Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 13, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tuie F ai
5 lir jF a lla (Eitiì N ruiß
failed. The court would have
none o f this jurisdiction stuff. I
The question was. did the man
C ity N kwr , J unk 13, 1011
Moulh of . F. UMl.
arrested \ iolate the l a « .
I here
why do«« water iloumg from a
L. W O O D * S O N , P u b lis h e r s .
seemed to be no issue on that faucet Rut smaller the further the
Knt«*r**d M (piuml riiM i mall at th# M l t C f l c r
Why does a stream
at ra lla CltJ. N U t'oantj. «Warna, under th«* point so the court imposed a fíne! stream M U ?
Art of iViifr«*»a of Mart'll S. 1879
o f a dollar a mile. And as the of molasses coming from a jug con-
ordinary man reads about it he tract immediately M ow the mouth
Tdephese K m Office. S3.
__. „
. .
If and come out in such a hue stream
Subscription Ratos: On«? yoar. $1.00; at* month*. applauds and says
to him self:!
. ,
.” , „ .
. . . instead of in the tug stream that
SO conta; throo months. 25 conts: aingW copy. S eta.
That is one instance in which iU rted? A ltr0am of water two
Tho Nows ia roprosontod for foreign advertising by
common sense triumphed, what- f0et in diameter diminishes to only
T h « A m e r ic a n P r a t * A s s o c ia t io n
two inches in diameter before it Iu*
ever the law may b e.”
Oonoral office«. Now York and Chicago.
dropped very far. Where, then, doe*
Adosrtiaing Rates: Duplay. 10 cent« an in ch .
all tlie water go to?
Buftine»* Notices 5 cents a line For Sale. Rent. could
be stripped o f all other
’l1ie explanation lies in the great­
Kichange. Want and Pay Entertainment No
m atter save this o f inquiry con­ er velocity of water a* it falls. A
ttees. 5 eta. a line. 10 eta. a line for three issue«
Card of Thanks N>ota; Legal Notices, legal rates cerning the fact o f guilt or inno­
pipe of a certain size will transmit
Copy for new ads. and changes should be sent cence; i f the sole purpose and in­ Hiiy number of gallons a minute if
to The News not later than Wednesday
tent w ere to establish whether the speed of flow be increased or
the law had been violated or not, decreased. The faster the speed
F K. Hubbard. Mayor.
the more water delivered per min­
and these hair-splitting consider­
T. D. Hollowell. Councilman at 1 Arge
ute or per second. Now, water com­
ations o f w hether there had been ing from a faucet starts with a very
II. C. Brown.
the utmost regularity in all the slow velocity, consequently only a
Albert Teal
A Sampson.
preliminariee w ere to be aban­ few gallons arc transmitted per sec­
C. L. Hopkins,
and forgotten there would ond, and therefore the stream has a
A . K. Meyer.
C. W. I«e . Auditor and R oll«« Judge
be wonderful im provem ent in the wide area of cross section.
W alter L. Toes# Jr.. City Attorney
As the velocity increases on fall­
administration o f ju stice and a
W. p. Lewis, Marshal and Water Supt.
ing the number of gallons per sec­
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
consequent fallin g o ff in the la w ’ s ond transmitted has to remain the
J. J Sammons. Engineer
same as before, because only a cer­
Dr. F. M. Hellwarth. Health Officer.
I t is not with regard to auto tain number come out every second,
1 he Council meets in regular session on the first
Monday evening of each month, at 7 30 o’clock
speeding and other minor offen ­ and certainly that number is trans­
In the office of the Falls City News.
mitted at every cross section every
ses alone that this reform is de­
second; otherwise there would be
S aturday J une 13. 1914
sirable. The need o f it is o f wide , either a hump or a break in the
application, and the hope is that stream. As a constant number of
Business in the police court this the adoption o f it w ill be grad- gallons is transmitted and as the
week has been unusually good, or ually brought. E vening Tele- velocity increases the size of the jet
must get smaller to accommodate it
“ bad” would be the better word.
to the speed. At an infinite veloci­
the stream would be zero in di­
Falls City has the finest water
in the state, and there is nothing
“A Convict’s Honor"
Many natural phenomena demon­
more conducive to health, happi­
\V. F. Hassell, an ex convict strate the above facts. Waterfalls,
ness au3 long life than good water, gave a lecture and motion picture for instance, get smaller the further
and then that isn’ t all the good scene Thursday night at the Gem they fall, and sometimes reach the
bottom in the form of spray. This
things either.
theatre. The pictures and lecture
fact is due, however, to the resist­
were legends of the brutality in­ ance of the air. Geysers, as the
The Oregonian says that Pendleton flicted upon the prisoners by tin water gets slower going up, have a
Oregon was thrown into a state of brutal warden and his more brutal continually increasing stream ns
amazement by half dozen society guards at the State Prison at they ascend, and the largest di­
women appearing on the streets in
Salem before the investigation of ameter is at the top of the spout.
Pasha pants. We don.t know any­
The stream of molasses pouring
from a jug contracts just below the
thing about “ Pasha’ ’ pants, but
The brutal treatment that ouce mouth by surface tension, for this
we’ ll bet they beat none these cool
in that institution was force tries to squeeze the liquid
strongly brought out in bjth lec­ into the smallest space possible for
water the outside surface and that is, of
Pendleton, Oregon is certainly let­ ture aud pictures. The
course, a circle. So the stream be­
ting people know “ she” is on earth. cure, whipping-post, straight-jacket
comes cylindrical almost immedi­
They have discovered a petrified foot and other methods of brutal pun­ ately after it leaves the mouth of
more than a foot long: three doctors ishment, including the hanging of the jug.— New York World.
who can’t tell the difference be­ handcuffed prisoners to cell doors
tween smallpox and chickenpox and from 6 to 12 hours at a time were
Court Dwarf*.
have a bunch o f society women who scenes of the bygone days that were
Until about Little more than a
parade the streets in "Pasha pants. inflicted upon the helpless culprits century ago dwarfs were frequently
kept as court toys. Records of them
by the wardeu and his guards.
might be multiplied almost indefi­
There is more significance to in­
In 1912 Governor West made an nitely.
tervention in ti.e Mexican trouble investigation of the rumor3 that
Bebe, the dwarf of Stanislaus,
than appears on the surface. The were going around concerning the king of Poland, lived to be ninety
casual observer would perhaps treatment the inmates were subject years of age, dying in Paris in 1858,
imagine that all those urging inter­ to and feund them to be true. The and is variously described as having
measured thirty-five inches and
vention or mediation are looking warden was discharged as a result
twenty-three inches. Julia, niece of
toward the betterment of the con­ and the present ii cumbent, Col. Augur tus, had two dwarfs, each
ditions of the oppressed in Mexico. V. K. Lawson placed in his stead. twenty-eight inches in height, and
But it is doubtful if that feature The honor system was established Henrietta Maria had two whose
would be considered a minute were and the men were allowed to work joint height was seven feet two
it not for the landed interests of without the presence of a guard. inches. The Emperor Augustus had
a dwarf named Lucius, w hose height
cold-blooded corporations and m il­ Under humane treatment the pris­
was two feet and weight seventeen
lionaires. Some of the revolution­ oners became better men and not pounds. T h e last court dwarf in
ists are in favor of repudiating the the fierce tigers of crime as existed England wwj Coppernin, who be­
titles that these corporations and under the old method. At the longed to th e Princess of Wales,
millionaires have acquired and conclusion o f the pictures Mar­ mother of George 111.
turning the land back to the guerite Matthews, a ¡Soprano, ren­
ftftodeet G o l d s m it h .
people. Should intervention, or dered a solo which was well receiv­
Oliver Goldsmith was an under­
should the mediators, or more pro­ ed by the audience.
paid man from start to finish. Two
hundred and fifty dollars for “ The
perly speaking, the self-appointed
Vicar of Wakefield” was bad enough,
dictators accomplish their aims all
The republican county central yet for “ The Traveler” he got but
would be well with the high-collar­
$100 and $25 law his “ English Gram­
ed gentry and the peons could live com m ittee met at the court house
mar.” F or “ 'H ie Deserted Village,”
in p o tirty and filth. But shoulu
however, his publisher sent him
the other side get the upper hand electing D. M. Ham pton, o f Mon­ $500. T h is lie at once returned,
W alter
L . with the message: “ It is too much.
and repudiate these lirg e laud mouth, chairman,
It is near 5 shillings a couplet,
grants it would not be pleating iu
which is more than any book owner
the sight o f John D. et al.
Paddock, o f Independence, con­ c/m aff.'ord or, indeed, any modern
poetry is worth.'” So he died with
gressional com m itteem an.— Item ­
$10,000 wot tli of debts. “ Was ever
Whatever the Law, it is Good Sense izes
poet so trusted before?” said Dr
When a speed bug decides he
would like to “ hit ’ er up” fo r
Parcels Must Bear Return Card
R .,fused to Accom pany Her.
fo rty or fifty miles an hour or
'A n oted German lyric soprano,
more on the outlying city streets,
The attention of all is directed to who u lay as well be nameless here,
and he is caught doing it, the paragraph 4 o f section 470, Postp.i as shf • is no longer before the pub­
n ext step, as a m atter o f course, Laws and Regulations, Which re­ lic, d evelopcd in her later years a
is to g e t some able attorney to quires that the name and address habit of singing out of tune. One
find a technicality by which he of the gender shall appear on every night at a small company, being
asked to sing, she promptly con­
may escape the consequences. I f package that is to be sent by par­
sent« d, m il her hostess then went
it shall so be that a county officer cel post, or it will not be accepted to O tto J.«8smann, the German
o f the law, instead o f a city for mailing.
critir, who was present, and said:
“ H err Lrs.smann, will you accom­
policeman makes the arrest, ap­
Ira C. Mehrliug, P. M.
pany Mme. Blank?”
parently the required technicality
“ With pleasure. Where is she go­
is at hand. Th e county officer
lacks jurisdiction in the city
“ Why, to sing.”
To the People of Falls City; We
streets. I f he wanta to arrest
“ No, pi trdon me, not there.”
anyone and do it legally he should are now giving you an up-to-date
Not In Hor Class.
g e t outside the city limits. In show at the Eureka Theatre. It
“ I thou ght you all wus ginetcr git
the view o f the delinquent speed- will be our first and last thought
married t o Rastus Pinkley.”
isl and his attorney, the court to please you. W e will have the
‘T were thinkin’ 'bout it,” replied
should hold that the county o f­ best film service we can secure Miss Mini ni Brown
“ But when I
ficer ha3 no righ t to butt in on and invite you to our Home of los' my firimpcr an’ slummed him
the policem en’s preserve.
Features. Trusting that you ac­ wif a s k ille t an’ he nebber come
back at ran , I says to mysel’, *T)at
But in a case o f just this char­ cept our invitation.
»in ’ no man to put in charge of
Yours respectfully,
acter com ing before the Munic­
i liacit'line.’ ” — \Washington
Heminger & Sowers.
ipal Court technical expectations
Star. •
nam H anBam K
Falls City
Will Celebrate
m m m m m sssaag
Hit* All Day Picnic at Ihc Park
Julv Ith.
Ariangfiiii'iit* ar« lieing •*»;• <!••
for au all ilav Picnic at Ilm Pari:
Julv 11 ll. T l l r l t * will be gOOtl
rpeaki r», la ll gainis an l Spurts ot
all kinds. Thero will heu dniire I
at night ho liiere w i l l l*tt n o «leartli ;
o f aimiseineiit* f " i e v e r y o n t * . l ’otn«* j
Oxfords, Shoes and Sandals
hero for the Whole Family
ou t a n d Im v e u g o o d U l li " .
For furtlur purticulars intiuir«* j
See Our W indow For New
Snappy Up-To-Date Shoes.
of W. R. 11 i iih Imw l. () Clements
.) C Inlbott, Committee.
Curt er Rust of Monmoili is visit­
ing Orel Courier this week
l>rug store w ill bo open Sundays,
!) to 11 mid from a to (i
Mr. and Mis. C. \\ Lee wete
entertHim d at dinner, \\ ednesday,
by Mr. ami Mis. It. Paul.
(ie t your luce curtains laundered
at the Dallas Steam Laundry.
Bohle is agent. Bundles go out
Tuesday evening
Your business
• • •
The next time my troy receives u
thuging at the hand of Boy Scouts
it will cost romebody aometning
K. A Sayre.
♦ ••• •
K -
K. R. W i l l i a m
M. L . T h o m p s o n ,
■ ■ ■ '
At Work Again
l i f f l i
W. F. N im oi.s,
A. J .V ic k ,
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Bank o f Falls City
a ix
* C
it y
, P
o i . k
o u n t y
. O
k i o - o n
Does a General Ranking Business.
In terest Paid on T im e
Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
N otary Public officially connected w ith the Rank.
Teacher's Examinations
School Election
There w ill be a school election
held here Monday for the pur­
pose o f electin g a director and
a clerk. Geo. M. Tice is the tire-
sent director ami J. < . Talbott
the clerk. Th ey have both con­
sented to allow their names to
be used fo r re-election.
N otice is hereby given that the
County Superintendent o f Polk
County, Oregon, w ill hold the
regular examination o f applicants
fo r State C ertificates at Dallas,
as follow s; Com m encing Wed-
tv June 17. 191 I. a t 9 o'clock
a. m., and continuing until S a t­
urday. June 20, 1914, at 4 o ’clock
Bert Dennis I ihh g< ne to Tila-
mook to work in machine »hop*.
Miss Kiln Mehrling slUoidrd the
( ’orninoliwraith Exercise* io Dsl-
Mrs. H u d Anderson went to
Port Inni] Wednesday to ntttunl tho
Rime ('»iiiiv n l and meet her htl*-
' 1 w h » » °°kln« ,h, r"
Notice for Publication
The Falls C ity Lumber Com ­ P- nt.
pany shut down the saw mill here
Drparimrnt of ihr Interior
Wednesday Forenoon
two weeks ago in order that some
(S v rl.l u to»!) i
W riting, U. S. H istory, P h y ­
repairs m ight he made on the
large burner used to burn the siology.
l utiti o fflt o at P o rtU iiil. Oregon
May 13 . IVI«.
refuse o f the mill. The work was
Wednesday Afternoon
NOTH'« la Iter«-».) ft vet» t tint Mlrhaol I*.
completed and work
Itobertl, who*-- |M»at offiro addioaa laftO Alder
Wednesday afternoon.
Physical ueUKrapny,
Geography. Reading,
i w i u i i m k . I hi . »\,ril*i»d Or**on tin, on the isih day of
C om position, Methods in Head- *“*"*• w«. stonnhi. »m » swum sutemem
What a Newspaper Does For a Town mg. Methods in A rithm etic.
, « , , * ...... , ...... .......
flou lb, Rung« « W ill, W ffU m ttU M.it.ltan,
anil tliw Outlier llterean, under the provision*
of the m l of June 3. IM7H. alni ««‘la mud tide
(n rf. ItnoMii m Ihc “ Titnltcr and (Itone I* » * ,"
at aneli vaino a* mu « lit he
t»y apprat*«*
incut. Mild that, pursuant to inch Application,
the land and timber thereon bave been ap
pruine.!, the (hutter estimated ’JtiO.GnO tioard
fuel at to«' per M, and the land f.M>. that *«id
applicant will offer him! proof in inpporl of
| lit« application mid nuorti at a le life tit on the
tloth day of July. 1914. Indore the KegUlcr mid
The value o f a live, en ergetic
Thursday Forenoon
newspaper to any town or city is
Arithm etic, H istory o f Educa­
aosolutely impossible o f estim a­ tion, Psychology, Methods in
tion. Th ere are so many ways Geography.
that the good newspaper prom ­
Thursday Afternoon
otes the interest o f the city and
Geography, A m e r­
the individual citizens where it is
Physics, Me- j
published that it would he like
Thesis foi* lb*<-«*iv«-r. I .** I ntuì onit-«.*, nt I’ortlAUl.tlrcticuii.
trying to number the sands o f
ebene before en try, o r In lt ln te a content e l n n v
the sea to enumerate them. It
tim e before entent l.nticn, by flllnif » eorroltor-
is the true friend o f the city or
Friday Forenoon
nted n ltld e v lt ln I Ilia office, allettine (nein
w h ic h w o u ld defeat the e n try,
town and ev e ry resident th ereof
Theory and Practice, Ortho- !
II. !.. III'.IIV llr|Inter.
and stands ready to fight the g r a p h y ,
English Literature,
battles even o f the individual
Chem istry.
citizens in a way that no other
Friday Afternoon
agency has either the nerve or
School Law, G eology. A lgebra, In Ilia Juntlee Court for the Juntlco and Con-
the courage to do. It stands as
• table lilntrlel .So
t, County of Colli.
Hute ,,f O n it»n
a great bulwark o f defense for C ivil Governm ent.
N SKI.KI. l'Io I lit i ff
the city and fo r the people.
Saturday Forenoon
I d, II \K K i t . ledendo nt
Rut this is only one feature.
Geom etry, Botany.
To A. 1 1 llaker. lin, le.fendu lit H bin e mimed'
T h ere’s another that is seld<>m
III the linai« <>f the State of Oregon, you > [r
hereby re>iul red to Mppenr and anew er the com
given much thought, and that is
I'lam l died HgHlnnt you III tile above entitled
that the newspapers o f any town
General History, Bookkeeping. e n n « wltlun at X week» frinii the dale of the
llrnl publit ntioii of .tliln oiimimina. lo wit:
or city are a paying investm ent
Yours respectfully,
June 13. Iti« nnd If y.nt fall In appear and an-
fo r such place as industrial insti­
H. 0. S k y m o u r .
nwer aal.I complaint, plaintiff will take Jtid«
tutions. People welcome with j
Superintendent o f Schools. meni nitaliml you for (lie an in of |d II and for
b l» mats and disbursement of thle action and
open arms and loud acclaim any
Polk County, O regon.
for the sale nt the per.oiiHl property attached
In thin ratine.
factory costing a fe w thousand j
Yon are further notified that the attmniotia
dollars and they think the town
I» served upon you by publication thereof In
Ilia Kallal'lty Newa by order of II o. Mtrayer,
is w onderfully fortunate in secur­
Jlist Ire of the l'eneo of Hie above im m c u court,
ing a plant that will g iv e em ploy­ returned Sunday from a trip over dated June Mb, nut.
ment to a number o f people. Polk count,v, including attendance
Yon are further notified that the date of the
piiblleatlon of Ihe summons la June 1.1,
Sometimes they even put up a at the Independence ra -e meet Innt brat
lull, aud you are re.|tilred to appear aud an
• wer on or before July 'JA, lull.
bonus to secure such a plant.
N BKf.l<¡. I'UIntiff.
There are many newspapers
Chris Vashaw was in Falls City
which give em ployment to a num­ on business Saturday and visited
ber o f people, and nothing is his ranch near that place. He
Bids will he received at the
thought o f it. The money that rejrorts loganberries doing well.
office of the Auditor and Police Judge
comes to the paper is spent in the - Dallas Item izer.
of Falla City, Oregon, until June It»,
1914, at 7:30 o’clock p. in, o f said day,
town or city w here it is publish­
Mrs. Bert Seymore took Mra. 1. for the grading, placing o f crushed
ed. None o f it goes away, e x ­
G. Singleton h id Mra Robinson r<"k upon, surfacing of, anti macad-
cept fo r ink and paper and some
^ , to Dallna Thursday ni"ht to hear amizntion of certain streets and parts
o f streets within Falls City, Oregon,
other small supplies that cannot ,,
. , , . .
, .,
(J .
M. Uonm leyl lecture at the as provided for anti described in Or­
be bought at home. The news­
Chriatian church, Mr. Gohcnley dinance No. lit;, o f said city; and
paper is essentially a home insti­
idso for the construction o f artificial
ia just from India.
stone curbs as provided for and de­
tution. It works day and night
scribed in Ordinance No. 119 o f said
to build up its home town and
city; said work to I m * commenced on
state, and spends its money fre e ­ TT ia readers o f thin papor will b* or before Novctnls>r 16, 1914.
plf-atoM) to Irani th it there in at least on«»
A certified check o f 5
o f bid
ly with home people. It is pub­ dreaded
«ltoeane that nclenro ban b«*rn
lished on strict business prin- able to cure In nil He wlngcs, and that le must accompany each bid.
C atarrh
H a ll'll c a t a r r h C u re 1« t h « only
successful bidder must, with­
ciples these* clays, and that IS the P ^ »ltlv « ru ro now know n to tho m edical in The
live days from the date o f the ac-
itrrnlty. Catsirrh
c a t a r r h being
rxl-u; a constitutional
reason fo r the growth and pros­ dlaeoae, r.-.iulr. t a coiintlthtlnnal treat- ceptance o f said bid, execute con­
M a li'« C atarrh C ure In taken In­
perity that has come to many ternally, urtlnK d ire rtly upon the blood tract with said city for the faithful
and m ueon* m irfie e * o f the *vat*m . there­ performance o f said work.
papers during the past few years. by doatroylnc the foundation o f the d l*-
The city council of Falls City re­
| en*», and g iv in g the patient dreneth by
As a business enterprise, a b u lld ln * up the ronetlfutlon end aieletlm r serves the right to reject any and all
. ,,
nature In doln«r Ite w ork. T h o proprietor»
good newspaper IS about the best hnve eo mu. h faith In He enrallve pow- bids.
. ,
. era that they offer One H undred D ollars
Dated at Falls City, Oregon, June
industry that any town has, a n d , fo r any m *e that it n i l s to cure. s. nd
5, 1914.
C. W. I, kk ,
its publishers ask nothing but a Addre«K . ic h k n k y *co ., Toledo, owo.
Auditor anti Police Judge
Sold by all D rnn tate. T5e,
square deal.— Dallas Item izer.
1 Taka u a iu « n-amiiy m u for constipation.
o f Falls City, Oregon.
$100 R ew ard, $100
ir «