Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, June 06, 1914, Image 1

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    T he N e w * stands for
a greater and bettor
Falls City all the time
Buy all goods o f home
merchants and help to
make Falls City greater
I*. M. Jones, Co. B, Hth Inft.,
Memorial Pny wax fittingly ob­
served by the oitizeiia of Dalis City Minn., age 76.
laet Hsturdsy. Accordiug t" pre­
B. M. Howell, Co. K, 2d Oregon,
vious arrangements (hose who de­ Spanish war veteran.
sired to attend the service* met at
Hervic's were held at the M. K.
the M. K. Church at 10 A. M , and
church at 8:00 P. M, A very in­
thence to the cemetery.
teresting program was rendered
The procession was beaded by and an address by la-e Saddler,
members of the Kails City Ktate Pastor of the Christian Church
milita, followed hy the Boy Scouts, followed by Rev. Lyle, Librarian
citizens and veterans ami their of the VVillininette University of
wives in automobiles. Arriving Salem, who might he termed the
at tho cemetery a ahoit program “ Fighting Parson.” He told of
was rendered and an address hy some of the hardships and horrors
M. A. Marcv, Pastor of the M K. of war and also of some of the more
Church. The militia then ti-ed a pleasi ig phases. Hu devoutly pray­
salute and the bin, hip hurrah was ed that none of the present gener­
given in honor of the heroes living ation would ever again know of a
as well as those who had gone realty what war was, hut that all
differences might he amicably
The following veterans were settler],
| J. It. Moyer, o f the camptire
J. R. Moyer. Co. 0 , 14th Iona, told of his experiences in the ser*
vol , Inft , age 72.
! vice that were quite interesting
Jerry Snyder, Marine service B. M. Howell, Spanish war veteran
. told of Home experiences in the
Fort liineman, age 72.
G. M Tice, Co. II, 7tli Kansu« Pniilipine service.
The evening wus passed pleas­
cavalry, age fltt.
and profitably and it is to
B. I. Carey. Co. I), 7th Mich,
that the love of home and
loft., age 72.
8. H. Tetherow, Oo.O, and Co.B, country ivill he instilled into the
regular Oregon veteran, Indian hearts of every hoy and grrl in
war veteran, age 77.
C. J. Pugh attended a meeting
o f the I/Jganherry Growers’ A s­
sociation at Salem Tuesday.
Business relating to prices,
marketing and the general good
o f growers was to be considered.
Loganberry Juice is becoming a
popular beverage, and is said to
be far superior to Grape Juice, of
William Jennings Bryan fame,
and if Oregon goes "d ry ” Logan­
berry Juice will help assuage the
thirst o f thethirsty, anyway the
production o f Loganberries will
be an important factor in wealth
producing o f this’ section o f Ore­
Oil Streets
Fulls City lias solved the dint
problem hy oiling the streets. Oil
is much ti tter und is cheaper in
the el d than water. A Portland
company was engaged and they did
the work Tuesday und Wednesday.
Eureka Theatre
The place of amusement will be
open every night at 7:30 P. M. 4
changes of pictures a week, Mon­
day, Wednesday, Friday and Sat­
urday. Come mid give us a trial.
The best of light. Admission 6-10c
Heruiinger A Sowers.
Shall Falls City Cele­
brate jhe_4th of July
Charles L. Daugherty, Statu La­
bor Commissioner, Oklahoma t ity,
Okla., telegraphed to Hon. W. B.
Wilson, Secretary of Labor, on
May 25, ItHI, that Oklahoma
would need from twelve to fifteen
thousand men at from two to two
and one half dollars per day and
board to help harvest the wheat
and thresh same, and eighty-five
per cent of men employed will he
given employment hy the farmers
in handling the various forage
crops thereby guaranteeing from
four to six mouthi steady work.
The State will maintain free eoi-
ployinent oil ices at Oklahoma City,
Enid, Alva, Woodward, Frederick
and other points in the State to
help distribute men.
Last week a notice appeared in
the News calling for a meeting
o f the citizens in order to ascer­
tain if it was desirable to cele­
brate the Fourth o f July. It
seems that there was some mis-
underscanding as to the time and
place and no meeting was held.
Falls City has an ideal place to
celebrate and many from the
valleys below would undoubtedly
be glad oi an opportunity to take
a day off to view the beautiful
mountains, waterfalls and thp
City itself. It would be better
to have some amusement here
than to have the people in this
vicinity to mope at home or go to
some other town. What shall
be done?
Want Road Work Rushed
Council Meets
The City Dads met in their re­
gular monthly Bession Tuesday
night. The meeting was a very
harmonious one. The State Mili­
tia patroled the street in front o f
the building, but it is presumed
that they were only at drill prac­
tice and not expecting trouble.
The question o f street improve­
ment seems to be the most im­
portant business on hand and the
pros and cons o f improvements
on various streets was thorough­
ly discussed.
An ordinance
authorizing the construction of
curb and full width macadam on
third street north o f North Main
street, 100 feet, was passed.
There is a great deal o f work
to be done that requires careful
consideration and judgement that
the best interests o f the property
owners may be protected. The
council appear to be giving this
their attention and allowingevery
one interested an opportunity to
be heard.
They adjourned to meet Tues­
day June 16.
T ry a Sack of
and watch results
All Goods and Prices Are Right
REDDING, Cal., June 1. Mt. o f a volcanic eruption on Mount
Lassen is in eruption. A forest Lassen, in Northern California,
ranger who investigated the was received here today by head­
cause o f clouds o f steam and quarters o f the United States
smoke seen issuing from the Forest Service, in a telegram
mountain at 5 o ’ clock Saturday from W. J. Rushing, forest sup­
afternoon, reported to his super­ ervisor o f the district in which
iors today that a new crater has Mount Lassen is located. His
broken from the side o f the telegram follows:
mountain and that volcanic ashes
“ Mineral, Cal., June 1, 1914.—
mud and sand cover the ground Volcanic eruption on Mount Las­
for an area o f 300 feet around sen occurred 5 P. M., May 30.
the opening. Mount Lassen is Crater 25x40 feet, with lateral
in the eastern part o f Shasta fissures, was found. Mud, boul­
County, 45 miles almost due east ders and sand lie one to two feet
of Redding, and in an almost in­ deep over an area 200 feet in dia­
accessible portion o f the moun­ meter. Ranger Addey examined
tains. The peak is 10,437 feet the rupture yesterday. A heavy
volume o f steam is still rising.
The forest ranger said he had The crater is one-fourth mile
found an aperture 30 feet wide from the forest fire lookout house
and 40 feet long, with lateral fis­ j near the old crater. No damage
sures running in all directions has been done yet.”
and that a cloud o f steam and
Supervisor Rushing reported a
smoke hung above the spot. forest fire in the neighborhood,
Boulders o f varying size, some covering an area o f two acres,
o f them measuring 30 inches in but it was said at headquarters
diameter, had been thrown up here that there was no indication
by the eruption, he said, and it had been caused by the volcan­
ashes were on the ground as far
ic disturbance.
away from the crater as three
Mount Lassen is situated on
the boundary between Plumas
Reports reaching the forest and Shasta Counties, in the Sier­
supervisor today were that a ra Nevada Range. It is 10,437
greater cloud than ever is hang­ feet high and is of volcanic origin.
ing over the mountain. As far There are plenty of evidences of
away as Redding and Red Bluff, comparatively recent volcanic life
however, the air is clear and to be found on the mountain, but
heavy with the balminess o f there has been no previous dis­
turbances within the memory of
Cherry Fair
Salemn, Ore., June 5, 1914
Preparations are being made
here for the Ninth Annual Cher­
ry Fair to be held on June 25-26-
27th, A bigger, better fair than
ever before is the promise o f the
committee engaged in lining up
the events.
Cash prizes will be given for
the best fruit exhibits, the con­
test being open to all comers.
Parades, day and night, are ex­
pected to add charm and beauty
to the fair.
“ No effort will be spared,”
said M. W. Meyers, King o f the
Cherrians, who has this fair in
charge this year, ‘ ‘to make all
visitors to Salem during the
Cherry Fair, feel that they are
heartily welcome to all there is
Wilbur Davis and Miss Pearl
Mason were married in the par­
lors o f the Gail Hotel at Dallas
Tuesday afternoon. J. A. John­
ston and Miss Ivey Dewitt were
the attendents. The couple are
well known in Falls City and
have the best wishes o f their
many friends. They left for
Tillamook on a honeymoon trip.
B u r k ’s B ig U n c i * T o m ' s C a b in Co
U n d o r a M a m m o t h ca n va s.
Falls City Lumber Co.
A number o f citizens from Palls
City went to Dallas Wednesday
afternoon to confer with the
county court in regard to the
crushed rock the county is to fur­
nish for the roads in the vicinity
o f Falls City. It is said that
there is about a mile and a half
o f road between here and the
Feedee neighborhood that needs
rocking in order that the farmers
of that neighborhood can get to
Falls City during the rainy
weather. The citizens o f Falls
City are anxious to get their
share o f the crushed rock. The
court assured them that the mat­
ter would be adjusted and all
possible haste be made to supply
the rock. The following is a list
of those who went: W. T. Grier,
A. E. Meyer, M. L. Thompson,
the white population o f Northern
New Crater Verified
J. C. Talbott. A. Sampson, W. R.
according to Govern­
Hinshaw, Dr. Hellwarth, W. F.
Official verification o f the report ment officials.
No. 40
One o f the many events of the sea­
son will be the coming of Burk’s Big
‘ ‘ Uncle Tom’s Cabin Co.” which will
exhibit at Falls City, Friday night,
June 12. A modern feature o f this
organization is a monster Street Par­
ade like a Circus, consisting of more
Men, Women, Children, Horses,
Ponies, Donkeys and Dogs. Chariots,
Tableaux Wagons, Floats, Bands of
Music, etc., than any other similar
exhibition on the road. This inagni-
ficient Free Street Parade will be
seen daily on the principal streets
and thoroughfares o f our city dur­
ing the day of their exhibition here
and it is worth coming many miles
to see.
Polk co un ty for tho
M o n t h E n d in g M a y ISth, 1914.
Number of schools reporting
correctly and on time
Number of schools not report­
ing on time
. . .
Number of pupils remaining
at time of last report
- 2383
Number of pupils registered
new during month
Number of pupils registered
secondary during month
Number of pupils re-admitted
during month
Total number of pupils on re­
gister during month
Number of pupils dropped dur­
ing month
Total number of pupils on re­
gister at time of this re­
Number of days taught during
. . .
Whole number o f days attend­
. . .
Whole number of days absence 1743.5
Whoie number of times late
Number of pupils neither ab­
sent or late
Average number of pupils be­
Average daily attendance
Per cent of attendance
Number o f visits by parents
Number of visits by members
of the schools board
The following schools have been
placed on the roll of honor for hav­
ing made 95 per cent in attendance
or over: Dallas. Red Prairie, Bridge­
port. Ballston, Salt Creek. Parker,
Valley View. Airlie, Bethel, Oak-
grove, Cockran, Rickreall, Elkins,
Independence. West Salem, Beuna
Vista. Spring * Valley. Harmony,
Montgomery, Lincoln, North Dallas.
Suver, Greenwood, Fir Grove, Sunny
Slope, Oakdale, Lone Star, Gutherie,
Falls City, Pioneer, Oakhurst, Moun-
tainview, Rock Creek. Hopville,
Highland. Mistletoe, Valley Junction,
The following schools are placed
on the roll of honor for having made
no tardies during the month: Smith-
field, Peedee, Red Prairie, Oak
Grove, Oakpoint, Elkins, Antioch,
Spring Valley, Harmony, Lincoln,
Enterprise, Suver, Greenwood, Fir
Grove, Sunny Slope. Oakdale, Lone
Star, Gutherie, Liberty, Oakhurst,
Rock Creek. Hopville, Highland,
Mistletoe, Broadmead.
The following schools are now
standard: Beuna Vista, North Dal
las, Zena, Orchards View, Lincoln
Oakhurst, Antioch, Fir Grove, Me
Coy. Gutherie, Orchards, Airlie
Mountainview, Red Prairie, Enter
prise, Fern, Lewisville, Ward,Broad
mead, Suver, West Salem, Popcorn
Oakdale. Salt Creek, Bridgeport
Perrydale, Highland, Buell, Rickreall
Brush, College, Pioneer, Cockran,
Elkins, Montgomery,
Public School, Polk Station, Valley
Junction, Butler, Fairview, Peedee,
Cherry Grove, Hopville, Bethel,
Liberty, Dallas Public School, Valley
View, Parkers, Oakpoint, Black Rock
Dallas High School.
Yours Respectfully,
H, C . S eymour .
Base Ball
The Falls City base ball team
wou their fourth game last Sunday
at Airlie by a score of 4 to 8.
The weak positions jiantioned
in last week’s News were excellent­
ly filled by the same players that
have held these position.
The only weak position in the
Falls City team Sunday was
Grayum, he being injured at Third
and was too weak to finish the
game. The excellent work of
Sampson and Gordon as Battery
with the best support Falls City
can afford has won every game so
far this season. Although Sunday
was an unlucky day for Falls City
players, they won. Gardner finish­
ed the game with one finger broken
and sprained ankle. Henshaw
with both ankles sprained and
Grayum with a bruised leg. The
rest of the team were sore over bad
decisions of the Airlie empire.
(F . C .)........ ...........................
Moose Picnic
A special train o f four coaches
came from Salem Sunday filled
with members o f the order o f
Moose. They held a picnic at
Bridge No. 13.