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About Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1914)
\ Tnr‘ F*u# ff EN PBOÂRD WHOLESOME HOT BREADS. L U N C H E O N M EN U . Coniwimm*. Hamburg Steak Fried P o t a t o « Franeh Kolia BaWad A p r lea W ith R atal aa IKE CUBED OF THE CONSUMER Sit ol Principles Worthy ot Practice. Taa or I'h o m la w E L IC IO l'S and wholesome hot breads may bo made according to the following recipes; Cornnieal Puffs.—Taka one cupful of corumenl, one cupful o f flour, one tea spoonful o f sugar, one-half teaspoonful o f soda and one o f cream of tartar (or one and one-half teaspoonfuls o f bak ing |iowderi. one egg. one cupful of milk and one teaaBoonfUi of melted butter. Mix the dry ingredients to gether and sift. The milk is added to the beaten egg and stirred Into the other. Hake fifteen or twenty minutes In a hot oven. D Mads W ith Csld Rica. Illce Muftins.eTake one quart o f milk, three beaten eggs, one tablespoon ful melted butter, one teaspoonful of sugar and two cups o f flour, with which sift two rounding teaspoonfuls o f baking powder and one scant one of salt. Make into a batter nnd beat In a cupful cold bolted rice. Beat well and bake In a hot oven. Wbeut Irems.—Take one pint o f milk, scald it and add to it one tableepoonful o f butter. Let stand until lukiwvarm Theu add oue-balf cake o f yeaet dis solved In a quarter cupful o f warm water, three cupfuls of flour aod one teaspoonful o f salt. Beat well, cover and let stand in a warm place until morning A half hour before break fast beat tw o eggs, yokes and whites, separately and add first the yolks, then the whites, to the risen mixture Beat and bake In gem pans in a quick oven For Lunchaon or Toa. French Rolls.—Cream one-Bburtb of a cupful of butter and one-fourth cup ful o f sugar together and gradually beat into a pint o f light sponge. Add tw o eggs, whites and yolks beaten sep arately, and flour enough to make the same thickness as before. Cover and stand in a warm place until It begins to rise, then add flour to make the soft dough and knead well. Bet aside again until it doubles In size, then shape like Parker House rolls. Sprinkle granu lated sugar over the top. Bake fifteen minutes. When done lay a napkin over the rolls In the pan for five min utes, which makes a tender crust t7~ 7< y Z ^ K it o h e n BOARD! RHUBARB COMBINATIONS. H U B A R B is delicious cooked with other fruits. Some desserts o f that kind are made as follows: Rhubarb Tapioca.—Soak two-thirds o f a cupful o f pearl tapioca overnight In cold water. Brain, put in double boil er. Add one and one-fourth cupfula of boiling water and two-thirds o f a tea- spoonful o f salt. Cook until tapioca has absorbed the water. Peel rhubarb and cut in pieces to make three cup fuls. Sprinkle with one and one-third cupfuls of sugar. Add to tapioca and cook. With Dried Fruits. Rhubarb and Dates.—Wash one pound good dates, add boiling water to cover and cook until the water Is near ly absorbed. Then remove the stones. Skin and cut a pound o f rhubarb in one Inch pieces, put a layer in the bot tom o f a buttered pudding dish, sprin kle with sugar, add a layer o f dates and repeat until all are used, having last layer o f dates. Put In one-fourtb cupful o f water and bake until rhubarb Is done Rhubarb and Prunes.—A combination for the spring is that of prunes with rhubarb. In any household where prunes are much used they are usually stewed In large quantities and kept on hand In Juice. Take enough for a dish, draining the Juice, and pour over rhu barb already stewed and to which very little sugar has been added. R Jam and Jelly. Rhubarb and Orange Jam.—Take one qnart o f rhubarb cut In small pieces, six oranges and three cupfuls o f sugar Remove the rind from the ornnges and scrape off the white pith. W ith a pair o f scissors cut the rind Into thin strips. Remove the seeds and fibrous parts from the oranges and put Info a preserving kettle with the rhu barb. sugar and rinds. Bring to the tollin g point and skim. Cook until the Jam stiffens when tested on a cold saucer. Pour into Jars, cover with paraffin and set away to cool and then cover. Rhubarb nnd Apple Jelly.—Wash well the rhubarb stalks and cut them up into small pieces without peeling, rejecting any defective sections. To every three cupfuls o f the rhubarb add one well wnsbed Baldwin or greening apple, cut up In small pieces without paring or coring. Cover the whole with boiling water nnd cook until apple is done. Pour in Jelly bag and when Juice is drained out add to It equal measure o f sugar or a little less, ac cording to the tartness o f the rhubarb. Ftlr till dissolved and cook. % HOME PATRON'S PHILOSOPHY Founded on Facto and Should Bo Lived Up to by the Amorioon People— Not Religious Creed— People of NoHh, South, East and West Can Unit# For Good. (Copyrighted. I9H. by Thomaa J. Sulllvan l Every failure Is a step to success; every detection of what ts false directs us to wbat Is true; every trial ex hausts some tempting form o f error. Not ouly so. but scarcely any attempt Is entirely a failure; scarcely any theo ry. the result o f steady thought, la al together false. No tempting form of error is without some latent charm de rived from truth. With these thoughts In mind I have prepared what I call the consumer’s creed. A Gate to tha City. It Is not a religious creed. I f it were 1 would not be writing IL as 1 am afraid 1 might get my metaphors crossed This is a business creed, something like the people o f New Eng land unconsciously adopted when Lord North undertook to tax them Thereto fore they had always been accustomed to divide on points. It so happened, fortunately, that their opposition to Lord North was a point ou which they were all united It was a business point I have written a creed upon which the people of the north, south, east and west can all unite for their own good A good creed ts a gate to the city which has golden foundations; a mis leading creed may be a road to de struction. or If both misleading and alluring It may become wbat Shake speare calls a primrose path to the eternal bonfire. Perhaps my creed is nothing more than a set o f principles which It wonld be well for every consumer to practice. Read them and then adopt them as your very own; A Business Creed. First.—I do not patronize the mall order system because it Is selfish and greedy and for the reason that 1 buy at borne, where my Interests are. (t It Second.—I f this community is good enough for my family and I to live In It ought to be good enough for my fam lly and I to buy our necessaries in. * It Third.—I w ill not take the word of the mall order house for Its goods, as I want to see wbat I am buying, and 1 want to get what I pay for. It It Fourth.—I do not patronize the mall j order houses because they demand 1 cash In advance, and when I am “ broke” and sick and need supplies my home dealer Is willing to “ carry” me. C ity N ew s , R EAL ESTATE CORSALE professional Cart's » Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 13, 14, block K. rn y s h ’ ia n J Two tine building lots in block G, Hast View add. J For rent, house, barn, 1$ lots, Id; Kills street. Property for sale. < For Sale. 2 good lots, ou Pine street in block K, cultivated. 9 Lota 13. 14, 15, 10, block O, at a bargain; #100 cash, bal. on ternia at 0 0- 6 Two lots, 0-r. house; fruit, ber ries, city water, electric light; cl >*e in, bargain. R R Ninth.—I spend my money with my borne merchant In preference to some mall order bouse In a distant city be cause the local merchants help to sup port the public schools where I send my children, the churches and the de pendent poor In my vicinity. It It Tenth.—I patronize the local mer chant because be does not try to trick me Into buying "cheap” goods, which because o f their defectiveness prove to be expensive, and. further, because should ill luck or bereavement come my way ray local dealer would not only prove that he was a neighbor and a friend, but a man, with a man's heart and a man's Inclination to do good; not a soulless corporation like the mall order system, whose only In stlnct Is greed and a further desire for * For sale — 51 acres, partially im proved; bouse, timber; spring nnd living stream; near western city limits; price, #1000, hall cash. 9 For sale, one acre, cultivated, fruit, berries; 0-r. house insured for #1100; elec, light, city water, cesspool; pi ice #1050; all cash, or #700 cash, terms on balance, it' For sale, 7 lots (all of block A) in Montgomery's addition to Falls City ; good garden ground, fenced ; city waUr; price #1100 if bought within the next 30 diva, OBI,, uy . i Ttiompaoli', tirila .tor*. Mu luel phou* Ml rtion . Nlghl I '. l l m i 1‘ HYSU'IAN F. M. H E L L W A R T H PH YSICIAN AND 8URUEON O ffice in Toller Bldg., Kaattlaui’O I I'OIIO HbH 1’ For sale, lots 7, 8, 14, 2B bloik K, and lota 11 and 12 block K. Will trade for Portland property, 19 To rent, 12 r bouse, Orvgoii D E N T IS T The first «ale of town lot* occurred in 1889, though donation land-claim «eitler« otine here many year« b e f o r e that data. In 1900 tln> population was 369; in 1910, 9(19; 1914, about 1,260. D E N T IS T Phana 1031 Th e Location Falla City. Or. F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R R. L CHAPMAN Funeral Dì recto» We altead la all warb promptly. Della, aad FalU City. Or Business Cart's HOTEL jfallsCitYilbotcl S a m p le R e a m e Boat A oe e m m e d a tlo n e F. Oroaga, Proprietor HARDER 81101*8 19 Six lots, no improvements; cheap Bohle’ s Barber Shops Falla City, Oragan Where you eaa |et i Skive, lair Cal. Balk or Shine■ Agent far Dallas Steam Laundry Hand]«;, lo r w .r d e d lu ca d a y even in g F. K. Hubbard Realty Company Now* office, F a lls Cily M A 3 R J fW l Th e Nam e The city dttrive* it* nnifie from the fall* of the Little Lucki»- mute River, which flow« through the city from the Weat. 20 Lot 5 and 20 ft. of lot 4 blk I), 70 feet front, on North Main street, is for sale at a bargain; lest building lot in town. See F. K. Hubbard. Stop at Ellis’ Confectionery Store Manufacturers and HoiAearekeri who want to know the facU con cerning Falla City and its |H>aaibilitea for future development are requested to read the information given in theae two columna. For further and more particular Information, addreaa The Newa. S a le m . Oregon Dr. A.G. Atwood i* Five acres, in city. All persons owing the Falls City Electric Light Co. for service prior to April 1, 1914, will please pay the amount to C. \V. Lee at The News office. \V. E. N e w s o m . BUILDINO CONTRACTOR Saul Ouderkirk Building C o n tra cto r. Made. Phone 194 Repalre Falla City, Ore. CONTRACTORS AND HI ILDEHH Fall« City in situated in tin* «outh central part of Polk County Oregon, in «eclion 21, township 8, H., rang# 8,W.. Willamette mer idian, 27 rail m il«« southwest of Salem, anti 73 rail mile« south- west of Portland, in the narrow western end of the Littla Lucki- smote River valley, surrounded on the north, south, and west by the foot hi I la of the Coast Range mountains. Elevation, 886.83 It above sen levtl. Transportation— Salem, Fall* City A Western Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail distance of 30 miles, with P. P. mam line connections at Dallas, Gerlinger, aud Salem, and with the OrsRon Electric at Salem. Falls City is incorporated as a city, and contains 768 33 aorta, valuation for taxation #2(18,897. The city adminiatration ia com posed of mayor, seven councilman, auditor and police judge, mar shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer. Salaries: Marshal and water superintendent, #90; auditor. #25; attorney, #25. W ater and W ood The city of Falls City owns the gravity water system. Its first cost was #80,000. Pure mountain water is piped from snrings on Judge Teal's ranch, 8 miles away, at an elevation ol about300 feet above city level. Oak and fir tire wood is plentiful and cheap. Lum ber, Fruit, Vegetables and B srrlss Electric-power planing and saw mill, log pond, dry kiln nnd lumber yard in thu city, lumlier flume, logging roads and logging outfits, all owned and o|»rated by the Falla City Lumbar Co. The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to the production of fruits and berries us any other section of tha Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines is going on. Vegetables and berries of many kinds grow to perfection in and adjoining Kalla City, and many acres are planted to straw- berries nnd lognnberries. Market conditions are improving stead, ily, as production is increased. • E lle & E lle Schools, Churches, Societies, Clubs Contractors and Builders See us before you build. We may save you money. Phone 1411 Falls City lias a 12-grade school with a four-year high school course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teachers. It l diplomas are accepted by the higher schools in lieu of examina- utions. The entire community is justly proud of the school. MONUMENTO 'I he Religious organizations are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian, Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, German Lutheran. G . L. H A W K IN S M ARB LE A N D G R A N IT E M ONUM ENTS D a lla s , O regon The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Rebeknhs, Masons, Knighlsof Pythias, Pythian Bisters, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors of America, Woodmen of tht World, Women of Woodcraft. Free reading room. ar.d get a dish of the famous Mt.Hood IC E CR EAM and a package of Russell & Gilbert, C A N D IE S best made P Independence Ice Cream Salem Laundry Agency Zhe © re g o tt C. W. Proprietor paoiti iar Bundles sent Tuesday evenings. H A R R I N G T O N ’S OVER e s Y E A R S ' CXPERICNCC P atents Zhc Iffc a b o C H A O . M IX , P r u f r ib t o r TRADC IYIAHH» D e s ig n s C o p y W ig h t a Ac. Anyone sending a sketrh «nd description msy quickly ^certain our opinion free whether an Invention Is probftbly natantabla. ( omrounlca- tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on F'etenU sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patent« taken through Munn & Co. receive pedal notice, without charge. In th « Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest efr- culatlon o f any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, Sold by all newaoeaiera. newsdealers. year; montos, $L esoia nyali .3a,8ro-d—7 New Tort IHIUNN & Co Branch Offlce, 436 F 8t.« Washington, D. C. , Gem theatre, photoplay. Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the falls; owned by the Falls City Electric Co , W. B. Stevens president, H. C. Brown vice-president ami manager, A. W. Stevens secretary and treasurer. Ol borb Harrington’s for OF ------------------------------------ C o -O p e ra tive Cannery C o -O p e ra tive C ream ery W ood-w orking Factories Fruit and Berry O rchards P r e d ic o In *11 tha Stale cou rt» 17 Three acres, adjoining city, Notice to Electric Light Users — Suita II Huah Hrvyman B l.l, . phone « 6 16 Two acres, cultivated, fruit, ber ries; 0-r. house, sheds; water, elec tric light; will divide. In Th e --------------------- JAB. G. H E L T Z E L , Attorney at Law ll For sale, lot 2 block M, M. ad. M For sale, 80 a. 1 j mi. north of city 20 a. improved; 25 a. good timber; plenty of pasture and water. fa ll. fit ». ATTORNEY ll For sale, tine home in city, with 25 acres, 10 cultivated. galD. "Do Unto Othera." Let all citizens follow this creed and they will be blessed with happy homes and a happy life. They will prosper financially nnd at the same time Improve their moral standard I)o for your neighbor what you would like him to do for you; then you are doing your full duty to yourself and to all mankind. Moral —Buy and sell st home. e h , s i a l a * • » < Surgaa.. OAoa *ii,| , , , __ „ FALLS C I T Y , O R E G O N Offers exceptionally tine opportunities for the e taldishment W . B. Officer, M. D. 7 For sale, One acre, adjoining city limits, with 5-room bouse. A bsr- gain at #425, terms. House to rent. * It Fifth.—I patronize the home dealer because be stands back o f his goods and In case o f error Is willing to rec tify. it R Sixth.—I patronize the home mer chant because 1 believe a man ought to spend his money In the community in which he earns It. It It Seventh.—I patronize the home mer- | chant because I believe the man who sells what be produces and buys what he needs at home cannot be Injured by deceptive catalogue pictures or al leged bargains. It It Eighth.—I do not patronize the mall order houses because they frequently sell damaged and Inferior goods, which it avails a man nothing to attempt to exchange. But the man I patronize— the home merchant, the man who helps to pay the town, county aod state tax —w ill exchange any article I buy from him which Is unsatisfactory. BO. 1914 M ay Notice to News Subscribers A blue-pencil eroae mark on thla notice maana that your eubaerlp- tlen te The News hae expired end needs fixing Do It new. Telephone system, with loug-distance connections. C. J. Pugh local manager. Business Enterprises Falls C'ty in well provided with the usual business enterprises. The News contains the announcements of the following business and professional men of the city : Bakery, D. Toller, Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier. Barber shops, Wm. Bohle. Carpenters and Builders, Elle A Elle, S. Ouderkirk. Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Chas. Harlung. Confectionery stores: B. L. Ellis, R. B. Harrington. Drug store, M. L. Thompson. Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood. Department Rtore, N. Selig, Funeral director, R. L. Chapman. Furniture, J. C. Talbott A Co. General stores. N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co. Hardware store, J. C. Tall ott A Co. Hotels: Falls City Hotel, Fritz Droege, owner aod manager; The Madena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Dennis, managers Jewelry store. W. A. I'ersey. Newspaper, the Falls City News, C. W. Lee. Photoplay tneatre, the Gem, C. J. Pugh. Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwarth. Pressing ami cleaning parlor, I, A. Johnston. Railroads, balem, Falls City A Western, Southern Pacific. Real estate agent, F. K. Hubbard Realty Co, Restaurant, The Madena; Wm. Finley, owner. Saloons: Trie Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mix. Boost for a Gymnasium for the School