Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 16, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tu* F all * C ity N ew *, M ay
J .C . Talbott & Co.
Headquarters for
Furnishings ■
Stoves, Carpets, Rug», Wall Paper, Tools, Iron Pipe and ft
Plumbing Goods, Office Fixtures, Sporting Goods, Etc.
of red paint on the entire frout of
his building
Twentieth Century Prosthesis
Drug store will be open Sunday»,
9 to 11 and from 5 to 6.
For Hale, Dreraer, Iron bed, and
Oak chaira. It. E. Nichols.
Milk and Cream, delivered morn­
ing or evening. Call phone Blue35.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Chamberlain,May 15,a6-pound girl
Ore. Fire Relief Aaaoci’n,McMinn­
ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent.
For tale, Oat and Vetch hay, 110
ton. Phone A.D.162. W .K .G ood .
Will not slip or slide when you
chew. If you are from
Missouri, call
A . G. Atwood, Dentist.
Office, North Main St.
overHarrington’sconf. store
passenger Train Schedule
Effective Dec. 1,1913
w * r r* o v »D
am. am. pm. pm.
Salem . . . 6.36 9 45 1.40 3.25
Dallas . . . 8.45 11.00 2.50 5.00
Falle City. 9.25 11.36 3.25 5.35
Bl’ kRock.
pm. pm. pm.
Bl'k Hock
Falls City. 9.35 1.25 3.45 5.40
Dallas. . . 10.15 2.00 4.25 6.40
Salem . . . 11.25 3.16 5.30 7.45
■i A
M r.
Ham* Saaka
and Buy O rch a rd Land
Only three cows left, but these ere
the pick of my herd. Prices: $80, $85
$95. Phone 271. J. E. Beezley.
C a l e n t a r — f lß a v , 1 0 1 4
la *.
M **.
V td .
F ri.
A. B. Hubbard did some paint­
ing and paperhanging for Barney
Philipe, last week.
Fresh Bread, Cakes, Cookies, Pies,
and other bakery goods, every day
at the Falls City Bakery.
Abstracts of title promptly fur­
nished. Rates reasonable. Brown A
Sibley, 610 Mill 8t., Dallas, Or.
C O M ! Y O F A LL S C IT Y , O N E G O *
Gospel meeting at the Christian
church every evening hegining to­
D. L. Wood and son are here
from Oklahoma on a tour of in-
s paction.
C. R. Canfield, candidate for sur­
veyor, was a Falls City visitor.
John Orr, the next sheriff of
Polk county, was io Falls City,
N. Selig is very much improved
in health, and will soon be him­
self again.
Irving Matthews has completed
the decking of his footbridge to
South Main street.
* i .
Come to the
Drug Store
For Patton’s Paint.
Rogers Stain Floor
for furniture and all
interior work. Floor
Paint, Wagon a n d
Buggy Paint.Screen
Paint. Lead and Oil
—Kalsomine; also a
good assortment o f
M. L Thompson
Hews of jfalleditt
Let Hartung Suit you.
Polk County Fair, Sept. 17,18,19
The beat ahow at the Gem tonight
Dr. Bird of Salem, viaited N.
Selig last Sunday.
Board and room, by week or
month. C. T. Weal.
Wanted, three copiea of The
News; date April 25,
D. Toller has papered and re­
novated, hie bakery and pat a coat
cinct, the I). F. Courier real estate
office; Southeast precinct, in a tent
at the east side of the Christian
Prof. If. K. Barnhart, Mies Etta
Waters and Miss Lenta Wolver-
ton, Falls City teachers, attended
the teacher* Institute at Willaini-
on, last Saturday.
J. R. Linn and family and P. V.
Cotter of Salem, came over to Falls
City, list Sunday, by auto, and
visited Mrs. J. W. Halsey and her
guest, Mr*. Cotter.
A. E. Seymour and family, Mrs.
Sadler and Mrs. Bradley went to
Dallas in the Seymour auto Wed­
nesday night. They took in the
temperance entertainment and
lecture at that place.
Mrs. L. M. Robertson entertain­
ed Mr. and Mrs Lee at dinner,
Thursday; the occasion being the
anniversary of Mrs. Robertsou’ s
The dinner was a feast of good
things skillfully cooked.
Cecil Ouderkirk has gone to
Clinton, British Columbia, where
ho immediately secured employ­
ment at $3 per day, in the con­
struction of a hospital. He intends
to take up a homestead in that
country later,
A. Sampson made a trip to the
Siletz on horseback, last Saturday,
and returned Monday, accompani­
ed by Mrs. Sampson, who had been
visiting her daughters the two Mrs.
Wright. The 27-mile horseback
ride was a pretty rough journey.
The Falls City school ball club
and some of their fiiends went to
Perrydale yesterday in Kdick and
Gardner1! auto truck, where they
had a game with the Perrydale
school club. The score was, Perry­
dale 22; Falla City, 6.
The foundation of the Madena
hotel ai.d restaurant building is
being strengthened by the addition
o f new timbers. A big supply of
wood stored in the basement made
this new work necessary, W. D.
Bancroft is peiformi ig the uplift
G. K. Williams, of Milwaukie,
State Evangelist of the Christian
church, will begin a series of re­
vival meetings here tomorrow
night. In addition to the regular
services, stereopticon views will be
shown each week day evening.
Everybody invited.
Howard Brentner, who has been
The Pythian Sisters dance at
too ill to attend school for several
Wagner hall last night was well
days, is able to be out again.
attended and a most successful
Geo. Gardner came home from affair in every way. It may be
Willamina to serve as election said to have been a Brown dance,
judge for the Southwest precinct.
as thtee of tl.e managers are named
A lodge of the Brotherhood of Brown, Mrs. Maud, Mrs. Belle and
American Yeoman will be organ­ Mrs. Edith Brown.
ized in Falls City in a short time.
Mrs. Stevenson, of Portland,
The old poetoffice building is
now fitted up ae a sample room in
connection with the New Falls City
16 , 19 14
The Gem Theatre Tonight
A 3 reel detective story, entitled
“ Zigomar’’
The editor having been an elec­
tion officer yesterday, no report of
results can l>e made this week.
M. L. Thompson has put a new
coat of paint on his drugstore front,
and has put up a teuton the Chap­
man lot adjoining the store for use
as a buggy house for his auto.
An engine used to haul logs to
the Munson A Davis mill ran
away, a few days ago on a down
grade. Engineer C. W. Davis re­
versed the throttle and jumped to
ti.e ground. The engine soon after
responded to the reverse and came
back without accident, which sur­
prised Mr. Davis, as he expected a
a wreck. It is sometimes true that
"the unexpected happens.”
Telephone Lineman Hurt
J. A. Bowman was quite severely
injured by a fall, last Tuesday
He was going ahead of the train
load of phone poles locating the
places to drop them off. In the
darkness fell into a cattleguard at
a road crossing and was bruised
and scratched and torn to an ex­
tent thst it quite painful.
The engine of the train was com ­
ing along slowly, and the engineer
saw Mr. Bowman fall and stopped
at once. They found him near the
fence safe from being run over.
His wound was dressed at Airlie,
re-dressed at Independence, and he
came to Falls City, Wednesday.
The wounds are not likely prove
Mr. Bowman, at the lime of the
accident, was engaged in install­
ing a telephone line from Airlie to
Hoskins for the Valley dr Siletz
Railroad Co,
Base Bali
Mens Furnishings
Gents Hats, Shirts, Shoes and Oxfords
We have the Newest Styles in Straw Hats
We Have the Largest Stock of Shirts in Town
G olf Shirts in the plain and pleated bosoms;
Negligee Shirts; flat, military and auto collars
Underwearforthe hot Weather
Balbriggan and Porosknit Underwear;
P. Q. A. and Athletic Union Suits.
We have selected from the best lines on
“ PAY LESS and
the market, and aim to sell on the smallest
margin, which entitles us to our motto:
C has . H A R T U N G
Exclusive Men’s Furnisher
CLOTHES c l e a n i n g a n d p r e s s i n g
Sample Rooms
Mue I It r Building
I. A. J O H N S T O N
Commercial Trade
a Specialty
Zb e flfoabena
r»ll»C lt]r', B u t Hotel
French Dry Cleaning, Repairing
and Alterations. Buttons made
for ladies clothes. Work called
for and delivered. Phone 126
Mr*. MaeNicbola
M anager,, Mr„
F or g o o d o a t o , g o t o t h o
Madena Restaurant
W m . F in l e y , Prop.
M eal, at all boa r»—h u t cr tbe market.
F . K. Hubbard Realty Company
Real R oute bought, sold, and exchanged.
Collections. Insurance. Abstract*.
N ou ria l w ork; Legal Documents Prepared.
We make Window and Door
Fly Screens
Office, In the Falls City News office.
A base ball club has been organ­
in all sizes. They cost little more
ized in Falls City, with the follow­
than cheesecloth. Get our prices.
ing officers:
Send The News to Your Friends
Sbop at ihe north end of the footbridge
Manager and Treasurer, W, R.
Extra copies of The News are
priuted each week, and will be sent
Captain, Wm. Grayum.
In the 4 Falls City precincts,
to any address desired, postpaid,
Secretary, Harry Taylor.
voted, of a registration of 625,
for 2 cents per copy.
The first game was played last
Sunday at Rickreall, which result­
ed in the follnwiug score: Rickreall,
5; Falla City, 14,
About 20 Falls City fans attend­
ed the game. A return game will
be played here on May 24.
The gnme next Sunday will be
with Airlie, at Falls City. Admis­
sion, all over 12, 10c; under 12,
Carpet and Rug Weaving
will have charge of the singing Alsohairsn itchts made from Comb­
during the revival meetings at the ings. Phone 314. Mrs.C. E. Gibson.
Christian church, which begins to­
morrow evening. Mrs. Stevenson
Berean Class Meeting
exceptionally gifted singer, and
tico. H. Davis and family are
About 85 people were present at
hero from Centralis Wash. Mr. her work will aid greatly in the
the Berean Class meeting. Monday
Daiis is working at the Munson A success of the meetings.
evening May 11.
Davis sawmill.
J. R. Fouch and Mrs. Fouch are
Reports from the contest were
Bohle is agent for Dallas Steam here from California, visiting old encouraging.
Laundry— none better. Buudles friends and neighbors. They were
The program consisted of songs
go out Tuesday evening. Your residents of Falls City until about and readings relating the'‘ The Old
four years ago when they moved fashioned school and experiences.”
business solicited.
For sale, recleaned red Clover to Traverse City, Micb. After a short
Hostesses were Mrs. Emmet, Mrs.
Seed, 104c per pound; choice grey visit here they will go to Raymond, Wonderly. Mrs. Trimble, Mrs.
Oats. Phone 24155. C. S. Calk­ Wash., fur the summer.
For first class laundry work and
ins, Airlie, Oregon.
Why Work all Day Sunday
treatment. Patronize
Base ball at the city park May courteous
you can get a fine chicken
17, Airlie vs. Falls City, game at
the Madena restaurantfor
2 p. m. sharp, admission over 12,
and nothing to do but
10c, under 12, free.
with others: Negligee shirts with eat and enjoy boing alive? Try it.
Marshal Lewis has done some
cuffs attached lOo; pleated with
ditching in North Main street from
Free Methodist Church
cuffs attached 15c; collars 24c;
First to Dayton, to improve the
cuffs per pair 5c, basket leaves
A missionary meeting will be
drainage of that locality.
Wednesday evening and is return­ held Sunday night at 8 p. m., this
Falle City is growing, and will
ed Saturday morning. Agency at is the last of the series this year.
continue to grow, and along with
Wm. Bohle e barber shop. Dallas Subject, “ The Orient.” The pastor
that growth will come the perman-
Steam Laundry, A. E. Thompson, will show his curios that he collect­
nent improvement of the streets.
ed in the West Indies.
The buildings on ths north side
R. E. Nichols, paster.
of North Maiu street show nearly Falls City Folks Astonish Druggist
w s W iw m jof «ma nun a *.tr*n
all the colors o f the rainbow. There
We sell many good medicines
iq ri°8
are red brown, green and yellow. but we are told that buckthorn bark O ‘op*l°A ’ OO » A XN XH 3 i 'A :**»JPPV
Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Brown, 8. 8. glycerine etc,, known aB Adler-i-ka, - • » » p u « n » i n D j p j o ) p u s s » J n o o ) i | | t . j
11 » n o X u » j o ) « J V i j o p p c j p u n q * u o j a j j o
Cook and J. W. Senn made a 10- is the best we ever sold. Falls Citians Xaqx ui*)*A* *qi jo i t n j j n i inormui pu*
poop) *in no AilMJfp »3« II
days trip to California and return­ astonish us daily by telliug us how - « 3 ) « O J B d O j p 0 1 U I O J ) » S t o p U | X | | « U J S |
• U | U » * * J » | 1 ) ') « ] | J * U I * q i u o S J I P t » U O ||
ed in Mr. Brown’s auto a few days q u i c k l y Adler-i-ka relieves sour -nmcuoD X|uo »ip »1 ' oiho 'op*|ox "03
Q A»U»I | 3 f S xq p*jni 3 «)nu«ui '»m 3
stomach, gas on the stomach and q j j * l * 3 s , l l « H '|usui»»8J| | » u o | in m » a o j
■ s jin b s j s j o ) s j s t n p a *
» « » « » I P lu u o im i
The voting plsces for the four constipation. Many report that -|)*U03 * o q O) q j j « ) * 3 usAOJd * * q S3u>
-|08 '»|q«j(i3U | t| p s s u n o u o jd ') u s u i ) « a j )
Falls City precincts were as fol­ A s i m i l e d o s e relieves thsse troubles l»30| q j| * «jn .3 0 » S u m * ) X n u « ) i a o 3 x q
p u * B>tp.)Ui3j 1*301 psq|J3*3Jd p a * •**3*1P
lows : Southwest precinct, The Falls almost i m m e d i a t e l y , We are glad 1*301 * 11 p e s u n o a o a d * jo v > o p u « * X A uvu i
t « j j > * j o j S|q*jn3a| e q 01 p s s o d d n * ■ » .»
News office; Northwest precinct, we are Falls City agents for Adler- u«*A ms ) 1**1 *m man pa* 'J»m**o»
in d * * * * * * fp j s q i o 11 « a * q ) X J ia n o s * q i
j o o o p s * * * p u U| q j j * ) * 3 »J o u i *| * J » H i
G, M. Tice Bldg; Northeast pre­ i-ka. M. L. Thompson.
Weeks ago, before the recent ad­
vance in Flour, we contracted for
a c a r o f Eastern Oregon Flour
The Carls Here
And we are going to give you
the benefit of this excellent buy
I m n o r ia l F ln n r
llllp v l lu l I Iv lll
Is a patent hard wheat,
every sack guaranteed;
specially priced at
White R ose,s specially
*hard priced
whe,t at blend'
$ 1.25
We want you to try either o f these
Flours with every confidence. If,
after using any portion o f sack, you
are not entirely pleased, your money
will be returned. Fair, is it not ?
Jails Œltç Department Store