Falls City news. (Falls City, Or.) 190?-19??, May 02, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    T u * F a i m C it y N itr i, M a y 2. 19i4
Wo often talk about aud
pity her
I think our |>astor should
call on you and have a sertoua talk "
Unassy, but Datarminad.
A little Inter on M r Bowser met a
male acquaint»nee who expressed great
He fcnters a Church Contest For surprise
at seeing him there and asked
If he Intended to rent a family pew.
a Walking Stick.
“ I'm after that stick," wa* tha re­
POOH POOHS AT COMPETITION "Hut you—you can't expect to win it."
"I'd like to know why not."
The man looked at him with a pity
A ir ily D '» r» g « rtl» »h» A d v ic» o f M r». Ing expression, but had no explanation
Bovs»»r an d B » g in t H i t C a m p a ig n
to make A doubt crept into Mr. Bow
sera mind for the first time, aud he
F c r V e ta a — It'» a G re a t A d v a rtia a -
hunted up Mrs. Bowser to say.
m a n t F o r th a F a a tiv a l.
" I believe this crowd has put up n
By M . Q U A D .
lob to beat me."
|C c ry ri» h *. l i l t , by Aaarctatad L lta ra ry
“ I don't think so." she replied. “ But
Praaa ]
suppose we go home? It's crowded
Y George, but there'» a chance I and uncomfortable, and I know you
for some fun!” exclaimed are not enjoying yourself.”
Mr Bowser as he looked up
‘‘When I go home that cane goes with
me!" he announced as he set his Jaw.
from the paper.
“ I'm either the most popular man in
■ What is it?” asked Mrs. Bowser.
"Your church is to hold a festival town or I'm not. and It's a good time
Saturday evening, isn't it. and a gold to find out how 1 stand."
headed cane is to be voted to the most
A Oaad G am s S p o rt.
popular man in town?''
When the voting for the cane began
"But where is the fun?”
Mr. Bowser stood alone. He saw that
"In getting the stick. Say, now. but he was out o f it. nnd Mrs. Bowser
w e ll be on hand, and if I don't get made another effort to get him home,
that stick over all the other candidates but his mind was made up to die game
you may call uie a goat! It’s a fifteen He bought a hundred o f Bowser tick­
dollar stick and just what I w an t ets at one swoop and deposited them
You must have known about the festi­ in the box, and these put him up far
val. as you go to that church very ahead o f any other candidate.
period o f exultation was brief, how
“ But you see"— began Mra. Bowser, ever It was the crowd against Bow­
and then checked herself.
ser, but he was a fighter. He had $00
"W hat do I see? The stick goes to in his wallet, and not till the last cent
the most popular man in town. Con­ was gone did he abandon the struggle.
ceited old Brown will think he% sure When ?he ballots were counted up he
o f i t and Jackson w ill grin and tum­ found he had lost by over 200 votes.
ble over himself, but they won't be in
“ I'm ao sorry!” whispered Mrs. Bow­
it with ute. it will be Just ilke rolling ser as she followed him out o f the
off a log to win.”
"1—1 hadn't thought o f going,” stam­
He made no reply.
mered Mrs. Bowser.
“ It was awful that you paid out $00
“ Well, you can make up your mind and didn't get the cane after all!"
to go ludeed. I should think you'd be
She beard him gritting his teeth, but
he answered never a word.
“ You are probably the most popular
man In town, but they combined
against you.”
Mr. Bowser Sees It All.
Still not a word. Side by side they
walked home and entered the house.
Mr. Bowser turned up the hall gas,
bung up his hat, and as Mrs. Bowser
sank down Into a chair be shouted:
"Woman, this is the end!”
"W -what do you mean?’ she asked.
“ You worked your little game and
got me downed. No excuses or ex­
planations will go!"
“ But what did I d o ?’
“ My lawyer will be here about 10
o’clock In the morning. You can doubt­
less have yours meet him at that hour.
It won't take long to arrange mat­
"But I - I " -
"Tb at is all, Mrs. Bowser—all ex
cept the divorce and alimony. As I
have some papers to prepare for the
business tomorrow I will bid you good
night—good night!”
"But can't” —
"Good night Mrs Bowser!” he r *
proud to barve me bear off the prize.
peated as he bowed and waved his
W on't It please yeai to discover that
hand and retired to the library. "Good
I'm the most popular m an in town?”
Y e-s. of course, but suppose it night!”
fhouldu't turn out that way?”
I Lois 1,2,3, 4, 13, I t , »»lock
• Tw o tine building lot* in Mock
G. Hast View aiM.
i For rent, house, barn, 1» lute; $i’<.
Kllis t-trcct. Property for sale.
I For Sale. 2 good lot*, on
street in block K, cultivated.
M e re ly M r» . B o w a er’s H u s b an d .
When the fateful evening finally ar-
rb ed the Bowsers were on hand at an
early hour. It didn't take Mr. Bowser
over ten minutes to discover that
things were not exactly as he had ex­
In the first place, It was 10
routs a vote, and In the next he was
a stranger to most of the ebureb peo­
ple. and none of them seemed to have
marked him down as a candidate. He
soon came upon a stern, severe look­
ing unman, who made Inquiry o f him:
“ I understand that you are Mrs.
Bowser's husband, and how does It
m m e that we never see you here o f a
Sunday with her?”
I la m not much o f a churchgoer,”
lie stammered In explanation
"That is, you don't feel it a duty to
spt a good example to others?”
"I hope I am not a bad man.”
"Did It ever occur to you that you
had a soul?"
"O f course.”
“ I sm afraid it hoic't.
Poor Mrs
i Lots 13. 11. 15, It;. »>lock O, at a
bargain i $100 cash. bal. on terms
at 8 „ .
Two lots, 0-r. bouse; fruit, l»er-
ries, city water,electric light; cl >se
in, bargain.
’ For sale, One acre, adjoining city
limits, with 5-rooui house. A bar­
gain at $425, terms. Mouse to rent.
* For sale— 10 acres, partially im ­
proved. house, timber; spring and
livin g stream; near western city
limits; price, $1300, cash.
9 For sale, one acre, cultivated,
fruit, berries; ti-r. house insured
for $ 1400; elec, light, city water,
cesspool; puce $1050; all cash, or
$700 cash, terms on balance,
to For «ale, 7 lots (a ll of block A )
in Montgomery’ * addition to Falls
City ; good garden ground, fenced ;
city water; price $1100 if bought
within the next 30 days.
II For sale, tine home in citv, with
25 acres, 10 cultivated.
i.’ For sale, lots 7, 8, 14, 23 block K.
and lots 11 and 12 block E. W ill
trade for I’ ortlaud property,
ll For sale, lot 2 block M, M. ad.
19 For sale, 80 a. 1 j mi. north of city
20 a. improved; 25 a. good timber;
pleuty of pasture and wat*r.
D To rc-nt, 12-r. house,
l* Two acres, cultivated, fruit, ber­
ries; 0-r. house, sheds; water, elec­
tric light; will divide.
i* Five acres, in city.
i ’ Six lots, no improvements; cheap
2° Ixrt 5 and 20 ft. of lot 4 blk I), 70'
feet front, on North Main street, is
for sale at a bargain; lest building
lot in town. Soe F. K. Hubbard,
Notice to Electric Light Users
A ll peraoiia owing the Falls City
Electric Light Co. for service prior
to April 1, 1914, will please pay
the amount to C. W . Lee at The
News office.
W. E. N ewsom
Cheese and Jelly Salad.—Wash and
drain some crisp white lettuce and lay
it in a very cold dish. Prepare some
small balls o f cream cheese mixed
with a little cream and salt and make
a Itttle depression like a miniature
well on top o f each one. In this drop
any rich red Jelly. Put French dress­
ing on the lettuce in generous quantl
ties and on top arrange the little cream
Egg Salad.—Cut hard boiled eggs in
quarters and serve on crisp lettuce,
with a boiled dressing. For the dress­
ing mix In the following order: A ta­
blespoonful o f sugar, a tablespoonful
o f salad oil, a teaapoonful of dry mus­
tard, the same o f cornstarch. Add salt
and pepper. Stir until smooth. Add
three-quarters o f a cup o f salad oil,
one-third o f a cupful o f tarragon vine­
gar, three tablespoonfuls o f common
vinegar and the beaten yolks o f three
eggs Boil until thick, stirring all the
P h y s ic ia n a n a S u r g a a n
Olili'« u v e i ritolti Ita o ir. il i tig »lora. Mu
tu a i |»houe :vi rh o itv N ig h ! f a l l 441
I’ ll YHlt IA N
F. M. H E L L W A R T fì
Co-O perative Cannery
Co-O perative Creamery
W ood-working Factories
Fruit and Berry Orchards
Offic# in Toller Bldg .
nan» »ii,i
KtnliUiu1« * llOtlt* Jtm
rail, cuy,
tin goti
Manufacturer* and HoineseeVers who want to know the facta con­
cerning Falls City and it* iHMwibilites for future development arc
requested to read tho information given in theae two column*. For
further and more particular information, address The News.
JA S. G. H C L T Z C L ,
A tto rn e y a t L a w
Practica In a ll the Stats courts
Suite It Husk Brejruian BUI, . phuti» 296
Salarti. O r t g o n
Dr. A.G. Atwood
P h o n a 19 31
Nam e
Tho city derives its namt from tho falls of the Little Luckia-
mute River, which flows through th* city from the VVeet.
Tho first sale of town lota occurred in 1889, though donation
land-claim settlers cim e here many years before that data. In
1900 the population was 2(19; in 1910, 939; 1914, al»out 1,260.
T h e L o catio n
F a l l a C it y , O r .
R. L. C H A P M A N
Fun era l Dlrectot
w . attaod la all « a r t promptly.
Dallas sad Falla City. Or
Falls City is situated in the south central part o f Polk County,
Oregon, in section 21, township 8, S., range 0.W.. Willamette mer­
idian, 27 rail miles southwest of Salem, ami 73 rail miles south­
west of Portland, in the narrow western slid of the L ittle Lucki-
amute ltiver valley, surrounded on the north, south, and waat by
the foothills of the Coast Range mountains. Elevation, 888.38 ft
above sea levsl. Transportation— Salem, Fall* City A Western
Railroad, which extends from Salem to Black Rock, a rail
distance of .30 miles, with F. I*, main line connections at Dallas,
Gerlinger, ami Salem, and with the Oregon Electric at 8al«m
jfallô Git\>1 f:)otd
Falls City is incorporated as a city, contains about 800 acres,
valuation for taxation $252,000. The city administration ia com­
posed of mayor, seven council men, auditor and police judge, mar­
shal, treasurer, engineer, health officer.
Salaries: Marshal and
water superintendent, $t>0; auditor. $25; attorney, $26.
S a m p la R o a n a
B a s t A c c o m m o d a tio n s
W a te r an d W o o d
» U 0lnc00 (Tart©
F. Oroago. P ro p rie to r
Bohle’s Barber Shops
The citv of Falls City owns the gravity water system, its first
cost was $80,000. I’ure mountain water is piped from soring« on
Judge Teal’s ranch, 8 mi lea away, at an elevation ol about 300
feet above city level.
Oak and fir tire wood is plentiful and cheap.
F a lla C i t y , O r a g o n
Vkert you ran (ti a Shavr. lair Cut. lath
•r 'Shine'
R U lL D I N t i C O N T R A C T O R
S a u l O u d e rk irk
B u ild in g C o n t r a c t o r .
R e p a ir s
M oda.
L u m b e r, F ru it, V e g e ta b le s an d B e rrio s
Electric-power planing and saw m ill, log pond, dry kiln and
lumber yard in the city, lumber flume, logging roads and logging
outfits, all owned and operated by the Falls City Lumber Co.
The surrounding bunch and hill lands are as well adapted to
the production of fruits and berries as any other section of the
Pacific Northwest, and development on these lines is going on.
Vegetable» and berries of many kinds grow to perfection In
atnl adjoining Falls City, and many acres are planted to straw-
»»erries and loganberries. Market conditions are improving stead­
ily, as production is increased.
Phone 194
Falla City, Ore.
Bile & Elle
S c h o o ls , C h u rc h e s , S o c ie tie s , C lu b *
Contractors and Builders
See us before you build.
We may save you money.
Phone 1411
Falls City has a 12 grade school with a four-year high school
course, with principal, assistant, and eight grade teacher«. I d
diplomas are accepted by the higher achools in lieu of examina-
atmns. The entire community is justly proud of the school,
G . L. H A W K I N S
D a lla s , O ra g o n
1 he Religious organizations are: Adventist, Catholic, Christian,
Free Methodist, Methodist Episcopal, German Lutheran.
The Fraternal societies: Ind. Order of Oddfellows, Kebekahs,
Masons, Knights of Pythias, Py lliian Sinters, Modern Woodmen of
America, Royal Neighbors o f America, Woodmen of the W orld,
Women of Woodcraft.
Free reading room.
P e o n i Ol
and get a dish of the famous
M T . H O O D IC E C R E A M
H arrington’s
Ice Cream
© re g o n
C . W . M a t t h e w s , P r o p r lo to r
Salem Laundry
Bundles sent Tuesday evenings.
P atents
trsoc «a sa s»
D is io n s
C o p yr ig h ts A c .
A nyon e M tid ln f a sketch and deerrlptlon mey
quickly •■rertaln our opinion fr e e w hether »n
Invention I«
le probebly
probably pnten
------- *
" i~
fom munir*.
t lone et ri et 1 y con II Penile!.
d en t
“ on Patent*
•ent free. Oldeet
ency for eecnrtnv patente,
rough Mann à Co. receive
fprrtai not let, without charge. In the
Scientific American.
A hendeomrly lllnetreted wrekly. ! »
dilation o f any «nentlflc tournai. T erme,
M H P V *
re*r; four mon» be, |L Sold by *11 newedeelere.
Ofllce. 416 ¥ SU Weehlngf on, D. C. t
Gem theatre, photoplay.
Hydro electric light generated by the power of the falls; owned
by the Falls City Electric Co , W. It. Stevens president, H . C.
Brown vice-president and manager, A. W. Stevens secretary and
A P o p u la r S alad .
Cooked Vegetable Salad—Take a
large pickled beet, cut It into alloes
and then into strips. Cut three cooked
potatoes In a similar manner. Arrange
these In layers In a salad bowl con­
taining three tablespoonfuls o f best
salad oil and one large tablespoonful
o f vinegar mtxed with a hard boiled
egg yolk, a little mustard, salt and pep
Wash and trim half a small
bunch of white celery and cut It Into
fine shreds. Mix these with the other
vegetables and place three to four
filleted anchovies on top, cut Into small
strips Garnish the salad with a few
sprigs o f watercress and serve.
S top a t E llis ’
N u tr itio u s Foods.
W . B . O ffic e r, M . D .
F. K. Hubbard Realty Company
In T h a N a w s o f f i c a , F a l l a C ily
Offers exceptionally line opportunities for the establishment
I 7 Three acres, adjoining city,
L IK E .
A LA D S that appeal to the eye and
palate are always popular. The
appended recipes are for salads
that unite these qualities, yet are also
quite novel. For luncheon or supper
these salads are delicious.
Cottage Cheese Salad.—Mix some cot
tage cheese with a tablespoonful of
finely cut or grated onion, salt and
pepper to taste and a tablespoonful of
chopped parsley
Mix w e lt Line the
bowl with lettuce, put the cheese in
center and garnish with stuffed olives
cut into rings and finely cut parsley
Pour over one-half cupful French
H is by RisJbt.
But it's got to turn cut that w a y -
got to do it. Haven't 1 been asked to
run for aldeiman? H aven't I eon-
tiib'ited to the free ice and sick baby
funds? Don't we give to every chari-
*■ and don't all the children on the
sti“ et run after me? W hy. I gave $25
in isli to help build that very edifice.
I f there's a more popelar man in town
th in t era I'd like to know him.”
l'lseu. if you shouldn’t get the cane,
then you'd—you'd '—
Then I'd what? It looks to me as
If you didn't want me to get it. Per-
b»ps you bad intended to vote for
some other candidate? Well, you go
»head and vote for whom you please,
but I'll walk home with that cane Just
the same
W e go to the festival Sat­
urday evening.”
That settled it, and Mrs. Bowser had
no more objections to offer. Mr. Bow­
ser took hold of the matter in his en­
thusiastic way. He let it be known
that be was in the bands o f his friends
and that his friends were expected to
vote early and often and pull him
For four days and evenings
he went about talking o f the matter,
•with the result that "popular candi­
dates" appeared in all directions. Mra.
Bowser bad fears and doubts, but
whenever she threw out a hint Mr.
Bowser drew himself up and replied:
"I'll win, and don't you worry about
It looks ns if there might be a
dozen candidates, but I ’ll smash ’em
to squash as soon as the voting be­
I've had no less than seven
men ask me if I would run for mayor
next year, and I believe I ’ll take a
p ro f eoe to nal C arte
Notice to News Subscribers
A b lu e -p e n c il oroao m a rk on th lo
n o tle o m e a n t t h a t y o u r o u b s e rlp -
tlo n to T h o N o w s has a s p lro d an d
n » « * » fix in g
D o It no w
Telephone system, with long-distance connections. C. J. Pugh
local manager.
B u sin ess E n te rp ris e s
Falls C 'ty is well provided with the usual business enterprises.
Tho News contains the announcements of the following business
and professional men of the c it y :
Bakery, D. Toller,
Bank of Falls City, W. F. Nichols cashier.
Barber shops, Wm. Bohle.
Carpenters and Builders, Elio dr Elle, S. Ouderkirk.
Clothier, T a ;lor and gents' furnisher, Chas. Harlung.
Confectionery stores: B. L. Ellis, R. B. Harrington.
Drug store, M. L. Thompson.
Dentist, Dr. A. G. Atwood.
Department Htore, N. Helig,
Funeral director, R. L. Chapman.
Furniture, J. C. Talbott Si Co.
General stores. N. Selig, F. C. Lumber Co., F. C. Merc. Co.
Hardware score. J. C. Tall ott A Co.
Hotels; Falls City Hotel, Fritz Droege, owner and manager;
The Mudena, Mrs. Mae Nichols, Mrs. Dennis, managers
Jewelry store. W. A. Persey.
Lend company. Falls City Orchards Co.
Laundry, K. W. Crandall.
Newspaper, the Falls City News, C. W. Lee.
Photoplay tneatre, the Gem, C. J. Pugh.
Physicians, Dr. W . B. Officer; Dr F. M. Hellwarth.
Pressing ami cleaning parlor, I, A. Johnson.
Railroads, Balem, Falls City & Western, Southern Pacific.
Real estate agent, F. K. Hubbard Realty Co,
Restaurant, The Madena; Wm. Finley, owner.
Saloons: Tne Oregon, C, W. Matthews; The Idaho, Chas. Mia.