Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 30, 1914, Image 1

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T ub Nairn stand« for
a greater and better
Palls City all the time
I W . of th# yellow ro »M .
U Ih» glow ol ■ brsone 6my.
imrh war» your »y»» with drMO
Wl»iful your »roll» alw»y.
And I. your «or y ou or lo w ,
Had »'null rhanoo «t wooing y014 than.
For you war» • gM or Konluoky
And I on» or Morgan'» man
I can • « you y»t aa you w»ll»d
Naa'h Um «im by I h » old yard gala
And your boari boat tant an my boroo'o
hoof a
Tor Young Lora bad round hin mala
High wor» my hapaa and my haart. d»ar
I laughod at yogg boding» than.
And I loft you. my Lady of R oooa
To rido with Morgan a man.
Seurry at boot» aa tba agoni»
riaa hin« of »word» In Slgba
fia rod »r U aaag 'mtdot tba roar of guna
Oarodarli »barg» through tho Bight
Nora with tba twilight »hadowa,
Thor» whoa day broka again;
Libo tho bolt oT tho fiere» whit» lightning
Wag tba ruab of Morgan'» man.
OME. Malan ell unto >ny eong.
It la no allly fable
"fig all about tho mighty cord
They call the Atlantic cable
Boll Cyrua yield he Mid. eeld he
'*1 have a pretty notloa
That I can run a telegraph
Aareee the Atlantic ocean "
« W P N IG H T
1 'S E R M O N S
The« nil the people laughed and Mid
They'd Itha la m o him do It.
Ha might gat half m m aver, but
Ha aavar could go through it
Teat. "And behold there waa a »warm
of bees ’-Judg *lv. I.
Tba MortBona «'bode a beeblve (or
tbrlr symbol, w blcb Choice la oue of a
number of w lae nod atgnlflcant tbluga
our Mormon brother baa done. How-
over, 1 think the lie# inclines to social­
To carry out hia foolish plan
Ha never would ba able
Ha might aa wall go hang hlmaelf
With bla Atlantia cable
ism The beehive la a perfect e g a li­
tarian product of atate socialism. But,
moot of all, been Illustrate tbe success­
ful working of tbe republican prin­
Twice did bla breveet egorte fail.
ciple. That, beehive constitutes a re­
And yet hie mind waa »table
public—not a mouarebjr. Tho queen
Ha wasn't the man la break hie heart
bee la simply a mother bee. All tbe
BecauM ba broke bla cable
population ta tbe Issue of a common
"Once more my gallant bcyal” ha or led.
mother, aud any bee of tbe fam ily may
"Three time»—you know tho fable—
become a queen-that la to aay, a
But tho war wan not for our winning.
mother bee - If It receives proper nour­
"But I win toy the cable"
Otri of tba day» of yora
ishment and becomes by populnr elec­
Outworn wo wary and outnumber ad.
One» more they trlad-hurrehl burrabl
tion bead of tbe little republic. Tba
Boalaa and brulaod A->d aora.
What n m m Uila great commotion?
beehive would make a line symbol for
Tat from dafoat you aallad mo
The Lord bo pralaodl Th# cable'» laid
Back to your haart again
our suffragettes That b e e h ive la 0
Across the Atlantia ocean!
And lifted your loyal llpa ta my klaa
of 23.000 to 80.000 population.
Ala» tor Morgan'a mani
Loud ring tho ball», for. flashing through
There you will And streets, but no
■la hundred leaguw of water.
Lora tba braath of your roana
pavements, for tbe resid en ts walk
Old Mother England’» bcnleoo
Waa never half ao gw»»t
Salutaa her eldest daughter.
along tbe walla. No windows, for each
»mila whoa Into the “way of
house baa only a door. In this wonder­
O'er all the land tho tidings «seed.
Tae guided my weary f.»t
ful city each citizen obey» tbe Iowa,
And eoon In every nation
And that amila la atlli my aunabln*
They'll bear about tho cable with
going or staying only when it 1» legal.
And tba dream« you war» dream tag then Profoundeet admiration
The d ro n e Is the male bee, supported
Haag all coma trau for a fallow
by the labor of the worker»—tbe female
Who waa one of Morgan'» man.
And may wo honor evermore
—Eleanor Dunoon Wood.
The manly, bold and stable
bees. Not the workers of human so­
And tall our cone to make t'
ciety accumulating honey or money are
Haw Cyra» laid the cable
to be dreaded. It la tboae who inherit—
tba drones, enemies of wealth, labor
HERE la a rider—hl» name
and society.
la Rata-
But Cyrua waa a «allant man,
A fellow of dodeicn.
And headed not their raorklng wordA
Their laughter and dertelon
Ma ytdaa early, and b» ride»
He ride» far Joy, and ba
rtdee for acorn.
Rar oourage and fear and hope for-
My man aad I want on a raid.
One at my man wag «ore afraid.
Me fall behind
Buy all goods of home
merchant« and help to
make F alls City greater
The fee lurked
Than Rato found him—ba la not
One of my man delayed for title—
To great a maid with a eoldjar'a
Tba amid waa falae. but awaatty
Rata attendant, found him thara
One of my moa uphold a flag
Tom and duaty. a woeful rag.
Rata waa thara and bunting and
Grace the march of the foeman’e
■hot and ebell and the enemy'»
le tb a chime. tba eadence h e av e n lr
H eard oa tb a laftlaat U bleleads af
th o u g h t—
T ba melody of larg e mloda w ben they
T ba vaat perfactione th a t tb alr eoule
hava ao u g h t
-g s ia c ta d
In tb a d aya of my youtb. In
the fl rat of my room lngf
W« w äre d o ar; wo wer» leeL
Oh. fnr we went stra y ln g l
Now never a h a a rt to my h a art com M
W hera la h a now. tbo d a rk b o r elender
W ho ta u g h t m» bareback. e tlrru p and
I loved htm. ha loved m e my keautlfuL
t ander
T am er of horaoo an graao grow n plalne.
Pear, bravo band of man adored.
Rerty, thirty, tan and thrao-
Rtaally Rato toft oaly me
Whet am I that ha aaea me not?
Waiting alona la the herdeet lot
H a fleet footed, cornea eo late!
Long am I raady. Ha. thara. Ratal
-Alloa Bole» Wood.
1IERK a ra tba frlend» th a t I
knew In my Maytng.
Oh. lovo th a t paaaae tb a le rn of wom anl
W ho th a t h a lb fall It aball »ver fo rg a t
W ban tb a b ra atb of lifo w lth a throb turne
hum an
Aad a lad'» h a a rt la to a lad e h a a rt
a atf
Ever, forever. lover a n d rover,
They Shell cllng, n o r M oh frora o th er
aball p a ri
Till tbe relgn of tho o tara In th e benvens
ba over
And Ufa la lu g t ln. «ach fa lth fu l haart.
"A Human Little Fellow.*
No other member of animal creation
shows greater home love than tbe
honeybee, no matter bow bumble or
uninviting hta hive may be. Tbe
guards patrolling the front door at tbe
end of tbe day ahow bow keen la their
sense of ownership rights, for which
they will freely give their lives. Some­
times they “light out," take "French
leave.” for parts unknown, bear tbe
"call of the wild," and they leave yon
and your glittering civilized hive for a
hollow log In tbe forest. Wonder If It
la tbe "back to nature” movement that
we higher folks get now and then?
We think of a bee aa always mad. In »
towering rage over aomethlng. R att­
ing doesn't always mean anger. How-
ever, wben a bee baizes angrily or a
woman scolds It la wiser to walk
away. Usually the bee I* the most
pleasant, social and good natured lit­
tle fellow you ever met Yea, If you
pinch him he will atlng you. But I
have had church members who would
sting you before you would pinch
them. After a rain, when they are
Idle, bee« get croea and vlclouo I've
seen strikers In the coal region of my
•tatqjn that condition W'ben a bee Is
Try a Sack of
and watch results
• '
All Goods and Prices Are Right
la v
Falls City Lumber Co.
stealing honey he stings reminds us
that “the thief goes armed.” You
rau tell a robber bee by tbe cool and
wicked way he stings you. Wben he
approaches a hive he has a aly and
guilty look. If another bee la coming
out he quickly dodges back. Thus
“conscience doth make coward« of ua
all.” If be gets in, hi» outcomlng la In
a hurried, guilty manner, and he la al­
most always wiping hta mouth, like a
man coming out of a saloon.
Stinging— Honsy Qatharing.
Reea cannot bit« like dog», kick like
mules or book like cattle, but to a per
eon stung tbe 8r»t time be would rath
er be bitten, kicked and hooked alto­
gether than get the full, keen and ex-
qulalte pain of an enraged or robber
bee. Tbe pain la harder to bear If you
keep thinking about It. ludred, any
pain Is. Tbe hsrdest sting la Injustice,
and It become« woree If you brood over
It. Do cot »land In front of a hive nor
get In the way of workmen at a fac­
tory. They’ll Jolt you or swear at you.
Terhaps stinging la a bee's way of
swearing at you! As a pastor over
many people tbe more I see some folks
the more I think of some bees. Tbe bee
Is all right If he Is kept busy In love
and understanding be Is sometimes sad­
ly lacking. When smitten on one cheek
he doesn't turn tbe other. He la hot
beaded and quick tempered However,
I know folks who are not only busy,
hut buaybodies. and their aharp tongues
«ting on very alight provocation. On
tbe other band, near me la a cherry
tree that baa not borne fruit for years.
IA st year It bore. Reason—a neighbor
bad started a hive of bees; they car
fled tbe pollen needed to fructify and
fertilize the blossoms. I've bad church
member» who couldn't preach them­
selves, but they could carry the truth.
How they enriched the Sunday dinner
table and the prayer meeting! What
suggestions they brought to tbe pastor
and Sunday school superintendent from
other fields!
Humbla Base—Unknown 8»rvice.
If tbe bumble bee died ao would our
clover. In Australia clover wouldn't
grow till a human bead brought a bee
head nnd a clover head together. These
humble bee« go about doing a lot of
good for the world they know nothing
about. No one can tell the Influence of
any »ct of our dally toll. Tbe bee tolls
a season—bis whole life—for one-balf
teaapoouful of honey, which you eat at
a single meal. Marvelous sacrifice!
The honey of two or three flowers
would suffice himself, but be visits 200
In an hour for treasure he will never
taste. Ask him why, be knows no an­
swer. Neither does the genius know
why he works and dares and does for
a good that Is yet unborn. He lives by
faith. Of the power that leads the
worker on he knows not much more
than the bee. He hears the voice.
“Arise snd get thee hence, fnr this Is
not thy rest.” So he tolls on by dark­
ness or dawn, through heat and cold.
From humblest mother to world's Re­
deemer, he who gives most gets least.
A Haughty Reply.
A story about William P itt I read
or beard somewhere many yearaago
represented a noble mediocrity as
assuring the great statesman with
some condescension that he might
fairlv expect nn earldom for his
magnificent services.
‘1 an earl!” was the haughty re­
ply. “I make dukes.”—St. James'
Spend Your Money
Where Yon Make It
ONEY that Is kept In tba
community help« every
one In that community. It
la a part of the common fund
on which any one with any­
thing to «ell—merchandise,
labor, farm product»—can
draw. Money that ta sent
away from borne is with­
drawn from this common
fund. It helpe to Impoverish
the entire community. 8end
all the money away and all
the people In the community
would be "broke.”
Tbe dollar that you spend
with the*local merchant will
continue to circulate In the
neighborhood, paying lawyer,
doctor, blacksmith, carpenter,
teacher. Ultimately It may
return to you to be again
started on It» Journey of pur­
chase and payment The dol­
lar sent to tbe mall order
house goes to swell the bank
account of a concern in Chi­
cago or New York. It la loot
to your community forever.
Your neighbor can’t get It
and yon will never see It
Can’t you see that self In­
terest tella you to do your
buying at home? Can't you
see that It la tbe part of wis­
dom to spend your dollar
where you are likely to get it
Tbe advertisements In thla
paper will aid yon In decid­
ing where to make your pur­
chases. Only the more re­
liable merchants can afford
to advertise continuously, and
only the better grade of goods
can stand such publicity.
No. 38
Stoll Limy ol Hiirai to
Sono Dodi In.
Man Lavas Geld and Hates te Be Im­
posed Upon by Counterfeit»—Good»
Shipped In Rlain Package»—Many
Local Merchant» Deficient In Knowl­
edge af Advartiaing.
[Copyrighted, lilt, by Thomaa J. Sullivan.}
Tbe first hypocrite was tbe man who
stole tbe livery of the court of heaven
to serve tbe devil In.
Some people apeak as If hypocrites
were confined only to religion, bat j
they are everywhere, people pretend­
ing to wealth wben they have not a
sixpence, assuming knowledge of which
they are Ignorant, shamming a cul­
ture they are far removed from, adopt­
ing opinions they do not hold and pre­
tending honest business roles wblcb
are far from the legitimate.
As a man lovea gold, in that pro­
portion be bates to be Imposed upon
by counterfeits, and In proportion as
a man baa regard for that wblcb la
above price and better than gold be
abhors that hypocrisy which Is but
its counterfeit
Lying before tbe writer la tbe acme
of hypocrisy. It Is a catalogue of one
of those mall order bouses, and on one
page three sewing machines are adver­
tised. Tbe first la declared to be tbe
"most perfect sewing machine on the
market." tbe necond Is said to have
"more good sensible Ideas than any
other,” while the third Is praised as
being "tbe most superior sewing ma­
chine on tbe market.”
Now. which of these machines really
Is tbe best? Which of them is as g-iod
as tbe one your retailer sells and guar­
antees? Can any reader of the above
triumvirate of ads. tell? Most assur­
edly not
Tbe lesson should be plain to all who
receive these catalogues. They con­
tain glowing descriptions of good*, but
the senders of money do not know
what they are going to get for their
money when they send It to a mall or­
der bouse.
Goods In Plain Paokagas.
Were It not ao serious It would be
amusing to read some of tbe smooth
arguments tbe catalogue houses ad­
vance to their readers In an effort to
Induce them to aend in orders. They
say that goods are sent in plain pack­
ages because many merchants who buy
of them to sell again object to having
their name appear on the boxea. We
know we are safe In saying there is
not one single merchant In the ‘whole
United States who ever ordered any
goods from these concerns. The state­
ment Is made In an effort to make} the
consumer believe that he can bay as
cheaply as bis local merchant cam
But printed matter that wllf sell
goods Is within the power of almost
sny local retailer. Most all the expert
advice la little more than empty gen­
eralizing about nonessentlals. It Is not
literatu re, rem em ber, but advertising,
thnt you want to write. Knowledge of
w ords and type and ?he ability to
write fine Introductory paragraphs and
strik in g headings are not to he de­
spised. of course, but the facto, not
fancy ways of saying them, are what
Induce tbe people to spend ttaeir money
in tbe local stores.
The merchant’s knowledge of his
store, hts goods and the people Is more
than an offset for any lack of ability to
coin catchy phrases or to use technical
language in telling the printer bow he
would like to have bis advertising
When tbe merchant sits down to
write bis ad. he should imagine that
bis hardest customer to sell to Is seat­
ed on tbe other side of his desk. H»
should write what his talk would be
If he were determined to make a sale
to that customer when In the most ob­
stinate of moods. He should, write It
all down, then lock It In his desk for a
few hours, later cut out all ¿he super­
fluous words and print tbe theta with­
out any trimmings.
n n iw u rj liefurv he mu hope to com­
rcsultfully with retail mall order
houses, and the first and principal
change la tba manner In which Ms
stuck la displayed, and In tba process
of this arrangement be must take lat*
consideration the fact that men have
almost completely ceased to Agnra la
tba day to day purchase» of bOBSSbetl
necessaries ------ — ..........
What Ha Would Kaap.
When the 1st« Francois Coppee
was elected to the academy ho told
his friend, Theodore da Banville,
that he wished he were in too. Ban-
ville declined to canvass.
“Suppose your nomination war«
brought to you one fine morning on
a ailver aalver.”
“I don’t know what I should do
with the nomination,” asid Ban­
ville, “but 1 should certainly keep
the salver.” _________
Because of her own good looks,
Mrs. Hatch felt she married be­
neath her when ibe “took up” with
oue eyed Jim. For six months she
was faithful to her vow never to
twit her husband about his deform­
ity. Then one day her sharp tongue
got the better of her.
Jim listened quietly to hia wife’s
estimate of himself, physical and
otherwise. “Ellen,” he spoke at lest,
in his calm voice, “you’re my wife
now, but if I ’d had two eyes, I ’d
’a’ looked furder.”—Judge.
Courts Hava Na Juriedisticn Over e
Foreign Ambassador.
The chief of an embassy is «n
august being and one who boests
some remarkable privileges. I t may
be mentioned, to begin with, thnt in
the land in which he is officiating
an ambassador ranks immediately
after princes of the blood roymL
The ground on which an embassy
stands is in theory aa well as in
practice the territory of the nation
to which its principal occupant be­
longs. Even if a criminal were har­
bored in an embaaay the police
could not enter the premise« with­
out permission.
An ambassador is above the law
of the country to which he ia ac­
credited. The courta have no juris­
diction over him, sod, strangely
enough, his subordinates and even
his domestic servants are also in­
violate. The humblest employee ia
the embaaay if he committed a pun­
ishable offense could not be arrest­
ed without the consent of his mas­
ter, nor can an embassy official ba
imprisoned for debt.
Ambassadors are to ba envied
moat of all perhaps for their free­
dom from the burden of taxation.
They disburse not one penny ia
taxes, either directly or indirectly,
and, as for the custom house, it ia
nonexistent ao far at they tre con­
cerned. No duty whatever is charg­
ed in respect of wines, cigars, ciga­
rettes, etc., that are consigned to
So their excellencies need not
bother sbout tsxes unless they
please. That they do ao ia purely
an act of grace on their part. They
are not legally exempt from these
tantalizing demands on the purse,
but if they declined to meet them
there would be no means of enforc­
ing payment.—Cassell’s Journal.
Cromwall'a Appearance.
Sir Philip Warwick left this pic­
ture of Oliver Cromwell; “The first
time that ever I took notice ofTurn
was in the very beginning of the
parliament held in Nevember, 1640,
when I vainly thought myself a
courtly young gentleman, for we
courtiers valued ouraelvea much
upon our good clothes. I came one
morning into the house well clad
and perceived a gentleman speaking
whom I knew not, very ordinarily
appareled, for it waa a plain cloth
suit, which seemed to nave been
made by an ill country tailor. Hia
linen was plain and not very dean,
and I remember a speck or two of
Personality Brings Trade.
blood upon his little band, which
The nearer the local merchant can
come to making hla advertising sound was not much larger than hia collar.
like his talk the more effective It will Hia hat waa without a hatband.”
be. Personality la what bring! and
holds trade; personality secures to your
competitor trade likewise dlffictdt to
wean away from him.
The modern retail merchant must
make sure that hla displays In bis win­
dows and In the store Itself are such as
will Interest women. A general vari­
ety ought to be shown, with prices
clearly Indicated In plain figures Make
Inspection easy nnd then let shoppers
Inspect undisturbed, for In this man­
ner many new wants win be developed
In the minds of the shoppers. Tbe
merchant or salaamsn who Btands over
a shopper and attempts to press a sale
Invariably annoys the customer and
hastens hla or her departure.
The merchant who has not advanced
with the times moat come to a full real­
ization at ones that many (changes are
Mozart and Bratzner.
When Mozart waa at the height
of his fame he composed the muaio
of Bretzner’a “Belmont und Kon-
stanze” (“The Abduction From tha
Seraglio”) at the request of Emper­
or Joseph II. The author of tha
drama was so angry at this that ha
inserted the following notice in the
Leipziger Zeitung: “ A certain fel­
low of the name of Mozart has dar­
ed to misuse my drams, 'Belmont
und Konstanze,’ for an opera text.
I hereby aolemnly protest acainst
this invasion of my rights, and I re­
serve to myself further procedures.
(Signed) Christoph Friedrich Bretx-
ner, Author of 'Rausch-ch«.’ ”