wrappers priut-
ed at the News office,
J 1100 R e w a rd , $10$
T h * re M l«r» o f thl* paper will
pleased t< ) learn that them I* at laaat on*
dreaded dlHfann that aelanca has
abta to ci iro In all Its stag««, and that la
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur* I* th* onlr
positive c nr* now known to th* medical
fraternity.. Catarrh belne a constitutional
disease, r enulrea a constitutional treat­
ment. Ht Jt'a Catarrh Cur* I* t»k*n In­
ternally, i tctln* directly upon tha blood
and m u coid surfaces of tha system, there­
by destroy In * the foundation o f tha dis­
ease, and I'lvln c th* patient atrenfth by
bulldln* up the constitution and aaslatlnf
nature In <*lo In* Its work. Th* proprietors
have ao n-iuch faith In It* curatlv* now-
era that tlnei ■ offer One Hundred Dollar*
for any c ass that It falls to cur*. Band
Dr. W. B. Officer utte jded tho
meeting of the Polk-Yatn hill-Mar-
ion Medical Society at Da Uas Tues-
day. Dr. Officer report« a very in­
teresting meeting. Thed iactissioni«
and reports of canes was, interest­
d i 'i s E i V c M V ' i o o . T * d * oua,
ing and instructive. T hero were • V
«old by r>ll Dr a ffis t * , TSe.
about thirty present.
Tsk* h s ' i T* r * wily P1U* for eoastlpsttoa./