Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 16, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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T u n P a u k C it y N e w », M ay 1 6 ,1 9 1 4
ÜlJir ____ ¿ ____________
F a lls Cdltii _______
N r u _ ts _ one
or and
8treet bui,din*f outfit- lf
may judge by the experience
t i t e r e d m »eenml-eUi«i m a ll at the p o it a f f K v
at F a lla C ity . P o lk O w n l j , O r t'i« # , unde r the
A d o f l*oti(rc«a o f M a r c h 3. 1ST».
News Office. 83; Residence. 821
S ubscription Rat««: One yosr. f 1.00; six month«.
60 cents: th re e m onths. 26 cen ts: sin sle copy. & cts.
A blute-pencil m ark on th e ft rat p ag e o f The N ew s
m ean s th a t y our su b scrip tio n is due.
The N ew s is re p re sen te d for fo reign ad v ertisin g by
T h « A m e ric a n P r a s s A s s o c ia tio n
G eneral «Sen, New York and Chicago.
A d v e rtis in g R a te s : D isp lay . 10 c e n ts a n in c h :
B u sin e ss N otices. S c e n ts a l i n e ; For Sale, R en t.
F .x cb an g e. W an t a n d Pay E n te r ta in m e n t No­
tic e s. & e t a a lin e . 10 c ts. s lin e fo r th re e is s u e s .
C ard of T h a n k s 50 c ts ; Legal N o tic e s.leg a l ra te s
C opy fo r n e w avis, a n d c h a n g e s sh o u ld be se n t
to T he News n o t la te r th a n W ed n esd ay ._______
F K .H u h h a id M ayor.
T. D. H o lk m c ll. C o u n c ilm a n a t L arge
W. T G rie r,
11. C. B row n,
A lb ert Teal
C o u u c iltn e n
A. S am p so n ,
C. L. H o p k in s.
A. E. M eyer
C. W. Lee. A u d ito r a m i P o lice J u d g e
W a lte r L. T o o se J r ., C ity A tto rn e y .
W. P. L ew is. M arsh a l a n d W a te r S u p t.
hl. L. T h o m p so n . T r e a s u re r
J. J . S am m o n s. E n g in e e r
Dr. F. M H e llw a rth . H e a lth Officer.
1 b e C o u n c il m e e ts i n re g u la r sessio n o n th e first
M onday e v e n in g of e ac h m o n th , a t 7 30 o ’clock
In th e office o f th e F a lls C ity News.
S a t u r d a y . M a y
16. 1914
of Falls City, it will not be con-
sidered a good investment.
D. H. Upjohn has resigned as
Polk county attorney and has
started the weekly Gazette at
Saieni. That’s climbing the ladder
of fame, anyhow. J. E. Sibley
is now county attorney.
Oregon City paid a detective
$ 89 to convict a doctor of writ­
ing a certain kind of prescrip­
tions. The fine was $100. That
is rather a big price to pay for a In IK, Art of Deception the Moil Order
Houeee Exeat the World— Where le
net profit of $11.
the Doubting Thomae Who Doee Net
A. J. Beveridge very cleverly
shows, in a recent magazine ar­ Tradee of Boyhood Days?
ticle, that the Democratic control I C o p y r i g h t e d , I M i b y T h o m e » J S u l l i v a n . I
Of all th e evil spirit» abroad In the
in Congress is due to the fact
that the Republican party is “all land deception Is th e most dangerous
It Is th e first a n d w orst of all frauds.
cut to pieces.”
E x ag g eratio n Is a biota! relative to
The manufacturers of Oregon falsehood a u d nearly as hlauiable
are demanding that there be a Some men an d som e business concern*
stop to the enactment of freak can never s ta te an o rd in ary fa c t In
laws. Our boosters scream for ord lu ary te rm s All th eir geeee are
sw au s till you see them.
more factories and our restrict­ T h ere Is no stre n g th In exaggeration
ive laws.
E vcu th e tr u th Is w eakened by being
Oregon prunes command the expressed too strongly.
A Gaping Monster.
highest prices in the Eastern
M ankind I d tb e gross Is a gaping
markets. Not many years ago
m onster th a t lo re s to be deceived and
California prunes were the only has seldom beeu disappointed. They
kind known in those markets.
say th a t tdiota only may be cozened
Portland Rose Festival, Junej tw ice, b u t how about tb e mall order
9, 10, 11, 12. The former King, j buyers? How o ften a re they deceived
by tb e larg e catalo g u e bouses?
Rex Oregonus, is out of business, j In th e a r t of deception th e g reat
and the “Queen of Rosaria” has mail o rd er houses excel tb e w orld. In
th e ir g reed fo r g ain and ru sh to vic-
taken his place.
The S. P. and P.. E. & E. rail-: Umlz® tbe ^ aud
p a in t th e ir p ictu res of alleged bargains
way companies offer suggest­ too alluringly. T hey instill confidence
ions in regard to your summer In th e rniud of th e buyer, only later
outing for 1914. Read the ad to fill bis h e a rt w ith d o u b t aud dls
on front page.
W ho does n o t rem em ber th e "sight
Ben F. Beezley of Newport, unseen" tra d e s o r "sw ap s" of boyhood
d ay s? O ne o f th e p a rtie s In tb e tra n s
has been appointed Road Super­ action usu ally g o t th e w o rst o f it.
visor of Lincoln county. Ben d id n 't he? A nd a s a ru le it w asn 't
knows how to make good roads. th e one w ho proposed th e deal, w as It?
T h ere Is a lot o f th e sa m e so rt of
Commission government in "sig h t u n seen " tra d in g (polng on to­
Portland does not appear to be a day. only n o w ad ay s it is called m er­
blooming success, “though it is c h an d isin g by mall.
Catalogues Look Inviting.
not yet a dismal failure.”
T b e lllu straU o u s in tb e catalo g u es of
The proibitionistshave nomina­ th e retail m all o rd e r h o u ses look in v it­
ted a sort of a compromise state ing. T be read in g m a tte r sounds nice.
.. ,
i an d som etim es th e d eal tu r n s o u t all
ticket, with U Ren for governor. rlgbt
B ut, even su p p o sin g it does, w here­
—Jefferson Review.
in is th e b u y er a n y b e tte r off th a n If
Less expensive sport and more he bought from th e hom e m erch an t?
work and closer attention to busi­ T ak e an y a rtic le you choose from the
ness would help reduce the high long list of th in g s sold by m all and
you will flud upon Investigation th a t
cost of living.
you can buy it J o s t as cheaply an d
The wage war in Colorado is
more shamefull than anything
that has happened or that could
happen in Mexico. The Colorado
State government has been shifty
and uncertain in dealing with
the inhuman atrocities cemmited
upon miners, and consequently
that State has been a battle­
ground for the past ten years.
State officials seem to have taken
it for granted that property
rights are’ above human rights;
that the Rockefeller dollar is
above the man who produces the
dollar. That theory may be all
right in Mexico, or South Africa,
but in Colorado—well, hardly.
Why not a popular movement
for boys to become better around
home and at school? Instead of
making hikes, why should not
boys learn to work during vaca
tion? asks How’s Magazine. Boys
must learn to, and the sooner
they begin the better for them.
A boys’ movement based on mere
idleness will result in more poli­
A Communication
ticians. Why should there not
be a boys’ movement to aid par­ To the Editor:
1 wish to make a statement,
ents rather than a boys’ move­
ment to aid a set of schemers?— through your paper, concerning
certain stories that have been
Salem Statesman.
The S. P. is sending out ex­ told about me, by some people
ceptionally fine booklets descrip who live on the north side of
tiveof Newport, Tillamook County Falls City, who, for years, have
Beaches and Vacation Days in been telling that I am guilty of a
Oregon. Get copies of these book­ robbery in the East, or that I am
lets and you will sure get the va­ to blame for some one going to
cation fever. You will also learn the penitentiary.
These scoundrels never rise
that Oregon furnishes all the
attractive features necessary for higher than slander, and will
an enjoyable outing. Ask the stoop even in that to defame in­
railway agent for copies of the nocent women and children.
They are most content when
The Water Board met in the their forked tongues are wagging
council chamber, Monday even­ for evil purposes.
For years I have kept silent,
ing with three members and the
they would finally run out
mayor present. Application No.
slander, and quit, but
3483 and permit No. 1939 “To
this course has giv­
appropriate the public waters of
the State of Oregon’’ haviag been
my family
granted hy the State Water
Board to the Falls City Water
Board, the line to Glaze creek
I can only brand these stories
will now be completed.
as base slanders by people who
The Federal Pure Food laws do
make up lies and tell them be­
not prevent adulteration, if we
hind my back. The world hate 3
are to judge by the numerous
a sneaking coward and a malici­
small fines imposed by the Gov­
ous falsifier. Both of these
ernment. It seems that the fines
characters are found in ihe house­
imposed are considered in the
holds of these defamers of my
nature of a license to violate the
character. They have proven
law. This was not the case under
themselves sneaking cowards by
the management of Harvey W.
writing unsigned or falsely sign­
ed letters and cards and send­
Construction work is being ing them to me through the mails;
done on the Valley & Siletz rail­ they have proven themselves
road between Independence and malicious slanderers by telling
Hoskins. The mill at Hoskins ies about me they know are lies,
has been set in operation by from start to finish.
manager C. O. Johnson, with L,
The true story which is used
U. Ingram as sawyer.
as the basis for these lying stori­
“Choosing a Calling’’ is the ti­ es concerning myself may he had
tle of a new booklet issued by by writing to ex-sheriff Chas. M.
the University of Oregon, “ for King, circuit judge Davis, or to
the information of the high school the clerk of the court at Stanton,
students of the State,” and we Montcalm county, Michigan; or
may add, also, for the information to the Detroit, Lansing & North­
of all young people.
ern Ry. Co., or to the detectives
Oregon City council proposes Johnson and Root, of the railway
to spend $12,000 for a rock crush- company. (Signed) Wm. Estelle.
Exaggeration a Blood Relative
to Falsehood.
May 15 In American History.
IT'.MI I'rvalileiit W ashington appealed
to (he A ustrian em peror to release
H enerol L a fay ette from w ar prison
and |<ermlt him to come to America
IMi I Q eueral S h erm an 's troops broke
through ih e C o nfederate defense a t
various |M>lnla around Koaacn. tia .
At iiight (len eral Johnston'» arm y
aluindonod 11» ixisitlon uiid retreat-
, <al to w ard Home. E n tera l loss a t
Reenca, 2.700 killed and w ounded;
C onfederate, 1,800 in all.
E vening sta rs: M ars. Venus, H aturu
M orning sta rs M ercury, Ju p iter. Plan
et Venus. 2 degretw north o f 1'lauet
Saturn, due w est high up. Hint s ta r
A ldebarau and I’lelad«*» below ; Orion
aoutb and A uriga, w ith th e b rilliant
Capellu, north
May 16 In American History.
IT7H — C ongress sum m oned G eneral
W ashington to appear liefore th a t
body to consult about "Ih e present
posture of affairs."
1804 G eneral B. K. B utler'a arm y w as
drtveu from th e positions captured
a t D rury’s Bluffs on tbe 13th.
E vening star*; Mar». Venus, Haturu
M orning sta rs: M ercury, Ju p iter. Con
stellnUon Virgo spans the southern and
so u th eastern sky. w ith tb e first mag
nltudo c le a r w h ite sta r. Spies well
above tb e horizon about 8:30 p. ai.
hint from tb e arm y tlmt l*e "a s
aunt» th e c ro w s of A m erica."
1 1807 T he trial of A aron llu rr. form er
vice president of Iho U nited State»,
for high treason began a t lllch-
1850 A ssault on t'liu rlea S um ner In
aeiiHte ch am b er by Preatou Brooks
o f South C arolina
1 ms * E dw ard
Bellamy, au th o r ot
TIi* attention of all is directed to
paragraph 4 of section 470, Postal
Law* and Regulations, Which ro-
quires that Iho name and addrtai
•f thu sender shall appear on sverjr
package that t* to ba tent by par­
"Looking Backward." "Equality," cel poet, or it will not bo accepted
etc., i IU h I; lairu 1850.
for'm ailing. 0 P * ■»
Ira 0, Mehrling, P.|V.
E vening sta rs: M ercury. M ars, Ve
nus. S atu rn
M orning s ta r: Ju p ite r.
A retu rn s, golden or orange yellow and
sw ift moving, euuspicilou». du e soulh
••sat, high up aluiui 8 p. in
May 23 In American History.
1781 G eneral W ashington an d hi»
F rench ally, C ount ile Hoctiamlx-au,
planned lo a ttack Ihe B ritish In
New York city.
1783 J a m e s o ils o ra to r of tb e p atrio t
cause In the Hevulullnii, dltal: tiorii
1864 T he F ederal arm y, w ith G ran t,
crnaaed North Anna river, finding
L ee's troops from S|H>tt»ylvauln
strongly lutreuchcd ou th e south
E vening sta rs M ercury. M ars, Ve
nus, S atu rn
M orning alar: J u p ite r
T h e bright s ta r north of the P leiades
(n o r t h w e s t e r n
sky i
A lg o l
E vening sta rs : Saturn, M ercury,
Mars. Venus. M orning s ta r: Ju p iter.
T he howl of th e G re a te r D ipper, open
to th e no rth n orthw est, is alm ost ex­
actly overhead a b o u t 8:15 p. m.
May 18 In American History.
1075 — Jam ea M arquette, m issionary
and explorer, died; born 1037.
1804— G eneral W. T. S herm an's troops
occupied Home a n d K ingston, Ga.,
d riv in g out C onfederates.
1910—'T he e a rth passed th rough the
tall of H alley 's com et a t 10:17 p.
m., New York time.
1913—W aters of th e Pacific ocean a d ­
m itted
to th e P an am a canal
through a d ike n ear Mlraflores.
E vening sta rs: M ercury. M ars. Ve­
nus. Saturn.
M orning s ta r; Ju p iter.
T he Milky wny ex ten d s from th e east
ern to th e w estern points, being high
est in tb e no rth and n o rth w est about
V p. ID .
Ju st as well a t hom e. T h e expense of
selling it by m ail is Ju s t a s g re a t a s
th e expense o f selling i t over th e coun­
May 19 In American History.
Your local m erc h a n ts h a v e rent, ta x ­ 1 7 8 0 -M arvelous obscuration o f sun
light In New E ngland began a t 10
es. clerk hire. etc., to pay. an d the
o’clock a. m. nnd continued all day.
mail o rd e r houses have tb e s«une e x ­
penses. only re n t an d tnrxes a re h ig h e r i 1795 Josiah B a rtle tt, "sig n er” fo r New
H nm pshlre, died; born 1729.
in tb e large c itie s th a n In tb e co u n try
town. And, in ad d ition, they h a r e to 1804—W hile th e Federal A rm y o f the
Potom ac w as preparing to abandon
m ain tain n sm all a rm y of bookkeepers,
tls lines a t Spottsylvanla th e Con­
sten o g rap h ers, sh ip p in g clerks and rtth
fed erates sp ru n g a bold atta c k , de­
e r em ployees, besides th e Immense coat
laying the m ovem ent tw o days.
o f ad v ertisin g .
H ow m any of th e ru ral consum ers | 1913—T he C alifornia alien laud bill be
cam e a law.
know th a t a d v e rtisin g appearing In
w h a t a re know n n s mall o rd er advert!»
ing m edium s c o sts from $42 to $85 an
E vening sta rs : M ercury. M ars, Ve­
inch I d single co lu m n s? It is tru e nev ­
nus. Saturn.
M orning s ta r: Ju p iter.
erth eless
W tiere does tb e enorm ous
T ile N orthern Cross, constellation Cyg
profit com e fjrom o u t o f w hich these
nus. close to tb e n o rth easte rn horizon,
enorm ous M ils a re paid? O ut of the
along th e M ilky w ay about 9 p m
pockets o f th e consum ers.
W ould 'Woloome Such B argains.
May 20 In American History.
T h e city people w ould go wild w ith
Joy If th e se 011811 o rd er houses a c tu a l­ 1772—D orothy Payne, fam ous as "D ol­
ly M adison,” w ife o f P resid en t
ly had v alr.es w ith sty le and quality.
M adison, b o rn ; died 1849.
T hey w o u ld no t need to leave their
ow n lartpe c ities to sell a t th e prices 1834— M arquis de L afay ette, French
nlly of th e A m erican R evolutionists,
they q u o te , a s th e city people would
died in P a ris; born 1757.
sw oop dow n upon tb e ir b arg ain s like
h u n g ry hen h aw k s on green goslings. 1864 -G e n e ra l P. G. T. B eauregard's
C o nfederate arm y effectually “hot
B u t "with sty le an d value lacking they
tied up” G eneral B u tler's Federal
do not d a re show tb e ir goods in the
arm y a t B erm uda H un d red , on
clt,»/ w here th e prospective custom ers
Ja m e s river.
wv)uld have th e o p p o rtu n ity of com ­
p ariso n . b u t by cleverly w orded and 1913—H. M F lagler, cap ita list and
railw ay m agnate, died; born 1830.
E x ag g erated descrip tion they m ak e tbe
co u n try people believe they a re offer­
ing m ore d e sirab le w area th a n the
E vening sta ra : M ercury, M ara, Ve­
co u n try m e rc h a n t c arries and a t a less
nus, Saturn.
M orning s ta r: Ju p iter.
price, and. h av in g no o p p o rtu n ity fo r
f tb e Milky w ay In th e
com parison b efo re buying, m any peo­
n o rth e a st section Is to be noted I d tb e
ple n a tu ra lly a re duped.
E verybody know s th e p ic tu re o f a evening.
five d o lla r auJt o f clo thes looks aa good
May 21 In American History.
a s th e p ic tu re o f a tw e n ty d o lla r s u i t
T h e descrip tio n read s well. T h e su it 1776—G eneral W ashington placed the
seem s to be w h a t you w a n t
C ontinental arm y In com m and of
G eneral Israel P u tn am and started
C ash W ith th e O rder,
fo r Philadelphia to a n sw er a sum
You sen d your good m oney be­
m ons from congress.
c a u se tibe mall o rd er bouse w ill not a c ­
statesm an ,
cep t a.u o rd e r w here th e m o n ey doe* 1796—Heverdy
born a t A nnapolis, Md.; died 1876.
n o t accom pany It. T hen th e su it a r ­
rives. I t w as to be all wool, b u t It .’ » 1864—T he Fedora la abandoned the
siege of H pottsylvsnia and m arch ­
n o t J t Is fully a size too larg e and
ed to w ard N orth Anna river, on the
se v e ra l y e a rs o u t o f d ate, aod. besides,
road to Itlcbm ond.
it h a s th e sty le and g en eral a p p e a r­
100 ,V -A lblon W. Tourgee, noted w riter
an ce o f the prison m ade g arm en t.
atV l lectu rer and U nited S tates con-
If Mr. Mail O rder M an w ere right
mil a t B ordeaux, died; horn 1838.
th ere you w ould not accep t th e goods,
b u t he Is f a r aw ay, selling suits, no
doubt, to som e o th er nonsuspectlng
E vening t?iars: M ercury, M ara, Ve
sons of m an.
M orning s ta r: Ju p iter.
N ext tim e you a re a ttra c te d by an nus. Saturn.
ad. o f som e mall o rd e r “b a rg a in " Just T h e position o.f th e I/esaer B ear (w ith
clip It o u t an d take it to your local P olaris), and Ita' relation to the body
d e ale r and s e e If he will not d u p licate o f D raco (n o rth w e s t o f zenith) recalla
T h a t's only neighborly and fa ir th e belief o f Use a n c ie n ts th a t th e Les
and gives y*our m e rc h an t a chnncse to aer B ear la a Wing oi* tb e D ragon.
m ake good bis sta te m e n t th a t his
prices a re th e lo w est an d his g<K>da
May 22 In American History.
th e beat.
^Onerai W ashJngton_ai>urned n
*» — fe
■■ —
For sale. 2 |-o. good land; 3-4 a.
in fruit; 8-r. house, funiishrilj n il
walcr; barn.Nither bldgq;*ctitoken»,
uow, yearling heifer; bog»; harness,
tool*. price 12500, lu If cash ; 1 k > e 170.
Lend a Hand’ *
Citiiena who wish to help 1 he
New* give the now* of the town can
render a good service by sending or
phoning any information they may
have of local doings, especially of
matters that are not likely to come
under the personal observation of
the editor.
Services In the Churches of Falls City
D c id u ii
S tar), seen tu Ihe eveulug.
May 17 In American History.
1774—G eueral T hom as G age. B ritish
m ilitary governor, laudeil In Boa
ton to su p p ress th e "rebel»."
1 7 7 d -l)ay of "hum iliation, fastin g and
p ray er" in th e catups of th e Con­
tin en tal arm y. In New York.
1829— Jo h n Ja y , statesm an , died, boru
1875—Jo h n Csb«!i B reckinridge, sol-
dler, form er vice president and
so u th ern D em ocratic c a n d id a te lu
1800, died; born 1821.
’Parcels Must Bear Return Card
Let the water bucket go- It’s
a back number, and a useless
waste of energy. Use city water.
Civil Service examination in
Dallas, May 25, for rural mail
carriers ir. Folk county.
A trainload of Portland teach­
ers are visiting the Monmouth
normal school, today.
The Independence city council
is having trouble over a paving
It is stated that hominy is the
only food not manufactured in
Race meet at Independence,
June 4, 5, 6. Purses amount to
Salem Cherry Fair June 25-27.
to be held on court house grounds.
State Grange meeting in Mon­
mouth. May 19, 20, 21, 22.
Street Improvement Notice
C h r is t ia n
Sunday: 10 a m,
Bible School
11 am , Communion and Preaching
6:30 p.m., . . Chilatian Endeavor
7:80 p.m. Praaching(good ringing)
Wednoa. 7:30 p m. Prayer Meeting
Friday, 7:30 pm . Choir Practice
You are invited to all theae serv­
Lee Sadler, Pastor.
F r e e M e t h o d is t
Sunday School . , . 10.00 a.m.
sermon . . ,11:00 a.m.
Young People * Rible »ludy 8:30pm
Evening sermon . , 7:80 p.m
Prayer meeting Thur*., 7:30 p.m.
R. K. Nichol«, Paator.
M ktho diht E p is c o p a l
Sunday School, . . 10:00 am ,
Morning Worship . . U:00a.m .
Epworth I-eague, . . . 6:80 pm .
Preaching Service . .7:30 p m .
Indies’ Aid Society, Wrd. aftern’n
Choir Practice, Thur. 7:80 p. m.
Prayer Meeting, Wednea. 8 :00 p m.
Milton A. Mercy, Paator.
Preaching tervicea in Toller hall
To D. Tollar. R. E. Williams, and
3.80 p.m., third Sunday ol ea.ti
all other persons in intere*t, property
by Rev. Uro*«e, of Salem.
holders and owners of Falls City,Polk
county, Oregon,
S e v e n t h D ay A dvknt
Notice ia hereby iriven, that the
city council of Falla City, Oregon, Sabbath school Satuiday 10:00a.m.
contemplates the passage of ordin­
ance requiring the improvement of
that certain part of Third street de­
scribed as follows, to-wit:
That part of Third street beginning
at the north line of North Main street
and running thence north on Third
street a distance of UK) feet, to the
That *aid improvement will consist
in general in the construction of ar­
tificial stone curbs in accordance with
the provisions of Ordinance No. 73of
Falls City, Oregon, on said part of
Third street in said city, and such
improvement to be made at the time
and in the manner to be hereafter
prescribed by Ordinance.
The cost of such improvement will
bo assessed to the real property front­
ing and abutting on said part of said
That the city council of said city will
«it in the council chamber of said city
on the 26th day of May, 19)4, at the
hour of 7:30 o’clock in the evening of
said day, to pass an ordinance requir­
ing the construction of said curbs on
the hereinbefore described p art of
Third street and also at said time
and place to hear and determine ob­
jections and remonstrances against
the construction of said curbs, if
any there be, and
That alt owners and other persons
in interest may attend at Haid time
End place and show cause if any they
have, why such proposed curbs should
not be constructed.
Done by order of the City Council
of Falls City, Polk County, Oregon,
made on the 4th day of May, 1914,
Witness my hand and the official
seal of said City of Falls City, Oregon,
this 14th day of May, 1914.
(L. 8.)
C. W. LEE,
Auditor and Police Judge
of Falls City, Oregon.
Preaching service “
Prayer meeting Wedne«., 7:80p.m.
c a t h o l ic c h u r c h
There will be Mass at the Cath­
olic Church, Mary Mapdalene,
regularly, hereafter, on the first
and third Sunday of each month.
Post Office Time Card
Office hours: Daily, except Sun­
day, 8 a.in. to 6.30 pm .
Mail arrives, from
Salein-|)allas,9.h5a.in., 3:45 p.m.
Black Rock, 1 50 p.m.
Mail closes, for
Salem, 9.00 am . and 1.00 p.m.
Dallas, 9.00 am . and 5.00 p.m.
Black Rock, 11.00 am .
Office hours: Sunday only, 9:30
to 10:80 a.m:
Mail arrives from Salem 9,85a.m.
Mail closes lor Salem 9:00 am .
Effective Dec. 1, 1913.
I k a C. M e h r l i n o , Postmaster.
Falls City, Polk Co., Or.
Notice of Appointment
N otice le h e re b y g iv e n t h a t Ih e n n d e ra ls n a d ,
H e n ry C. B row n, b a t b e en d u ly a » p o l n le d aa Ad ■
m ln la tra to r o l th a a a ta ta o l T hom aa D. B ro w n ,
d e ce a se d , by Ibe C o u n ty C o u rt o l P olk c o u n ty ,
O reg o n , a n d ba baa d u ly q u a lifie d aa au ch Ad-
m ln la tra to r .
T h e re fo re, all peraona h a v in g c la im » a g a ln a t
»aid ra fa le a re h e re b y n o tifie d a n d re q u ire d to
p re s e n t Ib e sam e d u ly v e rified to tb e u n d e r-
aig n ed . H e n ry C. B row n, a t b le re s id e n c e a t
W illa m in a , O regon, w ith in a lx m o n th a fro m tb e
first p u b lic a tio n o l tb la n o tic e In th e F alla C ity
News, s a id d a te b e in g th e l l t b d a y ol M arch 1(14.
H aled tb la 7th d a y o l M arch, A D. MIL
Hcsav C. Raows,
M cC ain. V in to n à B u rd e n ,
A tto rn e y s lo r sa id e s ta te .
A d m in is tra to r
o l a ald e s ta is .
R. E. W i l l i a m s , M. L. T h o m p s o n , W. F. N ichols ,
A. J.V ick ,
Cashier Assistant Cashier
Bank of Falls City
F a l l s C i t y , P o l k C o u n t y . O rk o o n
Doe8 a General Ranking Business. Interest Paid on Time
Deposits. Exchange sold on all points in the United States.
Notary Public officially connected with the Bank.