Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 06, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tn* P alm C ity N* w >, J une 6,1914
J . C. Talbott & Co
Headquarters for
Stoves, Carpets, Rugs,
Wall Paper, Tools, Iron
Pipe and Plumbing
Office Fixtures, Sport­
ing Goods, Ete.
I J .C .T A L B O T T ¿ ¿ C O M P A N Y
Twentieth Century Prosthesis
Useful articles for J unograduates.
at Persey’o Jewelry Store.
G. I). Treat has put ill a new
wagon sen In back of ilia feed store.
Mina Grace Cockoiline will at­
tend the Kose Carnival in Portland
next week.
Mr, and Mrs. M. L. Thompson
will attend the {tone Carnival at
Portland next week.
Ore. Fire Relief Anaoci’ii,McMinn­
ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent.
For sale, Oat and Vetch bay, $10
ton. Phone A.D.152, W .F . Good.
Will not slip or slide when you|
For «ale, new view camera; or
chew. If you are from
will trade for good cow. Call News
Missouri, call
A. G. Atwood, Dentist.
Office, North Main St.
over Harrington'sconf. store
PasHcngcr Train Schedule
Dec. 1,1913
am. a m . p m .
Salem . . . 6.35 9.45 1.40
Dallas. . . 8.45 11.00 2.50
F a lls C i t y . 8.50 11.35 3.25
" h i
■ »•TKOl’ hD
H ill.
pm. pm. p m .
9.30 1.25 3.45 5.40
F s II h C ity .
Dallas. . . 10.15 2.00 4.25 6.40
Salem . . . 11.26 3.16 5.30 7.45
Bl'k Rock
1. li. Hthui.rrow, A okmt
T s r t.
14 IS 16
21 22 23
28 29 30
F. W . Lefever will leave for
Durant, Oklahoma next week,
where he has bought some land.
Mrs. Ellen Hunter of Portland,
State Worker of the C. W . B. M.
is visiting with Mrs. I. O. Single-
ton this week.
M. Swett of Ellensburg, Wash.,
who has been visiting his sister,
Mrs. Fowler of Black Rock during
the past two weeks left Sunday for
his home.
F ri.
12 13
19 20
Mrs. 8. Montgomery of Newberg
26 27 came Saturday to attend the me­
1 Come to the
Drug Store
For Patton’ s Paint.
Rogers Stain Floor
for furniture and all
interior work. Floor
Paint, Wagon a n d
Mrs, Selig will go to Portland
next week for a visit and attend
the Uoae Carnival.
Abstracts of title promptly fur­
nished. Rates reasonable. Brown &
Sibley, 610 Mill 81., Dallas, Or.
Calentar—June, 1014
M o b .
For eale, 15 Ruff Orpington day-
old chicks with hen, $2.50. J. K.
Beezley, phone 271.
Fresh Bread,Cukee, Cookies, Pies,
aud other bakery goods, every day
at the Falls City Bakery.
M r . Horn* Sookoi
bu y O ro h a r d Land
and L
in .
Chas. Hartung made a trip in
his car to Dallas Wednesday
There was a hailstorm in the
mountains near Falla City Tues­
day night.
Buggy Paint,Screen
Paint. Lead and Oil
—Kalsomine; also a
good assortment of
morial services and visit with her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Ester Mont­
W . T. Brown aud wife and Clay
Miller left Tuesday afternoon in
their car for Oregon City where
Mr. Brown and Miller will take
the train for Idaho where they go
to look at tome government laud.
They will probably be absent lor a
couple Of weeks.
Bohle is agent for Dallas Steam
Laundry— none better. Bundles
go out Tuesday evening. Your
business solicited.
S, H. Tethiow and Fred J. Hol­
man went to Monmouth Tuesday
to decorate graves o f friends and
relatives in the K. of P. Cemetery.
Bille are due and payable on the
1st of the month, at the office. A
charge of 5c for each 16 c. p. used
will be added to all bills not paid
on or before the 17th.— F. C, Elec­
tric Light ik Power Co.
For first class laundry work and
a Polk county laundry. Our plant
is modern, only competent help
employed. Compare these prices
with others: Negligee shirts with
cuffs attached 10c; pleated with
_____ ;
cuffs attached 15c; collars 2|c;
cuffs per pair 5c, basket leaves
Wednesday morning and is return­
Let Hartung Suit you.
ed Saturday morning. Agency at
The best show at the Gem tonight Wm. Bohle’s barber shop. Dallas
Drug store w i l l be open Sundays, Steam Laundry, A. E. Thompson,
9 to 11 aud from 5 to H.
M. L . Thompson
flews of jfallsGitY
J. C. Tallmtt made a burinesi
to Portland Thursday.
To A. N. Robinson, M. W.
Chappell estate, George March,
Vernon Bretner is hid up this
Jessie Moyer, J. R. Moyer, Cath­ week with a badly swollen arm.
olic Church.
Mr. Bror ks made Portland a
To A. J. Wurtzbergar. F. Rob­ business trip this week
inson. A. F. Courter and Jeldena
Miss Cecil Dodd vitited Lewis­
ville Friday and Saturday,
To C. J. Pugh. Joa. Wankev,
estate. Alvina Quick, Chas. E.
To A. F. Courter and J. Cour­
ter. E. L. Bancroft, P. Bogard
and H. Rogard.
To Jos. Wankev, est.. School
District No. 57. S. Cook, Sadie
Tooze, S. M. Kratzer, Jas. Floria
L. Frink.
To Alama A. Quick, Mrs. D.M
Graham. Mrs. Emma Bancroft.
Joseph Floria. Electa Bancroft.
Richard S. Ferguson. P. M.
Jones, A. F. Courter, J. Rhode-
To W. W. Ebert. Wilbur P.
Lewis, N. Ferguson, A. F. Court­
er and Jeldena Courter, W. L
Gilson estate, L. Frink, J. Rhode-
barger, Richard Roe and John
Doe unknown owners o f lots 1.
2, 3, 4. 5, and U a. tract all in
block F, fronting on Ellis street.
To J. M. Dennis, estate. R.
Paul. J. W. Halsey, Richard Van-
DenBosch, Joseph Harlan, C. T.
West, Dale Bell, Jennie M. Cobb,
( ’ has. Hubbard. J. H. Lewis, D.
F. Boje, and all other persons in
interest, property holders and
owners o f Falls City, Polk Coun­
ty, Oregon, whose property is
fronting or abutting upon the
streets hereinafter described.
Notice is hereby given, that
the city council o f Falls City,
Oregon, contemplates the pass­
age o f an ordinance establishing
grades on the following described
streets and parts o f streets, to-
All that part o f Prospect ave­
nue beginning at the intersection
o f Fifth street with Prospect
avenue and running thence east
to the intersection o f Prospect
avenue with Alder street;
All that part o f Alder street
beginning at the intersection o f
Prospect avenue with Alder
street and running thence north
to the intersection o f Alder street
with Fairoaks avenue;
All that part o f Fairoaks ave­
nue beginning at the intersection
o f Alder street with Fairoaks
avenue and running thence east
to the intersection o f Fairoaks
avenne with Ellis street;
All that part o f Ellis street be­
ginning at the intersection of
Fairoaks avenue with Ellis street
and running thence south to the
intersection o f Ellis street with
North Main street:
All that part o f Sheldon ave­
nue beginning at the south line
o f the right o f way o f the Salem,
Falls City & Western Railroad in
said Sheldon avenue and running
thence southeasterly in Sheldon
avenue to the city limits o f Falls
City, Oregon;
All the above described streets
and parts of streets being locat­
ed and situate in the city o f Falls
City, Polk County, Oregon.
Profiles and plans o f the im­
provement proposed to be made
on the above described streets
are on file in the office o f the
Auditor and Police Judge.
That the city council o f said
city will sit in the council cham­
ber o f said city on the 16th day
o f June, 1914, at the hour o f 7:30
o ’ clock in the evening o f said day
to pass an ordinance establishing
grades on the hereinbefore nam­
ed streets, and also at said time
and place to hear and determine
objections and remonstrances
against the establishment o f said
grades, if any there be, and
That all owners and other per­
son in interest may attend at said
time and place and show cause if
anv they have, why such propos­
ed grades should not be estab­
Done by order of the City
Council of Falls City,’ Polk Coun­
ty, Oregon made on the 2d day
o f June, 1914.
Witness my hand and the offic­
ial seal of said City o f Falls City,
Oregon this 5th day o f June, 1914.
(L. S.)
C. W. L ee .
Auditor and Police Judge
o f Falls City, Oregon.
Mr. and Mr*. J. D. Moyer are
spending the week in Portland.
Miss Clara Montgomery of Mom
mouth spent Saturday and Sunday
at home.
Why Work all Day Sunday
W’ heu you can get a tine chicken
dinner at the Madena restaurant for
26c, or 50c, and nothing to do but.
eat and enjoy being alive? Try it.
Miss Ella Mehrling is home from
her school at Pioneer.
Miss Hammond attended the
High School graduation at Salem
on Friday evening.
Mrs. Hattie Wood, wife of D. L.
Wood, editor of the News, arrived
from Salina, Kansas Friday morn­
For sale, recleaned red Clover
■Seed, lO^c per pound, choice grey
Oats. Phone 24155. C. 8. Calk­
ins, Airlie, Oregon.
The'Falla City Electric Light &
Power Co., will sell 40 watts Tung­
sten globes for 30 cents. 60 watt
fjr 50 cents.
If you owe electric light bill due
prior to April 1, 1914, please pay
same as soon as possible to C. W .
Lee at The News office.
Matthew Cockerline is here from
Mexico to visit his siater and
mother of this city. Mr. Cocker­
line will probably make Falla City
his home. He says that Mexico is
just a little bit too lively for him
at the preseut time.
Mrs, Jenuie Cobb will leave
next Tuesday on an extended visit
in the east. 8he will spend a
short time at Lake Crystal, Minn.,
vnd then go to Sugar Grove, Penn ,
where she will remain until about
the tirst of October. The News
will keep her posted ou the doings
of Falls City.
Work on the Boy Scout build­
ing is progressing very nicely.
Those who agreed to take a hand
in erecting the building should
help push it to completion.
J. A. Bowman was in from Hos­
kins last Sunday to visit home-
folks. Mr. Bowman is engaged in
building a telephone line from
Airlie to Hoskins and thence up
the Big Luckymute to the head­
waters of the Siletz. He stated
that the Valley a Siletz railroad
was progressing nicely aud that
the steel would be laid into Hos­
kins early this week. He also
stated that the line from Simpson
to Independance would be con­
structed soon and that in all prob­
abilities the Valley road would be
extended to the Siletz country in
order to market the timber in that
Mens Furnishings
Gents Hats, Shirts, Shoes and Oxfords
We have the Newest Styles in Straw Hata
We Have the Largest Stock of Shirts in Town
Golf Shirts in the plain and pleated bosoms;
Negligee Shirts; flat, military and auto collars
Underwearforthe hot Weather
Ralbriggan and Porosknit Underwear;
P. Q. A. and Athletic Union Suits.
We have selected from the beat lines on
“ PAY LESS aud
the market, and aim to sell on the smallest
margin, which entitles us to our motto:
Exclusive Men's Furnisher
har .
•H - M- I- H"H"M"I"I"I"1„H"M"|"1"¡' !■ I M -H -H -H -F-H - l 1 I H I 1 t 1 t » I' H -H -j
Rose Time—June Time
Good Time -Portland.”
Is the Slogan of tue
JUNE 9-10-11-12
Special Low Round Trip Fares
V J / SUNSET \# *|
The Exposition I.in« 1316
The Rose Festival this year will eclipse everythin* previously
held. This City will keep open house to all its guests, and will
provide amusement and entertainment that will be worth e
a Journey o( many miles to see.
representing the history and progress of Oregon and itu indus-
triea—CI t i I and Military Parades--Sporta on Land and Water
—Grand Festival Ball, etc.
At Eureka Theatre:
The latest events of the Mexican
war, a picture everybody should
see and feel proud to be an Amer­
These pictures were takeu and
will be lectured on by Capt. Bud
Wilson of Third Co, Constitution­
alists, M. A.
Tickets on sale from all points on the S. P. south of Roseburg in­
cluding Klamath Falls, June 7th to 10. From Roseburg and all
points north; also from points on the P. E, and E., C. and E.. S. F.
C. and W. and P, R. and N. June 7 to 12 inclusive.
Carpet and Rug Weaving
■H ..H H . H -H ' l t i l t l l ' l-l-l-H -H -H -l I l -l-l- l -¡••l- l- l-l-l -H -l-l-H - l-h H - H-l-
Alsohairswitches made from Comb­
ings. Phone 314. Mrs.C. E. Gibson.
Oakdale Items.
Sunday School every Sunday at
Mr. Dennis spent Sunday
Falls City visiting his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller spent
Saturday aud Sunday at Mill
Mr. Chitwood who once lived
here was in the neighborhood last
Leland Murphy aud family vis­
ited at Joe Murphy's last Sunday.
Our school made a good record
in spelling contests; all grades
above the fourth receiving 100% in
all the contests of the year.
Final return limit all points June 15,
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent. Portland, Ore.
R .E .W illiam s , M. L. T hompson , W .F . N ichols ,
A. J.V ick ,
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Bank of Falls City
F alls C it y , P olk C o u n t y . O regon
Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.
Sample Room»
Muelh r Building
Commercial Trade
a Specially
Zbe flfcabena
Falls City’s Best Hotel
. . . . . Mrs. Mae Nichols
Managers. Mrs. Dena Dennis
Mr, and Mrs. Good are back on
their farm again taking care of
their crops.
Madena Restaurant
Post Office Time Card
Meals at all hours—best on the market.
I. A. JO H N S T O N
P a r lo r
French Dry Cleaning, Repairing
and Alterations. Buttons made
for ladies clothes. Work called
for and delivered. Phone 126
W m . F in l e y , Prop.
Offico hours: Daily, except Sun­
day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
Mail arrives, from
Snlem-Dallas,8.50 a.m., 3:85 p.m.
Black Rock, 2.00 p.m.
Mail closes, for
Salem, 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m.
Dallas, 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.
Black Rock, 11.00 a.m.
We make Window and Door
Fly Screens
in all sizes. They cost little more
than cheesecloth. Get our prices.
Shop at ihe north end of the footbridge
Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30
to 10:80 a.m:
r e a l estate
Mail arrives from Salem 8,50a.m.
F . K. Hubbard Realty Company
Mail closes for Salem 9:00 a.m.
Effective May 20, 1914.
I ra
Send The News to Your Friends
C. M e h r l i n g , Postmaster.
Falls City, Polk Co., Or.
Real Eatate bought, »old, and exchanged.
Collection», Iniuranee, Abstract».
Notarial work: Legal Documents Prepared.
Oflce, In the Falls City News office.
Druggist Has Valuable Agency
M. L. Thompson ha* the Falls
City agency for the simple mixture
of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc.,
known as Adler-i-ka, the remedy
which became famous by curing ap­
pendicitis. This simple remedy has
powerful action and drains such sur­
prising amounts of old matter from
the body that j u s t o n e dobe relieves
sourstomacb.gason thestomach and
constipation, almost i m m e d i a t e l y .
The q u ic k action o f Adler-i-ka is
To loan, by the first of July.
$6000 at 7 % on good farm and
first mortgage only. Call at New
Falls City hotel.