T hk F a u a JC it y N k w «, M a y 1«. 1914 4 Í^ K lT G r iE N ÄßUPBOARD USES FOR C O L D C H IC K E N . SUPPER MENU C rea m C hick en P a ttie s R o lls C anned P e s o has Sponde Cake. Tea O LD chicken can be converted Into mnn.v delicious dishes for luncheon or supper. Some hints are as fo l­ lows: Cream Chicken P atties—Cut cold chicken Into pieces and mix It with a cream sauce. Make biscuits, adding twice the usual amount o f butter Cut with a doughnut cutter, bake the rings and the centers. Serve the creamed chicken over the rings, with the cen ters on top. Garnish with sprigs of parsley. C With Plenty of Seasoning. Hlanquette o f Chicken —Cut the meat of a cooked chicken in small pieces and put In a double boiler with one cupful o f drawn butter sauce to every pint of meat. When hot add rsie tablespoonful o f chopped parsley. twv> tablespooufuls o f cream and the beaten yolks of two eggs Let It stand where it will be very hot for three minutes, but do not let it cook. Serve in a border of boiled rice or with rice croquettes. Combined With Potatoes. Chicken Savory -C u t Into dice two medium sized raw potatoes. Put into frying pan two tablespooufuls olive oil and when hot add the potato dice. Stir to keep from burning and cook five minutes. Then add a dash of paprika, a cupful o f boiling water, a crushed clove o f garlic, a cupful o f cold cooked chicken and salt to taste. Cover and cook until the potatoes are done, stir­ ring frequently. This makes a nice luncheon dish. Served With Sauce. Chicken a la Mode.—Take one cupful o f cold cooked chicken cut in strips, three cold boiled potatoes cut in one- third inch slices, one truffle cut In strips, three tablespoonfuls of butter, three tablespoonfuls of flour, one and one-balf cupful o f scalded milk. salt, pepper. Make a sauce of butter, flour and milk. Add the chicken, potatoes and truffle and as soon as heated add seasoning. A Delicious Dish. Shirred Chicken W ith Oysters.—Take one-quarter cupful butter, one-quarter cupful flour, one-half teaspoonful salt, one-eighth teaspoonful pepper, two cup­ fuls cream, two cupfuls cold cooked chicken cut in dices, one pint oysters, cleaned and drained, one-third cupful finely chopi>ed celery. Make a sauce o f first five ingredients, cooking until thick. Add diced chicken and oysters. Cook until oysters are plump. Dish and sprinkle with chopped celery. Serve at once. This may be served on toast If you prefer. OÚ INSECTOLOGY. F w o rk th e bee is not afraid. A n d hard tim es c a n 't ex p el IL F o r w hen it g e ts its h on ey m ade I t kn ow s lu st w h ere t o cell It. —C in cin n a ti In q u irer. T h e n ta k e th e ca s e o f M r. F ly . P u rsu ed w ith noise and c la tte r W h e n he o b serv es o n e 's hand on high H e k n o w s lu st s w a t's th e m atter —D e n v e r R epu blican . C on sid er, too. the lit tle g n a t H e 's fo rtu n a te In th a t he. W h a t e 'e r th e sty le s a re —thin or f a t — C an m a n a g e to look g n a tty . —C h ic a g o In te r Ocean. A n d then n e kn ow th e re is th e an t. W h o w o rk s to b eat th e band A n d r e a lly does a p ile o f w ork B ec a u se It ’ s g o t th e sand —Y o n k e r s S tatesm an T h e L a d y E x p la in e d . A young woman with fifteen bundle* boarder! the street car the other after­ noon when 1 was on my way to my suburban residence. She was return­ ing from a shopping tour. 1 helped her upon the car and piled her bundles about her. A man got on at the same time and took a seat on the other side o f the lady. When the car came to my street I was surprised to see her rise and begin to pick op her bundles. Instantly my sense o f chivalry prompt­ ed me to help her off the car, and. as I was going In the same direction, I asked permission to carry her bun­ dles. The man got off also and started on ahead. I was loaded down like a camel crossing the desert. We trudg­ ed along about a half mile. The mao turned I d at a gate. When we reached the gate the young woman thanked me and said: * ‘T h is Is as far as l go. I Uve here. Thank you very much.” “ But the man ahead o f us. the man who came out on the car with us, turn­ ed In here too " “ Yes,” she said. “ He is my bus- hand. but he bates to carry packages through the street " —Brooklyn Eagle. Poor R a c o m m o n d a tio n . STREET IMPROVEMENT NOTICE To Eleanor K. Butler. George M. Tice, Jonah Lowe, A. N. Robinson, Jel dena Oourter and A. K. Courter, Julia I. Courter; A. E. Kimball. To Esther Montgomery and the H. S. Montgomery estate; II. C. Brown, J S. Courter, Salem, Kails City & Western Railway Company, E. L. Ron Durant. Mae Nichols and W. E. Nich­ ols. Matilda Travis, M. C Huh'oard, Esther Montgomery and H. S. Mont­ gom ery estate, Fred Chapin. Jennie Snodgrass, Matilda Travis, E. For- shey. Rolla Waterhouse, Alice Courter; To Mrs. B. M. Adams, B. A. Lorn bard estate, Salem, Falls City & W est­ ern Railway Company, S. H. Tetherow, J. C. Frink, A. E. LaDow, Joseph Wankey estate, Salem, Falls City & Western Railway Company, Clarence Aikman estate, Mrs. A. G. Stewart, Jack Wagner, To C. M. Munson. Sarah Lineback, Rida Lineback, Otto Knecbone, R. Bur­ ton. Eleanor F. Butler, 1» C. Tyler. H. Hanson. G. Lindsey. To J. Trueax, Falls City Lumber berlain. J. T. Chamberlain estate, A. Company, John Hughes, J. O. Cham- Walker, Alex Courter. M. G. Ellis, Chas. Olts, W illiam Ellis, C. L. Hop­ kins, Chas. Trimble, Philip Gottfried, Richard Roe unknown owner o f tract o f land fronting on Bridge street; To T. D. Hollowell, D. Tollar, R. E. W illiam s, N. A. Lunde, Clara Emmett, W. B. McKnown, F. Droege, J. B. Taw- ney, A. F. Courter, Jeldena Courter, W. H. Estey; To W. B. McKown, C. S. O'Brien, Joseph Hudson, John Doe unknown owner of tract of land fronting on South Mam street, Jennie M. Cobb, Chas. Richey, R.R. Bettis estate, G. L. Mc- Murphy, W. H. Matthews, C. J. Brad­ ley, B. F. Boughey, O. H. Hudson, E. G. Strani, Bert Dennis, J. M. D en ­ nis estate, Alex Courter. D. Shepherd, To A lex Courter and D. Shepherd. T. B. Hooker, J. M. Dennis estate, John Walker, C. H. Conklin, O. H. Hudson, Salem,Falls City & Western Railway Company, W. H. Matthews, E. G. White, Ada Chapin, and all other persons in interest, property hoi ders and owners o f Falls City, Polk County, Oregon, whose property is fronting or abutting upon the streets hereinafter described. Notice is hereby given, that the City Council o f Falls City, Oregon, contemplates the passage o f an O rdi­ nance requiring the improvement o f the follow ing describee! streets, to- wit; A ll that part o f Fifth street be­ ginning at the intersection o f said F ifth street with Mitchell street and running thence north to the intersec­ tion o f said Fifth street with Pros­ pect avenue; A ll o f Third street; A ll o f Montgomery street; A ll o f Butler street; A ll that part o f Clark street begin­ ning at the south line o f the city lim­ its o f Falls City and running thence north to the intersection o f said Clark street with Butler street; A ll o f Lombard street; A ll that part o f Bridge street be­ ginning at the south side o f the Salem. Falls City & Western Railw ay Com­ pany’s track and running thence south to the intersection o f said Bridge street, with Chamberlain street, A ll that part o f South Main street beginning at the intersection o f said South Main street with Dayton street and running thence east to the inter­ section o f said South Main street and Sheldon avenue; A ll that part o f Sheldon avenue be­ ginning at the intresection o f said Sheldon avenue and South Main street and running thence south to the south line of the right o f way o f the Salem, Falls C ity& W estern Railroad; A ll the above described streets and part3 o f streets being located and situ­ ate in the city o f Falls City, Polk County, Oregon. That said improvement will consist in general in tne building o f macad- dam streets on a grade heretofore es­ tablished by Ordinance, such im prove­ ment to be made at the time and in the manner to be hereafter prescrib­ ed by Ordinance. The cost o f such improvement will be assessed to the real property fro n t­ ing and abutting on said streets, That the city council o f said city- will sit in the council chamber o f said city sn the 19th day of May, 1914, at the hour o f 7:30 o’clock in the evening o f said day, and at said time and place to hear and determine objections and remonstrances thereto, i f any there be, and That all owners and other per­ sons in interest may attend at said time and place and show cause if any they have, why such improvement should not be made. Done by order o f the City Council o f Falls City, Polk County, Oregon, made on the 4 th day o f May, 1914, Witness my hand and the official seal o f said C ity o f Falls City, Oregon, this 8th day o f May, 1914. (L . S.) C. W. LEE, Auditor and Police Judge o f Falis City, Oregon. Notice of Appointment 1 IAita 1,*, 3, 4. 13, I I , block p rc fc fio tc n a l u's drug slot. Mu I u a I plume m i I'hono Night Call 441 Pine I'll YSli'l AN $ I.ots 13. I t, 15, 18, block O, at a bargain; $100 cash, bal, on terms at 8 F. M. HELLWARTH PH YSICIAN AND SURGEON * Two lots, 0-r. house; fruit, ber­ ries, city water,electric light;cl.ise in, bargaiu. Falls i'll Oregon further and more particular information, address The Newa. J A S . G. H C L T Z E L , A ttern a g at Law S filem . O rtflo n The city den van it« name from the tail* ol the Little Luckia- mute River, which Mow« through the city from the West. DENTIST The first sale of town lots occurred in 1889, though donation laud-claim settlers came here many years before that date. In 1900 the population was 289; in 1910, 989; 1914, about 1,250. Dr. A.G. Atwood D E N T IS T P h a n * 1031 It' For sale, 7 lots (all of block A ) in Montgomery's addition to Falls City ; good garden ground, fenced ; city water; price $ 1100 if bought within the next 30 days. T h e Location F a l l a C i ty , O r. VT’ NEKAL DIRECTOR R. L CHAPMAN ll For sale, tine home in city, with 25 acres, 10 cultivated, Funeral Dlrectot W a t l i s s i la all wark promptly. l- For sale, lots 7, 8, 14, 28 block K, and lots 11 and 12 block F. W ill trade for Portland property, Dalla* aad FalU City. O r tl For sale, lot 2 block M, M. ad. » U 0tnc00 darte For sale, 80 a. 14 mi. north of city 20 a. improved; 25 a. good timber; plenty of pasture and water. jFallôCitçlfootcl S a m p la R i a m i Bast A o ea m m s d a tla n s W ater and Wood ______________HOTEL 15 To rent, 12-r house. 1* Two acres, cultivated, fruit, ber­ ries; O r. house, sheds; water, elec­ tric light; will divide. 800 sheets of paper, 4” x6” , 5c; or 6” x8,” 10c, at Tne News office. at Fulls City is situated in the south central part o f Polk County. Oregon, in section 21, township 8, S,, range 6.W.. Willamette mer­ idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, and 73 rail m ile« south­ west of Portland, in the narrow western end o f the L ittle Lucki- amute Hiver valley, surrounded on the north, aouth, and west by the foothills of the Coast Hang" mountain* Flnvation, 888.38 ft above sea levtl. Transportation— Salem, Falla C ity A Western Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail distance of 30 miles, with F. P. main line connection* at Dallas, Gerlinger, and Salem, and with the OreRon Fleelrie at Salem. Fulls C ity is incorporated as a city, and contains 758 33 acres, valuation for taxation $288.887. The city administration i* com­ posed o f mayor, seven council men, auditor and police judge, m ar­ shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer. Salaries: Marshal and water superintendent, $80; auditor. $25; attorney, $25. 14 F . D r o o g a , P r a p r la t a r I 7 Three acres, adjoining city. BARRER SHOPS Five acres, in city. 19 Six lots, no improvements; cheap Bohle s Barber Shops Lot 5 and 20 ft. of lot 4 blk D, 70 feet front, on North Main street, is for sale at a bargain; lest building lot in towu. See F. K. Hubbard, The city <>f Falls City owns the gravity water system, ft* first cost was $80,000. Pure mountain water ia piped from spring* on Judge Ten l’s ranch, 8 miles away, at an elevation ol about 300 feet above city level. Oak and fir tire wood i* plentiful and cheap. F a l l a C i ty , O r a g a n Whert you eia p i « Sktvr. Hair Cal, Soin tr 'Sklat' F. K. Hubbard Realty Company In T h a N e w s o f f i c e , F a l l s Clly BL'ILD IN O CONTRACTOR S aul O uderklrk Notice to Electric Light Users Confectionery The N am e Practice hi all the Slate courts. Huile li Hush Rreymau HMg . phone JW& 9 For sale, one acre, cultivated, truil. berries; ti-r. house insured for $1100; elec, light, city water, cesspool; pi ice $1050; all cash, or $700 cash, terms on balance. Stop a t E llis ’ Manufacturers and Hoim*n«i'kur* who want to know the facta con­ cerning Falla City and its poaaibiliti'B for future development are requested to rend the information given in them’ two columns. For ATTORNEY * For sale — 5* acres, partially im­ proved; house, timber; spring and living stream; near western city limits; price, $1000, half cash. A ll persons owing the Falls City Electric Light Co. for service prior to April 1. 1914, will please pay the amount to C. W . Lee at The News office. W. E. N e w s o m . Co-Operative Cannery Co-Operative Creamery Wood-working Factories Fruit and Berry Orchards Office in Toller Bldg., Office atol ají ,j.,0 lie»Iilclice 1 llOIH' 7 For sale. One acre, adjoining city limits, with 5-room bouse. A bar­ gain at $425, term*. House to rent. 1 * FALLS C IT Y . OREGON OiTtTB except ioimlly fine opportunities fo r the establishment j ! Bu ilding C e n tra e ta r. Rapairs Mads. Phone 194 Falla City, Ore. I'O X T It A CTO RS A N D B U I L U KR3 Lum ber, Fruit, Vegetables and Berries Electric-power planing and saw m ill, log pond, dry kiln and lumber yard in the city, lumber flume, logging roads and logging outfits, all owned and operated by the Falls C ity Lumber Co. Tbe surrounding bench and hill lauds are as well adapted to the production of fruits and lierries as any other section of the Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines ia going on. Vegetables and berries of many kiuds grow to perfection in atul adjoining Falls C ity, and many acres are plauted to straw­ berries and loganberries. Market conditions are improving stead­ ily, as production is increased. Elle & Elle Schools, Churches, Societies, Clubs Contractors and Builders See us before you build. W e may save you money. Phone 1411 Falls City has n 12-grade school with a four-year high school course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teacbeis. Itl diplomas are accepted by the higher schools in lieu of examina- ations. The entire community is justly proud of the sohoul, MONUM ENTS T he Religious organizations are: Adventist,Catholic, Christian, Free Methodist, Methodist Fpiscopnl, German Lutheran. G . L. H A W K IN S M A R B LE A N D G R A N IT E M ONUM ENTS D a lla s , Oragan The Fraternal societies; Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Rebekaha, Masons, K n igh tsof Pythias, Pythian Sisters, Modern Woodmen of America, Royal Neighbors o f America, Woodmen of the W orld, Women of Woodcraft. Free reading room. and get a dish o f the famous M T. HO O D ICE CREAM Telephone system, with loug-distance connections. C. J. Pugh local manager. H arrington’s Business Enterprises FOR Falls C 'ty is well provided with the usual business enterprises. The News contains the announcements of the following business and professional men of the c it y : Independence Ice Cream Salem Laundry Agency Buudles sent Tuesday evenings. OVER 68 YEA R S’ E X PE R IE N C E P atents TR A D E M A R K * D emons C o r y r ig h t s A c . A nyon#» «ending a «kelrh and description tnaf qtilcklr Moerfuln our opinion free whether an Indention 1« probably patentable, ( ommunlca- tlona strict!jr confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent* sent free. Oldest agency for securfrgpatents. Patent« taken through Munn St Co. receive tptruti notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.«rarest clr- dilation o f any scientific tournai. Terms, _______ |3 !__ a year ; four months, moni * f L ' Bold by all newsdealers. « L I S 0 88' New York ce, ¿26 F Bi.« Was! log ngtoo, ton, D. C. X Gom theatre, photoplay. Hydro-electric light generated by the power of the falls; owned by the Falls City Electric Co , W. B. Stovena president, H. C. Brown vice-president and manager, A. W. .Stevens secretary and treasurer. H A R R IN G T O N ’S N otice Is hereby (Iv e n , that the unrlerBlRiie'l. H en ry C . Brown, ba> been du ly appointed a « Ad m ln litra to r o f tbe estate of A m y J Brown, de ceased, by the County Court o l fo lk county, O regon, and he has duly quail Bed as such A d ­ m inistrator. th erefore, a ll persons h a vin g claim s against said estate are hereby not!(led and required to present tbe hame du ly ven ded to the under signed, H en ry C. Brown, at hie residence at W lllam ina. Oregon w ithin six months from the drst publication ol this notice in the Falla C ity News, said date being the 11th day o f March 1914. bated this 7th day o ( March, A .b 1914 H e n r y C. B ro w n , McCain, V in ton A Burdett A d m in istrator A ttorn eys lor said estate. o f said estate. Job printing “ as you like it” The News office. KKAI.KSTATKKOKSAI.K Notice to News Subscribers A blua-owncll orsaa mark an this netlcs means that your «ubaorlp- tlsn te Tha N s w s haa aaplrad and naada fixin g Da It now. Bakery, D. Toller, Bank of FalU City, W. F. Nichols cashier. Barber shops, Wm. Bohle. Carpenters and Builders, Elle A Flic, S. Ouderkirk. Clothier, Tailor and gents’ furnisher, Chas. Harlung. Confectionery stores: B. L. Ellis, R. B. Harrington. Drug store, M. L. Thompson. Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood. Department store, N. Selig, Funeral director, R. L. Chapman. Furniture, J. C. Talbott A Co. General stores. N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co. Hardware store. J. C. Tall ott A Co, Hotels: Falla C ity Hotel, Fritz Droege, owner and manager; The Madena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Dennis, managers Jewelry store. W. A. Persoy. Newspaper, the Falls City News, C. W . l^ee. Photoplay tneatre, the Gem, C. J. Pugh. Physicians, Dr. W . B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwarth. Pressing and cleaning parlor, I, A. Johnston. Railroads, i-ialem, Falls City A Western, Southern Pacific. Real estate agont, F. K. Hubbard Realty Cn, Restaurant, The Madena; Wm. Finley, owner. Saloons; Tne Oregon, C. W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mix. Boost for a Gymnasium for the School