Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 30, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Trnt F amj IC ity N kwa JM ay |30, 1914
prosper. Mr. Pugh is laying
ätyr Sfalla (City Nruta and
the foundation for a most profit­
PnturriJ as *><M>nd « »*** m al! at th*
at Kalla Cltjr. M l
Orvgoa, uuder tb*
Art of O N lfftn o f M arth J, ISIS.
Trlvp h o n ts
H kw » O l f k r . U i i» s id fn c f » I t
Subscription Rate»: Onr year, 11.00; aix month«»
0 conta: thrro month«. 2λco n ta .»m u lecop y. Seta.
A blue-pencil mark on the flr*t p a ce o f The New«
mean« that y o u riu h w h p lio n is due.
The Ne«m ia represented for foreiim advertiatna: by
T h t A m erica n P r e s s A s s o c ia t io n
General office«. New York and Chicago.
Advertising Kates Display. 10 cents an inch .
Huai ness Notices. % cents a line: For Sale, Rent.
Kxrhatiff*. Want and Fay Entertainment No
tices. 5 eta. a line. 10 rts. a line (or three issues
C ard of Thauks dOiis; Legal Notices.legal rates.
Copy for new ads. and changes should be sen
to The News not later than Wednesday.
O rr iC lA L
F K. Hubbaid. Mayor
T. D. Hollow ell. Councilman at large
W. T. Grier.
H. C. Brown.
Albert Teal.
C ou n ci linen
A. Sampson,
C. I.. Hopkins.
A. E Meyer.
C. W. Lee. Auditor and Police Judge
Walter L. Tooxe Jr.. City Attorney
W. P. Lewis. Marshal and Water Supt.
M. L. Thompson. Treasurer
J. J. Sammons. Engineer
Dr. F. M Hellwarth. Health Officer.
The Council meets in regular session on the first
Monday evening of each month, at 7 30 o ’clock.
In the office of the Falls City News.
S a tu r d a y . M ay 30. 1914
The News Changes Ownership
I have sold the Falls City News
to Mr. D. L. Wood, a newspaper
man from Oklahoma, who will
take possession June 1. 1914.
Mr. Wood is a publisher o f ex­
perience who comes highly rec­
ommended, and no doubt he will
improve The News to meet the
requirements o f this rapidly de­
veloping section o f Oregon.
The sale involves the transfer
o f the printing plant, subscription
list, good will and business o f the
All unpaid advertising accounts
due prior to and including this
date are payable to the under­
All debts contracted on behalf
o f The News prior to this date
will be paid by the undersigned.
It iswith mingled feelingsof re­
gret and pleasure that these words
are written. Regret for having
to leave this beautiful and pros­
perous little city, pleasure that I
have been able to gain and retain
the friendship and good will of
the people o f Falls City.
No plans have been made for
the immediate future, though it
will be necessary to remain here
for several weeks in order to set­
tle up private andofficial business.
Having severed my connection
with The News, and wishing you
all happiness, prosperity and long
life, I subscribe myself,
A Friend o f Falls City,
C h as . W . L e e .
The U. o f 0 . school o f journal­
ism has demonstrated a fact that
was already well known to many
men who have been long engag­
ed in newspaper work. Only a
small percentage o f the number
who “ take journalism” become
real ‘newspaper’ men, and that the
young man who seriously “ wants
to be an editor” will do so, school
or no school. Unless the school
gives practical instruction along
correct lines, its graduates will
not be worthy wieldness o f the
most powerful weapon known to
man. The school has a mission,
however, in this, that if it helps
to a more general diffusion of
knowledge concerningthe duties,
powers and rights o f the press
it will amply justify its existence.
The institution surrounded by
mystery and hedged in by ignor­
ance is dangerous to liberty.
The better one understands the
power o f the press the less in­
clined he will be to use, or to allow
others to use that power for the
perpretation or perpetuation of
wrong. _______________
C. J, Pugh has finished the
construction o f the traction en­
gine for plowing his loganberry
field o f l l i acres, and works like
a charm as a plow propeller. This is
the second yearsince planting and
he expects to manufacture 3,000
gallons o f loganberry juice, all
o f which has already been con­
tracted for delivery in season.
This industry is bound to grow
to 8oo Mia Own Play
able business, and at the same H« Wat Afraid
Produced In Paris*
time giving'courage to others to
Jules Claretie once contributed
plant loganberries.
to I.es Anna lea u personal recollec­
The Democratic newspaper op­ tion o f Charles Dickens that seems
position to the re-nomination of to have escaped tho biographer«.
Claretie, according to the Rook-
W. C. Hawley for Congressman
tnan's translation, saw Dickens in
seems to have counted for little. Paris. It was of a summer even­
Is it possible that their criticism ing, and the F.nglisb novelist was
o f Hawley was based on false sitting at a table iu the eafe that
premises? Mr. Jones is a good [ was attached to the Theatre du
Vaudeville, on the Place de la
man. a good Republican and he
Bourse. That night the Vaudeville
made the strongest kind o f a was to present a piece bv Dickens,
fight fo r the n om ination. Unless „ „ d the author had made the trip
all sign s fail, H aw ley will suc-| from London for the express pur-
ceed h im self in C on gress from the i P °» J > f witnessing its reception by
the French public.
First Oregon district.
He was there at the table, while
W. H. Boats o f Dallas has in­ the Parisian tint nigh ter* entered
stituted forclosure proceedings the theater, passing this man with
against H. Fugitt, G. Salisbury, the gray hat, the splendid head, the
D. R. Hall and R. Van Den Bosch long hair and the curling chin
beard without realizing that there
for satisfaction o f mortgage on in Paris this summer evening was
lot 2, block E, and lots 8, 9, 10 one o f the masters of the novel, the
and part o f lot 1 block M, Falls most original o f writers, one o f the
City. The city o f Falls City also real geniuses of the century.
Dickeus watched the people en­
has a street improvement lien
ter, but did not go in himself. "1
against all this property except shall wait,” he said to a friend,
that part o f lot 1, block M, “ until the first act is over. It is so
amounting to $87.85.
delightful in Paris in the evening.
It is high time that Oregon How can any one willingly he shut
up in a theater?” As a matter of
should have a Republican United fact, he was uneasy over the result
States Senator, and when the of the evening. He feared the
proper time comes t h e State Parisian public. He sought a pre­
should have two Republican sen­ text for escape. This man who
ators. This year the party is sure ordinarily feared nothing, this lec­
turer accustomed to facing crowds,
to elect R. A. Booth to that office.
trembled before twelve critics and
He is head and shoulders above an audience o f Parisian women.
his opponent in every qualifica­
“ Let us go to MabiUe,” he said to
tion that goes to make a capable his friend. “ I will return to learn
the result when the play is finish­
and acceptable senator.
ed.” So to Mabille they went. But
C. N. McArthur, our Polk while watching the celebrated dan­
county “ Pat,” is the Republican cers he was thinking only o f his
nominee for congress in the sec­ play.
The hour drew near when the
ond (Portland) district. This is a
case o f a reputable, capable man drama must have either triumphed
or foundered. Charles Dickens took
succeeding the disreputable in­ a carriage and called to the driver:
competent Lafferty, and is anoth­ “ Theatre du Vaudeville! Place de
er evidence that representative la Bourse I” But halfway on the
government always rights i t s journey the fear that agitated the
author o f “ David Copperfield” in­
own wrongs.
creased. He looked at his watch
Thelma, Queen o f Rosaria, with and changed his orders: “ No, («are
a bunch o f princesses, are tour­ du Nord, driver! We still have
ing the large coast cities as a time to catch the train for Bou­
means o f advertising the Port­ logne!" And he took the train,
first strongly urging his friend to
land Rose Festival. To add to the j send him a telegram at once con­
glory o f the trip it is proposed to cerning the reception of his play.
introduce all the young women And it was from Boulogne-sur-Mer
to the editors o f each city. Falls that Charles Dickens thanked the
actors in his piece, players whom
City is not on their visiting list.
he did not know, in a French drama
James Withycombe received th e! ♦ hat he had never seen.
nomination for Governor in ai
A Wart Superstition.
contest that was free from un­
Boys in the west of England be­
friendly personalities. Republi­ lieve that by squeezing a mole to
can have good reason to give death between the hands and touch­
heartv support to their 1914 can­ ing the affected parts with the blood
didates, from Governor all the way that oozes from the mouth of the
dying animal warts will disappear
down the line.
and will not reappear. The cul­
Race meet at Independence, prits are convinced that moles,
June 4, 5. 6. This is an annual worms and other subterranean
affair, and is always well attend­ dwellers have no feelings, and there­
ed. Lovers o f horseracing will see fore it is not cruelty to put them to
death in this way.
some exciting contests, as the
purses amoust to $1825.
Mass Meeting
A report from Independence
You are invited to attend a
states that the Falls City Lum­
ber Co. will soon begin construe-! mass meeting in Tollar hall, at 8
tion o f the sawmill there, under p. m. June 3, to make arrange­
the direction o f our townsman C. ments fo r a 4th o f July celebra­
O. Johnson.
The Republican county central
Notice for Publication
committee will hold a meeting at
Dallas, June 6, for permanent
D e p a rtm e n t o f the In te r io r
(Serie! 03*W)
In the illustrated lecture Prof.
Stock is giving every afternoon
U. 8. Laud Office at Portland, Oregon
13, 1914.
and evening on Washington St., NOTICE 1 b hereby given that May Michael
between 3d and 4th, Portland, a Roberts, whose post-office address is 210 Alder
Portland. Oregon did, on the nth day of
very charming view o f one o f the 8t.,
August. 1914. file in this office Sworn Statement
scenic beauty spots at Falls City I and Application. No. 03893, to purchase the
SYV 1-4 of the SW 1-4, Section 4, Township 8
is shown.
South, Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian,
Card of Thanks
I wish to thank the voters o f Polk
county who supported me in the
primary election for county Survey­
I expect to be elected next No­
vember, and if elected, I will do my
utmost to give satisfaction.
C. R. Canfield,
Send The News to Your Friends
and the timber thereon, under the provisions
of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amenda­
tory, known as the “ Timber and 8tone Uw,"
at such value as might be fixed by appraise­
ment, and that, pursuant to such application,
the land and timber thereon have been ap
praised, the timber estimated 2*0,000 board
feet at 40c per M, and the land 920; that said
applicant will offer final proof in support of
his application and sworn statement on the
30th day of July, 1914, before the Register and
Receiver, U.B. Land Office, at Portland,Oregon.
Any person is at liberty to protest this pur
chase before entry, or initiate a contest at any
time before patent issues, by filing a corrobor­
ated affidavit In this office, alleging facts
which would defeat the entry.
H. L IIIOBY. Register.
The Great Stock of
Selims Department Store
The Entire Stock of Thousands upon
Thousands of Dollars worth of the
very finest grade Dry Goods, Ladies’
Cloaks and Skirts, Waists, Hosiery,'
Etc., Etc. Men’s fine Clothing, Hats,
Shoes, Furnishings, Etc. Groceries.
Sale Starts at 10.00
Thursday A. M„ June 4th
See Big Bills out Wednesday
For Complete Details and Prices
We Mean What We Say. Everything Must Go. Nothing Reserved J
Don’t Buy Until You Visit Our Store
It Means a Saving of Dollars to You
R. E. W i l l i a m s , M. L . T h o m p s o n . W. F. N i c h o l s ,
A. J. V i c k ,
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Bank of Falls City
F a lls C i t y , P olk C o u n t y . O regon
Does a General Ranking Business. Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.