Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 23, 1914, Image 1

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    T h * N e w s stands for
a greater and better
Falla City all the time
Have You Planned Your Outing?
A Few Timely Suggestions
Summer Excursions East
Rose Festival
R ey S amiel WP urvis D.D.
Beach Resorts
Springs and Mountain Resorts
You doubtless want to go somewhere, to get away
for a while from the Bteady grind. Let us help you.
Excursions Easti From June 1 to Sept. 30 low round trm
tickets will be sold from all points on the P.. E. & h.
and S. P. one wuy through California or via Portland.
Newport,Yaqulna Bay: For rest, pleasure or recreation and
outdoor life try this old seaside outing place. The best
o f every thing, camps, cottages, hotels, at moderate cost
Tillamook County Beaches: A new playground, only a short
run from Portland. Mountain, forest, fishing streams
or beach in endless variety and infinite charm.
Rose Festival: From June 9 to 12 Portland will don holiday
attire, supplying entertainment unique,historical and in­
teresting; fun on land and water you cannotafford tomiss
Springs and Mountain Resorts: Hot springs, mineral springs
and mountain resorts for fishing,hunting.or‘ far from
the maddening crowds’ are to be found in abundance
along the Southern Pacific.
Our New Outing Booklets: ‘Vacation Days,’ ’N ew port’ and
‘Tillamook County Beaches’ are just off the
press, full o f timely suggestions as to where
and how you can best spend your vacation.
They are free for the asking. Drop us a pos­
tal card or call on our nearest Agent.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agt.
Portland, Oregon.
TE. M il him now the old limn Bm
Huron fM b ly In hia breast!
Forget the pont. tha proud dM lro
T o do hla lovol boat
Hn’a w illing pot. but alnaws rail
Whan yrara a numbar flack.
H a'll bring a pittance at tha aala
Aye. annd him to tha block!
T p O R U E T tha dap pou drove him home
Laat memory looae a tongue—
Tha burnt o f apaad. tha flying foam,
Tha burnt o f atrangth unwrung.
N o ratroapaction. If you p tM M
Pu n all that'a gone before.
Tha wine la drunk
W ho wanta tha laaaT
O e apurn him from paur door!
t l ^ H A T m atter though hla faith fu l heart
Shall mourn tha homelp atallT
W hp fea r hla ahrlnklng altlnn map aroart
BenM th tha laah'a f e l l ’
Full tip tha raota and chance tha blow.
W a iv e aentlmant. I nap.
H a'a but a chattel. L e t him go
F o r what tha crowd w ill pap.
I l l haa ne words wherewith to plaad.
^ *
Did ha tha purpose rale.
N o r knows tha msnace o f tha atsad
That paws without tha gats
H all. than, tha poung with Ilfs awing.
L et uaalraa aga make room
Tha king Is dsad 1-nng llva tha king!
Ape. sand him to h lejlo o m l
Q O manp times the haart oan break.
So manp ways.
Tat beat along and bast along
Bo manp daps;
A F L U T T E R IN G thing ws navar aaa
And onlp hnar
Whan aoms stsrn doctor to our aids
P rasa as hla M r ;
| ^ T R A N O E hlddan thing that
b M ta
W a know not whp.
And makes ua llv a though wa. Indeed.
Would rather die
Id T S T E R IO U S . fighting loving thing,
So sad. eo tru e
I would my laughing eyee some dap
M ight look nn you
\ ^
P P H T country, friend, la where II aulla
*■ thea beat.
W here Ufa's a fa iry day. a aprlngtlda
T h y kin, whan tampaala threw! and hard­
ships throng.
A re those that make their hearta a ahal-
t'rln g neat
T ext, "G o to tha ant. consider her ways
and be w ise"— Prov vl, 6-1
Moat of us consider our own wgye
a* gufflclent. Wa are tbe acme o f w it
doni. To go ,'u any cubbumau creature
to learn to Ira wise would seem a
strange reversal
Yet the Rible dl
recta ua there
Those who go learn
much. Nature la a great teacher Tbe
aptder la a great weaver and bridge
builder. Tbe ating o f a bee la tbe only
perfect point. The squirrel carrlee a
clilac! In bla mouth. Tbe woodpecker
haa a powerful triphammer.
framework o f a ship must be modeled
on tbe akeleton o f a herring
A life ­
boat mutt be conatructed like tbe egg
of a gnat. Tbe Iron maat o f a ship
muat be built like a porruplne'a quill
To ronatruct a diving bell we muat
flrst consult the water aplder. Tbe
ant ha« a brain proportionally larger
than a man. It la the most Intelligent
of the subhuman of our fellow crea­
tures. The elephant comes neat, the
■plder neat, tbe dog neat. The ant
haa. neat to man, the most perfect
nenroua system The more nearly per­
fect the nervous system the more In­
telligent the creature. Tbe ant la the
most tireless worker In tbe world. It
doesn't seem to sleep. I f It does It Is
with one eye open.
A Marvelous Creature.
I f It hasn't reason It has something
akin to It. It la a civil engineer. It
will build a bridge o f straws over fly
paper to get at a ham bone. It wtll
construct a highway over sticky tar to
get at a saucer o f molasses
It has
some klud o f language A little pall o f
sugar was suspended by a heavy twine
from a door frame. The ants went up
tbe door poet, down tbe string and back
again with tbelr grains o f sugar. Then
they consulted their efficiency expert.
It was found that now some ants re­
mained In tbe pall of sugar, carried tbe
grains to the edge, dropped them down;
tbe workers underneath on the ground
carried them off Was It reason? They
will build a suspension bridge o f tbelr
own bodies. They will remember each
other after an absence o f two years.
They will know each other from stran­
gers In an ant city o f over 500,000. a
population like Cleveland. Baltimore or
Pittsburgh. Their division o f labor la
admirable In a city o f half a million
each one seems to have hia own work.
Rome are nuraea for the young. Some
are digging or mining the earth. Some
are building up pillara or plastering
rooms. Some are gathering food, some
storing It. Some are police and sen
tries. Rome are soldiers. They keep
cows and milk them. Some are agri­
culturists They plant rice and harvest
It. They punish tbe lazy, execute
wrongdoers, bury tbe deed I regret to
tell some are slaveholders Home are
wortbleea parasites and ‘‘society’’ folks,
‘ privileged classes." a few are tramps,
hanging about tbe outskirts of clttea.
picking up what they can- poor, worth­
less vagabonds, ‘‘undesirable cltixens ’’
•‘Ceneidsr Her Ways."
Consider the ant’a providence, fore­
thought. anticipation o f necessities
The farmers are not more busy In July
end Auguat reaping tbelr harvest than
are the ants In gathering and storing
away. In every human neighborhood
are prosperous folks, earning good
money, who live up to every dollar,
raising tbelr families In luxurious Idle
ness, and at death eipect some kind
friends to provide tbelr daughters with
genteel employment
Borne men have
large personal expenses, club due«,
high priced cigars, rullman travel al
ways, while they aak their wives to
economize on domestic help and buy
At tbe cut rate »tores
Home wlvea
and daughters run up big bills In de­
partment »tores, hire a caterer for
every simple luncheon and In summer
loll on hotel piazza, while their bus
bauds grovel In low flnance and plan
to keep out o f embezzlers' cells. Borne
day there la a ghastly revelation. In
almost every life comes a winter of
misfortune. What ship haa never been
caught In a storm? Examine tbe pan­
tries o f an ant bill In April; you will
And last summer’s supply not yet ex­
hausted. Go again In July and you
will And them being replenished. Plan
now for your orphan children
provision also for your soul's eternal
“ Labor Omnia Vineit.”
"Labor conquers all” Is a frequent
class motto. Good! Go to the ant
and consider Its ludefatlgablenesa. I f
your foot accidentally kicks away the
timbers o f an ant city they go to work
Instantly to recover the disaster San
Francisco could not do better. Their
fright give# way to Industry. They do
not seem to alt around moping at an
unkind fate. I f our human scheme of
usefulness and our plan o f work fail,
why should w e become atheists or con­
template suicide? Let's trust God. do
our duty. The best days are yet to
come Persistent labor la tbe lesson of
the ant hill. Don't decline work be­
cause It Is Insignificant
speck# o f ant food would hardly make
the scales quiver
But “ every mickle
makes a tnuckle" to the ant. W e have
a habit of feeling hurt at a small mis
slon, but anything that God puts be­
fore us ts Importaut. The tiny needle
of the compass may be more lmpor-
ant than tbe inlgbty anchor on our
tfe's voyage.
There ts no lack of
generals and colonels In our church
What w e ueed is an army of
private soldiers to do ordinary work.
In ordinary ways. In ordinary places,
tasks seemingly ns unlnportant as the
ant rolling a crumb o f bread Into It.«
Yon Can Depend
On Yonr Neighbors
By H O LLA N D .
O whom do yon appeal for
help In time of trouble
or sickness? On whom would
you depend If dread misfor­
tune laid Its heavy hand on
you? Your neighbors? Ex­
Man is a gregarious animal,
and he naturally cares for
relatives, friends and ac­
strangers. Social affairs de­
pend entirely on acquaint­
anceship, and business affairs
are controlled to large extent
by the same element
would be better If business
and friendship were still more
closely linked.
I f you would depend on
your neighbors In time of ad­
versity why not depend on
them In prosperity? Isn't the
man whose hand you would
like to grasp tbe man to
whom you oaght to hand the
dollar that you have to
spend? Why send It away to
a mall order house which
would be Interested In a
death In your family merely
because It offered a possible
chance to sell you a tomb­
stone or a crape band for
your hat?
You know your neighbors
are reliable, that they can
be depended on, that they
would come to your aid with
sympathy or material help
■hould the occasion arise.
Then why not show that yon
appreciate their good quali­
ties by doing business with
them regularly and aa a mat­
ter o f habit? They know you
and are Intereeted In you.
The mall order man la mere­
ly Interested In getting your
money, and that In advance.
Try a Sack of
and watch results
All Goods and Prices Are Right
Falls City Lumber Co.
Net a Battle.
“ A little more grape,” ordered the
“ Sorry, general," responded the or
derly, "but the wine la all gone."—
Kansas City Journal
Buy all goods of home
merchants and help to
make Falls City greater
No. 38
May 24 In American History.
1774 HP-hard llcnry Lee offered a res­
olution In the Virginia bouse o f
burgesses for a general rongrraj of
tbe colonies to resent Britiub a g ­
1810—The Savannah, pioneer steamship
across tbe Atlantic, sailed from 8a
vannab for Liverpool. Length of
trip, twenty four day»
1013 - By tbe collapse o f a pier at Long
Beach, Cal., thirty-four persons lost
tbelr Uvea.
A S T R O N O M IC A L E V E N T S .
Evening stars: Mercury. Mara, Ve­
nue. Raturn
Morning star Jupiter
The bright star due southwest from
zenith and midway to the horizon, ts
Kegulus, the handle o f the Bickle form­
ed by Leo.
May 25 In American History.
1787—George Waehlngton unanimous­
ly chosen president of the first con­
stitutional convention at Philadel­
1864— General Sherman'» forcea re­
pulsed a heavy Confederate attack
at Dallas, Ga.
1912—The historic Eutaw House In
Baltimore destroyed by fire.
A S T R O N O M IC A L E V E N T S .
Evening atara: Mercury, Mars. Ve­
nus. Saturn.
Morning star: Jupiter.
The black gap now appearing In tbe
Milky way below tbe croea formed by
the atara o f Cygnus, Is termed the
Northern Coalaack.
May 26 In American History.
1785 — General Washington declared
himself In favor of tbe emancipa­
tion of negro slaves.
1864—General It E. Lee's position on
the south bank of North Anna riv­
er proved to be Impregnable, and
General Grant's forces retreated
from hia front to the north bank.
1913— General James Heaton Baker,
civil w ar aoldler, editor and his­
torian, died at Mankato, Minn.;
born 1829.
A 8 T R O N O M IC A L E V E N T 8 .
Evening star»: Mercury. Mars, Ve­
nus, Saturn.
Morning star: Jupiter.
Planet Venus In constellation Gemlnt.
3 degrees south o f the moon, bright
stars Castor and Pollux, northeast, and
Procyon, to the southeast; planet at
least distance from sun at 4 p. m.
May 27 In American History.
1774 — Colonel George Washington,
with other burgesses o f Virginia,
formed an association to resent the
closing o f the port o f Boston by
1864—The advance guard o f Grant’s
tw elve to seventeen miles from
Richmond. Lee had an Intrenched
line on tbe north side o f tbe Chlck-
abomtny river, fifteen miles In ex­
A S T R O N O M IC A L E V E N T 8 .
Evening stars: Mercury. Mars. Ve­
nus. Saturn.
Morning star: Jupiter.
The seven grouped stars overhead
forming tbe Big Dipper have also been
called Charles' Wain and the Butcher’s
May 28 In American History.
1782—General Washington announced
to the army the birth o f a French
prince and ordered a celebration In
honor o f the event.
1843—Noah Webster, the philologist
and lexicographer, died; born 1758.
1864—Grant's forces crossed the head­
waters o f Pamunkey river, north­
west o f Richmond.
1912—President T a ft Informed the Cu­
ban government that the United
States would not Intervene In the
negro insurrection.
of Gw Uittleshlp Maine, In H a v a n a
harbor. Cuba, In 1808, was unveil­
ed in New York.
A S T R O N O M IC A L E V E N T S .
Evening stars: Vent.a. Mercury, Bag-
urn. Mars.
Morning star; Jupiter.
Planet Mars. In t-inJnnctJon with tha
moon, «een In tbe evening 42 mlautsa
south o f that planet; occultatloa of
M u scu lar F s a t T h a t M ads W illia m
W h its le y Fam ous.
In the early days of the exploita­
tion of various reaping machines s
field demonstration, usually com­
petitive, i u
a necessary occur­
rence. H. N. Caaaon in “ The Ro­
mance of the Reaper” tells the fo l­
lowing atory of William N. White-
ley, “ the Charlemagne of the har-
veet field:”
He was as tall as a sapling and
aa strong as a tree. As a professor
in the great school of agriculture he
has never been surpassed. He could
outtalk, outwork and generally out­
wit the men who were sent against
him. He was a whole exhibition in
“ I ’ve seen Bill Whiteley racing
his horsea through the grain and
leaning over with hia long arms to
ick the mice’s neats from just in
ront of the knife,” said an old
Ohio settler.
The feat that first made Whiteley
famous was performed at James­
town, 0., in 1867. Hia competitor
was doing as good work as he was,
whereupon he sprang from his seat,
unhitched one horse and finished
his couree with a single surprised
steed pulling the heavy machine.
His competitor followed suit and
succeeded fully as well.
This enraged Whiteley, who at
that time was as powerful as a
young Hercules.
“ I can pull that reaper myself!”
he shouted, turning his second hone
looee and yoking hia big ahoulden
into the harness.
Such a thing had never been done
before and has never been done
since, but it is tru&rihat in the pas­
sion of the moment Whiteley was
filled with auch strength that he
ran the reaper from one aide of th*
field to the other, cutting a full
swath, a deed that, had he done it
in ancient Greece, would hare plac­
ed him among the immortals.
That ten minutes in a horse col­
lar made $2,000,000 for Whiteley.
His antagonist, Benjamin H. Ward­
er, was filled with admiration for
Whiteley’s prowess and at once pro­
posed that they should quit fighting
and work in harmony.
“ Give me the right to make your
reaper and I ’ll pay you $5 apiece
for all I can sell, said Warder.
“ I t ’s a bargain,” responded White-
ley. And so there aroee the first
consolidation in the harvester busi­
Honorable gears.
A late justice of the aupreme
court was with great difficulty per­
suaded by his family to ait fo r his
photograph. When the proof* were
submitted the photographer’« as­
sistant said, “ You aee, Mr. Justice,
we remove all these lines from the
“ Remove all those lines!” stormed
the irate old gentleman. "Remove
all my wrinkle*! Young man, it
has taken me more than seventy
years to acquire those line«. If you
A S T R O N O M IC A L E V E N T S .
Evening stars: Mercury, Mars. Ve­ remove one you may keep every
nus. Saturn.
Morning star: Jupiter. picture.” — New York Port.
Tbe Pole star in constellation Ursa
Minor (Little Bear! marks the exact
direction o f north
Identifying Himself.
One of the guests at a wedding,
seeing a dismal looking young man
who appeared to be on terms of
May 29 In American History.
with the principal«,
1736—Patrick Henry, orator of the familiarity
Revolution, born; died 1799.
1789—President Washington gave hla
“ Are you related to the bride or
first state dinner at the executive to the bridegroom elect ?”
mansion, 10 Cherry street, New
“N o,” was the gloomy reply.
“ Then,” said the gueat, “ what in­
1911—The United States supreme court
have you in the ceremony ?"
ordered the American Tobacco com­
“ Well,” replied the young man,
pany to dissolve unless reorgan­
ized; penalty for violating the Sher­ “ I ’m the defeated candidate.” —
Ladies’ Home Journal.
man anti trust act.
A 8 T R O N O M IC A L E V E N T S .
Evening stars: Mercury. Mars, V e­
nus, Saturn.
Morning star: Jupiter.
Bluish white star, north o f east, high
up about 9:30 p. m.. Is Vega, an Im­
mense sun.
May 30 In American History.
1794—John Quincy Adams was ap­
pointed United States minister to
Holland, at the age of twenty eight.
1814—British force destroyed at Sandy
Creek, Lake Ontario; 70 killed: 90
captured by American troops.
1864— General Lee's troops attacked
the left flank of Grant's forces at
Bethesda Church, nine miles from
Richmond, and were repulsed.
1913— National monument to commem­
orate the martyrdom o f the crew
No Swlirmur.
Edna —Did aha sink In tbe social «ea?
W inifred—Tes; abe went beyond her
Explaining the Seemingly Impossible.
▲ nice little fellow, who la by way of
being an amateur Inventor, etopped to
epeak to ua on the way downtown,
and he was looking to happy that ws
let him say his say.
“ My w ife always agree« with ms
in everything)” he announced.
"Gael H ow do you manage that?"
we asked, really Intereeted fo r once.
‘‘I first find out her opinion on thi
It’e easy when yon know bow.—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.