T he N e w s a ta n d a f o r a greater and b e t t e r Kalla City all th e time FALLS eiTY NEWS KALLH CITY. OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY Ö, 1014 VOL. X ■ SATURDAY NIGHT K Have You Planned Your Outing? A Few Tim ely Suggestions Summer Excursions East Rose Festival Beach Resorts Springs and Mountain Resorts You doubtless want to go gome where, to get away for a while from the 8teudy grind. Let us help you. Excursions East: From June 1 to Sept. .‘10 low round trip tickets will be sold from all points on the P.. E. & E. and S. P. one way through California or via Portland. Newport,Yaquina Bay: For rest, pleasure or recreation and outdoor life try this old seaside outing place. The best o f e v e r y thing.camps, cottages, hotels, at moderatecost Tillamook County Beaches: A new playground, only a short run from Portland. Mountain, forest, fishing streams or beach in endless variety and infinite charm. Rose Festival: From June 9 to 12 Portland will don holiday attire, supplying entertainment unique, historical and in­ teresting; fun on land and water you cannot afford tomiss Springs and Mountain Resorts: Hot springs, mineral springs and mountain resorts for fishing.hunting.or'far from the maddening crowds’ are to bo found in abundance along the Southern Pacific. Our New Outing Booklets: 'Vacation Days,’ ‘N ew port’ and ’Tillamook County Beaches’ are just off the press, full o f timely suggestions as to where and how you can best spend your vacation. They are free for the asking. Drop us a pos­ tal card or call on our nearest Agent. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agt. Portland, Oregon. mmm f |||* w o N S v 0 R ev S amuel n W.P i r v i s DU THE NIGHTMARE OF DEBT. Text, "Ow* no man anythin* Flore XIII. X. There are two kinds of sermon*. One Is preached after much midnight oil and book study. The other Is preached from coutact with uieu after much uieu study. One is o f books, the other o f tho stuff from which hooks are made. This sermon la o f the latter class. 1 would like to write of the debt we owe to tbe barbarian, tbe Hcytblau, the bond and the fret-. I will write o f that tremendous debt some day. liut the homely virtue I have In my mind Just now Is not our debt to tbe great writers, printers nnoor washerwoman baa to wait and the seamstress and the cobbler for bis little bill. The carpenter lias to threaten Inwsult for repairs to the leaky roof "The only way to get money from them," says my dentist neighbor, 'is with legal forceps.” "T h e A rtistio Tem peram ent.” AN UNEXPECTED BOOMERANG. A C m « In Which the Chicken* Cam* Horn* to Ro**t. AHTIN M W. LITTLETON wna titlklnic nt the (jurtlen City Uolf club about cron* examination. " I am a foe to bar*b uuil overbear­ ing croaa examiners," lie «aid. "and I wlab they would all fare like Council­ man Daab. ''Councilman Daali wa* the prose- cutor In a cane of alleged election fraud. Ilia own election, a municipal one, hud been all right, but In tbe re­ cent aiate election be hoped to prove aertoua corruption "Th e councilman ttegan to croaa ex­ amine a voter named Washington White. '' 'Wash,' be aald, 'have you got any (lied Incom er •' ‘Whnt's that, atrr Waah nuked 'I don't quite understand the question, air.' '“ H ave you got any fixed Incomer aald the councilman. T h a t la to nay, are there any aet autna of money or a|>purteiianoca assured you on certain dntesr '• 'Oh. ye*, atr.' aald Wash. 'Yes, there la, air.' " 'Oho,' aneered the councilman, 'you have got a fixed Income, then, have you? W ell, tell ua what It la.' " 'You kuow yourself. air,' aald Washington reproachfully, 'that every election day, Juat aa sure aa It cornea around, you give mo $2 aud a ham.’ " — Philadelphia Ijedger Hand-me-downs. " I have to wear futher's old clothes I don't suppose you girls hare any troublea like thoseT” •'Yea, we do." aald the girl "1 have to wear mother's old hair."—San Fran- tlsco Chronicle. A Real Friend. 8 h e-S o eorry to hear o f your motoi accident Motorist—Oh, thanks. It's nothing Expect to live through many more. She — Oh. but I hope uoL — Boston Transcript " I t I* exasperating," *ald my grocer on the corner, "to see folk* splurging around on your hard earned money, enjoying food, clothing nnd entertain­ ment that you couldn’t afford.” “ That young fellow with the full dress suit and the crush opera bat has not yet the suit paid for he was married In fire year* ago," said the little tailor on the side street. The florist, the livery­ man. the caterer and the Jeweler stand hat In baud for their bills, which s|icll some o f the extravagances o f the*« care free folks. One long haired dti- ten whose profession makes bis artis­ tic tcm|>emiueiit peculiar says be has three degree* o f obligation—debts of honor, debts o f a gentleman and some not worth mentioning. The first class were those the sheriff compelled pay­ ment, the second those who could wait Indefinitely for n geutlemau's conven lence. When he was naked concerning the debts to the town tradesmen he looked Injured and said they were too vulgar to speak of. When last winter one o f those tradesmen committed sul cldc lji_. sheer.despair he said, "Th e poor beast tnke* life too seriously.” 7 ho handsomest touring car In our towu I m owned (at least we think It U owned; by n man who haa mortgaged his home nnd laughs patronizingly In the face o f dozen* o f town rredltora. "The Worst Trust.” Fortunately the dishonest debt folks are not many or all business would be disorganized and Industry would come to a standstill Unfortunately the oth er fellow has to pay part o f the bill of those who keep up luxury or the ap­ pearance of luxury. Merchunta must charge more for tbelr gooda to make up the percentage o f losa, and the whole community haa to support folks who would not apeak to you on tbe street. The worst trust la not tbe predutory form o f capital which gov­ ernmental financiers and lawmaker* try to curb, but that which Is asked so oaslly by customer and granted so re­ luctantly by merchant and frequently never liquidated. It Is an easy habit to form. Simply live beyond your In­ come and try to keep up appearances. Raise your children as If they were rich Cultivate the taste o f a million­ aire on the pocket o f poverty. Dress the now-born baby In garments rich be­ yond need, bury tbe dead in style that Will make the neighborhood gape in awe. From tbe wood o f the cradle to the marble o f tbe grave do things In large style. Tobacco, drink, gambling, tho fearful extravagance of spend­ thrift women, caused by tbe craze for dress aud desire to outshine socially— these are tbe money affairs that cause nine-tenths o f the domestic unhappl nos* nnd about the anine proportion o f wrecks In the business world. Th* Nightmare of Debt. Debt is the great force master. It u p s vitality. Not many honest people can be In serious debt without worry aud anxiety. Many a man drags about tbe debt skeleton of past extrava­ gances. Young man, don't get Into debt liefore you are married. Cut down dress, cigars, social life, and save to have a little balance to begin with. If possible buy your cage when you gel your bird. Debt rides on the back of pride. When you marry don’t let any false pride tempt you Into an elab­ orate wedding beyond your means. Gloves, bouquets, cabs and costly sou­ venirs may meau a bugbear o f debt for many a day to come. Don’t fur­ nish your house oti Installments. Let every slick o f furniture be Individual, pun-base few in uumber. but let it l>e your own—and thank God. Don't try to keep up the social pace you did be­ fore you were married. Look out for the loan shark. Live your own lives nnd be honest. When tbe day comes that will mean a new life In your hone expenses will be many, but you will Is- able to meet them with honest eyes Tbe nightmare o f debt makes men walk with downcast eyes by day aud produces nights that mean dishonor, suicide or prison. I’ ut a motto on your wall—"O w e no m »n anything.” Advertisers Are In Good Company By H OLLAND. R. BUSINESS M AN, have you ever thought that advertising puts you In good company? It Is an old saying that a man Is kuowu by the company he keeps. When you join the ranks o f the ad­ vertisers you Join the ranks o f the biggest and most suc­ cessful merchants and manu­ facturers o f the world How many concerns can you name In Chicago. In New York, In Kansas City, In Bos­ ton, In any large city In the country? Nome them and you will notice that all are big advertisers and all are lead­ ers In their lines. Ask your friends to name tin- most suc­ cessful merchants they know In the big cities and in each case the name o f a great ad­ vertiser will be mentioned. The same rule Is true of smaller cities nnd towns. The successful merchants are the advertisers. The advertiser stamps himself ns one hav­ ing confidence In himself and his wnres, ns one proud o f his calling and seeking publicity and the test o f patronage. M JOIN T H E R A N K S O F SUCCESSFUL Buy all goods o f home merchants and help to make Falls City greater No. 36 May 9 In American History. 1771) Washington wrote that the Con tiuental force was little more than a skeleton of an army. 1781 —Washington's army had but two days' rations ahead. 1804 -General John Sedgwick, leader o f the Federal tflitb corps, killed by a sharpshooter at KpotUylvanla. Va , born at Cornwall, Conn , 1810. 1911—Colonel Thomas Wentworth Hlg ginson, author, historian and Fed- era I soldier, died; born 1823. ASTRO NO M ICAL EVENTS. Kvenlng stars: Mars, Venus, Saturn. Morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter. Con­ stellation Leo itbe Lion), which In­ cludes the Hb kle. seen duo southwest about 9 p. m. May 10 In American History. OLD FAVOniTES. TH E CONQUERED BANNER. U R L that banner for *t)a weery. Round It* staff tie droopla* Iraarr- F Furl It. fold It; it la boat. For there’a not a man to wava It. And there’* not a «word to ear* It. And tbere'a not one left to lave It In the blood whicb heroe* cave It. And ita foea now acorn and brava It. Furl It. hide It. lot It rest. Taka the banner down! 'Tie tattered. Broken I* Ita etaff end ■ bettered. And th* valiant hosts ara «cat ter ad Over whom It floated high. Oh. 'tla hard for us to fold It, Hard to think there'* non* lo hold It Hard that thoae who ones unrolled It Now must furl It with a sigh! 1782 -The British commander In Amer­ ica, General Carleton, formally no­ tified General Washington o f peace Furl that banner, furl It aedlr. measure* In Knglund to end war. One* ten thousand ballad It gladly. 1804—By direction o f General U. 8. And tan thousand wildly, madly Swore It should forever wav*. Grant three separate attacks were Swore that foe man'» sword should never made on the Confederate fortifica­ Hearts Ilka theirs entwined dissever tions at Spottsylvania. The Second, TUI that flag should float forever O’er tbelr freedom or their grave. Fifth and Sixth corps lost 4,000 killed and wounded, their oppo­ Furl I t for th* hands that grasped It nents less than 2,000. And the heart* that fondly clasped It Cold end dead are lying low. 1869— First railroad to the Pacific (Un And that banner. It la trailing. Ion Pacific) completed. While around it sounds the walling 1904—Henry M. Stanley, Journalist and Of Its people In tbelr w oe explorer, died; born 1841. A8TRO N O M IC AL EVENTS. Evening stars: Mars, Venus, Saturn. Morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter. The lone star, Cor Hydrae (the Solitary One), low In the southwest about 8:30 p. m., belongs to constellation Hydra. May 11 In American History. For. though conquered, they adore It. Love the cold dead hands that bore It. Weep for those who fell before i t Pardon those who trailed and tor* IL And, oh, wildly they deplore It Now, to furl and fold It so! Furl that banner! T ru e 'tla gory. Tat 'tla wreathed around with glory. And ’ twill live In song and story Though Ita folds are In the dust For Its fame on brightest page*. Penned by poets and by sages. Rhsll go sounding down ths age*. Furl Its folds though now wa must 1778—Washington and his generals at Valley Forge renounced allegiance to K ing George 111. and took oath Furl that banner softly «lowly. acknowledging the United State* to Treat It gently—It la holy— For It droop* above the dead. be “ free. Independent and sover­ Touch It not—unfold It never— eign states." Let It droop there furled forever. 1864—Cavalry combat at Yellow T av­ For Its people's hopes are fled. —Abnun Joseph Ryan. ern, six miles from Ricbmond. General J. E. B. Stuart's Confeder­ An Outlet For Her Feelings. ate corps disputed the road to Rich­ Tbe lovely young lady and her bore- mond with General P. H. Sheri­ dan's column. Stuurt was mortally some escort were sitting In the draw­ ing room. He had taken her to the wounded. theater and brought her safely home, which was really all that waa required ASTRO N O M IC AL EVENTS. Evening stars; Mars, Venus, Saturn. o f him. But still he stayed and talked Morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter. Four and coaldn't seem to know what polite stars o f constellation Corvus, forming yawna signified. Finally the yonng woman said: a quadrangle, seen, due south, low "Mr. Rubbitin. would you mind doe- about 8:30 p. w. Ing that door? I feel a d r a ft" He tried aod tried, but the door wouldn't latch. 1780—Surrender o f Charleston, S. C. “ I fear It can’t be done." be an- by General Benjamin Lincoln to nounced. the British. “ Y’ es, It can. If you know how.” said 1804—Battle In the "Bloody Angle" at she. "You have to dose It from the Spottsylvania. General Hancock's outside.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Incredible. Second corps carried the outer line " I wouldn't have believed It o f her." o f Confederate works. Federal Iosa, “ Neither would I. Jane la tbe last 7,000 killed and wounded; Confed­ girl In the world I would have thought erate about 4,000. such a thing of.” “ She doesn't seem like that sort o f ASTRO N O M IC AL EVENTS. person.” Evening stars: Mars, Venus, Saturn. “ Indeed, she doesn't I'd have taken Morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter. 81x my oath that she wouldn't do such a stars In vertical liue south of east be­ thing.” long to constellations Serpens and "Oh, you never can tell. I’ve known Ophiuchus, the latter but partly above girls who have been to college to do the horizon at 8:30 p. m. worse things.” “ W ell, what did Jane do. anywayT* “ W hat did she do? She led a heart 1776—"T h e Guard o f the Commander when Agnes was sitting there with a In Chief," George Washington, or­ whole handful o f clnbs.” — Detroit ganized In New York. Pursuant Free Press. to Washington's dictum, “ Put none but Americans on guard!” the corps Wrong Diagnosis. was composed o f native born citi­ A man called upon a physician for zens. advice. Tbe physician diagnosed tho 1783—Society o f tbe Cincinnati formed case ae one o f nerves and prescribed at Flshklll, N. Y., In Baron Steu­ accordingly. The fee waa $6 and the ben's camp. prescription $2. Tbs man had only 95. 1804—Tw o Federal corps constituting H e said to tbe physician: the Army o f the James, command­ "Doc. $5 Is all 1 have. Lend me $3 ed by General B. F. Butler, cap­ and I'U have the prescription filled.*' tured Confederate fortifications at The physician gazed at the men for Drury's Bluff, near Richmond. a moment, then said; " I have made a 1866—Last battle o f the civil war; a mistake In my diagnosis. Your nerve skirmish at Palmetto Ranch, near Is ail righ t You are afflicted with an Brazos Santiago, Tex. enlarged gall. There la no remedy for that.” —Judge. ASTR O N O M IC AL EVENTS. Evening stars: Maro, Venue, Saturn. She Might Do That Muoh. Morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter. Po­ ” 1 wish.” he said, "you would wear a laris (North Star) white, conspicuous green wig.” about 8:30 p. m., due north from zen­ "But,” she replied, “ this red one la ith, with an extensive blank area to more becoming to me.” the westward. "1 can't help that My eyes ere rather weak, and green la restful to them."—Chicago Record-Herald. May 12 In American History. May 13 In American History. May 14 In American History. 1787—General Washington met with the first constitutional convention In Independence ball, Philadelphia. 1864—Flrat severe fighting o f the cam­ paign for Atlanta began at Resa ca, Ga. 1906—Carl Schurz, noted German- Amerlcan scholar and publicist, died; born 1830. Impossible. "There goes that Mrs. Gadabout Do you know. I'v e beard that her poor husband la absolutely tied to her apron strings.” “ Nonsense I I don't believe she's had an apron on since they've been mar­ ried.” —Philadelphia Ledger. A8TR O N O M IC AL EVENTS. Evening stare: Mara. Venus, Saturn. Morning stars: Mercury, Jupiter. Con atellation Auriga, In the northwest la distinguishable by the first magnitude star Capella, creamy white on the east­ ern rim o f the Milky way, about 8:30 p. m. Cutting Criticism. Customer (who Is being shaved)— Did you pass ths civil service exami­ nation? B arber-Yes, sir. Customer—Well, you ought to get the appointment if they* Is anything In a pull.—Cincinnati Enquirer. In Love. "She's head over heels In love with him." "T h at so T* "Yea, she's got to tbe point where she can't see how she can possibly live without the automobile be owns.” —De­ troit Free Press. Hew It Happened. Aunt Nancy—So you didn't forget your w ife when you w is down th en In New York thie trip, Eben? Uncle Eben (her husband)—I couldn’t, Nancy. Every durn girl 1 met kept rubbln* ft Into me nbont bein’ n m ar rted man.-Puck. AD V E R TISE R S. Danger on E very Hand. "Oh, see the sunbeams dancing on the w aves!" said the poetic girl. "Don’t look I" exclaimed tbe severe woman. "H ow do we know they aren't dancing tbe tango or the turkey trot?' —Washington Star. Foolish Question. “ Did that young man kiss yon Inst night r "Mother, do you suppose that he came all tbe way up here Just to hear me sing?” —Fun. I