Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 23, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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:: N E C E S S I T Y
Meart oms
C upboard
the numerous we.vs of rook
^ lug this piquant vegetable the
following recipes are worth try­
ing While peppers have no particular
dietetic merlta they serve to whet the
appetite tor other foods
Poppers and Bacon.—Take firm, large
sweet green peppers Wash them and
remove the seeds Cut In rlugs and
lay In cold water to which baa been
added a pinch of aalt and set away for
one hour Pry slice« of bacon, saving
the drippings Remove the peppers
from the water, dry thoroughly on a
cleau towel and fry In the bacon drip
pings. Serve the fried pepper in a
circle as a border to the dish of bacon
W ith Canned Tom stoes.
Peppers With Rice.—Take a table
spoonful of flour and one of butter and
rub smooth over the fire. Cook one
can of tomatoes until tender and
strain Pour over the butter aud flour
Fill sweet peppers with boiled rice end
add butter, salt pepper and the pulp
of the tomatoes Cook In double boiler,
with sauce poured over peppers. If tbe
Juice is not thick enough add more
Toppers snd Eggs -This is a very
nice dish that may aerve for a change,
especially for luncheon Take as many
green peppers as there are persona to
serve and having cut off the tops and
carefully removed the seeds place up
rtght In a pan and break an egg Into
each pepper Rake for about fifteen
minutes and serve with tomato sauce
on toast.
E asily Prepared.
Feppere With Cblcken.-Boil a chick
#n. saving the water in which It was
boiled. Cut chicken very fine Add
one can mushrooms, one cup pecans
and half a cupful of butter, the nut*
and mushrooms having been chopped
up Mix together and add enough of
the chicken stock to moisten and fill
the peppers, which have beeu made
ready by cutting off the tops and re
moving the seeds. Put In a baking
dish and heat the remitluder of the
chicken stock, adding a lump of butter
the size of an egg Pour on the pep
pers. cover with breadcrumbs and bake
In oven a few minutes until thorough
ly cooked.
—Chicago Newa.
M utual C u riosity.
Blushing, she bid her (ace on her fa­
ther's shoulder.
"He loves me,” she breathed.
‘‘Wants to marry you, eh?” the old
man grunted.
“Yes. papa."
“What's his income?”
She started.
"I don’t know," she murmured, "but
the coincidence is very strange.”
“What coincidence?” asked her fa­
“Clarence," she answered, “asked
the very same question about your in­
come."—Savannah Press.
R ubbing It In.
“My dear.” remarked Jones, who had
st finished reading a book on “The
'onders of Nature,” "this really is a
markable work Nature is marvel-
is! Stupendous! When I read a
ork like this it makes me think bow
lerile. how insignificant is man.”
“Huh!” sniffed his better half. “A
oman doesn't have to wade through
H) pages to find out the same thing.”
Teach ing H im a Lesson.
"Is it true that you stopped your
n's allowance when he married that
etty chorus girl?”
"Yes ' I told him he needn't expect
get another dollar from me.”
"How does be manage to live?"
“I have increased his mother's al-
wance about 110,000 a year.”—Chi
go Becord-Herald.
W h y Not?
Mrs. Flatte—I see that twenty-one
women are employed as railway brake
men and ten as baggagemen in the
United States
Mr. Platte—Well. I see no reason
why women shouldn't brake and
smash things as well as men.—Yonkers
T h e Difference.
these days, when a man thinks
s won his ladylove it is a case of
r miss."
the primitive times when a man
ie<k down the girl he fancied It
a case of hit and miss.”—Baltl-
W ild Q uesting.
“I see that the odious Mrs. Barbl-
aette is sending out invitations for a
•dejeuner danse.' ”
'Indeed! And what's a dejeuner?"
"Some new kind of tango, I a'pose."
—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
H e K n e w Th e re W ee.
"There's some good stuff in Lemuel."
Lemuel's Roommate—1 should say
there was. He Just finished eating a
pound of fudge that Amaryllis sent up
to me.—Cornell Widow.
A u ric u la r Dem onstration.
Id you water the ferns in the
ing room. Norah?”
es, mum Doa’t ye hear the water
iln’ on the carpet7”—Boston Tran-
Her Papa—Want mo darter, eb?
Hare ye anny debts?
Young Suitor—All I i* e In this
world is 35 cents.
Her Papa-Well. If ye ain't good for
but 35 cents I won't trust ye with
Maree.—New York Globe.
A Gentlem an of Leieure.
The Professor (interviewing appli­
cant for position of page boy)—Well,
young man. wbat is your name, where
do you live and what does your fa
ther do?
The Applicant—Tommy Tnbh. Para
dise row, ain't got no farver, only a
The Professor—Well, whst does you»
stepfather do?
The Applicant—'E ain’t done nothing
not since we've 'ad 'lm. — London
am a
it y
ew s ,
28 1914
prof eoe tonni Cart*
i Lots 1,2,3.4,13,14, block K.
PHYSICIAN _________
J Two tine building lota in block
W . B. Officer, M . D.
G, East View add.
P h y sicia n and S u rg e o n
i For rent, house, barn, 8 lots; $6;
oval Thumiwou'i drug »lore. Mu
Kill* street. Property f«r sale.
lumi yh.'Uv « I I'bou* Nlglit f ill «41
4 For Sale. 2 good lots, on I'me
street in block K, cultivated.
' Lota 13. 14, 15, 1«, block O, at a
bargain; $100 cash, bal. on terms
at 8;'„.
s Two lots, tt-r. house; fruit, ber­
Office iu Toller Bldg..
ö fte r »m l
04, u
Palla « II*.
ries, city water, electric light; cl ms
Krai,Im e . « hone T b «
O rten .
in, bargain.
7 For sale, One acre, adjoining city
limits, with 5-room bouse. A bar­
JA S . G. H E L T Z C L .
gain at $425, terms. House to rent.
A ttorn e y at L e w
• For sale — 9 acres, partially im­
l'rectlr» In all Iba Stata courta.
proved; bouse, limber; spring and
Sulla II Hu.b Bray wan Bldg., pboua WW
S a le m . O re g o n
living stream; near western city
limits; price, $1000, half cash.
9 For sale, one acre, cultivated,
iruit, berries; ti-r. house insured
for $1400; elec, light, city water,
cesspool; puce $1050; all cash, or
$700 cash, terms on balance.
Phone 1931
F e lls C it y , O r.
10 For sale, 7 lots (all of block A)
in Montgomery's addition to Falls
City ; good garden ground, fenced ;
city water, price $1100 if bought
within the next 30 days.
H For sale, tine home in city, with
Funeral Directat
25 acres, 10 cultivated,
ta a ll w a rb p r a a p l i y .
l-' For sale, lots 7, 8, 14, 28 block K, W e e l le a d Dollar
aad Falla City, Or
and lots 11 and 1*2 block E. Will
trade for Portland property.
H For sale, lot 2 block M, M. ail.
»U0ittc00 Cart*
H For sale, 80 a. 1 j mi. north of city
20 a. improved; 25 a. good timber;
plenty of pasture and wuUr.
jF a llò C it y jlb o t d
15 To' rent, 12 r house.
S a m o lo R o o m s
16 Two acres, cultivated, fruit, ber­
Best A o c e m m e d a t lo n o
ries; 6-r. house, sheds, water, elec­
F . O ro ega. P ro p ri e to r
tric light; will divide,
l’ Three acres, adjoining city,
l* Five acres, in city.
I’ Six lots, no improvements; cheap j Bohle’ s Barber Shops
F a lls C i t y , O r e g o n
Jt) Lot 5 and 20 ft. of lot 4 blk D, 70 [
feet front, on North Main street, is 1 t f h m you caa get « S h irt. Hair Cat. lath
•r ShUf
for sale at a bargain; lest building
A g e n t for O all as S t e a m L a u n d r y
lot in town. See F. K. Hubbard,
I I . . forwarded lu re d a y evening
Dr. A.G. Atwood
F. K. Hubbard Realty Company
In T h a N e w » o ffic e , F a lle Cl|y
Notice to Electric Light Users
All persons owing the Falls City
Electric Light Co. for service prior
to April 1, 1914, will please pay
the amount to C. W. Lee at The
News office.
W. E. N ewsom .
Stop at Ellis’ Confectionery Store
Falla City, Ore.
Contractors and Builders
D a lla s , Oregon
Ice Cream
© re g o rt
C . W . M a t t h e w s , P r o p rie to r
Seeking the Source.
Deacon (to vicar In vestry)—Are yon
suffering from a cold, sir?
Vicar—No Why do you aak?
Deacon-Well, there's about a dozen
cough lozenges in the collection plate!
—London Opinion.
Notice of Appointment
Notice is hereby given, th at the undersigned.
Henry C. Brown, has been duly appointed as Ad
m lnistrator of the estate of Amy J Brown, de­
ceased, by the County Court of Polk county.
Oregon, and he has duly qualified as such Ad
m inistrator.
Therefore, all persons having claims against
•aid estate are hereby notified and required to
present the same duly verified to the under
signed, Henry C. Brown, at his residence at
W illam ina, Oregon w ithin six m onths from the
first publication of this notice in tbe Falls City
News, said date being the tlth day of March 1914.
Dated this 7tL day of March. A.D 1914
H enky C. B row *,
McCain, Vinton A Burdett
A dm inistrator
Attorneys tor said estate.
of said estate
Salem Laundry
Bundles sent Tuesday evenings.
O V E R es Y E A R S "
P atents
T R A D E R IA R A »
C o p y r ig h t ®
*. aidMt
Co. recel'
recai rs
Patènte taken , Kr .neh Munn à ‘ X'o.
tptrlal notice, without chante, to tbe
ring patents.
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllostratad waaklf. r^raast cir­
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, a
rear : four months, fL Sold by all newsdealers.
Manufacturers and Homeaeekera who want to know the facts con­
cerning Falls City ttnd its potteibilitee fur future development are
requested to read the information given in theee two columns. For
further and more |iarticular information, address The Newa.
The Name
The city derive« iU mtmt from the falls of the Little Luckia*
mute River, which Howe through the city from the West.
The first «ale of town lots occurred in 1889, though donation
land-claim «fillers CAine here many year« before that date. In
1900 the population was 289; iu 1910, 969; 1914, about 1,250.
Th e Location
Fell* City iaaituated in thonouth central part of Polk County
Oregon, in »action 21, township 8, 8„ range6,W.. Willamette mer­
idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and 73 rail mile* south-
west of Portland, in the narrow western end of the Little Lucki-
«unite River valley, surrounded on the north, aouth, and west by
the fool hills of the Coast Rang« mountains. Elevation, 886.38 ft
above eea ievil. Transportation—Salem, Kalla City A Western
Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail
distance of 30 miles, with P. P. main line connections at Dallas,
Gerlinger, aud Salem, uud with the Oregon Electric at Salem.
Falle City is incorporated as a city, and contains 768 83 acres,
valuation for taxation $268.887. The city administration ia com­
posed of mayor, seven couuci.nien, auditor aud polics judge, mar­
shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer. Salaries: Marshal and
water superintendent, $60; auditor. $25; attorney, $25.
Water and Wood
The city of Falls City owns the gravity water system, ft» first
cost was $80,000. Pure mountain water is piped from soring« on
Judge Teal’s raccb, 8 miles sway, at an elevation ol about 300
feet above city level.
Oak and fir tire wood is plentiful and cheap.
Lumber, Fruit, Vegotablaa and Barrios
Schools, Churches, 8ooieties, Clubs
Phone 194
G . L. H A W K IN S
H arrington’s
Co-Operative Cannery
Co-Operative Creamery
Wood-working Factories
Fruit and Berry Orchards
Elle & El I e
S a u l O uderkirk
B u i ld i n g C o n t r a c t o r .
M a de .
W h y He Gloated.
He—I enjoyed tbe melodrama Ira and get a dish of the famous Mt.Hood
ICE CREAM and a package of
Another He-Why? It wasn't par Russell & Gilbert C A N D IE S
best made
tlcularly good.
He—It's tbe first occasion on which
my wife abed tears for which she
couldn't blame roe
O n W ith the Dance!
“Why does Miss Smith dancing the
tango remind you of a constellation of
"She doesn't Why does she remind
you ?”
“Because she's a great dipper "-D e
trolt Free Press.
Offers exceptionally fine opjiortunities for the establishment
See us before you build,
We may save you money.
Phone 1411
A t the Opere.
F A L LS C I T Y , O R E G O N
Electric-power planing and saw mill, log pond, dry kiln and
lumber yard in the city, lumiier Hume, logging roads and logging
outfits, all owned and operated by the Falls City Lumber Co.
The surrounding bench and hill lands are as well adapted to
the production of fruit« and berries as any other section of the
Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines is going on.
Vegetables aud berries of many kiuda gt>w to perfection iu
and adjoining Falls City, and many seres are planted to straw­
berries and loganberries. Market conditions are iu>pro*ingstead­
ily, as production is increased.
ih k
Patience—Who is that?
Patrice—Oh. that's nne of our popn
lar architects.
“Is that his wife with him?"
"Wonderful gown she's got on. See
how low it's cut"
"I guess he designed It. You nee ft
has both northern and southern ex
posure."—Yonkers Statesman
800 sheets of paper, 4”x6”, 5c; or
fou say he is credulous?”
10c, at The News office.
,’ery He honestly thinks he can
re a summer resort by the picture
Job printing “as you like it” at
the postcard "—Washington Star.
The News office.
H e ig h t of C re d u lity.
Notice to News Subscribers
A b l u e - p e n c i l ereee m a r k on th is
ne tle e m e a n s t h a t y o u r s u b s c r i p ­
tio n to T h e N e w e h a s a s p i r e s a n d
ne eds f l a l n e
D o It n e w .
Falls City has a 12 grade school with a four-year high school
course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade toachers. Ill
diplomas are accepted by the higher schools in lieu of examiua-
atiuns. The entire community is justly proud of the school,
1 he Religious organizations are: Ad ventist, Catholic, Christian,
Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, Ueimau Lutheran.
The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Rehekahs,
Masons, Knights of Pythias, Pythian Bisters, Modern Woodmen of
Ameri a, Royal Neighbors of Atntrica, Woodmen of tha World,
Women of Woodcraft.
Free reading room. Gem theatre, photoplay.
Hydro electric light generated by the power of the falls: owned
by the Falls City Electric Co , W. B. Steven* president, II. C.
Brown vice-president and manager, A. W. Stevens secretary and
Telephone system, witli long-distance connect) jns. C. J. Pugh
local manager.
Business Enterprises
Falla C’ty in well provided with the usual business enterprise*.
The News contains the announcements of the following business
and professional men of the city:
Bakery, D. Toller,
Bank of Falls City, W. K. Nichols cashier.
Barber shops, Wm. Bohle.
Carpenters and Builders, Kile & Kile, S. Ouderkirk.
Clothier, Tailor and gents' furnisher, Chas. Hartung.
Confectionery stores: B. L. Ellis, R. B. Harrington.
Drug store, M. L. Thompson.
Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood.
Department ntore, N. Selig,
Funeral director, R. L. Chapman.
Furniture, J. C. Talbott A Co.
General stores. N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co.
Hardware store, J. 0. Tall ott A Co,
Hotels; Falls City Hole), Fritz Droege, owner and manager;
The Madena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Denuia, managers
Jewelry »tore. W. A. Peraoy.
Newspaper, the Falls City News, C. W. Lee.
Photoplay theatre, the Gem, C. J. Pugh.
Physicians, Dr. W. B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwarth.
Pressing and cleaning parlor, I, A. Johnston.
Railroads, Salem, Falls City A Western, Southern Pacific.
Real estate agent, K. K. Hubbard Realty Co,
Restaurant, The Madena; Wm. Finley, owner.
Saloons Taw Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chae. Mix.
Boost for a Gymnasium for H the 1 f»1.1 School
) *