Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 06, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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T u r F a u o C i t y N ywa , J i 'NK t¡. 19í4
Is not known.
First sight lovers are
not apt to I n » kepi apart through the
want of an introduction. Be this as
it may, the two went together down
to the southernmost point o f the island
and passed the time there till sunset
(when the midshipman's h ave expired),
sitttug on a rock making love with that
rapidity which can ouly lie attained
by |>crsous iu their teens
Fgglestou wished to visit Anneke In
tier home, but she told hilu that the
sight o f an Englishman was enough to
lilbrosi bee fbtbM M l s ttt, and if ho
knew that she hud made the acquaint
| a nee of one o f those who had taken
; the city and changed its name from
Tlu* riljr o f New York H U founded New Amsterdam to New York he would
on the southernmost point o f Manhut- sail back to Hoi laud with her by the
rtrst vessel golug there. Therefore, not
t in Island ami first grew to the east
, being able to meet the girl who had
want. latter it started up Broadway,
j charmed him in her own home, he
and the east side, as it is called, fell made an appointment to meet her else
into decadence
But till after the be- i where.
KinniiiK o f the nineteenth century the
The next meeting between the Kug-
haudsouiest residences were in the : llahman und the Dutch girl was iu this
j wise: Anneke was standing ou tho
neighborhood o f the East river.
Some years ago workmen engaged in | shore o f the East river just north o f
tearing down an old dwelling near the wall that gave the present name
Franklin square— in w hich Washington to W all street, not more than five or
lived when first Inaugurated president I six minutes' walk from her home. A
, lH>at pulled by a single oarsman was
—csme upon a closet built in a wall
coming round the southern eud o f the
iu which was a skeleton. How it got
island and approaching the shore where
there was a mystery, fo r there was no Anneke stood. She went down to the
opening to the closet, it being inclosed I water's edge, the boat's stern was
within four thick walls. The find was I swerved to (tie shore; she stepped In.
referred to a historical society, which i and the boat continued Its course in
appointed lleileger Bognrdus, an au- the direction of the islands lying to the
thiuarian. to investigate the whole ‘ eastward.
matter and report
T h e following is
It Is unnecessary to mention that the
extracted from the papers filed with oarsman was Ralph Eggleston, who had
the society:
pulled around from the Hudson river
"Th e fact that the skeleton was to meet his new found sweetheart to
found within four solid walls is easily
take her for a ride on the East river,
The house was repaired
! where they could make love without
and altered during the last decade of
being interrupted
Instead o f pulling
tne eighteenth century, and the wall
| across the river and thence south on
w herein was the door to the closet was
the opposite shore and returning by
made whole
The apartment Inclosed
tJovernors Island, they very foolishly
was o f such size that workmen would
| went directly past Anneke's home
not necessarily have ssexi what It con
| True, the house was some distance
tained. especially since "there were no
from the shore Hnd perhaps she thought
windows to admit light-'in that part of
i that she might not be seen from there
the house.
“ As to there being onch a closet at She did not reckon on the fact that
all. the story connected with It is a the bouse was on 11 hill and that her
sufficient explanation, fo r the opening, father had brought to America the
which was walled urs was closed by a very spyglass with which his father,
sliding pane!. W h at has not been sat­ Captain Van Vranken. had discovered
isfactorily explained is the use for a British ship that he had etiacsed
which the closet w as designed
At and sunk. Meinheer happened at the
the time the hour** was built such se­ time o f this boat ride to be strolling
cret chambers w ire not unusual, espe­ about his grounds. Unfortunately for
cially iu the homes, o f those who were the lovers the sunlight w is reflected
In constant danger from some enemy. from the gold trimmings o f the officer's
But in America when the country was uniform. Meinheer Vail Vranken. won­
first settled avenues o f escape were dering what one o f these bated naval
men was doing out on the water with
rather tuuuets through which the set
tiers tnigfct save themselves from be­ a woman—who must be Dutch—went
sieging Indians
I t seems probable to the house, took down Captain Van
that the house iu "Franklin stpiare was Vranken's spyglass, brought it to bear
thus provided b y its builder. Meinheer on the occupants of the boat and. to
Van Vranken, sifuply because he had Ids horror, discovered his daughter
it similar closet In his residence iu Itot- there in company with a British o f­
terdain. for 1t appears that his ances­ ficer.
I know not what immediately fol­
tors w ere prominent officials in the
Netherlands during that period when lowed the revelation. The next link in
the bloodthirsty Duke o f Alva held the the chain o f the story is that Meinheer
Van Vranken determined to shuke the
country in his (grip."
But to the *to ry I have unearthed dust o f Manbuttuu Island off bis shoes
concerning the* skeleton found In the —since it bud become English soil—aud
Meinheer Van Vranken came go back to Rotterdam with his family.
to America in JG38. bringing with him By this move be intended to separate
what w-as iu those da^'s a fortune. Anneke from the Euglish midshipman
Soon after landing he stsit to Holland who had crept into her affections while
for brick with which to build his resi­ her father wns drinking destruction to
dence and completed it in 1082, model­ the Euglish fleet in drafts o f schnapps.
Anneke was put under a strict
ing it a fter his home in Rotterdam,
even to the secret closet. When It was watch during the period in whic h the
completed the house was the finest in preparations were being made for the
the city, which was then a Dutch town return to the Netherlands, for there
was much to he accomplished. Even
and called New- Amsterdam.
Now. it was In 1G04 that the city the heavy four post bedsteads re­
was captured by the Euglish, the quired the strongest horses ou the Is­
Dutchmen refusing to uiake an effort land to drag them to the landing and
to defend it despite the protestations a lighter o f extra size to take them to
o f their governor, Peter Stuyvesant. the ship. Anneke was iu charge of
who stamped with his w-ooden leg Katrina I.emke. an old maid who tiad
and swore by St. Nicholas that they no sympathy for young lovers and hut-
were an arrant set o f cowards, tin ed the English. This woman was en­
w orthy o f the protection o f their patron joined not to let her charge out o f her
sight for a single moment, aud since
This change in the government was the father feared the young midship­
also a hitter pill for Meinheer Van man ndght. under pretense o f search
Vranken to swallow. H e was Dutch Ing the house for arms, bring a party
from the crown o f his head to the soles o f men to take away his sweetheart a
o f his feet, and his ancestors, who had six pound cannon was mounted at the
been sailors, had foOgbt the English only gate in the high wall surrounding
when the Netherlands were a power on the place.
The day the family were to sail for
the sea. Now. meinheer had a very
pretty daughter. Anneke by name, who Holland Katrina Lemke and Anneke
much more readily adapted herself to were left In the house till the last min­
the new country than her old father, ute, while Meinheer Van Vranken su­
who could be content in It only so long perintended the hauling o f the lust of
as it was Dutch. When the English the household goods to the lauding
When he had finished bis task and
landed many o f the inhabitants of New
Amsterdam went down to the Battery, seen his family and goods put on board
where the aquarium now stands, to see the ship he returned for bis daughter
them come ashore. Among them was and her duenna.
He found the house vacant.
Anneke Van Vranken. buxom and with
From this point the story is vague.
eyes as blue as the heavens above and
tw o ropes of flaxen hair hanging down It does not appear that Katrina I.emke
was ever found. The next heard o f
her back.
Anneke Van Vranken she was living
One o f the boats which brought sup
plies ashore was commanded by Ralph hi England, the w ife o f Captain Sir
Eggleston, n midshipman, nineteen Ralph Eggleston of the British navy.
years old. three years Anneke's senior. The loss o f the duenna and the escape
Though six feet in his stockings, he of her charge are to be accounted for
wore the Jacket o f a middy, decorated only by conjecture, though there Is an
with brass buttons, that shone re­ unsubstantiated tradition that It was
splendent in the sun and added to the explained by Lady Eggleston. This ex
attractions o f his handsome person His planatlon accords with the recent dis­
eye lighted upon Anneke. who stood covery of the skeleton In the closet.
The tradition is that while the two
among those looking on, and Anneke's
eye lighted on him T o her this young women were alone together In the Van
man giving orders to a dozen stalwart Vranken home Anneke broke away
men. who obeyed his slightest com­ from her Jailer and hid in the closet
mand, was little less than a god. But The duenna followed her and entered
the young iinn was on duty und, hav­ the closet, and Anneke slipped out nod
ing unloaded his boat, set oCT for his shut the door. Anneke, thinking ovly
of flight, left the place and eomin.ini-
ship, lying out In the Hudson river.
Busy as he was. how ever, young Eg
cated with her lover, who came ashore,
gleston found time to give Anneke Van married her and took her to his ship.
Vranken an admiring glance, and In
Anneke did not know— wbat I now
return there was a rapiure In her eyes suppose to have been the case—that In
at what was to her a heavenly vision
closing the door o f the closet It bud
It was but a few days after this that been held by a spring lock The panel
w hile walking under the guns of the closed automatically with the closing
fort, whereon the English had replaced of the door. My theory Is that K atri­
the Dutch flag. Anneke met the mid­ na I>>mke was caught In the closet,
shipman, who wns on shore leave, could not release herself and perished.
strolling about with a brother officer.
Doubtless Ihe skeleton discovered there
This meeting seems to have resulted
was hers. This theory is borne out
in an acquaintance between Ralph and by the fact that It is tbe skeleton of a
Anneke, but how it waa brought ubout woman
(ßrofcootonnl duri»«
H E A L K S I 'A T K F O K S A l i l i
I The Skeleton
In the Closet :
- Two tine building lot* in block
G, Hast View Mild,
;; Thereby Hangs a Tale.
i For Sale, 2 good lota, ou Pine
street in block K, cultivated.
I I.ols
I, 2, 3, I, 13, 1 I. block
I'll YSI I ' I AN
P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n
onte* ovvi nioniiM iiii't ilrug vtorv. Mu
lu t i plum« IVI l'lltill« N lg llll . i l 441
< lads 13. 14, 15, 111. block. 0. at a
b a r g a in ;
Offers exceptionally fine opportunities for
W . B . O ffic e r, M . D .
' For rent, house, barn, 3 lots; III;
Ellis street. Property for sale
#100 cash, bal. on term s
F. M. H E L L W A R T H
at 8,0.
* Two lots, O r. house; fruit, ber­
ries, city water, electric light; cl aw
in, bargain.
,} .,u
rh on eao »
K.in city,
Manufacturers and llonienrekera who want to know the facta con­
cerning Falls City and its poseibiliteM for future development are
further and more particular information, nddretiH The New*.
Practice tu all (lie Slate courts.
S a lfm , O regon
The city derives its tin nit from I lie fall* of tbe Little Luckia-
mute River, which Hows through the city from the West.
The find sale of town lots occurred in 1889, though donation
land-claim settler* cim e here many years liefore that dote. In
1900 the imputation was 2(19; in 11*10, 0(10; 1014, about 1,250.
Dr. A.G. Atwood
P h o n e 1931
T h e L o cation
Funeral Directoi
W e eilen«! l e e ll w o rli p r o m p t Ip.
t-’ For sale, lots 7, 8, 1 1, 23 block K,
and lots 11 and 12 block K. Will
trade for Portland property,
Delias end Felle City. O r
n For sale, lot 2 block M, M. ad.
»usinées* d a rte
19 For sale, 80 a. 1 j mi. north of city
20 a. improved; 25 a good limber;
plenty of pasture and watt r.
l^Two acres, cultivated, fruit, ber­
ries; 0 r. house, sheds; water, elec­
tric light; will divide.
S e m p le R o o m .
Best A e oo m m od e tio ne
W a t e r and W o o d
D r o v e * . P r o p r ie t o r
I 7 Three acres, adjoining city,
l* Five acres, in city.
19 Six lots, no improvements; cheap
Bohle’ s Barber Shops
•h* Lot 5 and 20 fi. of lot 4 blk l>, 70
feet front, oil North Main street, is
for sale at a bargain; lest building
lot in town. 8-e F. K. Hubbard.
F ells C ity, O re g on
Where you cm get t Shivv, Hair Cut. Beth
or 'Shirt'
Ay v nt f or D a l l a s S l t a m L a u n d r y
Hundlv. forwarded l u r e l i y w aning
F. K. Hubbard Realty Company
In The News office, F a l l s City
S a u l O u d e r k ir k
Notice to Electric Light Users
B u ild in g C o n tra c to r .
M ada.
Falls City is situated in the south central part of Polk County
Oregon, in «eclion 21, township 8, S., rangefl,W„ Willamette mer­
idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and 73 rail miles south-
west of Portland, iu the narrow western end of the Little I.ucki-
amnte River valley, surrounded on tbe north, »outh, ami west by
the foothills of the Coaal Range mountain*. Elevation, 886.38 ft
alsive sea level. Transportation— Salem, Fall* City & Western
Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail
distance of 30 miles, with F. P. main line connections at Dallas,
Gerlingcr, and Salons, and with th&Oregon Klectric at Salem.
Falls City is incorporated as a city, and contain* 758 33 acre*,
valuation for taxation #2(18,887. The city administration is com­
posed of mayor, seven councilman, auditor and police judge, mar­
shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer.
Salaries; Marshal and
water *uperintciident, ♦•»(>; auditor, #25. attorney, 125.
I s To rent, 12-r house.
Phune IW
to April 1, 1011, will please pay
R apairg
Falls City, Ore.
The city of Falls City owns tbe gravity water system. Its first
cost was #80,000. Pure mountain water is piped from soring* on
Judge Teal's racch, 8 miles away, at an elevation o! about 300
feet above city level.
Oak und fir tire wood is plentiful und cheap.
L u m b e r , F ru it, V e g e ta b le s and B e r rie s
Electric-power planing and saw mill, log pond, dry kiln and
lumber yurd in the city, lumber tlume, logging roads and logging
outfits, all owned and operated by tbe Falls City Lumber Co.
The surrounding bench and bill lands are as well adapted to
the production of fruits and Iwrries as any other section of the
Pacific Northwest, uml development on these lines is going on.
Vegetables and berries of many kinds grow to perfection in
and adjoining Fulls City, und many seres are planted to straw­
berries ami loganberries. Market conditions are improving stead­
ily, us production is increased.
Elle & Elle
S c h o o ls , C h u rc h e s , S o c ie tie s , C lu b s
Contractors and Builders
See us before you build,
We may save you money.
Phone 1411
Falls City bus a 12-grude school with a four-year high school
course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teachers. Its
diplomas are accepted by tbe higher schools iu lieu of examine-
ations. Tbe entire community is justly proud of tbe school,
'Ihe Religious organizations are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian,
Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, (jet man Lutheran.
G . L. H A W K I N S
D a lle « , O reg on
The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Rebekahs,
Masons, Knigblsof Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Modern Woodmen of
Atneri •«, Royal Neighbors of Auurica, Woodmen of the World,
Women of Woodcraft.
Free reading room,
and a package of
H arrington’s
Ice Cream
O rego n
C. W
M a tth e w s , P ro p rieto r
Salem Laundry
Bundles sent Tuesday evenings.
H A R R I N G T O N ’S
P atents
D e s ig n s
C o p y r ig h t s A c .
Anron* Handing a aketrh and description BMtf
quickly uncertain our opinion free whether an
invention Is probably patentable, ( 'immunlrtt-
lion* ntrtctlyconfidential. HANDBOOK on Patent«
•ent free. Old eat nifoncy for RPcurlriK patent*.
Patent* taken through Munn A Co. receive
tptrial rwtice, without charge, tu tbe
Scientific American.
A handeomely llluatrafei weekly. T.areeat cir­
culation o f any pcientlllc Journal. Term a, f t a
year: four months, $L Sold by all newgripalars.
MUNN & 0Qt38 iBroW
»»r. New York
Braorh Office, fUb V BU Washington. D. C, ,
Gem theatre, photoplay.
Hyd ro-eleclric light generated by tbe power of the falls; owned
by tbe Falls City Electric Co , W. B. Stevens president, H . C.
Brown vice-president and manager, A. W. Stevens secretary and
and get a dish of the famous Mt.Hood
best made
F elle C ity. Or.
II For sale, tine home in city, with
25 acres, 10 cultivated.
Nam e
Suite 11 Hush Hreyiuan BItIg., photic ¿A*»
l'1 For sale, 7 lots (all of block A )
in Montgomery's addition to Falls
City ; good garden ground, fenced;
city water; price #1100 if bought
within tiie next 30 days.
Co-O perative Cannery
Co-O perative Creamery
W ood-working Factories
Fruit and Berry Orchards
JA S . G. M E L T Z E L .
A tto rn ey a t L aw
9 For sale, one acre, cultivated,
fruit, berries; ii-r. house insured
for $1400; elec, light, city water,
cesspool; pi ice #1060; all rash, or
#700 cash, terms on balance.
Stop at Ellis’ Confectionery Store
---------------------- or — -----------------------
requested to read the information given in these two columns. For
* For sale — 5) acres, partially im­
proved; bouse, timber; spring and
living stream; near western city
limits; price, #1000, half cash.
the amount to C. W . Lee at Tbe
News office.
\V. E. N ewsom
e tablinhment
OUice iu Toller Bldg.,
oitw» «na ,,,
7 For sale. One acre, adjoining city
limits, with 5-room bouse. A bar­
gain at I l l ’S, terms. House to relit.
All persons owing tho Falls City
Electric Light Co. for service prior
Notice to News Subscribers
A b lu e - p e n c il c ro s s m a r k o n t h is
n o tic e m e a n « t h a t y o u r e u b e c r lp -
tlo n to T h e N e w t h a s e x p ir e d a n d
neede fix in g
Do I t n o w .
Telephone system, with long-distance connections. C. J. Pugh
local manager.
B u s in es s E n te rp ris e s
Falls C'ty is well provided with the usual business enterprises.
The News columns tiie announcements of the following business
and professional men of tiie city:
Bakery, I). Toller,
Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier.
Barber shops, Win. Bottle.
Carpenters and Builders, Elle & Elle, 8. Onderkirk.
Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Ciias. Hnrlung.
Confectionery stores: B. L. Ellis, R. B. Harrington.
Drug store, M. L. Thompson.
Dentist, Dr. A. 0 . Atwood.
Department store, N. Sel.g,
Funeral director, R. L. Chapman.
Furniture, J. C. Talbott «t Co.
General stores. N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co.
Hardware store. J. C. Tall ott it Co,
Hotels: Falls City Hotel, Fritz Droege, owner ar.d manager;
The Madena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Dennis, managers
Jewelry store. W. A. Persey.
Newspaper, the Falls City News, C. W. Lee.
Photoplay kneatre, tiie Gem, C. J. Pugh.
Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwarth.
Pressing ami cleaning parlor, I. A. Johnston.
Railroads, Salem, Falls City A Western, Southern Pacific.
Real estate agent, F. K. Hubbard Realty Co,
Restnurant, The Madena; Win. Finley, owner.
Saloons: Tne Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mix.
Boost for a Gymnasium for the School