Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 09, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    T u * F a it s C it y Nrwa, M ay 0. 1914
i^ K lT G N E N
Tiie Soil Robber and the
Community Robber.
F r u it
Oornmeal Muffin».
Hroiltd Bacon
Lat« lead Totatoaa
To Eleanor F. Butler, George M.
Tice, Jonah Lowe, A. N Robinson. Jel l Lot* 1,2, 3, 4, 13, 14, block K
dena Courier aud A. K. Courier, Julia
Two fine building lot* in block
I. Courier; A. E. Kimball,
ti, East View add.
To Esther Montgomery and the II.
S. Montgomery estate; it. C. Brown, t For rent, house, barn, 8 lots; $0;
J. S. Courier, Salem, Falls City Ji Flli* «t-eet. Property for sale.
Western Railway Company. E I.. Bon-
Purant. Mae Nichols and W. E. Nieh 4 For Sale, 2 good lots, on Pine
ols. Matilda Travis, M 0. Hubbard. street in block K, cultivated.
Esther Montgomery and II. S. Mont­
gomery estate, Fred Chapin. Jennie ' I.ols 13. I I, 15, lti, block O, at a
Snodgrass. Matilda Travis, E. Kor-
shey. Kolia Waterhouse, Alice Courier; bargain; 4 UK) cash, bnl, on terms
To Mrs. B. M. Adams. B. A. Lom­ at 8 ...
bard estate. Salem, Falls City
ern Railway Company, S. H. Tetherow, *> Two lots, O r. bouse; fruit, ber­
J. C. Frink, A. E. LaDow, Joseph ries, city water, electric light; cl >se
Wankey estate, Salem, Falls City & in, bargain.
Western Railway Company, Clarence 7 For sale. One acre, adjoining city
Aiknian estate, Mrs. A. G. Stewart,
limits, with 5-room bouse. A bar­
Jack Wagner.
To C. M. Munson, Surah Linehack, gain at $425, terms. House to rent.
Rida l.ineback. Otto Kneebone, R Bur­
ton. Eleanor F. Butler, L. C. Tyler, * For sale — 11 acres, partially im­
H. Hanson. G. Lindsey,
proved, house, timber; spring and
To J . Trueax, Falls City Lumber
stream; near western city
Company, John Hughes, J. O. Cham­
berlain, J. T. Chamberlain estate. A. limits; price, $1000, half cash.
Walker, Alex Courier, M. G. Ellis,
Chas. Olts. William Ellis, C L. Hop­ 9 For sale, one acre, cultivated,
kins, Chas. Trimble. Philip Gottfried, Iruit, berries; ti-r. bouse insured
Richard Toe unknown owner of tract of
for $1 100; elec, light, city water,
land fronting on Bridge street;
To T. D. Hollowell, D. Tollar, R. E. cesspool; puce 1)050; all cash, or
Williams, N. A. Lunde, Clara Emmett, 4700 cash, terms on balance,
W. B. Me Known, F. Droege, J. B. Taw-
it' For sale, 7 lots (all of block A)
ney, A. F. Courier, Jeldenu Courier,
Montgomery'* addition to Fulls
W. H Estey;
To W. B. McKown, C. S. O’Brien, City ; good garden ground, fenced ;
Joseph Hudson, John Doe unknown city water; price 41100 if bought
owner of tractot land fronting on South
Main street, Jennie M. Cobb, Chas. t\¡thin the next 30 days,
Richey. R.R. Bettis estate, G. L. Mc-
Murphy, W. H. Matthews, C. J . Brad- i li For sale, tine home in city, with
ley, B. F. Boughey, O. H. Hudson, E. 25 acres, 10 cultivated,
G. Stram, Bert Dennis, J . M, Den­
nis estate, Alex Courier, D. Shepherd, l- For sale, lots 7, 8, 14, 28 block K,
To Alex Courier and D. Shepherd, and lots 11 and 12 block K. Will
T. B. Hooker, J . M. Dennis estate, trade for Portland property.
John Walker,
C. H. Conklin, O. H.
Hudson, Salem,Falls City & Western 11 For sale, lot 2 block M, M. ad.
Railway Company, W. H. Matthews,
E. G. White, Ada Chapin, and all if For sale, 80 a. 1J mi. north of city
other persons in interest, property hoi. 20 a. improved; 25 a. good timber;
ders and ownets of Falls City, Polk
County, Oregon, whose property is plenty of pasture and wutt-r.
fronting or abutting upon the streets D To rent, 12- r house,
hereinafter described,
Notice is hereby given, that the I* Two acres, cultivated, fruit, ber­
City Council of Falls City, Oregon, ries; fi r. bouse, sheds; water, elec­
contemplates the passage of an Ordi­
nance requiring the improvement of tric light; will divide.
the following described streets, to-
17 Three acres, adjoining city,
All that part of Fifth street be­ l* Five acres, in city.
ginning at the intersection of said
Six lots, no improvements; cheap
Fifth street with Mitchell street and
running thence north to the intersec­
Lot 5 and 20 ft. of lot 4 hlk I), 70
tion of said Fifth street with Pros­
pect avenue;
feet front, on North Maiu street, is
All of Third street;
for sale at a bargain; lest building
All of Montgomery street;
lot in town. See F. K. Hubbard,
All of Butler street;
All that part of Clark street begin­
F. K. Hubbard Realty Company
ning at the south line of the city lim­
In T h * News office, F a lls Ci|y
its of Falls City and running thence
north to the intersection of said Clark
street with Butler street;
Notice to Electric Light Users
All of Lombard street;
All that part of Bridge street be­
All persons owing the Falls City
ginning at tne south side of the Salem,
Light Co. for service prior
Falls City & Western Railway Com­
pany’s track and running thence south to April 1, 1011, will please pay
to the intersection of said Bridge
the amount to C. W. !.ee at The
street, with Chamberlain street.
\V. E. N ewsom
All that part of South Main street News office.
beginning at the intersection of said
South Main street with Dayton street
and running thence east to the inter­
Stop at E lli s ’
section of said South Main street and
Sheldon avenue;
All that part of Sheldon avenue be­
ginning at the intrasection of said
Sheldon avenue and South Main
street and running thence south to the
south line of the right of way of the
Salem, Falls City&Western Railroad;
All the above described streets and
parts of streets being located and situ - |
ate in the city o f Falls City, Polk j
County, Oregon.
That said improvement will consist ^
in mineral in the building of macad
dam streets on a grade heretofore es- I
tablished by Ordinance, such improve |
ment to be made at the time and in I
the manner to be hereafter prescrib- j
ed by Ordinance.
The cost of such improvement will
be assessed to the real property front­
and get a dish of the famous
ing and abutting on said streets,
That the city council of said city M T . H O O D I C E C R E A M
will sit in the council chamber of said '
city on the 19th day o f May, 1914, at th*
hour of 7:30 o'clock in the evening
of said day, and at said time and place
to hear and determine objections and
remonstrances thereto, if any there
be, and
That all owners and other per­
sons in interest may attend at said
time and place and show cause if any
they have, why such improvement
should not be made.
Done by order of the City Council
of Falls City, Polk County, Oregon,
— —
made on the 4 th day of May, 1914,
Witness my hand and the official
seal of said City of Falls City, Oregon,
this 8th day of May, 1914.
(L. S.)
C. W. LEE,
Auditor and Police Judge
of Falls City, Oregon.
ltOILED baron, properly prepared.
Is exceedingly good, and it makes
an excellent appetizer for servlug
with other viands.
W h ic h
It t h * G re a te r R o b b e r, the
Chicken Livers With Baron -Clean
Farmer Who Roba Hit Soil or the the livers and cut each liver in six
Wrap a thin slice of bacon
Man Who Roba the Community f—A pieces
Glorious American Privilege — Time a round each piece and fasten with a
small skewer Tut in a broiler, place
to Pause and Consider.
I over a dripping pan and bake In a hot
(C op yrigh ted . 1914. by T h o m a s J S u lliv an I , oven until the bacon is crisp, turuiug
There are umu.v and various kinds of once during the cooking
robbers loose today in this laud of
Crisply Browned.
plenty, but perhaps the two moat on
Broiled Bacon.—Grease an iron pan
popular of them are the soil robber aud with bacon rind and beat tt to the
the community robber—the farmer smoking point Then put In the slice*
who robs his land of its producing of bacon. Tip tbe pan at a sharp angle
strength aud the consumer who robs so that the fat will run down, ami
with a fork keep the pieces of bacon
his community of its dollars.
The high grade, successful farmer is from dropping into the fat. Turn them
the one who Increase« rather than di­ two or three times until they are crisp
minishes the fertility of bis laud Ev ] and dry and golden brown Broiled ba
ery year he changes his crop with that con served with eggs makes a dainty
one object in view. He subscribes for breakfast dish for spriug mornings.
Macaroni and Bacon. — Boil short
and reads very carefully the agrlcul
tural reports. |<aytng particular atten leugths of macaroni lu salted watei
tion to the reports on experiments made until they are tender. Drain and mix a
little butter with them This keeps
by udvanced and progressive fanners.
Why he does this is plain He knows them from sticking together. Tut them
very well that it would be useless to in a buttered baking dish and pout
plaut good seed In wornout soil It's over them some thick cream sauce and
his wish aud inteutlon to make a protit seasou with salt and paprika. Chop
on his investment in seed and labor as some freshly broiled crisp bacon aud
well as in soil, and this, of course, stir it Into the macaroni, sprinkle tb«
could not be accomplished if the soil top with fine buttered crumbs aud bake
were not fruitful.
Wholesome and Palatable.
Bleeding Home Communities.
and Bacon.—Slice the bacon
Today there are hundreds of thou
sands of American citizens who are and fry it. letting tbe fat drain down
bleeding their home communities by Into one side of the pan. Then put tbe
taking out of the channels of local slices of bacon on a little wire rack on
trade the money needed to transact a plate or pan in an open oven, where
business and sending it to dealers who they will keep warm. Cut apples in
do not and who cannot by any possi­ half inch slices and fry them on each
ble means return it to do its proper side in the bacon fat. Drain them for a
and necessary work in local business moment on brown paper nnd then serve
them with a slice or two of bacon on
each piece of apple. The skins should
Tbe big city mail order bouses that
be left on and the cores removed with
sell goods at retail through the medi
an apple corer.
urn of catalogues to fanners and oth
Bacon and Cheese Toast.—In a sauce
ers all over the country buy nothing pan melt three tablespoonfuls of buttei
from their customers. They invariably and stir in a tablespoonful and a hull
exchange goods for money, never; of flour. Then add three-quarters of a
money for goods. They employ no cupful of rich milk and stir until il
labor in the communities where theii thickens. In the meantime broil twi
customers must earn their living; they slices of bucon for each person and
buy no farm products; they own no make a slice of thin brown bread toasi
real estate; they pay no taxes; they for each. Wbeu the cream sauce l>
have no money on deposit in the local thick and smooth add half a cupful ot
banks; they do not advertise in the grated cheese and as soon us it is melt
local newspapers; they do not give ed |K)ur the mixture over the slices of
credit; they do not even pay the freight toast Put two slices of the bacon on
on goods they sell. Every cent taken each pie« e and serve nt once.
b.v them out of the community is per
manently lost to the business of that
These are all plain and evident
truths, are they not?
We would ask this very same farmer,
who would be insulted were he charg
ed with neglecting to keep his soil en
ricbed to the highest possible degree,
to explain how he can deliberately
rob bis community by buying bis goods
from out of town concerns.
Farmer Planted In Community.
Tbe f a r m e r p l a n t s see d I d t h e soil.
■ Dd in order to produce results he must
keep that soil fertilized. Being him
HE valuable news of the
self planted I d the community, be d oe s
day is not confined to
bis trading in a foreign city and there­
the news columns. It Is also
by assists his Community In becoming
seen in the advertisements.
Of course It Is important to
Why should this farmer have great
know what President Wilson
er respect for the seed which he plants
is doing, what the latest de­
than be has for himself, his family or
velopments are in China or
bis neighbor?
what baseball club leads the
There is a community in Minnesota
league. But it Is also impor­
in the center of which is a city era 1
bracing about 10.000 people, and it is
tant to know where a bargain
conservatively estimated that some- j
In boys’ waists, garden hose,
thing more than $300.000 annually is
breakfast food or straw hats
eent from there to mail order houses !
may be found.
for the purchase of goods which could j
These bits of commercial
Just as well be secured at the home
news are among the adver­
tisements. Wise persons look
This estimate is based on tbe figures
for them and take advantage
secured from reliable sources in the
of them when they are doing
aforementioned community — that is.
their buying. The leading
from the banker, the express ageDt
merchants are continually
and tbe postmaster.
telling you news of their
This, perhaps, is tbe strongest evi
stores, news that is Impor­
deuce of "robbing” a community.
tant because It often means
The answer to the above may be
a real saving and always
that a man has a right to buy where 1
means something new and
be pleases It is bis money he is spend I
worth while.
lng. and be has tbe right to send it
Read the advertisements if
away if he wishes, particularly if he
you seek Important news
feels that be is to be tbe gainer
Read them regularly aud al­
ways with the thought that
A Glorious American Privilege.
back of eacb advertisement
Quite true. In this glorious America
are the reputation and busi­
of ours every citizen is p r i v i l e g e d ft
ness standing of the mer­
consult his own pleasure in spending
chant He could not afford
his money. He can spend It or board
to deceive you even If be
it up. or he may contribute it for the
were so inclined.
purpose of b u l l d l D g monuments to the
memory of great men. No one can
Notice of Appointment
lawfully dispute that right.
Likewise tbe soil robber has the
Notice Is hereby given, that the underHlgned,
right to use his land as he wishes and
Henry C. Brown, ban been duly appointed a» Ad­
Absolutely Original.
without any consideration for its fu
ministrator of the estate of Amy J Brown, de­
“I don't believe that man ever said ceased, by the County Court of Polk county,
ture fertility. Tbe laud belongs to
Oregon, and he has duly qualified as such Ad­
him. and he can do aa be pleases with an original thing in bis life.”
“I beard him say an original thing ministrator.
it. He is a free man. surrounded by
Therefore, all persons having < lalms against
hundreds of laws enacted for the pro Just a moment ago.”
said estate are hereby notified and required to
“What was it?”
tectloD of bis rights.
present the same duly verified to the under
"He said he thought be was one of signed,
Pause and Consider.
Henry C, Brown, at hia residence at
Willamina, Oregon within six months from the
I The parallel drawn between the two
cases has a tendency to give the com ever said that before.”—Chicago Bee first publication of this notice in the Falls City
News, said date being the 11th day of March 1914.
iinuDlty robber a chance to pause and ord-Herald.
Dated this 7th day of March, A.D. 1914
H enry C. B rown ,
Easily Explained.
j He should give tbe matter very
McCain, Vinton A Burdctt
serioua attention and thought and en
Attorneys for said estate.
of said estate.
•men vor to figure out a method by
(whicb be ran increase Its wealth. Just
800 sheela of paper, 4”x6”, 5c; or
' ias tbe houest farmer Increases the i t ?
Complainant—When he hit m e t saw 6”x8,” 10c, at The News office.
(richness nnd productiveness of his soil
- fin this way only rail s large and sub stars, your honor, and 1 recognized his
Job printing “as you like it” at
features by the starlight — Philadel
stantial community be attained.
News In
phia Ledger
The News office.
Conte ctionery
p rc fc w to n n l C a rte
W . B. Officer, M . D.
i’ ll vaici an
»IA m m T'.ll,., Bldg,.
O#«» *ti.l
.......... Kalla Clt
Ht’hMt iu p * ll O llt’ o l i o
A t to r * * » a t Lav*
Tractive In *11 thr S(«t# court*.
Huile It llil.li Br«yni*u BM* , phone WS
S s l s m . O rtgon
Dr. A.G. Atwood
Phon« 1931
F all* City. Or.
Funeral Director
W e * lt* n d I* *11 w ork p ro m p tly .
D alles as*J Kalla C ity. O r
*tu > tn co 0 c n r t ö
Ssm p ls Room*
B * * t Accommodation*
F. Dro*u*. Proprietor
Bohle’s Barber Shops
F all* City, Oregon
Whtrc you c i* |«l * Shiv*. Hair Cul, Bath
or 'Shine
I l l ' l l . D I M , CO NTRAtTOR
S a u l Ouderklrk
Building C o n tra c t o r.
Phone 194
R epairs
P atents
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr-
* ‘ Ion of any sclent!“
scientific ' *-------*
tournai. Tcrtns,
__ J ^
$3 f
; four months, • L 8old by all newsdealer».
öjlVmNBW York
ich Office, b A26 F Bt„ W ashington, D. C* ,
S** to Hi* R*-*l*oti*n.
It’opyrlght. 1014. t>y Auuclatot LUarary
Pros*. I
O tiio President:
Dear Sir—You naturally want
a mh ' oiu I term.
i uaturully want to huug on
I to n good thing.
Naturally, I lay lit« matter before
Mr*, Plukbaiu for tier dlaguoaia and
after a llltle thought «ho «ay*:
'Tap, It'* easier than climbing a
tiaaawood tree.”
Glvs the people of Jerlclui *omo­
ttling to think about
Hut wlint? A new poatofflee. Wo
want ouo of Scotch granite etandlug
In it block by Itself. Wo waul congreo*
to make au appropriation of at leaat
$.'■ 00,000 Wo want a gold lenfod cu­
pola ou top.
Got ua an appropriation of $fi00.000
ami the cheer* of our people will ro-
aoiiiid the length uud breadth of tb*
! land.
I would modestly suggest to you. Mr.
President, that in recommending thl*
appropriation to congreea you specify
a building nt least thlrtoen stories high.
Tbe luuiemeiit of such a building cau
tie rented out for a cooper atiop aud
all tbo atorloa uot uceded by the post-
office to lawyer*, doctor*, insurance
men. ctuba, ngcutn of oil well# aud
silver mines and so on.
One entire story can bo rented to th#
Jericho poker clnb, of which I am lb#
honored president A* it is now. th#
rooms occupied will accommodate only
about one quarter of tbo men that
want to play. It I* bonont poker, Mr.
The Jericho Suffragette club would
take another atory. If It was OnUbed
off in pink and bad a Bounding board
to enable every woman to hear her­
self talk and no other a|>eaker.
Mrs. Ptnkhnm has figured out that at
least »even of the atorlea would bs
occupied by correspondence schools,
and if there wus a floor remaining It
could be rented to such real eatats
agents as wish to lie out of their city
uflb'es when a buyer call* to denounc*
them for selling real eetate under wa­
Mr I’resident, will you pause a «no
ment nn«l reflect what a dignity It
would give me to be a poatmaatcr In a
Elle & Elle
See us before you build.
We may save you money.
Phone 1411
Z \K
Irta b o
Scientific American.
A $300,000 Thlr«**n Story Sl»y*or*p*r
Will Fill th* 8>ll, and if th* Presi­
dent Win Do That Littl* Thing Pap’ll
Contractors and Builders
D esigns
C opyrights A c .
Anyon« pending rt nkt sf ru find deRrrt niton may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably natenjabl». Communica­
tions at rid If confident fal. HANDBOOK on Patent»
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn tk Co. receive
ifcUil notice, without charge, In the
P 0 ST 0 F F IC E .
C O N T R A C T O R S A N D IIU 11.D K R S
Bundles sent Tuesday evenings.
y ea rs *
Falls City. Ore.
Salem Laundry
Dignity of Jericho.
ORI«« ovvi rh um |Mii|i', «Imi «lor* Mu
tuai i'li..ii* m i I'huii* Night Call 4,1
Ice Cream
oven eo
Makes a Strong Plea For the
Physician an * S u rg tin
H arrin gton ’s
H A R R I N G T O N ’S
Notice to News Subscribers
A blue-pancll cro** mark on «HI*
notice m**n* that your aubaorlp-
«Ion «• Th* N*w* ha* expired and
n**d*flxlns D* 1« now
Itilrteen story building! And you mint
realize that h share of tho luster of
that dignity would reflect on you.
A m It 1 m now, the postofflee 1* hardly
larger tbnn n chicken coop. I slouch
around in my old dud*, and when com­
manded to lick on the stamp* for pa­
trons out comes my tongue to meekly
obey. Every one can be as familiar
as ho wishes, and any attempt on my
part to freeze him out Is met with:
”Ob, cut that out, I’api You are not
knee high to the constable!”
Two or three Huiiday* ago I went to
church with a bad cough on me. Dea­
con Watkins came up tbe alale and
“Pap, you will have to cut that bark­
ing out or leave tho church!’’
If 1 was running n postofflee In a
skyscraper would Deacon Watkins or
nny other man have dared to tslk to
mo llko that? You know they wouldn’t
I represent the government here In
Jericho. If I represent It from a
chicken coop then tbe dignity of tbs
government must suffer.
Let It be known that Jericho Is to
have a $500,000 federal building and
what happens?
Jericho will take a boom nnd Elder
Jackson can sell his sheep pasture for
town lots and quit gambling.
My grocery will be situated In tb*
new building and I positively guaran­
tee to sell dill pickles 20 per cent low­
er than any other grocer In tbe stats.
The new building can contain a san­
atorium where members of congress
ran come from time to time and plsy
poker nnd rest from their arduous la­
Give us that federal building and
you aro booked for a second term,
Withhold It, nnd I will not bs an­
Postmaster Without Dignity.