Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 23, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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    T he F a im C ity N ew «, M ay 23,191-1
Sltr JFall«
i£ iti|
of $14.25 for each of the Election Results
Nein« increase
is spending Tlit attei.tion ul all iadirnctod to
21 months.
DUTY YOU OWE tin« Miss week E.litli with Barnhart
Paragraph 4 of acction 470, l’oalal
Clove Powell is building a house Republican
l.aws und Regulation*, Which r«>-
21x26 for his own home. J. S. S.
tliat (he
and address
Powell is bossing the job. The
F?it«r*«i as •« - <*ml « u m mail at tho
at Full* ntjr. IVU t ouulj. OrvRM, «ndrr tbo
Act <»f (b a |n M of M ihb L 1ST9
Telephone Rtws Offkt. S3; KtlMffiCt. 321
SuUcriptk>n Kata*. O im rear. 11.00; i u month*.
50 cent*; thrva month». 25 cant»; »inula copy. 5 eta.
A blue-pencil mark on the ft ret pace of The New»
means that your subscription is due.
The New» is represented for foreign advertising by
T h « A m e r ic a n P r a s s A s s o c ia tio n
General office*. New York and Chicago.
Advertising Kates Display. 10 cents an inch .
Business Notices. 5 cants a line, For Sale. Rent.
Exchange. Want and Pay E ntertainm ent No­
tice*. 5 e ta a line. 10 eta. a line lor three issues.
Card olThanks 50e ta . Legal Notice*.legal rates.
Copy for new ads. and changes should be sent
to The News not later than Wednesday._______
F. K. Hubbatd. Mayor.
T. D. Holloa ell. Councilm an at Large
W. T GHsr.
H. C. Brown.
Albert Teal
A. Sampson.
C. L Hopkins.
A. E Meyer.
C. W Lee. Auditor and Police Judge
W alter L. Toose Jr.. City Attorney
W. P. Lew la. Marshal and W ater Supt.
kl. L. Thompson. Treasurer
J. J Sammons. Engineer
Dr. F. M Hellwarth. Health Officer.
Tlie Council meets in regular session on the first
Monday evening of each month, at 7 30 o’clock.
In the office of the Falls City News.
S a t u r d a y . M ay 23. 1914
Congress First District
Powells are progressive people,
F. Hollister
all right, and have done a great
deal of work for the betterment
J. Withy com be
C. J. Smith
of their community.
Successful people do not « orry
J. Jeffrey
about what not to do, but per­ G, M. Brown
sistently hunt out and do the , McBride
things they ought to do, forgetting I Bean
the evil of yesterday, looking Harris
for the good of today and the
State Engineer
better of tomorrow.
J. H. Lewis
A delegation of Falls City Ma­
Labor Commissioner
sons went to Dallas last night, O. P. Hoff
to attend the exercises in dedi­
Railroad Commissioner
cation of a new hall.
F. J. Milier
The Oakhurst school closed the
State Senator. Polk-Benton
term yesterday. Mrs. Jessie C. L. Hawley
Moyer, the teacher, provided a
State Representative
program and big feed. There was W. T. Grier
T. W. Brunk
a good attendance of visitors and State Representative, Polk-Lincoln
the occasion was enjoyed by all. G. S. Irvin
Circuit Judge
Try Imperial Patent Flour
placed out with a money back
Nationai Committee
guarantee price $1.35 at Selig’s. R. E. Williams
Lost. Gentleman’s Gold Watch
charm with monogram I. C. M. J. W. Orr Sheriff J. F. Morrison
ingraved on face, finder please
leave same at News office and E. M. Smith Clerk A. B. Robinson
receive suitable reward. — Ira C.
J. E. Richter
Frank Heydon, county fire war­
den, has been burning slashings
G. Clanfield
south of town, this week. He C. W. Beckett
made a trip into the mountains
S. B. Taylor
yesterday, on a tour of investi­ C. R. Canfield
J. P. Dist. No 4
H. G. Strayer
The venerable Judge Collins, F. K. Hubbard
Constable Dist. No 4
who has been confined to his G. L. McMurphy
home all winter, is again able to
County Committee
be on the streets for a short time
Falls City
each day.- Dallas Itemizer.
The Campfire girls have been Geo. M Tice
Ira C. Mehrling
playing basket ball on the foot­ Jessie
bridge tennis grounds this week, C. W. Lee
under direction of Miss Ham­
Falls City Election Officers
E. Meyer. Edith
Northwest district convention M.Wurtzbergar, A. A. Sampson;
of the Christian church will be John E. Beezley, Jessie Moyer, clerks:
held at Dallas, begining next McMurphy.
N. E.—Judges: Geo. M. Tice, G.
The morning train arrives at D. Treat, Clara Emmitt; clerks. E.C.
8.50 from Salem and departs at Frink. Etta Waters, M. A. Marcy.
9.30. Note change in time table. S. E, —Judges: J. C. Talbott. H.
To trade, Portland residences Gage, Nana Hubbard; clerks: W. B
for Falls City acreage or business. Stevens. Buelah L. Bradley. Thos. B.
Inquire at New Falls City hotel. Hooker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moyer S. W.—Judges: F. K. Hubbard,
walked to Oakhurst yesterday, to Emma Hinshaw, G. W. Gardner;
attend the “last day” doings. clerks: F. P. Heydon, Chloe A. Sey­
Ira Yokum, of Willamina was mour, C. W. Lee.
The enduring welfare of any
community depends upon the dis­
position of its people to make
their residence therein perman
ent and accumulate property
The new government postal sav
ings system enables any one to
save, and to safeguard his sav
ings against loss in any manner
It encouragesthrift and economy
standing for comfortable homes
and empty poorhouses and jails
makes loyal citizenship and ere
ates regard for the Government
of which each individual is apart
Many men now 50 years of age
would be well to do if they could
have had a postal saving system
to help them 25 years ago. The
opportunity is now- offered, and
those who accept it will receive
the full benefit in the years to
The Great Northern railway
company has issued a bulletin
descriptive of Oregon, which will
be of great interest to prospect­
ive settlers in this Siate. The
bulletin is for free distribution,
and a copy can be had by writ­
ing to E. C. Leedy, Immigration
Agent, St. Paul, Minn. He will in Falls City Monday^ seeking
be glad to have you send him a
list of your friends in the East to medical
Conference, at
whom he can send copies of the University of Oregon,
W. W. Percival, J. E. Hubbard For sale or trade, new 5x7 view
and D. P. McCarthy, of Indepen­ camera
and outfit; cost $150.
dence, were in Falls City Thurs­ News office.
day, on business connected with Your money reaches farther
the Hop Growers and Dealers when
association of Polk and Benton Selig. you do your trading with
counties which is to be formed at W’ant poultry. New F.C. hotel.
Independence to day. The asso­
ciation is for mutual protection,
Memorial Day
and the preservation of a busi­
following is the program
ness that brought $6,000,000 of for The
May 30:
outside money into Oregon in Procession starts
from the M.
E. church, 10 a. m.
It must not be forgotten that Autos will be provided for all
the welfare of Falls City is veterans of the Civil War and
measured by the prosperity of the Indian Wars. Other grown
its business men. An injury to folks, and the boys and girls are
their interests is an injury to the invited to join the procession in
community. All other interests the march to the cemetery.
are stregthened or weakened A short service will be held at
according to the growth or decline the cemetery. Do not forget that
of the manufacturing and busi­ flowers are an important part of
ness enterprises.
this service.
The Rickreall base ball team At 8 p. m. in the M. E. church
lost to Falls City Sunday by the the following program will be
score of 14 to 5. Sampson kept rendered:
the Rickreall boys guessing all Song—"My Country, ’Tis of
the time. Features of the game Thee”—all.
were a home run by Gardner of Invocation—M. A. Marcy.
Falls City and a sensational catch Song—“As Goes America, so
by Glen Brown for Rickreall — Goes the World " —choir.
Reading— Miss Hammond.
Dallas Itemizer.
Gettysburg Address.
If a good majority of the vot­ S ong-“ Flag
ers of Oregon shall decide in fa­ Campfire Girls. of the Free”-
vor of prohibition at the election
next November, the result will Address—Lee
Mercie Shep­
no doubt mean prohibition. More pard.
especially will this be true, if the Song—“Mine Eyes Have Seen
voters are influenced by sober, the Glory”—all.
intelligent judgment.
Address—M. C. Moyer.
The sale of postage stamps at Special Song —choir.
the Falls City postoffice for three Campfire in charge of M. C.
months ending July 1, 1912, Moyer.
amounted to $506.65; for the Song—‘Fair Freedom’s land’—
quarter ending March 31, 1914 all.
the sales amounted to $804.65, an Benediction—Lee Sadler.
A lodge of the Brotherhood of
American Yoemen will be organ­
ized May 26, in Selig’s hall, by
Mrs. May Hoover.
D. L. Wood and son have rented
the Gregory property on Bridge
White Rose Hardwheat Flour
$1.25 at Selig’s.
Orr for Sheriff
I wish to thank the Republican
party for the nomination so gener­
ously given me.
I do not believe in idle promises,
but if elected I will adhere to my
oath of office so far as is in me, and
stand upon it as my platform.
I respectfully solicit the support of
the voters of Polk county.
Sincerely yours, John W. Orr.
Knew He Wat Daad.
Some time after the occupation
of Manila by the American forces
one of the army officers was shown
through the old Spanish prison in
that city. He noticed a small open­
ing through a brick wall. Upon
asking its use he was told that pris­
oners were placed in a cell behind
it and walled up alive.
"You see, senor,” said the guide,
"as long as the prisoner lived his
food was handed in on a plate, and
he handed the empty plate back,
but when he handed the plate back
with the food on it untouched, then
the jailer knew he was dead and
didn’t give him any more.”
Lang Hacked Ballaa.
Eastern standards of beauty dif­
fer, like the customs, from those of
the west. In Malacca, we are told,
the small waist and velvet eyes do
not count, but instead the length of
the neck ia the criterion of beauty.
The girl of Malacca at a very early
age is fitted with a metal collar,
which compels her to keep her head
erect, and as she grows the collar
is increased in size, and by this
means the neck is gradually elon­
Ba Faithful and Honest With
■•for« Sanding His Money to Distant
Canearna Evary Citiian Should Can-
aidar tha Duty Ha Owia Hia Horn#
Town— Local Marohanta Ready and
Willing ta Compete.
(C opyrighted. 1(1«. by
J Sullivan )
Duty la a power tbat rtaea with ua
In the morning and goea to reat with
ua at night. It ta coaxtenatre with tho
action of our Intelligence. It la the
abadow which cleavea to ua, go where
we will.
Let ua do our duty In our abop or
kitchen, In the market, the street, the
office, the farm, the acbool, the borne.
Just aa faithfully as If we stood In the
front ranks of aomt great tuittla and
knew that victory for mankind de­
pended upon our braTery, strength and
When we do tbat the very humblest
of ua will be serving In tbat great
army which achieves the welfare of
the world.
A Dollar Lost.
It should be the slogan of every
rural consumer never to send away
for goods that be can Just aa well buy
at home. Every time you aend a dot
lar to a mall order houae that dollar,
a* far aa you and your community are
concerned, la practically out of clrcu
Tour own homa merchant la the one
who helps to keep up your schools,
your churches and your town. Ha la
the one who deserves your trade and
not some catalogue bouse In Chicago
or elsewhere.
Goods an Unascured Promises.
When you have nothing to glvs In
exchange, to whom do you go for ac­
commodations until some uncertain
time when you can pay?
Do you not always find your homa
merchant ready and willing to let his
goods go on promises, not guaranteed
notes, but verbal promises, trusting to
your honesty and good luck In meeting
the obligation later!
How many farms have been paid for
by your merchants advancing both the
goods necessary to keep life In the
body and cash to meet that dreaded
Interest on the mortgage?
Under the same conditions would
the farmer trust the merchant for
months and montba with the produce
of bla farm, or would be ask for cash
or Its equivalent upon delivery of the
Not a Robber or Cheat.
We know that the averago consumer
does not feel that hla local merchant la
a robber or a cheat; but, like all hu­
mankind. the catalogues and prices of
mall order houses appeal to him, and
be forwarda bla order and cash with­
out considering the Injustice be la do
log himself, bis merchant and hla
home town.
The catalogue* of the mall order
house are Illumined with pictures to
catch the eye of the unwary. They
range In complexion from a brunette
banana to a blond canary bird They
offer to sell you anything from a phi
loaopber’s atone to a cypress shingle
sawed out of a sunbeam. *
Cash Versus Credit.
Oakdale News Items
Parcels Must Bear Return Card
visited I .eland Murphy and family
last Sunday.
Miss Vivian Ross and brother
came out (rum Pul Ins h< spend
Saturday and Sunday with thtir
Mrs Wright oaniu litre from
Portland to live iu her new home
where her husband haa t een batch-
i ig for some time.
Mr. Moffett and son Hollis have
gone to Gaston to visit Mr. Muffet'e
son, Lambeit, who completed his
high school course.
A party wras given last Saturday
night at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robin­
sons in honor of Miss Fay Henson
who is to make her home ill Dallas.
A delicious lunch was served.
School closed Friday, May 15.
Examinations being over, every­
one felt like having u big time, so
teachers and pupils took their
lunches and went to a creek near
by where they s|H>nt the day in
games and enjoying a bountiful
lunch at noon, when evening came
every one had enjoyed the day, re­
turning home tired out.
of tim sender sliall appear ou every
package tliat la tu b« »ent by par-
cel post, or it will not bo acceplrd
for mailing.
Ira C. Mehrling, P. M.
Street Improvement Notice
To I). Toiler, R. E. Williams, and
all other persons in interest, property
holders and owners of Falls City,folk
county, Oregon,
‘ Lend a Hand’
Citizens who wish to help The
News give the news of the town can
render a good servioe by sendlug or
phoning any information they may
have oi local doings, especially of
matters that are not likely to come
under the personal observation of
the editor.
Services in the Churches of Falls City
C h r is t ia n
Sunday: 10 a m, . Bible School
11 a in. Communion and Preaching
6:30p.ui.,. . Christian Endeavor
7:IH) p.m. Preaching!good ringing)
Wednes. 7:30 p m. Prayer Meeting.
Friday, 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice
You are invited to all these serv­
Lee Sadler, Pastor.
F hke M ethodist
Sunday School . . . 10.00a.m.
sermon . . .11:00a.m .
Young People’s Bible study 6:30p.m
Evening Herman . , 7:80 p.m
Prayer meeting Thuru., 7:30 p.m.
R. E. Nichols, Pastor.
Notice is hereby given, that the
city council of Falls City, Oregon,
M eth o d ist E pisc o pa l —
contemplates the passage of ordin­
ance requiring the improvement of Sunday School, . . 10:00 a.m,
that certain part of Third street de­ Morning Worship . . 11:00a.m.
Epworth League, . . . 6:80 p.m.
scribed as follows, to-wit:
That part of Third street beginning
at the north line of North Main street
and running thence north on Third
street a distance of 100 feet, to the
That said improvement will conaist
in general in the construction of ar­
tificial stone curbs in accordance with
the provisions of Ordinance No. 73 of
Falls City, Oregon, on said part of
Third street in said city, and such
improvement to be made at the time
and in the manner to be hereafter
prescribed by Ordinance.
The coat of such improvement will
be assess'd to the real property front­
ing and abutting on said part of said
That the city council of said city will
sit in the council chamber of said city
on the 26th day of May, 1914, at the
hour of 7:30 o’clock in the evening of
said day, to pass an ordinance requir­
ing the construction of said curbs on
the hereinbefore described part of
Third street and also at said time
and place to hear and determine ob­
jections and remonstrances against
the construction of said curbs, if
any there be, and
That all owners and other persons
in interest may attend at said time
and place and show cause if any they
have, why such proposed curbs should
not be constructed.
Done by order of the City Council
of Falls City, Polk County, Oregon,
made on the 4th day of May, 1914,
Witness my hand and the official
seal of said City of Falls City, Oregon,
this 14th day of May, 1914.
(L. S.)
C. W. LEE,
Auditor and Police Judge
of Falls City, Oregon.
Preaching Service . ,7:30 p.m.
Ladies’ Aid Society, Wed. aftern’n
Choir Practice, Thur. 7:30 p. m.
Prsyer Meeting, Wednes. 8 :00 p.m.
Milton A. Marcy, Pastor.
Preaching services in Toller hall
at 3.80 p.m., third Sunday of each
month, by Rev. Grosso, of Salem.
S ev en th D ay A d v en t
Sabbath school Satuiday 10:00 a.m.
Proaching service “
Prayer meeting Wednes., 7:H0p.m.
There will lie Mass at the Cath­
olic Church, Mary Magdalene,
regularly, hereafter, on the first
and third Sunday of each mouth.
Notice for Publication
Departm ent t f the ItiltH a r
(tortai 0*W)
H. l aiul Office at Portland, Oregon
M ay IB. 191«
NOTICE 1» hereby given that Mlchaal L.
Roberts, who»« post office address is 210 Aidar
Ht , Portland. Oregon did, on the 13th day of
August, 191«. (lie In this office flworn fUatement
and Application. No. 03H93, to purebaaa the
HW 1 « of tha HW l «. flection «. Township i f t l j
South. Range 7 West. W illam ette Meridian,
and the tim ber thereon, under the provisions
of the art of June 3, 1B7B, and acts am enda­
tory, known as the "Tim ber end Atone l*w ."
at such value as might be fixed by appralae
ment, and that, pursuant to such application,
the land and tim ber thereon have been ep
It seems unbelievable, but It Is nev­
ertheless a fact, showing the entire
lack of any sense of Justice, tbst many
people regard their local stores as
merely Institutions of accommodation.
praised, tho tim ber estim ated 260,000 board
When these people have cash to spend
feet at «Or per M, and the land «20; that said
applicant will offer Anal proof In support of
It goea to the faraway mail order
his application and sworn statem ent on the
houses, but when times are dull, when
30th day of July. 191«. before the Register and
they are alck or out of work or during
Receiver, U.8. Land Office, at Portland,Oregon.
the season when farmers are not turn
Post Office Time Card
Any person Is et liberty to protest this pur­
log their produce Into cash, what do
chase before entry, or Initiate a contest at an?
they do? Do they write to the cata­
tim e before patent Issues, by filing a corrobor­
Office hours: Daily, except Sun­ ated
logue house and aak for credit?
affidavit In this office, alleging (acts
If they did do you think they would day, 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.
which would defeat the entry.
II. L . I1IGBY, Register.
get It? Not on your life! Those con­
Mail arrives, from
cern! must have cash, must have It In
advance, must have It before you can Sulem-Dallas, 8.60 a.m., 3:85 p.m.
even see the goods yon buy. The con­
Notice of Appointment
sumer sends his money and then alts Black Rock, 2 00 p.m.
Mail closes, for
down and watts until the mall order
Notice Is hereby glren that the undersIgnaAk
bouse gets good and ready to Oil hla Salem, 9.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. Henry C. Brown, be» been duly appointed ei Adv
m lnlitralor ol the estate ol Thome» D. Brown,
But when home people want credit Dallas, 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. deceased, by Ihe County Court ol Polk county.
Oregon, end be he» duly qualified >ucb Ad
or favors of any kind they bustle off Black Rock, 11.00 a.m.
to tbelr home merchant, very obliging­ Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30 m Therefore,
all persons haring claim s against
ly order what they wxmt and tell him
raid estate ere hereby notlSed end required to
to 10:80 a.m:
to charge It expecting him to wait at
preaent the aame duly verified to the under­
least from ono to atx months for hla Mail arrives from Salem H,50a.m. signed,
Henry C. Brown, et hie residence et
W illamina, Oregon, w ithin six m onths from the
Mail closes lor Salem 9:00 a.m. Brst publication of ihfa notice In the Fella City
Dealing With Neighbors.
News, said ru le being the llth d a y ol H ires 1(1«.
In buying from your home merchants Effective May 20, 1914.
Dated this 7th day of March, A D. ISM.
you deal with neighbors. Buy with
C. Blown.
good* before you. Pay when you get
I ra C. M k iik l in o , Postmaster. McCain, Vinton A Burden, H iaar A dm
the goods If you so elect Have good«
Falls City, Polk Co., Or. Attorneys for said estate.
of eald estate.
delivered free. Return goods If not
satisfactory Build up your home
Help build up your o^»n home town
R. E .W i l l i a m s , M. L. T h o m p s o n , W. F. N i c h o l s , A . J. V i c k ,
snd mske of yourself a. man worthy of
Cashier Assistant Cashier
your day and time. Every man should
take pride In being a. good American
dtlsen. and we believe moat men do
and tbat moat men aye, or at least da
sire to be, but what kind of cltlxen Is
F alls C ity , P olk C ounty . O rkoon
the man who supports an octopua?
Should ha not be placed In a class
Does a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Time
with the man that knocks hla own
business? Tbart sort of man la Invar!
Exchange Bold on all points in the United States.
ably neither a, good neighbor nor a
Public officially connected with the Bank.
good cltlxen.
Bank of Falls City