T he P alli C ity N ew », M ay 9, 1914 They had a picnic dinner and, to complete the "round of pleasure," The Gem Theatre Tonight became lost in the streets < f that A 3-ioel feature, entitled DUNCAN J . C. Talbott & Co. POLISH “in Touch with Death.” famous town. Headquarters for MOP Dressmaking, plain or fancy, care­ This film was secured on a spec­ fully and promptly done, by Mrs. ial order, and though it is good Ha r d w a re Grace llulburt at her home on Day- enough for a 20c Nduiinsion, our prie >»100 usual low prices will he charged. Furniture ton street uoith of the bridge. Mrs. Msy Sires, who had beer, Selig is offering special prices on I QUART Furnishings clerk in the poetoffice for some guaranteed Hour. Read his ad. time, has gone to Portland. Mrs. Stoves, Cfrpets, Rugs, Wall Paper, Tools, Iron Pipe and Mehrling is now assistant post­ M. E . Church Plumbing Goods, Office Fixtures, Sporting Goods, Etc. master. At 8 o’clock this evening the J. C. T A L B O T T &. CO M PA N Y Lee Sadler, while painting from girls of the Sunday school will a scaffold at the mill, la s t Monday, give "America's Reception to the rotó fell and received a sprained wrist Nations.” Admission will and a bump in the side. He is im­ lie charged, for benefit fee of 10c home home of Mrs. J. W. Ilalney next proving. Tueuday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lee enter­ missions. Twentieth Century Prosthesis Theme, Suuday morning: Mis­ Mra. ( ha*. Hubbard is viaitmg tained Mrs. J.W. Halsey, and Mrs. sions. her mother, near Delia». P. V. Cotter and little son Francis Theme, Sunday evening: In com­ For Sale, l>re*»er, Iron bed, and of Salem, at diuncr at the New memoration of Mothers’ Day. Falls City hotel, Thursday. H. K. Nichols. Plans are being nude for the Anatomically Oak Mr». chairs. W. K. (jillicit is visiting The Falls City Electric Co. now observance of Memorial Day. exer­ occupies their new office, opposite cises to tie held at the cemetery her mother, Mr». Tetherow. and Cream, delivered morn­ the News office, A. W. Stevens in and also at the church. Articulated ing Milk M. A. Marcy, Paitor. or evening. Call phone Blue35. charge. Electric light users are requested to read the list of prices J. H. Kennedy, of Portland, was etc., Free Methodist Church printed on page 2. a Fall» City visitor, last Saturday. Dentures Rev. R. E. Nichols, pastor of the Ore. Fire Relief Aasoci'n,McMinn­ Free Methodist church, who has The Salem District Meeting for the fourth quarter is in session at ville. F. K. Hubbard, local agent. Will not slip or slide when you| B. F. Bougbey of Salem was in been in poor health for some time, Salem, May 7-10; The Oregon will probably be transferred to an­ Annual Conference will convene chewr. If you are from Falls City on business, Wednes­ other charge, for the benefit of his at Portland May, 20-24. Missouri, call day. health. R. K. Nichols, Pi6tor Mrs. J. C.Talbctt returned Tues­ R. M. Wonderly received the A. G. Atwood, Dentist. day from a visit to friends iu Port­ patent for hie home stead in 7-8, Harrington-Wooden Wedding land. fourteen years after the On Suuday, at tbe homo of Mr. Office, North Main St. Liveryman A. Edick has pur­ Siletz. time he settled on the land. He and Mrs. B. I. Carey, near Falls over Harrington'sconf. store chased a large auto truck, for has not heard the good news yet, City, Arthur N. Harrington was freighting. as he is on the homestead. Aaron Walker, of Salem, was a Clean up the rubbish and gar­ united in marriage with Miss Pearl r SA LEM , FA LLS CITY & WESTERN a business visitor in Falls City, bage lying around your premises, M. Wooden, Rev. Marcy of Falls City officiating. Wednesday. Passenger Train Schedule so that the health of the com­ The beautiful old firm made an Effective Dec. 1,1913 Mrs. F. A. Lucas of Junction munity may be co iserved. It does ideal place for a quiet wedding. 117 Ml in hi is visiting her mother, Mrs. little good for your neighbor to The parlor wi«T»m'Kn am. am. pm. pm. City was decorated with Salem . . . 6.35 9.45 1.10 3.25 II. S. Calkins. "swat the fly" if you provide a clematis., Oregon grape and ferns. Dallas. . . H.45 11.00 2.50 5.00 N. Selig, who has been ill and breeding place for more flies. The bride was crowned a Falls City. 9.25 11.86 3.25 6.35 unable t3 attend to business for a The Falls City members of Co. wreath of flowers from which with 11.55 Bl'k Rock. hung IU IU IU IU is improving. L, State militia, attended military a silk chiffon veil and she carried KAlTftOt'ND am. pm. pm. pm. week, Fresh Bread, Cakes,Cookies, Pies, drill at Dallas, Tuesday evening. a boquet of pink rosee. 1.05 Bl'k Kork and other bakery goods, every day The spuad consists of C. C. Lee, Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Falls City. 9.35 1.25 3.45 5.40 Dallas . . . 10.16 2.00 4.25 6.40 at the Falls City Bakery. corporal; Dewey James, Arch Wm Wooden, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Salem . . . 11.26 3.15 5.30 7.45 Why pay rent, when you can buy Montgomery, Arthur Benton, Wm. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. V . Morrison, I. tj. H im im m , A qikt - * a home cheap, on payments? For Ferguson, privates. Three more Mr. and Mrs. O. Carey L. D. members are needed to complete Wooden. particulars, address 8, box Q. Mr. Ham * S sakar Miss Murray's Millinery stock tbe Falls City squad. Who will join? After h delightful wedding din­ [ c o m e TO FELLS CITY. OREGON is being sold st reduced prices to F. P. Heydon returned Satur­ ner, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington left anS Buy OraHarS Land day from the meeting of the State on their honeymoon trip, to Har­ raise money for hoapital fees. Chester Ward went to Salem supervising fire wardens and risburg, where Mr. Harrington’s Friday to attend the quarterly con­ National Forest supervisors, held mother lives, and from there to Calendar—flDap, 1014 ference in the State house at Salem, Fri­ Florence. of the F, M. Methodist. day and Saturday. It was a get- Miss Madeline Thornton, Falls Fri. Sal. Tati Tksrt. Wri. M m . las. All night Dance, given by the together and was attend­ City's joliy little favorite, is back 1 2 Pythian Sisters at Wagner Hall ed by fire meeting, fighters ail parts of witli us for the 16ih iu one of her 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Friday evenii g, May 15, 1914. Oregon, who have from reduced own plays a Comedy Drama in 10 It 12 13 14 15 16 Abstracts of title promptly fur­ tire prevention to a science, forest and nished. Kates reasonable. Brown A saved millions in Oregon fire loss. four ads entitled “His last chance” 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Sibley, a college story full of lively clean Mill St., Dallas, Or. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Only 610 comedy that is enjoyed by old and three cows left, but these ere Why Work all Day Sunday young. piece “Love the pick of my herd. Pi ices: 980,985 Wheu you can get a fine chicken will win" A a frontier melodrama one 995, Phone 271. J. E. Beezley. dinner at the Madena restaurantfor scene will give the people of in Falls For sale, Oat and Vetch hay, 910 25c, or 50c, and uolhing to do but City an opportunity to see Miss ton; white Oats85cbu. Phone A.D. eat Thornton as a western girl, a 152. W. F. Good, Monmouth, R. 1. and enjoy being alive? Try it. character that she is as muck» at Mrs. L. M. Robertson took her Why not Celebrate? home in as in any part she plays. daughter Opal to Salem, Tuesday, Spectacular drill, sextette and oth­ for treatment for weakness of sight. A big fourth of July celebration er specialties. in Falls City this year would be Edw. J. Himes of Dallas, Demo­ the proper thing, since none of Carpet and Rug Weaving cratic candidate for county survey­ our near neighbors intend to do so. or, was a Falls City visitor, Thurs­ Let's get together on this propo­ Also hair switches made from Comb­ For Patton’s Paint. ings. Phone 314. Mrs.C. E. Gibson. day. and revive the old custom Rogers Stain Floor Anderson Walker, who moved sition, List of Letters having a worth-while Indepen­ for furniture and all to Salem last December, became of Remaining uncalled for in the ill and was taken to Portland, some dence Day celebration. interior work. Floor Falls City postoffice for the week time ago. euding May 2, 1914. Boy Scout Notes Paint, Wagon and Mrs. P. V. Cotter and little son LADIES Buggy Paint,Screen Francis, are visiting Mrs. J. W. The work on the Boy ecout Bolton, Mrs. W. M. Halsey and other Falls City friends, building will begiu immediately. Bohle. Mrs. Lois Paint. Lead and Oil this week. The money is being collected and Lake, Miss Ida —Kalsomine; also a those who have subscribed, please Mrs. J. P. DeWitte came over GENTLEMEN good assortment of from Monmouth, Suuday, as chap­ be ready. Benson, Mr. Brushes. eron of an auto party of four nor­ A scout council was elected, as Marr, Mr. William follows; M. L, Thompson, Presi­ Poison, Mr. A. mal students. dent: N. Selig, Vice Pres: Walter Thomas, Mr. Harvey At the close of regstration on Nichols Treas. A building com­ Walker, Mr. H. E. April 30, 022 names had been put mittee was appointed as follows, These letters will be sent to the on the books for the four Falls W. F. Nichols, W, P. Lewie, and dead letter office, May 16, 1914, if M. L Thompson City precincta. O, Elle will oversee the work on not delivered before. Iu calling for The Osh are not the only things the buildiug. the above, please say,“ Advertised,” that are beginning to bite. Doge giving date of list. are also doing aome biting. Be­ Good Suggestion to Falls City People H e w s o fJa lte C ih e Ira C. Mehrling, Postmaster. ware of the dog. It is surprising the amount of Th.r* I* mor« Catarrh In thla aretlon of For sale, recleaued red Clover old, foul matter the simple mix­ the country Why not celebrate? than all other diaeaae* put together, and until the last few yeara Seed, l<4c per pound; choice grey ture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, w at auppoaed to be Incurable. For a areal Let Hartung Suit you. many yeara doctors pronounced It a local Oat*. Phone 24155. C. S. Calk- etc., known ae adler-i-ka, drains dlaeaae and prescribed local remedies, and Polk County Fair, Sept. 17,18,19 ius, Airlie, Oregon. by constantly falling to cure with local from the system. This remedy be­ treatment, pronounced Sci­ The best ahow at the Gem tonight The school had a half holiday, came famous by curing appendici­ ence has proven Catarrh It Incurable. to bo a consti­ tutional disease, and therefor* requires Read street improvement notice, Friday of last week. The ball park tis and acts on b m i the upper and Cure, constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh manufactured by F. J Cheney * ou page 4, Toledo, Ohio, la the only Constitu­ and the big woods became play lower bowel so thoroughly that o n e Co.. tional cure on the market. It la taken In­ In doses from 1# drops to a tea- Wanted, three copies of The grounds for a few hours. dose relieves sour stomach, gas on ternally spoonful. It acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tha system. They Newe; date April 25, Mr». Chaa. Trimble and Mrs. L. the stomach almost immediately . offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and tes­ Jerry Snyder is very ill, at the M. Robertaon and children went We are mighty glad we are Falls timonial». Address: T. J CHENEY * CO , Tolsdo. O. home of H. C. Browu. to Black Rock by train, and re­ City agents for Adler-i-ka. M. L. Sold by D ruggists, 78e. Taka Ball's V astly Pills for eonstlpatloo. The Art Club will meet at the turned afoot, Friday of last week. Thompson, Druggist. Come to the Drug Store A COMPLETE LINE OF Mens Furnishings Gents Hats, Shirts, Shoes and Oxfords m I We have the Newest Styles in Straw Hats We Dave the Largest Stock of Shirts in Town Golf Shirts in the plain and pleated bosoms; Negligee Shirts; flat, military and auto collars Underwearforthe hot Weather Balbriggan and Porosknit Underwear; P. Q. A. and Athletic Union Suits. We have selected from the best lines on „„.y . the market, and aim to sell on the smallest npccc RFTTFB’’ margin, which entitles us to our motto: ■ CIIIX C h a s . HARTUNG Exclusive Men’s Furnisher CLOTHES CLEANING AND PRESSING I. A. J O H N S T O N CleaningandPressing HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Sample Room» Commercial Trada Muellrr Building a Specialty Zbc flDabena Parlor French Dry Cleaning, Repairing and Alterations. Buttons made for ladies clothes. Work called for and delivered. Phone 126 Madena Restaurant REAL ESTATE Meal» at all hour»-beat on tbe market. F . K. Hubbard Realty Company Real Estate' bought, »old. and exchanged. Collection!. Insurance, Abstracts. Notarial work; Legal Documents Prepared Office, In the Falls City News office. For sale. 2U&- good land; 3-4 a. in fruit; 8 r. house, furnished; city water; barn, other bldgs; chickens, cow, yearling heifer; hogs; harness, tools;price 92500, half cash; box 170. Fa 11 » City's Best Hotel Mr». MaeNlchola Manager». Mrl n .n n u For good »at», a • to th o W m . F inley , Prop. Parcels Must Bear Return Card The attention of all is directed to paragraph 4 of section 470, Po«tal Laws and Regulations, Which re­ quires that tbe name and address of the sender shall appear ou every package that is to be sent by par­ cel post, or it will not be accepted for mailing. Ira C. Mehrling, P. M. SELIG’S A GOOD BUY Weeks ago, before the recent ad­ vance in Flour, we contracted for a car of Eastern Oregon Flour The Carls Here And we are going to give you the benefit of this excellent buy I l l r l n i p n v p l r IQl ia l F I l IUUI a u f a pa^ent ^ard w*iea^ every sack guaranteed; specially priced at 18 White Rose specially a hard priced wheat at blend' $ 1.35 1.25 $ We want you to try either of these Flours with every confidence. If, after using any portion of sack, you are not entirely pleased, your money will be returned. Fair, is it not ? SELIGs falls Citç Department Store a