Tas V alu C ity N ew *, M ay 30,1014 DUNCAN POLISH J . C. Talbott & Co. He&dquarterH for Ha rd wa re Furniture Furnishings I QUART Stoves, Carpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, Tools, iron Pipe and Plumbing Goods, Office Fixtures, Sporting Goods, Ktc. J. C. TALBO TT & COM PAN Y Twentieth Century Prosthesis Anatomically Articulated Dentures Will not slip or slide when you chew. If you are from Missouri, call A . C . Atwood, Dentist. Office, North Main St. overH arrington'sconf. store SALEM , F A LLS CITY é WESTERN Passenger Train Schedule Effective Dec. 1,1913 hi lit in ItT WSSTBOIJHD am. am. pm. pm. Salem . . . 6.36 9.45 1.10 3.25 Dallas. . . 8.45 11.00 2.50 6.00 Fai Is City. 8.60 11.85 3.26 5.35 Bl’kRock. 11.55 i«i 1 u ÌSÒ 141 itimovuD am. pm. pm. pm. 1.05 Bl’k Rock Falls City. 9.30 1.25 3.45 5.40 Dallas. . . 10.15 2.00 4.25 6.40 Salem . . . 11.26 3.15 5.30 7.46 I. O. HlftOI CTOH, AOSItT eosi É Mr. H am s Saahar- r a L L s c it y , o s i o ■ * ë B u y O r tN s r S Land to on ) (Talentar—flDav, 1914 las. M m . Tst». 3 10 17 4 s II 18 12 24 2S 26 19 Vt4. Than. Fri. 1 8 6 7 IS 13 14 20 21 22 27 28 29 Sal. 2 9 16 23 30 Come to the Drug Store For P atton’s Paint. Rogers Stain Floor for furniture and all interior work. Floor Paint, Wagon a n d Buggy Paint,Screen Paint. Lead and Oil —Kalsomine; also a good assortm ent of Brushes. M . L Thompson H e w s o f jfa lte d tç Let Hartung Suit you. Polk County Fair, Sept. 17,18,19 The best show at tha Gem tonight Tba Falls City school will close June 12th. Geo. Hegler went to Portland on business, Tuesday. Drug store will be open Sundays, 9 to 11 and from 5 to 6. For aale. recleaned red Clover Seed, 10|c per pound; choice grey Wednesday morning and is return ed Saturday morning. Agency at Win. Bohle’e barber shop. Dallas Steam Laundry, A. K. Thompson, Proprietor. To loan, by the first of July. 96000 at 7 % on good farm and first mortgage only. Call at New Falls City hotel. Kelig’s special sale begins June 4. See large bills fur prices. Read the ad on page 2. If you owe electric light hill due prior to April 1, 1914, please pay varue as soon as possible to C. W. Lee at The News office. The statement made last week that Mrs. Geo. Starr had died at Amity, was a mistake. Geo. Starr and wile are living at Maricopa. Calif. Albert Teal and his nephew Ar man Brown went to Sunshine creek, Lincoln county, yesterday, on a fishing trip. They both deserve a vacation. They expect to return to morrow, and The News hopes they will have a gay time. Falls City has a new dog Ordi nance that requires all dog owners to pay license of 91 per year, each. License runs from May 1 to April 30. This ordinance is designed to place all doss ou the same legal footing, and gives all owners a square deal. If you have any personal prop erty for which you have no use, advertise it foi sale or exchange. Some one may have what you want. A fair exchange is no rob bery. Try a ‘for sale’ ad in The News, and help your neighbor as well as yourself. Geo. Hegler has Bold his 6 acre poultry ranch to Mr. Joe Aelleu, of Portland. Mr. Aellen arrived in Falls City Wednesday and his family will come in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Hegler will go to Portland in a few weeks, to remain until their plans for the future are arranged. Oats. Phone 24165. C. S. Calk ins, Airlie, Oregon. Mrs. C. W. I^ee returned from Portland, Thursday. Cheer up, boya and girls, only ten more days of school. Useful articles for June graduates, at Pereey’a Jewelry Store. Tommy Miller’s girl, is a boy. Our reporter was mistaken. Ore. Fire Relief Aasoci’n,McMinn ville. K. K. Hubbard, local agent. For sale, Oat and Vetch hay, 910 ton. Phone A.D.162. W. K. Good. For aale, new view camera; or will trade for good cow. Call News office. Memorial Day paogram at the M. E. Church this evening at 8 p^u. Mrs. Ruby Price haa succeeded F. J. Holman in the postoffice a t Black Rock. C. R. Canfield, Republican nom inee for surveyor, was a Falls City visitor, Monday. Mrs. W. E. Gilbert returned Monday from a week's visit with relativs* in Dallas. For sale, 16 Buff Orpington day- i chicks with hen, 92.50. J. E. Beezley, phono 271. Joe Floria caiue out from the H. F. ranch,last Saturday, and re- irned home Monday. Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies, Pies, nd other bakery goods, every day Stevens House Robbed at the Falls City Bakery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cholelew Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stevens of near Dallas, visited 'tier aunt, went to Portland Monday and re Mrs. I.aDow, last Sunday. turned Thursday. During that Kile «At Kile have begun, the con time their house bad been robbed struction of the Boy Scout build of jewelry, an automatic gun, and ing at Third and Mill streets. other things. The robbers left no H. W. Bancroft ia makLng ar sign to show how they gained eu- rangements to go to Oklahoma in trance. Two bullet holes in the floor seem to show th at the robbers the hope of regaining health. did not understand automatic gun Abstracts of title promptly fur mechanism. The belief is that the nished. Rates reasonable. Br.twn A job was done by home talent. Sibley, 610 Mitt St., Dallas. O t . O, Aurlan<i was at Newport on Boy Scout Notes business, t.’ne first of the week. A The second annual “ Big Hike” now school is to be built there of the F’alls City Boy Scouts has this suirimer. been planned for June 22 to July Bohle is agent for Dallas Steam 10, weather permitting. Plans:— Laundry—none better. Bundles Leave Monday morning; stop two go out Tuesday evening. Your days at the forks of the Siletz (to basinet's solicited. fish); arrive at Newport Saturday; F. J. Holman, renublican can Monday to Satuiday: hikes to light didate for county treasurer, moved from Black Rock to Falls City, house, punch bowl, deep sea fishing, Tuesday, aod occupies his own agate hunting etc. “ Heap big fun” all of the time property an Parry street. and all it will cost is enough to pay I. Selig and family, of St, Mary, for the “eats” and a couple of dol Idaho, have been visiting Mr. Sar- lars incidental expenses. lig’s brother N. Selig. They wen* There will be enough adults pres to Pcrtland on the way home ent to assure safety and trained Monday, in company with N. Selig scouts along to make sure of a in his auto. good time. It's lots more fun to go Bills are due and payable ou the1 on a hike when you are a scout 1st of the month, a t the office. A and know how to do things. Bet charge of 5c for eauti 16 c. p. used ter become a tenderfoot now so as will be added to all bills not pai to go with us. on or before *khe lTth.—F. C. Ele< M. A. Marcy, Scout Master. trie Light & Power Co. City Attorney Walter L. Tool Consumers of Water Take Notice Jr. »^tended the Falls City couuc meeting, Tuesday, and later in th City water users who are behind evening was m ister of ceremonii in their accounts are requested to at the organization of a lodgii of 1 make payment as soon as possible, of A. Y. in Selig’s hall. eo th at the auditor’s books may be A ball will be given by the Wi audited and transferred. I shall remain in Fails City un men of Woodcraft in their taall i til my part of the city’s business Black Rock, June 6. Good mue by Falls City orchestra. Good. tin is fully settled and approved by proper authorities. Prompt pay and good eats. Everybody ii ivitei ment of the delinquent accounts Tickets foe dance 91.00. ! Suppi v ill make final settlement and served in the ball. For first class laundry w-otk at transfer more satisfactory. Respectfully, courteous treatment. Pstroni C. W, Lee, Auditor. a Polk county laundry. 'O ur pla is modern, only comp »tent he employed. Compare fam e t r i e with others: Negligee, ehir'ii v ti cuffs attached 10o;. pleated wit cuffs attached l&e; coljare 21 cuffs per pair 5c, basket leav Why Work all Day Sunday Wheu you can get a fine chicken dinner a * t*1« Madena restaurantfor 25c, or 60c', »od nothing to do but eat and enjo^f boing alive? Try it. 3 The Gem Theatre Tonight A COMPLETE LINE OF1 “In a Strang*- Land,” “The Death Trail.” “ White Aprons.” • m • —» ■ Yeoman Lodge Organized Mens Furnishings A lodge of the Brotherhood of American Yeoman wss organized Tuesday evening, id Selig’s hall. The following officers were installed We have the Newefet Styles in Straw Hats Foreman, R. VunDenBoscb, Master of Ceremonies, Mrs. W. T. Brown, We Have the Largest Stock of Shirts in Town Correspondent, II. G. Strayer, Chaplain, Mrs. Minnie Cook, Golf Shirts in the plain and pleated bosoms; Observer, Mrs, Kd. Brown, Negligee Shirts; flat, military and auto collars Lady Rowena, Mrs. Jennie Coch ggz ~~~ ~~ " ' ‘ ~~ ,r~ ran, Lady Rebecca, Mrs. Minnie Kerr, Musician, Vola Selig, Balbriggan and Porosknit Underwear; Watchman, Frank Martin, P. Q. A. and Athletic Union Suits. Guard, H. D. Cox, Sentinel, Pernal Meyer. W. A. Bullock, State manager, ^ We have selected from the best lines on „p..- . r r j Salem, had charge of the ceremon the market, and aim to sell on the smallest nnccc rftt FR” margin, which entitles us to our motto: ies. Walter L. Tooze Jr. of Dallas, helped administer the degree work. Mrs. May Hoover. Orgnaizer. has sang “The Holy City,” Two auto loads of Dallas mem bers were present. Gents Hats, Shirts, Shoes and Oxfords I %. Underwearforthe hot Weather I C . H A R T T J N G H Exclusive Men's Furnisher Carpet and Rug Weaving Alsohairswitches made from Comb ings. Phone 314. Mrs.C. E. Gibson. A Falls City Booster W. B. McKown is preparing to build a fine residence on bis lot at the southeast corner of Third and Pine streets. The old building has been moved to the rear end of the lot, R. S. Ferguso i has the con tract. The building will be bunga low style and modern in every re spect. J. C. Talbott will occupy the building when completed. Mr. Mc Kown is also remodeling the resi dence occupied by Mr. Clement, by the addition of a 10x‘20-ft. sleeping porch rn the rear, and putting on a bungalow roof. He is also build ing a walk from his residence to the river, to be roofed over with an arbor. Mr. McKown very properly has great faith in the future pros perity of Falls City. Piano for sale, or will take a cow as part payment. Call News office. M . E . Church The Third Quarterly Conference will be held Friday June 5, at 3 30 o’clock. All of the departments of the church including the finan cial will have good reports. We in vite both members and friends to be present. Regular services Sunday with the memorial address in the morn ing at eleven, Epworth League at seven and church services again at eight. Don't forget Sunday school at ten a. m. M. A. Marcy, Pastor. Road Work Base Bail Sam McVey, of Newberg. haa the contract for crushing rock for Polk county’s roads this year. The Falls City crusher will be in operation about July 1. The city crusher will be moved on the south side of the river. The quarry is on lots 23 to 32 »lock R, on the north side of the river. The quarried rock will be conveyed across the river to the crusher. This arrangem ent makes it easier to haul crushed rock to the roads. The game between Rickreall and Falls City last Sunday, re sulted in a score of six for Falls City and three for Rickreall. The score was a tie for the first half, but the superior skill of the home team was apparent during the entire game. The visitors seemed to be tim id and uncertsin in their play, which may be accounted for by the lack of home training grounds. The home team has some ex cellent players, but is weak in two positions. As scores now stand, Falls City Does Matthews Mean It? has the champion club of Polk Want, barber, dressmaker, county. candymaker laundryman, cigar- The annual county school pic maker. photographer, milliner, second-hand m a n and novelty nic will be held a t Rickreall June man to open business in prosper 13, the Saturday following the ous Falls City, Or. Write Irving close of the Falls City school. Matthews, or see him at the Es T h s r e Is m o re C a ta r r h In th is se c tio n o f s put mond Hotel today.- Oregonian, t to h g e e th c o e u r , n try a n d th a u n n til a ll th o e th e la r s t d laeaae fe w y e a rs w a s su p p o sed to bo In cu ra b le . F o r a g re a t May 17. m a n y y e a r s d o c to rs p ro n o u n c e d It a local rib e d local rem ed ies, an d The News has printed the fol d b y ise c a o se n s a ta n n d tly p re f sc a llin g to eu ro w ith local t r e a tm e n t, p ro n o u n ced I t In c u ra b le . Sci lowing lines for the past three en c e h a a p ro v e n C a ta r r h to b e a conatl- U o n a l d isease, a n d th e re fo r» re q u ire s years, as may be seen in the wide tu c o n s titu tio n a l tr e a tm e n t. H a ll's C a ta rr h C u re , m a n u f a c tu re d b y F . J . C h en ey * column on page four: C o.. T oledo. Ohio, Is th e o n ly C o n stitu n a l c u re o n th e m a rk e t. I t Is ta k e n In “ Falls City is well provided tio te r n a lly In d o ses fro m 10 d ro p s to a te a o o n fu l. I t a c ts d ire c tly o n th e blood with the usual business enter sp a n d m u co u s s u r f a c e s o f th e sy ste m . T h ey o ffe r one h u n d re d d o lla rs f o r a n y case It prises.” f a lls to cu re. S en d f o r c ir c u la rs a n d te s Lee Strays From Home C. W. Lee, of Falls City News, wandered away from home Wed nesday and arrived in Indepen dence. He came to the Monitor office and made himself interest ing Incidentally he introduced D. L. Wood, recently from Okla homa, who has purchased the News and will take posession June 1. —Independence Monitor. Milk and Cream, delivered morn ing or evening. Call phone Blue35. True as Gospel “ Fewer lawyers and better Parcels Must Bear Return Card ones is w hat Oregon w ants.” The attention of all is directed to ‘‘The citizen demands that the paragraph 4 of section 470, Postal physician upon whom he will Laws and Regulations, Which re have to depend in time of illness quires that the name and address shall be adequately trained to of the sender shall appear on every cure, not kill.” package that is to be sent by par “ A need is felt of teachers cel post, or it will not be accepted more highly educated, of more for mailing. learned ministers, of men with Ira C. Mehrling, P. M. better understanding of the pub lic needs and with higher ideals, of business men with broader Post Office Time Card vision; of abler men in every oc Office hours: Daily, except Sun cupation’—From U. of O. booklet day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. "Choosing a Calling.” Mail arrives, from Saiem-Dallaa, 8.50 a.m., 3:85 p.m. Local Druggist Makes Many Friends M. L. Thompson report? they Black Rock, 2 00 p.m. are making many friends through Mail closes, /or the quicx benefit which Falls City Salem, 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Dallas, 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. people receive from the simple mix ture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, Black Rock, 11.00 am . etc., kuown as Adler-i-ka. This Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30 remedy became famous by curing to 10:80 a.m: appendicitis and it is the most Mail arrives from Salem 8,50am. thorough bowel cleauser known, Mail closes for Salem 9:00 a.m. acting on b o t h the upper and low er bowel, j u s t o n e d o se o f Adler- Effective May 20, 1914. I ra C. M ehrling , Postmaster. i-ka relieves constipation and gas Falls City, Polk Co., Or. on thestomach almost i m m e d i a t e l y . tim o n ia ls. A ddress: F. J CHENEY « CO , Toledo, ©. Sold by D ru g g ists, 7Se. T ak a H all’s F am ily P illa fo r co n stip atio n . HOTEL AND RESTAURANT CLOTHES CLEANING AND PRESSING I. A . J O H N S T O N CleaningandPressing P ir ls r French Dry Cleaning, Repairing and Alterations. Buttons made for ladies clothes. Work called for and delivered. Phone 126 REAL ESTATE F. K. Hubbard Realty Cawpauy Real E state bought, told, an d exchanged. Collections. In su ran ce. Abstracts. N o tarial w o rk : Legal D ocum ents Prepared. O flce, I d th e F alls C ity Nsws oOce.